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86 sHorT noTe HerPeTozoa 31 (1/2) Wien, 30. august 2018 sHorT noTe

Hernández GalleGos , o . (2004): demografía de los dUnHaM , a. e. (1987): Variation in home range size lacertilios del complejo Aspidoscelis (Cnemido­phorus ) along an elevational gradient in the iguanid lizard cozumela (sauria: Teiidae) y sus especies parentales, Sceloporus­merri­ami .- oecologia, berlin, Heidelberg, en la Península de Yucatán, México. doctoral Thesis, etc; 71: 473-480. sTeYsKal , G. C. (1971): on the gram - Universidad nacional autónoma de México, Ciudad de mar of names formed with - scelus , - sceles , - scelis , etc.- México, pp. 133. Hernández -G alleGos , o. & l óPez - Proceedings of the biological society of Washington, Moreno , a. e. & M éndez -s ánCHez , J. F. & r HeUberT , Washington; 84: 7-11. Téllez -V aldez , o. & C abrera - J. l. & M éndez -de la CrUz , F. r. (2015): ámbito hog - Cano , e. F. & l Inares -M azarI , e. & b Ye , r. (1989): areño de Aspidoscelis­cozumela (squamata: Teiidae): las plantas de Cozumel (guía botánico-turística de la una lagartija parteno genética microendémica de Isla Isla de Cozumel, quintana roo). Ciudad de México Cozumel, México.- revista de biología Tropical, san (Instituto de biología, UnaM - Universidad nacional José; 63: 771-781. HIrTH , H. F. (1963): The ecology of autónoma de México), pp. 75. TUCKer , d. b. & C ollI , two lizards on a tropical beach.- ecological Mono- G. r. & G IUGlIano , l. G. & H edGes , s. b. & H endrY , graphs, new York; 33: 83-112. HUlse , a. C. (1981): C. r. & l eMMon , e. M. & l eMMon , a. r. & s ITes Jr., ecology and reproduction of the parthenogenetic lizard J. W. & P Yron , r. a. (2016): Methodological congru - Cnemidophorus­uniparens (Teiidae).- annals of the ence in phylogenomic analyses with morphological Carnegie Museum of natural History, Pittsburgh; 50: support for teiid lizards (sauria: Teiidae).- Molecular 353-369. JorGen sen , C. d. & T anner , W. W . (1963): Phylogene tics and evolution, san diego; 103: 75-84. The application of the density probability function to VerWaIJen , d. & V an daMMe , r. (2008): Wide home determine the home ranges of Uta­stansburiana­stans - ranges for widely foraging lizards.- zoology, amster - buriana and Cnemi­dophorus­tigris­tigris .- Herpeto- dam, etc.; 111 (1): 37-47. logica, lawrence; 19: 105-115. KaColIrIs , F. P. & KeY Words: reptilia: squamata: Teiidae; WIllIaMs , J. d. & r UIz de arCaUTe , C. & C assIno , C. Aspidoscelis­maslini , parthenogenesis, home range, (2009): Home range size and overlap in Liolaemus movement patterns, convex polygon, Yucatán Pen- multimaculatus (squamata: liolamidae) in Pampean insula, Mexico coastal dunes of argentina.- south american Journal of sUbMITTed: december 11, 2017 Herpetology, Washington; 4: 229-234. lee , J. C. (1996): The amphibians and reptiles of the Yucatán Peninsula. aUTHors: oswaldo Hernández -G alleGos 1) , Ithaca, new York (Cornell University Press), pp. xii, ana esthela lóPez -M oreno 1) , Fausto r. Méndez -de 2) 3) 500. lee , J. & C alderón -M andUJano , r . (2013): la CrUz & James M. WalKer Aspidoscelis­maslini . The IUCn red list of Threat- 1) laboratorio de Herpetología, Facultad de ened species 2013: e.T64275a3134222. WWW docu - Ciencias, Universidad autónoma del estado de Méxi- ment available at < co, Instituto literario # 100 Centro, Toluca, estado de UK.2013-2.rlTs.T64275a3134222.en. > or < http:// México, C. P. 50000, México. www.iucnredlist. org/details/64275/0 > [last accessed: 2) departamento de zoología, Instituto de april 17, 2018]. ManríqUez -M oran , n. l. & M én- biología, Universidad nacional autónoma de México, dez -d e la CrUz , F. r. & M UrPHY , r. W. (2014): a.P. 70-173, C.P. 04510, distrito Federal, México. Genetic variation and origin of parthenogenesis in the 3) department of biological sciences, Universi- Aspidoscelis­cozumela complex: evidence from mito - ty of arkansas, Fayetteville, arkansas 72701, Usa. chondrial genes. zoologi cal science, Japan; 31:14-19 MorITz , C. & W rIGHT , J. W. & s InGH , V. & b roWn , W. M. (1992): Mitochon drial dna analyses and the origin and relative age of parthenogenetic Cnemidophorus . V. The cozumela species group.