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The oV ice: 1901-1910 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection

11-17-1909 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1909-11-17 Wooster Voice Editors

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Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1909-11-17" (1909). The Voice: 1901-1910. 205.

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How longs it been since we met What dye say You can flip it old pal feebly inquired the tramp Nervously the younger man Two weeks is up From the Short- story Class today Bill and searched for a coin yes he had we any Helen Kinney 12 arent nearer out than then one as 1 can see Reckon we For the fourteenth time the morni- might as Then the two men squared around well give up old Bonepile facing ng sun came up over the two lost there each other while the wild cant drag his legs around much lon- hope of men in the desert Since they had luck caused their blood to ger hes good for just about one surge first spent a night there no dew had through their bodies and day more Seems as if they each fallen and the momentary cooling must could hear his heart pounding not have missed me at home or his which darkness had brought now else chest wildly Their wan fea- theyre never thought of seemed to be only a mockery to mre the desert tures were lit up by the red glow of since I started day into further hope for each day that to hunt in the setting sun and the long thin them the woods beyond Grapevine hart seen them staring out again hand of the youth shook the coin Aint nobody to miss me an- and from what seemed the very heart of tossed it into the air and it swered Bill less when fell the desert and each evening found its the next Breathlessly they leaned for- horse is stole up in camp them as far as surroundings count- Then ward tails it turned and the theyll say wheres old Bill ed at their starting point the youngster buried his face in his Kid but the Kid Not a breath of air was stirring aint slept under shaking arms that he might not see no roof for thirty year now I and only the lost men and their one and old Bill mount the burro and dis- reckon he a goin to burro bespoke life in Death Valley aint have to appear in the darkening shades less its sand on his dry To the right to the left before be- bones and a sickly grin IMtOGUESS IX them lay the endless stretch of spread over his coarse AIHUTKATIOX hind haggard salty sand white and dazzling in features But youve got a ma and pa and The border land of arbitration in- the sweltering glare of the sun praps a gurl too at home he cludes its use in connection ivim which mounted higher and higher continued itll go hard on them labor disputes Australia has readi- and seemed to be trying to make the ed the point of declaring the supreni- very desert boil Yes a ma and pa and a girl acy of the Federal Arbitration Ive got to have another drink echoed the youth and a life to Court whenever the awards concern pard announced the younger man live I had thought But come old matters extending beyond the state as he started toward the burro fellow we must try to go on Canada was pacified by a recent ar- You let that there water alone And push on they did while the bitration which granted a ten per you had your drink fer today you sun passed the zenith and started cent increase in the wages of rail- it was the first time the slowly down toward the scorching road men tramp had spoTcen like this and hot sand But still they were sur- It is a pleasure to mark the be- for a moment the two men stood rounded for miles around by the des- ginning of an appeal to reason in- glaring into each others eyes Holl- ert of Death Valley and the realiza- of to force The ow cheeked and flushed with hunger tion of another night which must stead brute first practical measures against duelling and exhaustion grimy and tattered be spent in hunger and fatigue only among German has been ta- with the two weeks growth of beard made more clear the realization students by a at University of on their faces and now ready to that they must give up ken resort the light for their last day of life they Dyou reckon fellow that old Gottingen to a court of Honor to resembled eaged lions at war more Bonepile d carry you for a nights settle disputes than the handsome young man and travel inquired the rvi p as The demarcation of the frontier happygolu- between China and the Portuguese the cky tramp of a fort- they sank down on the sand exhaust- night before Rut it was only for a ed after their days search Ef you colony of Macao is about to be sub- moment for the face of the tramp think he will you mays well git on mitted to arbitration boundary softened and he breathed God no and gos far as hell take you It The maritime between an take it You brung it and its your dont matter much if the Kid dont Sweden and Norway is before At close mules par ned it fer us this long git back to camp to steal no more arbitration commission the Wi only dont let me see you a drinkin horses You try to git out by your- of August the Commission sn Hague it self youve got a home and a the building of the permanent Throwing himself face downward No no by heavens I cant turn Court Great confidence was ex- equitable mi the sand he groaned despairingl- over my life like that Lets leave pressed in the approaching y while his companion staggered it to fate Got a copper Thoys settlement of the question 0 Suites the burros side and clutching six quarts o water left Heads you The case between the United lit water bottle drank long and git the mule and one quart and Ill and Nicaragua open for over two one deeply let you go tails the mules mine years and serious enough at VOL XIX NO 9 THE VOOSTEjTVOICE glow rs gathered hoIDEX HALL Of dream M t rom far and near 1 wawhips into of Cleve- H- our Miss Katherine Baxter suspend dip Mc- Yes he built as all dreamers do anrs and to spent Sunday with Hazel in the land relations was decided Nicaragua Cormiek one came by who laughd and September Polly Pritchard of Mies was Then which Miss d pav company to Walker over scoff ah the guest of Helen t the sum will not last for long ioi- i It whiie lhe Sunday But perish quick I hs Margaret Ratcliff of Oak aganst Miss of time blow over- oj iaims spent Sunday the guest When the winds Park 111 head Margaret Hanna asked of b- of Imly bus been led the Y Ill uild a house of stone Stv KU Miss Lucy Peet who ns of France and the week Of wood and brick vrn- C A meetings during in regard W Of iron and even lead i steel A rr as arbitrator a guest at Holden of prayer was J Clipperton ls owriry at Wooster respons Hall while in years iM1 has a- Pd the visit- The years have come the have Mrs A J Strain of London Strain gone her daughter Marjorie kII- progress is being made ed On yonder moss grown hill I week pies ion of the North last sleep h rllill Mary Van Ostran of Urichs- The builders hris The making Miss of stone long forsaken x n- uu Kis- sister Florence The house is near- viUe visited her i- case iv el iis Lies crumbling into dust nrli ili Ostran over Sunday l favorable issue Van ly runl- i1 was taken seri- Brambles oer it creep mroversy is antici Daisy Buchanan hlK Dr The dream house stands still un- ously ill of pneumonia last week Buchanan of Smithville shaken I Pi ii were in great and Mrs summoned and while her con- during tb past few months were HEIE AXD THERE is still serious it is hoped lV lissalisiaciui dition r rotm 10 war u she will recover 11 of an arbitration that Prof J F Guy attended the Trum- url Scott who is teaching of the Argentine Jle Miss Sarah Co Teachers meeting at Wa- year spent Sun- bull counsels liave pre at Lowellville this rren Saturday belter dormitory ii new Iblivia and Peru day at the Last week the first and third year pre ols accepting second year and senior Preps HOOYEIt COTTAGE also the io Argentine President i Marjorie held joint prayer services the Miss Alta Weiss and I 1 lary iueslion and Rev W A Atkinson of Belle Ce- Dannley spent Saturday and Sunday arranging the boundary nter Prof Wr W Boyd of 0 S llh Dannleys home in Wads- and case would have at Miss IT in Wooster di- v linbii e in this were recently

