Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017 Journal for Critical Animal Studies ISSN: 1948-352X Journal for Critical Animal Studies _____________________________________________________________________________ Editor Dr. Amber E. George
[email protected] Submission Reviewers Dr. Julie Andrzejewski Nathan T. Rowan St. Cloud State University York University Dr. Cathy B. Glenn Tayler E. Staneff Independent Scholar University of Victoria Melanie Flynn Dr. Gina M. Sully University of Huddersfield University of Las Vegas Dr. Stephen R. Kauffman Dr. Siobhan Thomas Christian Vegetarian Association London South Bank University Dr. Anthony J. Nocella II Dr. Richard White Fort Lewis College Sheffield Hallam University Dr. Emily Patterson-Kane American Veterinary Medical Association Cover Art Photograph from Danny Duo with permission. Volume 14, Issue 1, May 2017 i Journal for Critical Animal Studies ISSN: 1948-352X JCAS Volume 14, Issue 1, May 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Issue Introduction Amber E. George…………………………………………….……………………………...…1-3 ESSAYS Guillermo Vargas’s Exposition #1 in the Context of Global Animal Ethics Claudia Alonso Recarte………………………………………………………………………4-36 JCAS Submission Guidelines ………………………………………………………….......37-40 Volume 14, Issue 1, May 2017 ii Journal for Critical Animal Studies ISSN: 1948-352X Volume 14, Issue 1 May 2017 ______________________________________________________________________________ Issue Introduction Author: Amber E. George Title: Instructor Affiliation: Philosophy Department, Misericordia University Location: Dallas, Pennsylvania, United States of America E-mail:
[email protected] Keywords: Art, Activism, Animal Ethics, Aesthetics Art has been used to express sentiments regarding social issues and disrupt the status quo throughout history. Some of the most memorable pieces of politically charged artwork have arisen from an artist’s deep-seated desire to appeal to the public’s sense of justice.