- V. m NKT PRESS RUT« AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIOX THE WEATHER. OP THE E\^NTXG HERALD for the month of May. 1926. Unsettled followed by fair 4 , 9 1 5 attrhpatpr fifrali weather. Stationary temperature. l^ibrary VOL. XLIV., NO. 224. Classlfled Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., TL*.nOAY, JUNE 22, 1926. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS -<S> POPE PLAXS WAR OX On 660 Mile Race, Connecticut to B ermuda AVEATHER BUREAU GLUM ANOTHER MAN PRESEXT-DAY STYLES. MAJOR, CADET AS “SUMMER” ARRIVES BAD WEATHER Rome. June, 22.— Pope Pius New York, June 22.— Sum­ is planning a world-wide war mer made its official entrance against the present female today, according to meterologl- MAY HAVE DIED modes, according to the Radio DIE IN FALL OF cal experts. AGAIN DELAYS Nazion.ale. But citizens greeted the ad­ The Pape, this agency says, vent of this season garbed in IN P I I BEUEF has not only issued instruction ARMY^ PLANE light overcoats, made necessary to Vatican chamberlains to bar SUB’^RAISING by the unseasonable gyrations women wearing short dresses of the thermometer. and low-necked gowns from pa­ The weather bureau indicated Although Herald Finds Wil­ pal audiences, but has appealed Moose, Once Commander of that the rest of June, and July. to the delegates to the young August and September, may be Salvage Ships at Very Point women's Catholic associations to the coolest similar period in fight against the extreme modes. cox, Bones Found Will Be Mitchell Field and a West many years. Italian priests are refusing ad­ I of Lifting S-51 Once New A'ork's coolest summer, mission to the church to women Analyzed— Stale Police wearing what they believe to be Point Senior Victims of according to statistics, was in ; immodest dresses. 1816. A century later another' More Compelled by the A papal encyclical, calling on cool summer was in order. I at Work on Case. the faithful throughout the Tail Spin. <8>----------------------------------------------------^ Weather to Await Calm. world to flght immodest garb for women, may be issued short­ ly, the Radio Mazionale sa\s. Despite the Information obtain­ East Meadow. X. V., June 22.— New London, June 22.— The sea ed by The Herald late yesterday Major William L. Moose, Jr., army COOUDGE SEES was in an angry mood today as afternoon that Howard Wilcox. pilot, and William Point, of Wash­ mankind prepared to retrieve its Marlborough's missing charcoal ington. one of the West Point dead entombed xvithin the sunken pit tender, h.ad not been burned CROSSING HGURES NEW TAX CUTS Cadets undergoing aviation school­ submarine, the S-51. to death as reported, state police ing at Mitchell Field, were killed With the signal for the attempt­ and others who saw the hones instantly ofay when their plai.e ! ed raising of the submarine from which were excavated from the pit IN ANOTHER CRASH AS DOUBTFUL its ei.ght-months-old grave off Block craslied on the Cold Stream golf ! In the search for Wilcox, are of Uie links here. j Island expected momentarily, a belief they are the charred re­ The men were making a practice i sharp wind whip-lashed the waves mains of a human. flight in a De Haviland army hi- into a small fury under a leaden Although the pit tender who was Trolley Hits Truck at Stock-, pi,no Excess of $390,000,000 in sky. believed to have been cremated More than a score of bodies of j Major Moose, who w.'s at the Here are two, with filled ■while fighting the flames, has been took off from Mitchell Thirty-four yachts started from New London, on a 660 -mile race to Bermuda, 1926 Is No Guarantee the submarine s crew of 37 are be­ located at the home of a friend In house Road— Scene of Field with Cadet Point, and had sails, a fair breeze aud a white curl 'neath their bows, just getting under way. lieved to be in the hull. Three Marlborough, state police inform­ been in the air a coii.siderable time. men were rescued and nine bodies ed The Herald last evening that Into Tail .Spin recovered after the fatal collision the bones have every appearance Bad Smash. Against a. Deficit in 1928 The plane was seen to go into a with the steamer Citv of Rome last of being those of a person. The ONLY JEWELS IN slow tail spin when about 300 feet MINNESOTA G. 0. P. fall. po'ice have ordered the bones an­ LANZANO IS GIVEN He Tells Business Meeting Despite the unfavorable weather alyzed. from the gropiui. over a clump of The Stockhouse Road crossing on trees. It burst into flames im- , OLGA’S FORTUNE the navy set its jaws to complete .Another Mystery the task which has baffled it since North Main street which recently ncdiately after it str.ick. and was i Excitement, however, among the WETS BEAT DRYS the disaster. A communication re­ blazing from tip to tip before help [ 60 DAYS, $300 FINE But Greek Queen Left Over residents of Marlborough, G'lead was the scene of a serious accident Washington. June 22.