1 worth 1 Mnl and supplied the scharging tneir duties as members of Mary Jones spent Sunday at her e of a niarrel having a Synod committee insiau Wadsworth red by lhe results of an home in Miss Essie Beall of Clarke regi- rrii was called home Sadie Van Fossan a fer l I stered at the Conservatory rMl en of her grand- t in Friday by the death s ih gratifying days ago su cess has been had mother The orchestra is now hard at work at Mr Dannley visited his daughter appea- i mitlT of the deserters and will soon make its first whole Marjorie Dannley last week men l i Jionwo The rance It is composed of fifteen ris reception for Miss Peet at the was finally setled and irrita- The under tne direction of Max Weller aud Tuesday was well at- Thanksgiv- s by arbitration Cottage last Prof Lean will spend il advantage of spinel lias arrived which tended and many took ing at Riverside 111 nw ih popular nis the pieasnnter re- the opportunity to meet the A new library room has been fi- to Y W C A meetings pre- la a us y the pardon extended leader of the tted up at Holden Hall which at by a niar- of Miss i uund guilty court sent is under the management at Four very valuable Chinese brace- located i i y ill President of France Margaret Moore The room shell gold t of lets made of tortoise de- ittu- si ion of ae Minister in the basement was previously a mounted were lost in the basement with its V U is regarded says Perlin signed for the Y W C A but as of Kauke Hall on the evening of and i mi i lhe Iologne Gazette new arrangement of shelves Oct 16 The finder will confer a and i l art on lhe part of the chairs and its supply of booits ii by sending them to Mrs nnernmeiit And this is great favor magazines is well fitted for rea- yni P W Kuo Quinby Ave Wooster O la mere sigiiifieam because certain ding purposes oclock C- Miaii journals by demanding the W W White held a ten THE IjUIIjPERS riMt of the deserters made such a conference last Saturday morning and ioi dii ficult in France Vive By Maxius Chas Morris of Penfield were 1 i I A dreamer once built a castle Clifford Lebold of Bolivar disr plum- Of shadowy fancies among those who were seeing the Oberlin gain My n A- ery spec t Sunday in Ak Tier upon tier ed in not And round about a garden grew Saturday

