Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Under høststjærnen by Knut Hamsun. I 50-års-alderen blev Hamsun anbragt på en piedestal og dyrket som litterær vejviser. Omtrent samtidig ændrede hans forfatterskab karakter fra intens subjektiv prosa til brede, realistiske samfundsskildringer med udviklingskritisk tendens. Artikelstart. Knut Hamsun var en norsk forfatter. Han var en central foregangsfigur inden for den europæiske prosamodernisme. Med Sult (1890) og Mysterier (1892) bidrog Knut Hamsun på afgørende vis til opbruddet fra 1880'ernes realisme og introducerede en ny psykologisk digtning med vægt på "det ubevidste sjæleliv". Senere vendte han sig mod samfundet, og i en række bredt anlagte, socialsatiriske romaner går han til angreb på "den nye tid" og fremhæver et førkapitalistisk bondesamfund som aktuelt alternativ. Idealiseringen af bonden nåede sit højdepunkt i Markens Grøde (1917), som indbragte ham nobelprisen i litteratur i 1920. Under påvirkning af bl.a. Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche og Strindberg gav Hamsun allerede tidligt udtryk for antiliberale og antidemokratiske idéer. Disse idéer udvikledes til et reaktionært samfundssyn, og i 1930'erne gav han sin støtte til Nasjonal Samling. I krigsårene 1940-1945 støttede han besættelsesmagten. Herostratisk berømt er nekrologen over Adolf Hitler, maj 1945. Under retsopgøret blev han dømt skyldig i landsforræderi. Før krigen var Knut Hamsun en af Norges mest elskede forfattere, og hans handlinger under krigen gav stødet til nogle af de hedeste debatter, man har haft i norsk kulturliv. Hans standpunkt herskede der ikke tvivl om. Diskussionen har gået på, om det kan lade sig gøre at skelne mellem politikeren og digteren Hamsun. At han også i sin digtning giver udtryk for reaktionære politiske idéer kan ikke benægtes. I Norge regnes han for en af de vigtigste stilfornyere i prosaen. Som naturskildrer og kærlighedsdigter hører han også til de vigtigste. I centrum af hans forfatterskab står en landstrygerfigur, som optræder i forskellige forklædninger — enten som intellektuel outsider eller som folkelig vagabond. I kontrast til landstrygerens rodløse tilværelse sættes gerne et harmonisk og naturbundent liv i afsides landdistrikter i Norge. Opvækst. Knut Hamsun er født i Gudbrandsdalen. Faderen var skrædder, og moderen var af gammel bondeæt. Da Knut var tre år, flyttede familien til Nordland. Her tilbragte han det meste af sin barndom. I fem år var han i tjeneste hos en morbror, som holdt ham hårdt. Erfaringerne fra denne tid påvirkede ham gennem hele livet. Det gjorde den storslåede natur også. Store dele af forfatterskabet er tæt knyttet til det nordlige Norge. Efter konfirmationen begav han sig på vandring og forsøgte sig inden for forskellige erhverv: som ekspedient, bissekræmmer, skomagerlærling, skolelærer, betjent og vejarbejder. I 1880'erne opholdt han sig i to perioder i Amerika, hvorfra han i 1888 vendte tilbage og drog til København. Forfatterskab. Han var tiltrukket af brødrene Edvard brandes og Georg Brandes og færdigskrev gennembrudsromanen Sult , som udkom på Philipsens forlag i København sommeren 1890. Sult er historien om en ung digter, der går rundt i Kristiania og sulter. Den handlingsfattige roman er imidlertid blottet for social kritik; det er de følelser og handlinger, sulten udløser, forfatteren er optaget af. På forunderlig vis virker det, som om hovedpersonen ønsker at forblive i sulttilstanden. En drift mod undergang holdes i skak af en stærk overlevelsesvilje. Samme år publicerede Hamsun artiklen "Fra det ubevidste Sjæleliv". Her, og i tre foredrag året efter, udformede han et program for en ny, subjektiv digtning, som lægger vægt på "modsigelserne" i det moderne menneskes sjæleliv. I Mysterier rendyrkes dette program. Om romanens undergangsdømte hovedperson, Johan Nilsen Nagel, hedder det, at han er en "levende Modsigelse". Han betegner sig selv som en "Tilværelsens Udlænding". Outsiderproblematikken