650 B'0! . f (KELLY'a BoAT BuiLDERs-continued. ThornewiU k Warham, :Kew st. Bnrtn Parker Jn. G. st.Darlaston Dickinson Henry, Old Bridge, Bnrton Westwood & Wrights, Parks William, road, King's tEdwards Isaiah (iron),Upper Church Woolams James .Aston, Bridgtown, hill, lane, Prince's End, Cannock S . .O Postlethwaite & Co. (screw bolts)~ Eyden Jn. Daw End, Rushall, Walsa.ll Long lane, Black Heath, Birrninghm Gill J. T. Greets grn. West Bromwicb BOILER COMPOSITION MNFS. Ravenscroft C. W. Bush st. Darlaston' tHendley Charles & Thomas, Suther· Crosbie .Adolphe Limited, Walsall Richards Charles &i Co. Imperial land Dock, Heath TownWolverhmptn Street chemical works, W'hampton works, Darlaston Hodgetts William Jarvis & Son, Black ~eys William Hall, Hall end, Church Robinson Daniel & Sons, .Albion works. Heath, ·Bii·mingham lane, Foster street, Darlaston Hollowood & Son, Brickhouse lane, Gt. Smith T. & Co. 147Uxbridge st.Burton Robinson H. 24 Hotton st. Darlaston Bridge, West Bromwich Smythe Charles, 16 Great Hampton Rose James & Ri.chard Limited, Lon ... Lowe '1'. & E. Limited, Powke la. Old street, , . don works, Wlllenhall street. Dar ... Hill S.O · · ' laston; engineers' ship builders &:-. Lissimore T.46 William st.W.Brmwch BOILER FLUil> MANUFRS. all kinds of nuts & bolts, norfolk &; t Mason F. Canal st. , Wednsbry Skudder George & Co. 1 suffolk latches, bright shaped nuts ~Iorris John, Bush Farm dock, Albion, & bolfs, studs &c West Bromwich ~ Rnbery & Co. The Green, Darlaston. Pea body & Co. Green la.Birehills,Wlsll T.A. "Roofs, Darlaston" Rogers k Sons, dock, West S~aw H. 1<'. Old Hill S.O Bromwich S1mpson J ames & Son, Acorn works. tRolliston H. Brades, , Oldbry SF'£CIAL Bills t;treet, Darlaston Rowley H.&Sons Tunstall l1dge.Tnstll S Smith Wm. Gt. Croft st. Darlaston tSfldler George,' .Alma Dock, Heath ~ Staffordshire Bolt, Nut & Fencing Co. Town, Wolverhampton ~v Lim. L. & N. W. wrks. Darlaston Steadman JDse.ph & Sons, Pothouse Steel Nut & Joseph Hampton Limited, bridge, Bradley, . . Franchise street, Wednesbury tStonehewer Thomas & Sons, Great 98 Tooley street 1 warehouse, V erne) Stone Brothers, Vulcan works,Albion. Bridge, Tipton rllad, London sE. Manufacturers o~ West Bromwich Taylor J oseph Harry, Victoria dock· pure sol~ble ~an~ate of" . soda' Troman Ezekiel, 29 street, yard, Birchills, Walsall also S~Ial white flmd for public paths, Black Heath, 'furner Samue~ & Son Canal side, laundries &c Tipper J. New Railway ilt, Willenhall Barlaston Stoke ' BOILER & STEAM PIPE Wiley Jamils & Sons, Eagle works, The Webster & Son, Swan la. W.Bromwich COVERERS. ?-reen, Darlaston. T.~. "WHey" tWebster George William, Deans rd. Na -r W J & \~~lkes E?o?h & Co.Stahon •.t.Darlstn Heath Town Wolverhampton ygek B · rt · Co. \Yellingtor. WJlkes LimJted, Grand Junction wrks. 8 tWorsey Limited, Toll End, Dock wor ' n on ~arlaston . vard Tipton . BOII·ER TUBE MAKERS. Wllson E. 70 H1gh street, Black Hth. · ' Birmingham BOAT BUILDERS' SUNDRIES See Tube Makers. Winsper Thos. :Factory st. Darlaston MERCHANT. BOLT & NUT MANU:FACTRS. Yardley J. & Co. Limited, \Tulcan . t 8 H' h t t B · works, Darlaston R oun d Vmcen • 4 lg s r~ • rJer· See also Coach Bolt Manufacturers ; leyHill 1 -- a so Door Bolt Manufacturers; also Ben tall E. H. & Co. Heybridge iron · · Blank Nut Makers. works, Maldon,' Essex; 1 manufac- . BOAT OWNE~. Allen W. & S. Sodom, , Bilston turer of bright steel hexagon nuti!, Cre1ght'?n Pett-r, Green bridge, St·affrd Bagby & Harper, Bright street, King's bright steel bolts, set screw8 &, : ~ord. M1ss A.. ~·. Th~ Wharf, Leek . hill, Wednesbury studs; quotatiom; given for special )lorr1s Jas. 6 \ JCtona rd. :ramworth BakerS . .A. 5 Catberine's cross,Darlstn work Stubb!! Wm. near Green bndge, Stffrd Bayliss, Jones & iBayliss Ltd. Victoria Wood Thos. Lane head, Wolverhamptn works, Monmore green, W'hampton BOLT SCREW FORGER. :BOBBIN MANUFACTURERS. Butler. & Son. C~ck street, Darlaston Ha den J. H. 27 Foster st. Darlaston Cotterlll F. W. L1in . .Atlas wks.Darlstn Bras~