It pays to trade at the Syndicate

I VOL XIX NO 9 THE WOOSTER VOICE lively ball the Tangents were bidden prenare a The Preps had a basket Victor Dye Thursday night 25 candi- stunt and a high class theatrical practice Photographs Post out presentation of Le Paysan et les Cards Cabinet dates are and Small Photos at On- Deux Voleurs in ev- Dr Vance and wife were read earlier the over Sunday He ening was evolved with the follow- Open Every Day NORTH BUCKEYE tario near Mansfield for some ing dramatis personae nas been preaching there Le Paysan Etta Chaflji time THE ARCHER HOUSE Crest- Les Deux Merle Price came over from Voleurs Anna Palmer Byron Smith Special to line to spend the Sabbath Attention teaching Le Mulet Dorothy Martin Miss Martha Taggart is Student Parties The appropriate costumes of the at Shreve Case- Delao added much to ar H g Vance saw the characters the Saturday Tangents were SCHMUCK BEVINGTON pa me at Cleveland tistic effect and the THE RELIABLE STORE be loudly complimented on origin- The preliminary debates will their Our stock of Furniture is large and iUI nn Nov 23 ality and histrionic ability well assorted and the best that the Daisy Buchanan was still in different markets afford Miss ELZEVIR nritiral condition on Monday Embalmers and Funeral Directors Wooster Ohio Reeves was at Cleveland 48 W Liberty St j Walter Elzevir held a most enjoyable p week riav last meeting last Friday The program Friday after Thanksgiving is The was as follows Flashlights o- holiday but the students ranted a Reading Blanche Kreger recita this privilege by General Electrical are not to abuse Irene oaturday evening tions Marguerite Boston Supplies failing to be back Bryan original story Olive Holden MisTs Mary Donnelly of the com- current events Huldah Bryan bud- Wayne Electric Co department received a fine N St mercial get Beth Palmer extern class Mary Phone 3- 13S 5 Buckeye line of work at Coun- position in her Buchanan Helen Barger Unless you want cil Bluffs la After the program the Elzevirites gave a fine talk at THE Francis Downs enjoyed a delicious spread in their BEST chapel last Wednesday buy preparatory in of their new but pros dont Groceries University of hall honor at The alumni of the pering society Barretts of 49 Liberty St Phone 115 Wooster will be pleased to hear East Open evenings the success of Dr Chas K Buckle Ping Wen Kuo is now editor- in under who took his Ph D degree chief of the American Chinese years ago Dr Compton about eight Monthly the greatest paper of its The M cClure House He is now at the head of the State kind in the world Stove and Wy Ac Furnishing Normal School at Laramie Howard Kirschner was seen in Store present his school is making geaf Wooster Saturday Phone 151 Wooster O progress Merle Rudy is now at work in the Ladies Tailoring in all branches University of Michigan For Fine Rigs go to Mail Tailoring Co Misses Mildred Clark Gertrude Prof W E Painter attended Haupert and Gretehen White walked Nolins the Bi- County at Orrville Saturday twelve miles to visit Martha Tag Livery Cab and Transfer Barn Miss Hazel Barcus teacher of garts school at Shreve They re Autos for Hire Buckeye St Mandolin and Guitar 116 South turned on the evening Train Phone 56

Riulev- e Prices reasonable off your G YV Jacot in the interests of A Detroit man was letting Buy as the summer school attended the steam terribly the other day he His Gymnasium Suits and Central Ohio Teachers meeting at opened one of these patent cans go from Shoes Athletic Suits Dayton last Saturday and will wife tired of the noise called Track Goods to Toledo next Saturday the next room and What are you opening that can from LE CEKCLE KAXCA1S with dear The can opener of course he Frank Harrison Accepting the kind hospitality of replied Corner Bever and Bowman you M Mishler Le Cercle Francais in Oh said she I thought dulged last Wednesday evening in a were opening it with prayer Ex session both profitable and hilarious Street vice president M Gray read On Beacon EUROPEConducted or Independently ine Personally old frump Miss two or three very thrilling French Why does that HIGH CLASS TOURS ROUND THE WORLD glasses tales after which the time honored Smith always wear FOLK MAN somebody would see AKERS AM Linc game je no Shes afraid Ocean Stcamxliin ASi- nt of Sui suis- afforded Pi lud the naked eye Harvard 141 Public Square little amusement Then while the her with Cleveland Ohio Ralii went into executive session Lampoon It pays to trade at the Syndicate VOLXIX NO 9 WOObltK Tin vi Offenbach Hoffmann i vnnrself and tor the 1 D Minor Op fr 6 Sonata No Guilmant Wooster VoiceZ as well 42 The u n making roinpton is rigu i ivt Ir only it be 1JV AY AV WHITE tu speak louder KAVOItEU when the students of the Y 11 ar imt vli the last ctMl in the rear last Friday ev Un and Y W meetings chard Mill11 tn sav anything he Cliapei i ening many had the great pleasure sea s who n- Ul03e i he front hearing one ot woostei a must rjulicatinn of it goes ar- of lne sound before powerful alumni in unrisnan wuik S Wal npl when to become orderly ni- tt to forget W W White of the Mew iorK to speak the Dean rises ble School And we are thankful tor tne oppor ir1r- iaonhiilil1enaae to President Holden 1- T K Bowman nWITAL tunity of hearing ur vvmic wuu at the Th crowd in attendance with spiritual eloquence piesemea evening made sym- Chapel last Thursday to us a message in accord and jr that Professor Erb week 1 of the MS Mu- U Hifnt pathy with the spirit XK to blow his own 11 message was a can w r f- CM his 175 lies iut people In short i were con- i I 1 nil There to become 1 lb University as well as Wooster lU 0ver the city high type of Chri- ap spisuous for a Staff i faculty and their he said S lU stionity In no other school r urogram rendered ihP this more favorable Ili- r is are conditions for i 1 lo mere attendance ll Al wll as their A few weeks ago Dr 1 here I I a well than Kditnrs I linly a compliment and to associates M I made known his M f r v White ii i nn tn the orgauisL Kdilnrsot HSCI 1 wi it seemed to he a v Ml a ser and students that l- in I nartinent nl is the second n ini o mocsrisre that they should un V kXm ws by different UlVinc V iuwin Ml r vnPn given ihjo of another 1 the foundation 1 dertake wit- y of the Ohio chapter of the Kx Bible School And the unanimous ir U Iit- rv Guild of Organists in Uncricau oc m- i inn of this great task reveal towns The prinei spective in the great spiritual llfliif I resenting this series ed Gods plan e in school I ii erCela- to uplift that is working that ilais is to demonstrate the Cmiservatnry lf A session followed this I of the organ today short the possibilities Dr WL 1 11 Preparatory and also meeting in conference with a msical instrument appreciation of organ White o imlse I i i y r was a 1 ilillnH l Co- ily slwMinw iilie li I vHrian Guild of Organists Mrs Lyman C Knight AYife of organi i wv is the strongest llege rrofessor Dies at ihi endiui with rri- j ts sort Ul the United Hospital iil I the llfist as lnlls Slates Jt is comiiusuu