er drevet til det yderste i Mysterier . Og livet skildres som et socialt teater, som humbug og blændværk. I 1890'erne udgav Knut Hamsun desuden de to prosalyriske kærlighedsromaner (1894) og (1898). Handlingen i den første udspiller sig i Nordland, hvor løjtnant Thomas Glahn forelsker sig i handelsmandens datter Edvarda. Forholdet er dømt til at mislykkes, fordi Glahn elsker drømmen om kærligheden højere end pigen. I Victoria — en roman om kærlighed på tværs af klasseskel — vælger også Johannes, møllerens søn, drømmen og poesien frem for at realisere kærligheden. Til 1890'er-produktionen hører ligeledes den Nietzsche-inspirerede skuespiltrilogi: Ved Rigets Port (1895), Livets Spil (1896) og Aftenrøde (1898). I en mellemperiode af forfatterskabet på 12-14 år udgav Hamsun bøger af forskellig art: novellesamlinger, skuespil, folkelivsskildringer, en rejseskildring fra Kaukasus, I Æventyrland (1903), og en enkelt digtsamling, Det vilde Kor (1904). De betydeligste værker fra denne tid er de to første bind i Hamsuns første vandrertrilogi: Under Høststjærnen (1906) og En Vandrer spiller med Sordin (1909), hvor hovedpersonen bærer forfatterens oprindelige navn, Knud Pedersen. På ny står en ulykkelig kærlighedshistorie i centrum, men den tager farve af en personlig alderdomsproblematik og en længsel tilbage til barndommens landskab. Romanen Sult var skrevet på en skrækblandet fascination af det moderne byliv. Nu kom forfatterens ubehag ved den "overciviliserede" by stadig stærkere til udtryk. Som privatperson drog han konsekvensen. Efter at have giftet sig for anden gang flyttede han nordpå og slog sig ned som bonde i sin barndoms bygd. Forfatterskabet tog samtidig en ny vending. Med dobbeltromanen Børn av Tiden (1913) og Segelfoss By (1915) vendte han ryggen til den subjektive digtning. Romanerne giver en satirisk skildring af industrialiseringens negative følger for et lille nordnorsk bygdesamfund. I Markens Grøde (1917) hyldes bondesamfundet i bibelske vendinger. Realismen transformeres til myte, og romanen toner ud i lykkelig harmoni. I de pessimistiske og blodigt-ironiske romaner Konerne ved Vandposten (1920) og Siste Kapitel (1923) viser forfatteren på ny vrangsiden af "den nye tid" frem. I Knut Hamsuns betydeligste alderdomsværk, den anden vandrertrilogi — Landstrykere (1927), August (1930) og Men Livet lever (1933) — er kritikken ligeledes klar, men tonen er mere munter. August, en eventyrlig skrønemager og talerør for "den nye tid", er i al sin uskyld en af digterens mest sammensatte personer. Det skønlitterære forfatterskab afrundes med desillusionsromanen Ringen sluttet (1936). Efter krigen udgav Knut Hamsun Paa gjengrodde Stier (1949) — et forsvarsskrift i dagbogsform, som med al tydelighed viser, at Hamsun beholdt sine digterevner helt frem til oldingealderen. Knut Hamsun. 1859 Knut is born August 4th in Gudbrandsdalen Norway. His parents are Peder Pedersen (1825-1907) and Tora Pedersen born Olsen (1830- 1919) He is baptised in Garmo church. 1862 Moves with his family to Hamsund in Hamarøy, northern Norway. 1868-1873 Several stays with his uncle Hans Olsen and Olsen’s housekeeper. Knut’s sister Sophia Marie, born in 1864, stays from birth on with the uncle. 1873-1874 Knut finishes school. Moves to Lom. Confirmation in Lom church October 4th. - Works as a shophand in the shop of his godfather Torsten Hesthagen. Returns to Hamarøy and is employed as a salesman at merchant Walsøe on Tranøy. 1875 Travelling salesman in northern Norway. 1876 Apprentice as shoemaker in Bodø. 1877 His first book "Den gaadefulde" (The Enigmatic) is published in Tromsø at M. Urdal's publishing house, printed at G.Kjeldseth's printing works. - Works as a police officer in Bø, Vesterålen. Reads Bjørnson's peasant stories. Stops policework and starts teaching at the Kretsskole in Bø. 1878 "Et gjensyn" (A Reunion) and "Bjørger" (Bjoerger) are published. 