- Herpetologica, law- First record of Eryx­jaculus­turcicus rence; 48:417-424. Pérez -P érez , a. & l óPez -M ore - no , a. e. & s Uárez -r odríGUez , o. & r HeUberT , J. l. (o lIVIer , 1801) on Island, & H ernández -G alleGos , o. (2017): How far do adult turtles move? Home range and dispersal of Kinoster-­ , non­integrum .- ecology and evolution, Wiley online Journal; 7: 8220-8231. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3339. PerrY , The Javelin sand boa, Eryx­jaculus G. & G arland , T. (2002): lizard home ranges revisit - ed: effects of sex, body size, diet, habitat and phyloge - (lInnaeUs , 1758), a small boid with a snout- ny.- ecology, Hoboken; 83: 1870-1885. reeder , T. W. to-vent length generally less than 80 cm ( Va- & C ole , C. J. & d essaUer , H. C . (2002): Phylogenetic laKos et al. 2008; sPeYbroeCK et al. 2016), relationships of whiptail lizards of the genus Cne­- is an elusive, nocturnal, semi-fossorial snake. midophorus­ (squamata: Teiidae): a test of monophyly, reevaluation of karyotypic evolution, and review of It uses its wedge-shaped head to push hybrid origins.- american Museum novitates, new through a diversity of ground substrates and York; 3365:1-61. roCHa , C. F. d. (1999): Home range often makes its home in rodent burrows of the tropidurid lizard Liolaemus­lutzae : sexual and (sPeYbroeCK et al. 2016). In europe, the body size differences.- revista brasileira de biologia, rio de Janeiro; 59: 125-130. rose , b. (1982): lizard distribution of the subspecies turcicus home ranges: Methodology and functions.- Journal of (o lIVIer , 1801) includes the republic of Herpetology, Houston, etc.; 16: 253-269. roWland , s. Macedonia, albania, Greece, bulgaria, Tur- d. (1992): activity, behavior, ecology and home range key, armenia, Georgia ( sPeYbroeCK et al. of the orange-throated whiptail, Cnemidophorus­hyper - ythrus­beldingi Cope.- Master´s Thesis, California 2016) and, as most recently rediscovered, state Uni versity, Fullerton, pp. 72. rUbY , d. e. & romania ( saHlean et al. 2015). All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.09.2018 11:07 Seite 5

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This sole european boid is widespread nese (to which it belongs administratively), in low elevations of mainland Greece and about 19 km northeast of (from many of its . due to its semi- where E.­j.­turcicus is known - FIedler fossorial, cryptic and elusive nature, its 1841 ), 9 km west of and 46 km known distribution is still characterized by southwest of (from where E.­j.­turci - numerous gaps. The species is found cus is known as well - CHondroPoUlos throughout many of those aegean islands 1989 ). Kinaros is separated by at least 162 that, during the last Ice age, were either con - m deep waters from the closest, larger island nected to the mainland of europe (e.g., (amorgos) and was never connected to ) or of asia Minor (e.g., , , Cycladia during the last ice age. as ob - , leros, lesvos, ), or were served by the authors, the island is present - part of formerly extensive and now partially ly inhabited by a sin gle shepherd family, but submerged insular aegean land masses (e.g., there has been intermittent human settlement Cycladia: amorgos, antikeros, , throughout the millennia. The sparse vegeta - , Iraklia, , , , tion is strongly shaped by intense goat graz - and ; Cluster: Milos, , ing pressure and is dominated by Sarcopo-­ ). In contrast, the species is no - terium­spinosum and Juniperus­phoenicea . table in its absence from all of the old, deep- The island consists of dark limestone and water islands of the southeastern aegean that much of its coastline is formed by high cliffs were never connected to Cycladia ( CHon- that allow access only at a limited number of droPoUlos 1989; T oKar & o bsT 1993; protected bays. both Mediodactylus­kotschyi FoUFoPoUlos & I Ves 1999; V alaKos et al. solerii and Podarcis­erhardii­kinarensis , 2008; sPeYbroeCK et al. 2016). described by WeTTsTeIn (1937) from the on June 3, 2017 (at ca. 16:30 h) dur - Island of Kinaros, were observed during the ing a herpetological expedition to the island authors’ expedition. of Kinaros (36.977711°n, 26.286280°e; 10 Today, most of the island’s red soil has m a.s.l.), the authors observed an adult E. disappeared by erosion, thus providing only jaculus­turcicus . This individual was seen marginal habitat for a fossorial species such crawling slowly into a crevice at the base of as Eryx­ and permitting agriculture only at a a large rock in a small agricultural field sur - few protected locations. However, wide - rounded by dry stone walls on the north, spread abandoned terraces indicate exten - south and west sides. The field was not in sive cultivation during historic times. one use and consisted of dry soil and weedy may hypothesize that the sand boa on Kina- vegetation. The weather was overcast at the ros has different ecological tolerances than time of the capture and the average air tem - on other islands (rather implausible) or is perature was 28 ºC. a large lump at the restricted to the few areas that have suffi - middle of the snake’s body suggested the cient soil. according to the locals, the spe- presence of a recently ingested meal. This cies is rare: one shepherd claimed to have individual also had a prominent healed scar seen the snake only twice over a 15 year on its dorsum, perhaps caused by a small period. mammal ( Rattus­rattus ) or a raptor ( Falco This record expands the number of tinnunculus ), both of which occur on Kina - islands E.­j.­turcicus is known to occur. ros. The individual was sexed as female by However, it is noteworthy because this is its relatively short tail length and absence of the first record of Eryx , and for that matter hemipenes and was sent alive to the natural of any snake, on a deep water island of the History Museum of where it is cur - central aegean such as astypalea, , rently held in captivity. The snake had a , levitha and their satellites. sVl of 480 mm and a tail length of 40 mm. is unique because resident snakes were Kinaros is a small island (area: 4.56 brought in by humans. Molecular evidence km 2, maximum elevation: 296 m a.s.l.) in suggests that Zamenis­situla (lInnae Us , the central (37°00’34” n, 1758) was brought in from Crete (K YrIazI 26°30’46” e, WGs 84 datum) between the et al. 2013). Given the small size of Kina - island groups of the (to which it ros, its time of isolation, and its distance belongs biogeographically) and the dodeca- from other islands inhabited by E.­j.­turci - All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.09.2018 11:07 Seite 6

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cus , further analyses are necessary to deter - Prevalence of Kiricephalus­ mine if this population is phylogenetically pattoni (sTePHens , 1908), in a distinct or whether it represents a recent Taiwanese population of Anolis introduction to the island. sagrei dUMérIl & b Ibron , 1837, aCKnoWledGMenTs: Petros lymberakis (national History Museum of Crete) provided his with comments on the infection expertise in confirming the identification of the Javelin intensity of this parasite sand boa from Kinaros. We also thank Panayiotis Pafilis (national and Kapodistrian University of athens) and nikolaos Poulakakis (national History The intensity (the number of individ - Museum of Crete) for their assistance in permitting and ual parasites in the infected host) and preva - transportation of the specimen. This expedition was partially supported by the national Geographic Waitt lence (the number of infected hosts in the Foundation grant awarded to K. M. brock. Collection population; often expressed as a percent- of the specimen was in accordance with Greek age), and their respective means and stan - national law (Presidential decree 67/81) with Greek dard deviations, are the most fundamental Ministry permit