I1 1- n IT I country and is open oanisis in the of friends and rela- e b- liexc A large host i iHhinrr can satiSLaciui u nv to those who were saddened to hear of the f Ibe MUy ef high standards tives iv a nirk V1p to the C Knight at 1 t nisuix Mrs Lyman I i y lie a death of I v s mi wa rd organization It is set bv the hospital last Thursday night i city ii ii iiinl liV wiibin Wooster to he repres the i i rv iv She had been ill but a tew ctays dim j a i iiillnel auu I lrl its in the American Guna hospital it when she was taken to the pMter one to have enjoyed a recital a- was learned that appendicitis had in this series headway A bat- pleasingly lready made great Tlu prom- am was most was mi Im tine Cnuise tle for life ensued but death as regards styles of music not 1 i t Wnos naaimed eyes may ills played is inevitable Our mortal i Prof Erb i tlu sav that awa in of ai nu inns asks ul understand why she was called mark upon us reuuiiwu a MS nil Hi at Lime 11 by all from ennu auu uuouuKKnr l heartily enjoyed I Tie it was most upon life r i i numerous when she was but entering wasi as was evidenced by the sne uu- Ml hlImil but the Creator in whom 1 1 1 n i mven sym 1 iMires 1 l I mi of e- in ed knows all things Out Oni The program as given iuim in w ill ur ii var Prof Knight the atniu ni 13 b pathy for I Prelude in Minor J liacn held lb i in ipauies who to have been Op 52 contests that were lv t Kvenins Idyl the lit Ilnblt on Saturday were postponed iiit Buck l p3t i inns a lei as siirii are nl were held at l- v GigOUt funeral services I in F i n 11 U bum i Mll at 130 Sunday The l Scherzando F Min minster m 1 I Ulesvelto 1 r- lilliullrninnnls after ml al le Erb took place immediately i n I i ni uill In cnnviiiced that cemetery from Tales of Wooster est is nmr Mian worth siil1 larcaiolj It pay to rode at the Syndicate VOL XIX NO 9 THE WOOSTER VOICE ATHLETICS Wooster 5 I 4 0 200 blessed meeting of Friday evening Wesleyan o 1 4 0 Another example of Oberlin spirit 200 closed so wonderfully well this series Savage of Wittenberg 3 0 3 0 000 of prayer When Graduate- Manager services and the iov of the why Heidelberg 4 0 4 0 000 Oberlin was told the reasons Saviors love lilled the heart of each game girl Wooster wished to cancel the and came to some for the lirst Y W O scheduled for last Saturday he not A time game only readily agreed to call the That some of the inspiring helpful claim to The meetings of the Week of words of off hut he also waived all these meetings may stay money Such action Prayer held every evening in Will- with us and he of the forfeit constant Help stu- well should he appreciated by the ard Hall have been attended cannot fail We are certainly hound and surely of bless to draw dents of Wooster full the richest lasting benefits in great mea- ings every far- The Varsity was in no condition for girl present The sure from these reaching lines of Gault meeting was on Saturday even- love and service for a hard game with Oberlin first thus opened to us up a good ing all who has been putting and Rev McMillen of East Liv The girls are deeply indebted to game game at tackle is out of the erpool lead out our thoughts along all the speakers of the Week of Pray- on account ac- er and especially oi- for the rest of the season the line of intimate personal to Miss Peel f game lier sincere of an injured knee hurt in the quaintance with the Master taking and earnest mission of with Denison Kemper was confm for the basis of his discussion the love and helpfulness to us and she pd to his room the latter part of words Have I Been So Longtime takes back with her to her strenu- ous in Chicago the week by an attack of acute in with You and Hast thou not Known tasks her work the digestion He will be in the game Me Philip There was a genuine interest and prayers of all the girls against Kenyon Saturday interest aroused by this meeting here whom she lead rearer to the Word comes from Delaware that for the Week of Prayer with its Master Oh Wooster has the best pair of guards store of help On Sabbath after Master let us walk with thee In closer company that they have been up against this noon Mr McMillen spoke on the dearer In year Harrison ascribes a great deal constraining love of Christ that wilt work that keeps faith sweet and to strong of his success in line bucking the not let me go and brought closely all- In love triumphs over wrong fact that when he gets to the line 10 our hearts a feeling of that that with the ball a hole is waiting for pervading love On Monday evening him to plunge through our Pastor Dr iC addressed the WEEK OK iRAYEl OF1 Y M C A meeting and had as a center of SATURDAYS SCORES taought formula for an effective the A man sent by God has been with life Penitence Prayer Pardon Ohio Results the men during the recent series of Power Praise Not alone by his eloquent Case 21 Wesleyan 0 meetings Then Miss Peet of Chicago came did Mr Downs Ohio State 5 Vanderbilt 0 and earnest words to us from her busy life of Christian Annapolis 17 Reserve 6 impress us but even his hearing and service among the factory girls of he was Denison 9 Kenyon 6 expression bore evidence that her ritv and took charge of the agent in bringing his undying IMt Union 3 Hiram 0 Gods meetings and took as well a firm Otterbein 17 Muskingum 0 truths to us Remarks have been hold upon each girl who heard her preached 0 N U 29 Ohio University 0 heard that Mr Downs The earnestness of her whole life Marietta 13 Carnegie Tech 0 some of his most eloquent sermons was in itself a great inspiration in Wittenberg 14 Antioch 6 in his sincere and christian contact meetings of Tuesday Wed- Heidelberg 0 the three with the men in club and fraternity Findlay 11 evenings at nesday and Thursday circles which she spoke As she presented Results in East and West Each one of the addresses was and his love for all to us we Yale 17 Princeton 0 Jesus straightforward practical and con a power coming through her Michigan 12 Pennsylvania 6 felt real vincing The power of the speaker Great Source of all love Harvard 12 Dartmouth 3 from the appeared to increase from evening to simple presentation of the Chicago 6 Cornell 6 Her evening and it seems safe to assert brought to us made us Brown 17 Vermont 0 truths she winning that the final meeting was the best 6 for the time forget her own Minnesota 3 4 Wisconsin The themes are suggestive of the personality and it seemed as though Illinois 35 Northwestern 0 practical application of Mr Downs wailing Master alone was knock- Notre Dame 47 Miami 0 the words to the students life To give ing at each heart On Thursday ev- a view of all the services a brief ening we listened with great interest OHIO CONFERENCE RECORD summary of his addresses will be to story of some of her work in the given College P L T Pet Chicago work among the poor lone- Saturday night the topic was Spir- Case 6 5 0 1 1000 ly factory girls amid their repulsive itual Power God has promised if Oberlin 4 3 0 0 1000 surroundings and yet we felt through souls the price is the givine r our will Ohio State 5 4 1 0 860 her the fact that they have then comes the pouriug forth of Reserve 3 2 1 0 667 precious in Gods sight and that they power power Sunday speaKing of Charac Kenyon 6 4 2 0 667 are waiting for the uplifting The ter Foundation he said that real Denison 5 2 3 0 400 of Jesus to be told to them II pays to trade at the Syndicate VOL XIX NO 9 th E WOOSTERVOICE f vnu are unns W- IUs fib J upon ethical Hands How rot based The many is based fans one hirir ica- ion but Ir Monday evening f Oh the few hands f 1 nonsid soul to Chris close i wasa ot Mir two Ques ions Inv- iUuTt These on Fersona1 r it siioiua 11 taiki aloeh- N1 r Downsnow3 see On 1 n aa Christians rl Work maae u uf 1 the great l th- WilS before lii v nan ever and 1 work j IIS lit uit lives in Christs ieS our help to 0tus esolve with His overcome it Him wit- of God will Uaf one soul to leas 10 pray- are the Chris hMat WILDER ELLIS Mvaul tetnpta- in the year j defying S was he sub been Iaons proportion as there has V B In effoit sml v Ii Wed of nver and earnest passions relieving g i I world laer O or ml self service ill ilu- ii rgw- passions Tsateanhedone asp Christ that we do not development for ITiigh these means II Thursday night of Cari- 7 riJl niscipleshi na null iS p o prayer if are neeu ul a life I- Manifold us the 1S own Christianrhritrian I our v iwiee in our tfp are to realize ll u ni is i possessnnssess any measure uu I and professional possibilities GEE 10 world in service C S mm lartieu ll0wer ii social oniart and and Vy lilllltfl w a iinlirirrc larl tin of the girls has K The practically all p i- onal iplsHl To i- nnsider past week a new I during the al I le prayer and v Sovereign Claims Ution of the value of

