Prayers of the Church

For the , and for the Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Justin Welby; for the people and clergy of The Church of the Province of Central Africa and The Most Rev. Albert Chama, Archbishop of Central Africa and Bishop of Northern .

For the Episcopal Church, and for Katharine, our Presiding Bishop ; for the people, clergy, and the Bishop of the Diocese of Alaska.

For the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, and for Jim, our Bishop ; and for the Rt. Rev. Martin Barahona of the Diocese of El Salvador; Clergy and Delegates to the 40 th Annual

Diocesan Convention.

For those commended to our prayers : Auril Haight, Joe Mogicki, Marna & Rick Hill, Paula Davis, Greg Davis, Amy McAvin, Daniel, Angela & Jack, Michael Chacon, Ann, Kristi, Marilou, Tricia, Pat Barton, Julie Thompson, Randy Peiser, Mary Switt, Bill Hubbard, Steve Delmar, Terry Ardizzone, Gus Frouws, Yoshijiro, Concha Maldonado, Connie Quintero, John Quintero, Rusty Krieger, Mary Krieger, Bertha Pelegrini, Margaret Beckman, Mel Van Braght, Frank Hough, Richard O’Brien, Bob Vineyard, Jonathan Abernethy-Deppe & David Abernethy-Deppe (travel), Jim Steele, Dawn & Boyde Hood, Sally & Alf Clausen, Fee Ong, George, Jean Ann Zimmerly, Lee Smith, Billie Smith, Carl Brinker, Carol Brinker, Carolyn Scott, Zachary Scott, the Mickey Castello family, Becky Harvill, Herman Harvill, Susan Green, Taylor Baird, Roger Allen, Wayne Watson, Larry Stralow, Mike Good, Roy Cody, Anne Kraft.

For those who have died : Betty Bonnell, Thomas Paling, Bob Schmitz.

For those with Birthdays : February 16 th : Ron Thomas; 17 th : John Alex Houlton, Jack Moore, Conner Owsley, Robert Rockwell; 18 th : Jeff Peck; 19 th : John Page, Timothy th st Sharbaugh; 20 : Lynette Wright; 21 : Andrew Nugent.

For those celebrating Anniversaries this week: February 17 th : Benjamin San Doval & Louis Thibault; 20 th : Mary Lou & Ken Feenstra, Daria & Stacy Lightner-Eder; 21 st : Mark

McMillan & Bruce McLean.

For those for whom flowers are given this week: at the altar by Nick Bonnell in memory of his mother, Betty Bonnell; in the narthex by Robert Rieffel in memory of David.

For Civic Leaders : Pray for Barack, our President; Jerry, our Governor; Steve, our Mayor; and the elected officials of the Coachella Valley.

For the people of the State of Illinois, whose flag we are flying today.