Pontifical Mass, Vespers at Cathedral Sunday
" • r * -. V Of? m • ' ———' i — 11 1 1 11 '• . '-"J _ . if^Sg^m^ \ §»teV aw* * • - i - varsity U »« " * «Shpí»« '« —»¿«H • i The ssUn an of the Diocese of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1844 lOOlh YEAR—No. £ « ¿BURGH, PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1943 TWO DOLLARS BER FEAR SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS 'Victory Corps Bilit^ .««burgh Priest PEACE PRAYERS Menace to SchooL, Given High Post Pontifical Mass, Vespers Msgr. Johnson Says ASKED BY POPE Children Especially Urged TelH Senate Committee It At Cathedral Sunday To Join in Supplication Would Bring Federal P C M 1 00 c,0ck and Solemn Ves^rsTvespers, att 77.3£T0 Pp. MM.. *wil 1?l ' marJk 'the observanc°' ' e of the Feas ^"tificat of thl e In Month of May Control Over All Resurrection the greatest feast of the year, at St. Paul's, Cathedral Most Rev Hugh C. Boyle, Bishop of Pittsburgh, will be celebrant,' Washington. Apr. 20. flC'i As- and special programs of liturgical music will be rendered. Washington, April 20.-—©—His serting that the "Victory Corps Assisting the Bishop at the Mass will be Rev. Arthur A. Burns Holiness Pope Pius XII has issued anr now before Congress "would a special invitation to the Bishops, give the United States Office of «!uar J!fleSt: Rev' Wi,Iiam G. Connare, deacon; Rev. John O. Grif- fith, subdeacon; Rev. Leo Kraus and Rev. John ORourke, deacons of priests, Religious and faithful of Education the power to control honor; Rev. James S. Garahan, master of ceremonies. the United States to join with the curricula and activities of the At the Pontifical Vespers the Bishop will be assisted by Father him in prayer throughout tha secondary schools of the country Kraus and Father ORourke as deacons of honor; Father Griffith and month of May.
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