1 i 1 sover the life that is 1 in 1 1 ntiPtK o i i u to great Power has iuii power to God The r soul our lite absolutely surrendered lit y on en Christ should of a life that has i work 1 miT life attractiveness u- as living ac I deeming Christ our counsel tnroneu has King over the enttre life ir life work tive ome with fresh meaning one of His subjects I ll I 111 revealed in well ben 10 look MAUD ROWLEB YOULL n 11 Lupnriro- Hie Week lon ful m and feel comfortable of Ilaycr FOKEXS1C NOTICE well dressed ora- and be The time for the preliminary of Irayer has seemed postponed fine i Week been of our lb years torical contest has in one mat of other Tf m11 hp held Nov 30 ilihT ru one ween 11 me ui J woMlernl Chapel at 730 The long raincoats wim it really in Memorial Vown aniuule or if working hard and open em men have all been military collar u lav so little to give something worth After will be sure ho ivanelistie side the orations of the that hearing Besides talk J concluded several musical Vhifs should seven contestants Schaffner r- ilt ihat the spirit Hart numbers will be given xm that it had all ot aifferen ccs of the University orchestra Marx for his call a ptvparaiiui pieces have beer secured and LODDS 10 fifteen us the fabrics are A1MA selections will be ren- made them for several vocal and rainproofed the tai local talent Just think all wool dered bv uc thing of the and musical treat ormg couiun l Tii most iniressive of it this forensic us has been cents Come and is right t for some of only fifteen week for We 11 show you any We see m mm girl i nr of Downs bring your best style in overcoats you may preler sample of the possibilities for nere a they re alt Nvhich exist in the life of r thpi Siren Yell We see in him a young Mi man How do you like to 35- 00 experiencing the real First Laborer Overcoats 1650 at a ho is 18 to is them college boys cneeis Suits 30 of the Christian life which n 1 T trnt riocked for an to OtJUUllU J i surrender ii unconditional quit hour yesterday taking it for the V rvTirl will D v AMSTER fs The ruucun NICK G Ti MILLER 10 whistle ienn It pays to trade at the Syndicate VOL XIX NO 9 THE WOOSTER VOICE

