1949 DEDICATION We, the Class of 1949, Dedicate Our Annual to MRS
......DDRY £ ~UV\J vn~Rr~v Erno VOLUME XXXI Published by the Senior Class Tecumseh High School June 1949 DEDICATION We, the class of 1949, dedicate our Annual to MRS. HAZEL DICKINSON in appreciation of her time and efforts in guiding us through high school as our ad viser, teacher, and friend. Pqe Two MR. EARL H. PLACE, A.B., M.A. Superintendent Our new superintendent, to whom we extend a sincere welcome. Pqe Three MR. JAMES McDOWELL, A.B., M.A. Principal, Mathematics 1'Keep talking, I've got a lot of time." Pqe Four AI:IJLTY FACllLTY 1\lr . Hazel Dickinson, Mr. Alvin Brazee Junior Hi~h Mathematics, A.B. Readinl', Eichth Grade Enl'lish, Speech, Senior Adviser. Adviser. A grand man who ju,t "I hre them !rom class, can't give up the work he and still they babble on." love; best. Mr. Clare Camburn Mrs. Lois Service, A.B. Instrumental Muaic, Band En&'lish, Foreign Langu~es, Director. Annual Adviser. "All right, that" anothet· "-Aud 1! anybody else b ~hewmg anyth111g, get rid o[ dement." u no,v." Mr. Neville L. Hart, Mr. David J. Dick, B.S., M.A. A.B. Science, Mathematics, Commercial, Sophomore Freshman Adviser Adviser, Director of Adult . "Ltsten, Joe, do your talk· Education. mg only when I call on you "Keep your eyes olf t~ keyboard!" or you'll do your talking 11; the a"embly." Mr. Delmer E. Crisp, Mr. David G. Locke, B.S. B.S. Commercial, Co-operative A&'riculture, F.F.A. Adviser. Trainin&' Co-ordinator.
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