1879 Knut Pedersen leaves Bø,Vesterålen. K. Zahl on Kjerringøy helps financially and Knut moves to Hardanger to become an author. Travels in autumn to the publisher Frederik Hegel in Copenhagen with the peasant story "Frida", which is refused.- Visits in December Bjørnson on Aulestad.- Moves to Kristiania, Tomtegaten 11, where he suffers distress the winter through. 1880-1881 Employment at the road works at Toten.- Reads Strindberg and the french naturalists. Gives talk on literature at Gjøvik. 1882-1883 Travels in January to USA. Works one year as a salesman in Elroy and harvesting on a farm in North Dakota. 1884-1885 Becomes secretary to Kristofer Janson in Minneapolis.- Meets Mark Twain.- Reads Nietzsche and all modern literature available.- Is taken ill in autumn and returns to Norway.- Moves late autumn to Auerdal in Valdres for convalescence.- Publishes smaller works. - After years of experimenting with his signature, he takes the name Hamsun. 1886 Hamsun returns in winter to Kristiania. Again he suffers distress. Meets Arne Garborg, who doesn't encourage him. During summer he is on tour lecturing. - Returns in August to USA. 1887 Works a couple of months as a tram conductor in Chicago, works later on a farm and as a journalist and lecturer in Minneapolis. 1888 Leaves in summer USA and moves to Copenhagen. Meets Erik and Amalie Skram and the Brandes brothers. - November: The first chapters of "Sult" () are published anonymous in the magazine "Ny Jord" in Copenhagen. 1889 January: Lectures at the student club in Copenhagen on the cultural life of modern America.- Travels to Valdres and Kristiania. Publishes "Fra det moderne Amerikas Aandsliv" (Cultural life of modern America) and "Lars Oftedal " - Works on "Sult". 1890 Back in Copenhagen. "Sult" is published as a book under his own name.- Travels to Lillesand , where he writes "Smaabyliv" (Village Life) and "Fra det ubeviste sjeleliv" (On the Unconscious). 1891 January-November: Lectures in different Norwegian towns.- "Hunger" is published in German by S. Fischer, Berlin. Lives in Sarpsborg and Kristiansund. 1892 Leaves Kristiansund.- Travels to Copenhagen. In autumn "Mysterier" () is published.- Lives different places. 1893 "Redaktør Lynge" (Editor Lynge) is published in spring. Travels to Paris.- In autumn "Ny Jord" (Shallow Soil). 1894 Meets Strindberg in Paris.- During summer travels to Kristiansand. "Pan" is published in autumn.- Back to Paris. Meets from time to time with Verlaine, Gauguin, Herman Bang, Johan Bojer, Albert Langen. 1895 The play "Ved rikets port" (At the Gate of the Kingdom) is published.- Travels in summer to Faaberg, Kristiania and Ljan, where he works on the play "Livets spil” (The Game of Life). 1896 Meets Edvard Munch, who makes an etching of him. - Travels to Munich where he is a guest of his German publisher Albert Langen. Meets Bjørnson.-In summer back to Norway. Writes short stories for Simplicissimus. Lives in Auerdal at Frydenlund’s and other places in Valdres.- In autumn to Kristiania.- October 28th first performance of "Ved rigets port" in Christiania Theater.- December 4th first performance of "Livets spil" in Christiania Theater. 1897 Lives mostly in Ms. Hammer’s boarding house in Ljan.- January 30th lecture "Om overvurdering av diktere og diktning" (On the Overrating of Poets and Poetry) - Meets Bergljot Goepfert, born Bech.- Collection of short stories "Siesta" (The Ring, Just an ordinary fly of average size). 1898 Hamsun marries Bergljot on May 13th.- They settle in Auerdal.- First performance of "Aftenrøde" (Sunset) October 10th in Christiania Theater.- "Victoria" is published.- Mr. and Ms. Hamsun move to Helsinki. 1899 Meets Albert Engstrøm and Jean Sibelius.- In May lecture at Helsinki University on "Digterliv" (Life of a Poet) - In summer: Travel through Russia, Caucasia, Turkey. 1900 Lives in Copenhagen.- April: Travels to Hamarøy, where he works on "Munken Vendt".-In autumn back to Copenhagen. 1901 Lives in Kristiania and Copenhagen. Works on the papers from the orient travel. 