Mention lias been made in the city pa- pers of Charles W Bolen Co the marked business success of INVESTMENTS Incorporated Mr Bruce Work in New York City

Hubbys Advice He a STOCKSBONDS- SECURITIES Train servant in the way she should go She Yes and the first thing yon know she does Princeton Tiger ROOMS 3 4 5 6 NOLLE BLDG

THIS CARD C FLACK Manager ROBERT WOOSTER OHIO In the Wooster Voick is inteared to attract the attention of thoss in- terested in Laboratory work aod to let them know that ALBER WILLIAM East Liberty Street ENE STONE quarried at SHIBLEY Alberene Albermarle County Vir- U of W Emblem Goods Souvenir Spoons ginia is acknowledged The Best Stone Laboratory Table Tops Sinks Shelving Examined Free Operation or Dissecting Eyes Jewelry and Watches Repaired Tables Wainscot or any fixture where an acid- repellant and posi- Vt44T 60 YEARS tively non absorbent stone is a ne- Vr EXPERIENCE cessity Thanks giving W 1 X The table tops and the other fix- tures in Wooster University as well The day when a man gives as in the following Colleges and Uni- versities are of ALBERENE special attention to his appear- STONE ance All thats new choice Leland Stanford University and of the best for out- Trade Marks i aio Mto ual your t Designs Columbia University New York fitting is here TfVW Copyrights c City Anyone sending a sketch and description may Cornell University Ithaca N Y quickly ascertain our opinion free whether art Suits Overcoats Trousers invention ib probably patentable Communica- Yale University New Haven tions strictly confidential HANDBOOK on PatentB Conn Neckwear Shirts Gloves sent free Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken through Munn Co receive Dartmouth College Hanover Collars Cuffs etc Our mo- special notice wilhout clmrae in the N H dels show all the new style Smith College Northampton of season cientitic Jltnerican Mass features the and A handsomely illustrated weekly Lnrest ir- McGill University they will be greatly appreciated culation of any scientific journal Terms 3 a Montreal Can year four months 1 Sold by all Polhpmus Clinic L I by swell young men other newsdealers College MUNN Co36Broad New York Hospital Brooklyn N Y Suits and Overcoats are more Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C St Bartholmpw Clinic East 42nd conservative in style at St N Y City A catalogue and samples of the Si 5 20 to 25 stone for the asking AMERICAN HOUSE Alberene Stone Company The man we outfit for Thanks- New York Chicago Boston giving will be observed for his cor- Newly Remodeled and Furnished rect dressing Student Parties Solicited ALCOCK SONS Granite Works THE MAX BLOOMBERG A L MORNlSOiX Near Fort Wayne Depot COMPANY students Barber Onpnmp Archer House CHAS DAVIS The Most Popular I L1S1C FoIlOS A welcome gift in cry home Home Sonrs Words ami Piano 0rn The Upto- date National hongs Words and Piano fill Laundry College Songs Words and Piano Love Songs Words and Piano ri East Liberty Street 1iano Pieces 7 Piano Duets 7 5 Piano Dance Folio TREMONT Piano Operatic Pieces 7 Violin Pieces with Piano Arc 75 Rensselaer The style of the season New Violin Solos with Piano Arc 75 Flute Solos with Piano Arc 75 A its an Mandolin Pieces 1st Mandolin W Guitar Acc 4i 11 u Piano Acc 5i New Songs for Glee Clubs Arrow New Songs Male 50 Institute for Quartets Tray UYm COLLAR HINDS NOBLE ELDREDGE Publishers 15 cents each 3 for as cents 313- 335 West 15th Street New York City Send for a Catalogue V Cluctt Peabody Company Makers It pays to trade at the Syndicate VOL XIX NO THE WOOSTER VOICE 9