ΑΔΑ:Ω6ΛΝ4653Π8-ΤΨΑ assigned to P. Pafilis and J. Foufopoulos. and therefore important data for studies of para sites in communities ( bUsH et al. 1997; reFerenCes: FIedler , K. G. (1841): reise durch alle Theile des Königreiches Griechenland: in rózsa et al. 2000; sMallrIdGe & b Ull auftrag der Königl. Griechischen regierung in den 2000). In the present note the authors report Jahren 1834 - 1837 zweiter Theil. leipzig (Friedrich on the infection intensity and prevalence of Fleischer Verlag), pp. VI, 618. FoUFoPoUlos , J. & I Ves , the pentastome Kiricephalus­pattoni (sTe- a. r. ( 1999): reptile extinctions on land-bridge islands: life-history attributes and vulnerability to extinction.- PHens , 1908) (family Porocephalidae) in a american naturalist, Chicago; 153 (1): 1-25. CHondro - population of the exotic invasive lizard, PoUlos , b. P. (1989): a checklist of Greek reptiles. II. Anolis­sagrei dUMérIl & b Ibron , 1837, The snakes.-Herpetozoa, Wien; 2 (1/2): 3-36. KYrIazI , from southwestern Taiwan. P. & K ornIlIos , P. & n aGY , z. T. & P oUlaKaKIs , n. & KUMlUTa ş, Y. & I lGaz , Ç. & a VÇI, a. & G öÇMen , b. Anolis­sagrei males and females (N = & l YMberaKIs , P. (2013): Comparative phylogeogra - 502) were collected during all months in phy reveals distinct patterns of Cretan snakes.- Journal the period January 2002 to March 2003, of biogeography, oxford; 40: 1143-1155. saHlean , T. from an area surrounding a plant nursery C. & G aVrIl , V. d. & G HerGHel , I. & s TrUGarIU , a. (2015): back in 30 years: a new record for the rare and (23.428993° n, 120.483095° e; datum: highly elusive sand boa, Eryx­jaculus­turcicus­ (rep - WGs84) in santzepu, sheishan district, tilia: boidae) in romanian dobruja.- north-Western Chiayi County, southwestern Taiwan, as Journal of zoology, oradea; 11 (2): 366-368. sPeY- part of a study into the diet of this intro - broeCK , J. & b eUKeMa , W. & b oK , b. & V an der orVal VoorT , J. (2016): Field guide to the amphibians and duced species in Taiwan ( n et al. reptiles of britain and europe. london (bloomsbury 2010). during the dissection of the speci - Publishing), pp. 320. ToKar , a. a. & o bsT , F. J. ( 1993): mens large parasites were found in the body Eryx­jacu­lus (lInnaeUs , 1758) - Westliche sandboa; cavity of four lizards (Table 1). The speci - pp. 35-53. In: böHMe , W . (ed.): Handbuch der rep - tilien und amphibien europas. band 3/I., schlangen mens were photographed and the parasites (serpentes) I. Wiesbaden (aula-Verlag). ValaKos , e. were removed and placed in 75 % ethanol. & P aFIlIs , P. & s TIroPoUlos , K. & l YMberaKIs , P. & When they were later examined under a MaraGoU , P. & F oUFoPoUlos , J. (2008): The amphib - stereoscopic dissecting microscope it was ians and reptiles of Greece. Frank furt a. M. (edition Chimaira), pp. 463 [Frankfurt Contributions to natural noted that the cephalothorax of the para - History Vol 32]. WeTTsTeIn , o. (1937): Vierzehn neue sites was enlarged, and that the hook reptilienrassen von den südlichen Ägäischen Inseln.- arrangement was in a straight line, with the zoologischer anzeiger, leipzig; 118 (3/4): 79-90. pear-shaped mouth positioned between the KeY Words: reptilia: squamata: serpentes: inner hooks. based on these morphological boidae: Eryx­jaculus­turcicus , new island record, Kinaros, aegean, Greece features, the collection locality and the paper by CHrIsToFFersen & d e assIs sUbMITTed: august 23, 2017 (2013), the parasites were identified as aUTHors: adam rosso (Corresponding author < [email protected] > ) 1) , Kinsey M. broCK 1) & nymphs of the pentastome K. pattoni . The Johannes FoUFoPoUlos 2) infection intensity ranged from one to two, 1) school of natural sciences, University of with a mean and standard deviation of 1.25 California-Merced, 5200 lake rd., Merced, Ca, Usa. and 0.5 respectively, and the infection 2) school of environment and sustainability, University of Michigan, 440 Church st., ann arbor, prevalence in the sampled A. sagrei males MI, Usa. and females was 0.78 % and 0.81 % respec -