COOKE CITY, MONTANA Mike Icardo Realty Contact ‐ Marc Wass Licensed in Idaho and Montana ID ‐ (208) 660‐6198 MT (406) 671‐6355 (Voice)
[email protected] Cooke City, Montana Summary of Offering 32 Room Updated Hotel Additional Land For Parking Full Service Restaurant and Bar Fully Equipped and stocked Maintenance Shops Guest Laundry Area Well Equipped Commercial Laundry USPS Lease Space Offsite Manager’s Residence Cooke City, Montana Table of Contents Section 1 Property Description Section 2 Location Analysis Section 3 Pricing and Financial Analysis Section 4 Demographic Links Mike Icardo Realty Cooke City, Montana Property Description Section 1 Mike Icardo Realty Investment Overview Cooke City, Montana Investment Highlights Current Absentee Ownership Increasing Revenue Stream and Cash Flow Recent Room and Restaurant Renovaon Three‐story, Interior Corridor Property Located at the Northeast Entrance to Yellowstone Na‐ onal Park Located On the Beartooth Highway This independent hotel is a full service hotel which includes renovated standard rooms and larger family suites for guests. The hotel offers a full service restaurant and lounge open seven days per week. The hotel has just finished a major renovaon of most guest rooms, and restaurant and lounge area. The renovaon included a stud up renovaon. Upon entry guests are welcomed by a grand fire‐ place and mbered lobby area. The hotel is ideally located on Highway 212 just outside the entrance to Yellowstone Naonal Park and Scenic Beartooth Highway. The property has excellent proximity to guest amenies. An Exxon gas staon is located conguous to the West and the US postal service has a leased facility onsite.