College and Society Brand Clothes

T Conquer Every Ready to Wear Prejudice I They have style as well as quality the lat- ter is decidedly an essential but valueless 7 without the former It may not be so dif- ficult to produce a garment made of good cloth and lined with good material any honest maker can give you this College and Society Brand style however means exceptional ability The best designers in America We lay stress on the fact that clothes is just as vital as qual- 7 style in your ity Youll find in these garments a com- bination both of these features

Prices for Suits and Overcoats 51500 to 3000


j they prevent a single iors and Seniors may confiscate the i ii is only when student from doing honestly and ef- coverings of all Freshmen not wear- clivily winch inter- j feetively the work of study for the ing the conventional badge of the honest st iidiiil work iixii sake of which the University is first year men Wouldnt their fiftyy- Put ul ii rl mi J art i VI I IPS founded for the sake of which if earold sailor look graceful from U l i l i ii i a all lit imo you he is an honest and thoughtful man under a green postage stamp cap 1 you r 1 1 filings ISut the student came to the University How hat I lie man sivs Excerpt from an address by Pres- Harvards freshest freshie is eleven y studios i a grind per ident Schurman of Cornell years old

i captain of the football The O W U Transcript is starting In of I hi nice club or The educated man ought with a movement to recover the Hayes M Mil 1 l C V 1 mrst the aid of a few French phrases to home is to nI in their place but Uio express himself without swearing which about be razed could if every one Many a man thinks he is emphatic eist From a Roman Catholic Journal sa ppia reil Hut for their when he swears He is not he is In the Sulpician church at Paris n i lie i ace o i on vim iiii only vulgar Dr W O Thompson the Prince of Conde was one day ami up In the leaders of seated near a seminarian to whom lie in i ivi i v as mur heroes I Coach Longman of Notre Dame has said Monsieur do me to 1 the favor while sympat hie wit li built a team able to defeat Michigan me you at I inform are taught rea a ui u rsi ty hero is the what In 190S he coached the Wooster u grinds the seminary team that walked over Ohio State The seminarian did not answer nakrs lo make bis brain Thinking that the young man had work and the student Freshmen presuming to appear on not heard question re- i his the Prince s bra n a ml does his work the streets of Ann any peated no He i Arbor in it with better success Hi I ne hero of the style of headgear other than Fresh- tried a third time 1hai is my position I man caps will find themselves hat- We are taught replied the sem- w i i everv for mof stu less Under the authorization of the inarian in a low voice to keep s- I qiian- il with them student council Sophomores Jun ilence in the church HARDWARE i nomas A B Greek- American Elder S AMD Football and Athletic eye Car Nose Throat Supplies Soectarlr CONFECTIONERY NextHouCsurt Harding Co h n mateer7m7d Cor Backeye There is and North Strteti THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK the place where you Phone 16 WOOSTER can buy your good Ofl7co 2- OHIO things Hours 5 and 7- 8 P M UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY High Grade Chocolates and ROY CUNNINGHAM Toonan Pres Churn M Gray Vice Prea Dentist jg v vy xnompson Bon Bons Ceas K Mayers rres il iJaaa WOOSTER 0 P Bloueh Aaat Cash OHIO Ice Cream Ices Sherbets NOBLE S YARMAN Frappes and everything in Or J V Stahl Dentist Telephone 240 Wooster O Merchant Tailor tne Uandy Line Opposite Archer and Gents Garments Dry House Ladies Cleaned Phone Dyed Pressed and Repaired orders given prompt ELSON and Goods Called tor and Deliverer attention Weimer U c Liberty Street Wooster Ohio Dentists Phone No 3 on 635 Phone 161 3 doors W of P Phone Office 189 Residence 231 0 Downing Block

W NOLD HOELZEL Dentist Fort Pitt Hotel Over Palace Restaurant Perm Avenue and J 0th St H A Hart M D EYE Office Downing Block Woosters Wooster Ohio Pittsburg and Former Assistant Surgeon Leading Pa N Y Ophthalmic and Aural EAR Institute Tel 3- Photograph er C A BLANCHARD Office 238 Res 3- 469 Manager Go to the PALACE RESTAURANT Opposite Archer For your meals or lunches House It pays to trade at the Best Syndicate clean and tasty lunches of all kinds Prices reasonable Give orders for Agents Tor BEST PIES IN CITY CAPS GOWNS COTRELL LEONARD FOR SALE to Albany N Y Makers A Brand New Bicycle sold for KITHCARTAND JOHNSON to the American Colleges 5000 From the Atlantic to the PaciBc for sale CHEAP Address No 73 Voice Office I Ihe southwestern Lines Connect

