Alternative Music
98 R&R December 22, 1995 ALTERNATIVE MUSIC The First Wave Of Holiday Station Concerts For the past three weeks, more than 30 Alternative stations have staged sold -out holiday con- certs. Here's a look at how stations put a particular spin on their event. Stay tuned for more photos in the next few weeks. If you would like to see photos from your event in R &R, please Artist: Self send them to: Shawn Alexander, )0100 Santa Monica Blvd., 5th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Track: `Cannon" LP: "Subliminal Plastic Motives" Producer: Matt Mahaffey Label: Spongebath/Zoo Essentials: Self is a near-perfect name for this band. Creator Matt Mahaffey is not only its singer/ Influences: Prince, XTC, Frank songwriter, but also produced the Black, and hip-hop music. album. Mahaffey plays the majority Artist POV: "There really isn't that of the band's instruments, and much hip-hop influence on this record," compiled the band's homemade says Mike. "I tried to keep it as diverse samples used on "Subliminal Plastic as I could by writing songs from different Moves." Brother Mike shares credit instruments. This could almost be a for the guitar and bass tracks. concept record, because a lot of the Matt, a 22- year -old native of songs were related to signing a record Kingsport, TN, began playing drums label deal and having to put a record in a local band at age 12. Since out for everyone to hear. That was meeting Spongebath Records completely frightening to me. President Richard Williams, Matt put "I didn't start playing the guitar until his education at Middle Tennessee [nearly] three years ago when I started State University on hold to pursue getting into alternative music.
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