1902 The daughter Victoria is born.- "Munken Vendt" is published.- Hamsun’s homage to Bjørnson is published. 1903 He publishes "I Æventyrland" (), "Kratskog" (Short Stories) and "Dronning Tamara" ().- Gustav Vigeland makes a bust of Hamsun. 1904 Collection of poems "Det vilde kor" (Wild Choir-Island of the coast) - Articles in Forposten.- "Sværmere" () is published.- Hamsun is awarded Houens Legat. Stays in Kristiania, Drøbak and København.- Meets Johannes V. Jensen. First performance of "Dronning Tamara" 15 January at Nationalteatret i Kristiania". 1905 Builds a house and settles in Drøbak.- Participates in the independence struggle with articles and poems.- Publishes the collection of short stories "Stridende liv" (On the Island). 1906 Divorced.- Hamsun stays in the boarding house "Utsikten" in Nordstrand. Works on the first vagabond books. "Under høststjærnen" (Wanderers – Under the Autumn Star) is published. 1907 Hamsuns father dies March 17th.- Lecture "Ærer de unge" (Honour the Youth)- In summer stay in Kongsberg. 1908 April: Meets Marie Andersen.- "" is published.- In summer again stay in Kongsberg.- June 17th speech in Kristiania on Wergeland’s 100 years celebration.- In autumn "" is published. 1909 Hamsun marries Marie Andersen June 25th. They settle at Sollien.- In autumn "En vandrer spiller med sordin" (A Wanderer Plays on Muted Strings). 1910 January: Article in Morgenbladet: "Teologen i Æventyrland" (The Theologian in Wonderland) - 26. April Bjørnson dies. Hamsun’s homage.- Moves to Elverum and Koppang.- Articles in Verdens Gang: "Landets sprog" (The State’s Language) and "Et ord til os" (A Word to Us).- The play "Livet ivold" (The Grip of Life) first performed at Nationaltheatret, Kristiania November 16th. 1911 Settles on Hamarøy as a poet and a farmer. 1912 The son Tore is born March 6th.- In autumn "Den siste glæde" (Look back on Happiness) is published. 1913 Lives partly home and partly in Bodø.- In autumn "Børn av tiden" (Children of the Age) is published. 1914 The son Arild is born May 3rd..- Hamsun lives at home and in Bardu.- August: First World War starts and Hamsun is on Germany’s side. Fight in the press with Professor Collin and W. Archer. 1915 16. January the article "Barnet" (The Child) in Morgenbladet.- Hamsun works in Harstad on "Segelfoss by" (Segelfoss Town), which is published later in the year.- Birth of the daughter Ellinor 23. October. 1916 Moves from place to place in Nordland to gain peace to work on "Markens grøde" (). Lives mostly at the farm Kråkmo. 1917 Spring: Hamsun sells "Skogheim" on Hamarøy and moves to Larvik, Jegersborggatan 10.- The daughter Cecilia is born May 13th.- Essay in Aftenposten 12 July: "Nabobyen" (The neighbouring Town).- In autumn "Markens grøde" is published. 1918 Still looking for a farm in the country.- Publishes the leaflet "Sproget i fare" (The Language in Danger) - In autumn: The Hamsun family moves to Nørholm. 1919 Hamsun’s mother dies 6. January.- He is now a farmer on Nørholm. 1920 Spring: Works mainly in Arendal.- In autumn "Konerne ved vandposten" (The Women at the Pump) is published.- December 10th. Hamsun is awarded the Nobel Price in Stockholm. 1921 Rebuilding of Nørholm.- Works in Arendal. "Dikte" (Poems) is published. 1922 The poets cottage at Nørholm is build.- Works in Arendal and on Nørholm. 1923 In autumn "Siste kapitel" (Chapter the Last) is published. 1924-1925 Hamsun works in his poet's cottage and in Lillesand. A difficult period, where nothing will succeed. 1926 Winter: Lives in Victoria Hotel in Oslo and consults a psychiatrist from January to July.- Summer: Back to Nørholm, where he writes first part of "Landstrykere" (Vagabonds).- In autumn Hamsun moves with his family to Bygdø, Museumsveien 5. 1927 Moves in spring back to Nørholm.- In autumn "Landstrykere" is published. 1928 Works in the poets cottage and in Lillesand.- In Aftenposten 12. December the article "Festina lente". 