How to Read Governmental Financial Statements, Part 1
FOCUS: FINANCE AND BUDGETING How to Read Governmental Financial Statements, Part 1 Gregory S. Allison anagement and elected to-actual financial statements (that officials of governmen- is, statements comparing budgeted Mtal entities receive an of- amounts with actual results); brief ten overwhelming supply of finan- analyses of tax billings and collec- cial data. This information takes tions, as well as general revenue various forms—budgetary re- collections; and investment sum- ports, internally generated finan- maries—these are a few examples cial statements, schedules and of the internal information that summaries, and audited annual should be available to manage- financial statements. Usually, in- ment and elected officials on a ternally generated information continuing basis. In most cases the comes in a format that is com- format of these presentations is left prehensible to accountants and to the discretion of management, nonaccountants alike. Compre- elected officials, and staff respon- hending the audited financial sible for preparing the informa- statements, however, requires at tion. Some governing bodies may least a minimal understanding of desire a summary of revenues by the principles of governmental category (property taxes, utility financial reporting. This article, billings and collections, other the first of two parts, is designed taxes, and so forth). Others may to make the audited financial focus on key ratios on a monthly statements more user-friendly and basis (for example, tax collection to provide a key to unlocking the rates and expenditures to date basic information they contain. compared with budget projec- The article focuses on current tions). reporting requirements. Part 2, Governments typically operate scheduled for a future issue of purely from a cash perspective: rev- Popular Government, will intro- enue is recognized when cash duce readers to new governmental is collected, and expenditures are financial reporting requirements that paring financial statements for external recognized as cash is disbursed.
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