C reT1 Araherst I rea bern Wellt0a Lorain Grafton Norwalk Be MeinMedina Seville Creston I f LeRoy Lodi West Salem Ashland Mansfield s Crestline Gabon and Bucyrus r Large Comfortable Cars No Smoke No j j Cinders Frequent Service Fast Limited Train j The Cleveland Southwestern Columbus Ry j L E CRAMER I I Agt J o WILSON G P A I Wooster O Cleveland O 1

A L DLDeafeftiD Pian0S 0rgans Allographs Records and Saeet Masic Z00K Phone 779 18 West Liberty St Wooster Ohio You Can Get Your Correct Model Here TAPERWCWiHSr in fis1 Mitr u w t i x tfi i

StrU A28 Anions 8 mm JLTA 111 ffltlfcA our complete range tout r urn J w f cVnnps and sizes in the new T R C models or Fall and Winter you i mm in jfw can readily secure a corset that will meet every tVpp new R G models designed to give i n 15- 311 and Winter erowns 4Ul If you tne correct nguie ucLcssaiy iui jrui w com We advise vou to have your new gowns fitted over one of these fashionable and fortable R G models Every Pair Guaranteed PIStole C60 WILLIAM ANNAT 4 tt

VOL XIX No 10 NOVEMBER 24 1909 SCHMUCK BE VING TON wr T51 St THE RELIABLE STORE Our stock of Furniture is large and INVESTMENTS ZZr well assorted and the best that the different markets afford Embalmers and Funeral Directors 48 W Liberty St Wooster Ohio STOCKSBONDS- SECURITIES Flashlights BLDG ROOMS 3 4 5 6 NOLLE General Electrical Supplies WOOSTER OHIO Wayne Electric Co ROBERT C FLACK Manager Phone 3- 138 5 N Buckeye St

Unless you want THE BEST Random dont buy Groceries Dont Read at at Barretts READ THIS COURSE 49 East Liberty St Phone 115 Open evenings Cambridge G Lowes Dickinson 100 The 1ffieKGreek Viewview oiof Life by v wMiinm Ward Fowler Oxford of Iliad and Odyssey Ulus- The Homeric Stores Translation 125 trated CHAS DAVIS Martin 125 The friendly Stars by Martha Evans Monthly- Illustrated Mernb- The Chautauquan Magazine The Upto- date Laundry erLpdoddif dashed Contaimng Woman in th A Beading Civilization George Willis Cooke errof Henry Breasted H s- East Liberty Street v throng Egypt Prof James Imiriu- Lewis Frederick P lcher L of Architecture Prof nc IvesE mat- rial of general interest for voluntary 1111 NUIUU auuiwuiini 200 riMdin 750 THIS CARD iniai one cash with All four books and the Magazine to address In the Wooster Voicb ia intended i 500 to of trios a in l attention U i 111 attract the terested in Laboratory work aod to S Everybody i is for Aii body Worth While for let them know that ALBER- ENE STONE quarried at Nil doubt send stamp for hand book ot testimonials Alberene Albermarle County Vir Chautauqua Nuw York g- Vl lir s Cluniiiiiina Institute inia is acknowledged The Bests Stone Laboratory Table Tops Sinks s Shelving Operation or Dissecting Chautauqua Idea Tables Wainscot or any fixture Get the where an acid- repeliant ana pos- itively non absorbent stone is a ne- cessity The table tops and the other fix- 5 HOUSE 60 YEARS tures in Wooster University as well THE AHCHZn EXPERIENCE as in the following Colleges and Uni v versities are of ALBERENE Sprcial Attention to D STONE Leland Stanford University Student Parties T- t raio Aito il j Columbialli University New York City The rlcClure T A ToanF Marks Cornell University Ithaca N Y Stove House Designs and 1 Yale University New Haven Furnishing rV V i Copyrights c Anvone sending a sketch and description may Conn Storo qnlrkiv ascertain our opinion free whether an Dartmouth College Hanover 15 1 O invention is probably patentable Communica- rhonc Wooster tions strictly conikienttal HANDBOOK on Patents N H BMit free Oldest aeency for securing patents Smith College Northampton Iatents tiUen ninmch Munn Co receive special notice without ennrge in the Mass Ety your McGill University Montreal Can Scientific American Polhemus Clinic L I College Gymnasium Suits and A handsomely Illustrated weekly Largest cir- HosDital Brooklyn N Y i culation of any scientitic journal Terms 3 a 42nd Chocs Athletic Suits v- ir four months fL Sold by all newsdealers St Bartholmew Clinic East St N Y C tv and Track Goods ft1UNiUCo3BBM New York A catalogue and samples of the 626 BU I rom Branch Oflloo P WaahlDgton D C stone for the asking Frank Harrison Alberene Stone Company li L MORBISON xt tr i Boston B new lorii Chicago Carrier IVvvr an J liownian Htudents I- Jartoer Onpofite Archer Bouse It pays to trade at the Syndicate