1929 All the world is celebrating Hamsun on his 70. Birthday August 4th. 1930 The winter is spent in Aurdal, in spring back to Nørholm.- Hamsun is taken ill in autumn and goes through an operation at Arendal Hospital.- "August" (August) is published. 1931 Long convalescence. In January he travels to the french riviera for a couple of weeks and in summer to Aurdal. Tries to work. 1932 Still convalescent, but works in the poets cottage and in Egersund. 1933 In autumn "Men livet lever" () is published. 1934 In April he visits France. Summer in Lillesand and on Nørholm.- He refuses the 10.000 German Mark Goethe-Price, but accepts the Goethe-Medal. 1935 Works in Oslo and on Nørholm.- Article in Aftenposten 22. November on "Ossietzky". 1936 In summer "Ringen sluttet" (The Ring is closed) is published. 1937 Occupies himself entirely with farming on Nørholm., approaching deafness. 1938 March - June: Stays in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Tries to write a continuation of "Ringen sluttet", but has to give up. 1939 Hamsun is 80 years old on 4. August and is again celebrated by all the world.- September: Second world war starts and Hamsun’s sympathies are again on German side. 1940 9. April: German troops occupy Norway. Hamsun is in opposition to his compatriots. 1941-1942 Lives quietly at Nørholm. Writes German friendly articles, but takes actions to help compatriots in German captivity.. 1943 Tempestuous meeting with Hitler in Berchtesgaden, where Hamsun complain about the German Commissioner in Norway, Terboven.. 1944 Lives quietly and withdrawn on Nørholm. Tries constantly by applications to save Norwegians from death penalties. 1945 8. May: All German troops in Norway surrender.- 26. May: Mr and Ms Hamsun under house arrest on Nørholm.- 14. June: Internment at Grimstad Hospital.- 23. June: Hamsun before the magistrate in Grimstad.- Makes notes for "Paa gjengrodde stier" ().- 2. September: Hamsun is moved to the nursing home in Landvik.- 22. September: Again before the magistrate in Grimstad.- 15. October: Transfer to Psychiatric Hospital, Oslo. 1946 11. February: Released from Psychiatric Hospital and transferred to Landvik nursing home. Heavily impaired after the treatment at the psychiatric hospital, but tries to work.- The court case is postponed several times. 1947 16. December: Hamsun before the court in Grimstad. He is fined 425.000 kroner (though chief judge konst.Sorenskriver Eide dissented and acquitted Hamsun). After the verdict Hamsun returns to Nørholm. 1948 Hamsun finishes "Paa gjengrodde stier", which is published the year after.- Midsummer Day: The Supreme Court reduces the fine to 325.000 kroner and Hamsun stops writing. 1949-1951 Lives quietly and retired at Nørholm.- Vision and hearing fail. 1952 19. February: Knut Hamsun dies in his bedroom on Nørholm. He is buried on Nørholm. Knut Hamsun. Knut Hamsun (August 4, 1859 – February 19, 1952) was a leading Norwegian author and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature for 1920. Contents. Biography. Knut Hamsun was born as Knud Pedersen in Lom, Gudbrandsdal, Norway. He was the fourth son of Peder Pedersen and Tora Olsdatter (Garmostr�det). He grew up in poverty in Hamar�y in Nordland. At 17, he became an apprentice to a ropemaker, and at about the same time he started to write. He spent several years in America, travelling and working at various jobs, and published his impressions under the title Fra det moderne Amerikas Aandsliv (1889). In 1898, Hamsun married Bergljot Goepfert (n�e Bech), but the marriage ended in 1906. Hamsun then married Marie Andersen (b. 1881) in 1909 and she would be his companion until the end of his life. She wrote about their life together in her two memoirs. Marie was a young and promising actress when she met Hamsun, but she ended her career and travelled with him to Hamar�y. They bought a farm, the idea being "to earn their living as farmers, with his writing providing some additional income". However, after a few years, they decided to move south, to Larvik. In 1918, the couple bought N�rholm, an old and somewhat dilapidated manor house between Lillesand and Grimstad. The main residence was restored and redecorated. Here Hamsun could occupy himself writing undisturbed, although he often travelled to write in other cities and places (preferably in spartan housing). Knut Hamsun died in his home at N�rholm, aged 92 in 1952. Hamsun first received wide acclaim with his 1890 novel Hunger (Sult). The semi-autobiographical work described a young and egocentric writer's descent into near madness as a result of hunger and poverty in the Norwegian capital of Kristiania. To many, the novel presaged the writings of Franz Kafka and other twentieth-century novelists with its internal monologue and bizarre logic. Other important works by Hamsun include Pan , Mysteries , and The Growth of the Soil. Hamsun received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1920. A fifteen-volume edition of his complete works was published in 1954. Political sympathies. Hamsun was a prominent advocate of Germany and German culture, as well as a rhetorical opponent of British imperialism and the Soviet Union, and he supported Germany both during First and the Second World War. Despite his immense popularity in Norway and around the world, Hamsun's reputation for a time waned considerably because of his support of Vidkun Quisling's National Socialist government. Following a meeting with Joseph Goebbels in 1943, he sent Goebbels his Nobel Prize medal as a gift. Hamsun also met with Adolf Hitler and tried to have him remove Josef Terboven from the position of Reichskommissar of Norway. After Hitler's death, Hamsun wrote an obituary in the leading Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten , describing him as a "warrior for mankind". It has been argued that his "sympathies" were those of a country that had been occupied. He sometimes used his status as a man of fame to improve the conditions of his area during the occupation and criticized the number of executions. Still, following the end of the war, angry crowds burned his books in public in major Norwegian cities. After the war Hamsun was confined for several months in a psychiatric hospital. A psychiatrist concluded he had "permanently impaired mental abilities", and on that basis the charges of treason were dropped. Instead, a civil liability case was raised against him and in 1948 he was fined 325,000 kroner for his alleged membership in Nasjonal Samling, but cleared of any direct Nazi- affiliation. Whether he was a member of Nasjonal Samling or not and whether his mental abilities were impaired is a much debated issue even today. Hamsun stated he was never a member of any political party. Hamsun himself wrote about this experience in the 1949 book, On Overgrown Paths , a book many take as evidence of his functioning mental capabilities. The Danish author Thorkild Hansen investigated the trial and wrote the book The Hamsun Trial (1978), which created a storm in Norway. Among other things Hansen stated: "If you want to meet idiots, go to Norway", since he felt that treating an old man like that was outrageous. In 1996 the Swedish director Jan Troell based the movie Hamsun on Hansen's book. In Hamsun , the Swedish actor Max von Sydow plays Knut Hamsun, while his wife Marie is played by the Danish actress Ghita N�rby. Bibliography. Year Title Translated title ISBN 1877 Den Gaadefulde. En kj�rlighedshistorie fra Nordland (Published under Knud Pedersen) � � 1878 Et Gjensyn (Published under Knud Pedersen Hamsund) � � 1878 Bj�rger (Published under Knud Pedersen Hamsund) � � 1889 Lars Oftedal. Udkast (11 articles, previously printed in Dagbladet ) � � 1889 Fra det moderne Amerikas Aandsliv The Spiritual Life of Modern America � 1890 Sult Hunger ISBN 0-374-52528-5 1892 Mysterier Mysteries ISBN 0-14-118618-6 1893 Redakt�r Lynge � � 1893 Ny Jord Shallow Soil ISBN 1-4191-4690-4 1894 Pan Pan ISBN 0-14-118067-6 1895 Ved Rigets Port At the Gate of the Kingdom � 1896 Livets Spil The Game of Life � 1897 Siesta � � 1898 Aftenr�de. Slutningspil � � 1898 Victoria. En kj�rlighedshistorie Victoria ISBN 1- 55713-177-5 1902 Munken Vendt. Brigantines saga I � � 1903 I �ventyrland. Oplevet og dr�mt i Kaukasien In Wonderland ISBN 0- 9703125-5-5 1903 Dronning Tamara (Play in three acts) � � 1903 Kratskog � � 1904 Det vilde Kor (Poems) � � 1904 Sv�rmere Dreamers ISBN 0-8112-1321-8 1905 Stridende Liv. Skildringer fra Vesten og �sten � � 1906 Under H�ststj�rnen. En Vandrers Fort�lling Under the Autumn Star ISBN 1-55713-343-3 1908 Benoni � � 1908 Rosa. Af student P�relius' Papirer Rosa ISBN 1-55713- 359-X 1909 En Vandrer spiller med Sordin A Wanderer Plays on Muted Strings ISBN 1-892295-73-3 1909 En Vandrer spiller med Sordin Also translated combined with Under H�ststj�rnen as Wanderers ISBN 1-4191-9307-4 1910 Livet i Vold (Play in four acts) In the Grip of Life � 1912 Den sidste Gl�de ISBN 1-931243-19-0 1913 B�rn av Tiden Children of the Age � 1915 Segelfoss By 1 Segelfoss Town (Volume 1) � 1915 Segelfoss By 2 Segelfoss Town (Volume 2) � 1917 Markens Gr�de 1 Growth of the Soil ISBN 0-394- 71781-3 1917 Markens Gr�de 2 � � 1918 Sproget i Fare � � 1920 Konerne ved Vandposten I The Women at the Pump ISBN 1- 55713-244-5 1920 Konerne ved Vandposten II � � 1923 Siste Kapitel I The Last Chapter (Volume 1) � 1923 Siste Kapitel II The Last Chapter (Volume 2) � 1927 Landstrykere I ISBN 1-55713-211-9 1927 Landstrykere II � � 1930 August I August (Volume 1) � 1930 August II August (Volume 2) � 1933 Men Livet lever I The Road Leads On (Volume 1) ISBN 1-4191-8075-4 1933 Men Livet lever II The Road Leads On (Volume 2) � 1936 Ringen sluttet The Ring is Closed � 1949 Paa gjengrodde Stier On Overgrown Paths ISBN 1- 892295-10-5. Books about Hamsun. Ferguson, Robert. Enigma: The Life of Knut Hamsun Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York: 1987. ISBN 0-374-52093-3 Humpal, Martin. The Roots of Modernist Narrative: Knut Hamsun's Novels Hunger, Mysteries and Pan International Specialized Book Services. 1999 ISBN 82-560- 1178-5 Kolloen, Ingar Sletten. Svermeren 2003 Biography Kolloen, Ingar Sletten. Erobreren 2004 Biography. English reviews. The December 5, 2005–January 2, 2006 issue of The New Yorker has a major article by Jeffrey Frank (link here). It seems to rely on the Ingar Kolloen biography (two volumes, reportedly aggregating about 1000 pages). In English, Hamsun was never popular and remains largely unknown. His infamous audience with Adolf Hitler is recorded to have been mostly him complaining about the Nazi depredations against Norwegians. At this time he was a largely-deaf old man in his 80s. The 21st century consensus puts him in the forefront of modernists, in the William Faulkner and Franz Kafka mode. Ernest Hemingway once said [ citation needed ] "Hamsun taught me how to write". Nobel Prize-winning writer Isaac Bashevis Singer was also greatly influenced by Hamsun and translated some of his works. References and further reading. Knut Hamsun Online Biography from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Knut Hamsun as nobel prize laureate Biography and bibliography Works by Knut Hamsun at Project Gutenberg Wood, James, Addicted to Unpredictability , an essay. Retrieved 8 October 2006. 1901:�Prudhomme | 1902:�Mommsen | 1903:�Bj�rnson | 1904:�F.Mistral,�Echegaray | 1905:�Sienkiewicz | 1906:�Carducci | 1907:�Kipling | 1908:�Eucken | 1909:�Lagerl�f | 1910:�Heyse | 1911:�Maeterlinck | 1912:�Hauptmann | 1913:�Tagore | 1915:�Rolland | 1916:�Heidenstam | 1917:�Gjellerup,�Pontoppidan | 1919:�Spitteler | 1920:� Hamsun | 1921:�France | 1922:�Benavente | 1923:�Yeats | 1924:�Reymont | 1925:�Shaw. This article might use material from a Wikipedia article, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0. Knut Hamsun. Knut Hamsun, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920, is the most prominent literary figure in Norway since Ibsen. From his experimental novels of the 1890s to the broader narrative sweep of his later works from the interwar period, his contribution to the development of the modern European novel was uniquely important. 150th anniversary (4 August 2009): Gyldendal celebrated the 150th anniversary of Knut Hamsun, the legendary and renowned author translated into more than 40 languages, by publishing a new and extended edition of Knut Hamsun’s Collected Works in 27 volumes. The editor responsible was Lars Frode Larsen (Ph.D., University of Oslo, author of The Young Knut Hamsun ), known as one of the foremost contemporary specialists on the author. He has, together with Professor Tore Guttu, carried out a careful modernizing text revision. «The whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems from Hamsun.» Isaac Bashevis Singer. Foreign rights: Please contact Foreign Rights Manager Bjarne Buset. Bibliography: NOVELS Den Gaadefulde 1877 Bjørger 1878 Sult (Hunger) 1890 Mysterier (Mysteries) 1892 Redaktør Lynge 1893 Ny Jord (Shallow Soil) 1893 Pan 1894 Victoria 1898 Sværmere (Dreamers) 1904 Under Høststjærnen (Under the Autumn Star) 1906 Benoni 1908 Rosa 1908 En Vandrer spiller med Sordin ( A Wanderer Plays on Muted Strings ) 1909 Den siste Glæde ( The Last Joy ) 1912 Børn av Tiden ( Children of the Age ) 1913 Seglfoss By ( Segelfoss Town ) 1915 Markens Grøde (Growth of the Soil) 1917 Konerne ved Vandposten ( The Women at the Pump ) 1920 Siste Kapitel ( The Last Chapter ) 1923 Landstrykere ( Wayfarers ) 1927 August 1930 Men Livet lever ( The Road Leads On ) 1933 Ringen sluttet ( The Ring is Closed ) 1936. SHORT STORIES Siesta 1897 Ringen sluttet ( The Ring is Closed ) 1903 Stridende Liv 1905. PLAYS Ved Rigets Port (At the Gate of the Kingdom) 1895 Livets Spil 1896 Aftenrøde 1897 Munken Vendt 1902 Dronning Tamara 1903 Livet i Vold ( In the Grip of Life ) 1910. POETRY Det vilde Kor (The Wild Choir)1904. NON-FICTION Fra det moderne Amerikas Aandsliv (The Spiritual Life of Modern America) 1889 I Æventyrland (In Wonderland) 1903 Paa gjengrodde Stier (On Overgrown Paths) 1949 Artikler 1949 Paa turné 1960 Knut Hamsun som han var (letters) 1956. Under the Autumn Star (1909) Sign up for LibraryThing to find out whether you'll like this book. No current Talk conversations about this book. "Under høststjernen" er den første av i alt tre bøker som inngår i den såkalte vandrertriologien. De to øvrige er "En vandrer spiller med sordin" og "Den siste glæde". Alle tre bøker handler om Knut Pedersen, som har samme navn som forfatteren (før han endret sitt etternavn til Hamsun). Bokas jeg-person Knut Pedersen har flyktet fra byen og oppsøkt landsbygda. Her søker han ro og fred, men det skal vise seg at tilværelsen blir alt annet enn rolig og fredelig. På landsbygda tar han seg tilfeldige jobber på ulike gårder, mens han dikter innimellom sine forelskelser, som aldri fører til noe som helst. En av dem han kommer nærmest på sine vandringer er kaptein Falkenberg. Kapteinen og hans kone Lovise bor på gården Øvrebø, og deres ekteskap er temmelig ulykkelig. Pedersen forelsker seg i fruen, men flykter fra stedet da han skjønner alvoret i sine egne følelser. Han skjønner aldri at følelsene er gjengjeldt. Hamsun er kjent for sine dype psykologiske portretter og vakre naturskildringer. Like fullt grep ikke denne boka meg på samme måte som de øvrige bøkene av ham jeg har lest tidligere. Jeg tror dessverre at oppleseren kom i veien for min leseopplevelse. Jeg sliter med å vende meg til at Arne Thomas Olsen leser såusigelig tregt. Fra min side er det et sterkt ønske om at disse bøkene snart blir revitalisert gjennom nyere innlesninger. Kanskje savnet jeg også temperamentet og lidenskapen fra øvrige Hamsun-figurer, som er helt fraværende hos den resignerte og aldrende Pedersen. Det hele ble derfor noe tamt etter min oppfatning. Her blir det terningkast fire. ( )