— Review­ ceived today from Rear Admiral arrived. The bodies of .Major Moose ; and Hebron has ended now ihat when a trolley car smashed an auto­ Two i\Iil]ion Dollars’ Worth ing the results ot his constructive Plunkett, commanding the Third and young Point were burned be-i Wilcox Is found. They had be mobile. today figured in a dike acci­ of Them to Familv economy policy and five years un­ Naval District, read: yond recognition. j lieved him dead. Although this end der the budget system, President Weather the Key. dent. Although today's crash did From the position of the con- , Candidate Backed by Anti- ot the mystery has been solved by Stiff Sentence for Thrice Coolidge declared last night that “Let nothing delay the success­ not result seriously, it nevertheless trols, it was evident, according to Rome, June 22.— Olga, for­ The Herald, another has loomed. j the prospects for a further tax re­ ful termination of your mission.” points to the need of more careful merly dowager queen of The fact that the bones found >n officers, that whei the plane went j duction in the near future could Admiral Plunkett wired Captain driving on the part of both the mo- Convicted Hooch SeDer; Greece, who died here on Sat­ Saloon Leape Swamped the pit so strongly resemble a into the spin. Major Moose at- | not be foretold until the Govern­ E. S. King, commander of the sub­ formen of trolleys and automobile urday, left only her jewels as man's has caused all kinds of tempted to effect a landing on the ment K.new definitely the revenue- marine base, as follows: drivers at this crossing. a heritage, it was disclosed to­ t'umors. golf links, hut was too elese to the day. in St. Paul District. producing ability of the present “Proceed with raising of the S-51 In speaking about the mystery Mack Tnick Hit. ground to bring the plan? out. | Carlotta Discharged. Much of the queen's proper­ revenue act. as soon as weather permits and yesterday one of the pro'ninent This morning's accident occurred Comniamled Reserve 1 ty was expropriated when she He spoke before the eleventh otherwise ready. A'our judgment residents of Marlborough said he at 8:15. A trolley car loaded witn Major Moose, a West Point i regular meeting of the Business in all matters has been correct.” had burned more than 100 char­ passengers was west-bound. It Raphael Lanzano of Bissell was forced to leave Greece St. Paul. June 22.— The ■wets graduate, i'l 1 920 was in command i with the royal entourage. It Organization of the Government, The S-50 and S-1 arrived at tha coal pits and had never seen any­ was in charge of Motorman John of Mitchell Field, and since then j street was gi\'en a sixty-day jail won an overwhelming victory over which ■was attended by Cabinet scene of operations this morning thing that resembled the bones Cavagnaro and Conductor Edgar is estimated that she left 12,- liad been in charge of the air ser- I sentence by Judge Johnson fn the their dry opponents in the race for officials. with air tanks filled. The subma­ taken from the Cassella pit. He Mohr. The truck, a Mack, oper­ 000.000 lira (worth $2,000,- vice reserve of the .'Ocoiid Corps 000) worth of jewels. congressional offices in the Minn^ Surprising Surplus rines will aid in pumping the com­ •was certain they were bones of a ated by Herman J. Sloane of 4 6 Manchester police court this morn­ Area. He lived with his wife at “As I loved you all equally, He surprised his listeners by giv­ pressed air into the eight pontoons man. Robbins Drive, Wethersfield, be­ ing for keeping liquor with intent sota primary election, returns from Bayside, N. Y. I beg of you to divide my jew­ ing the estimated surplus of this girded to the S-51. When the pon- ■'\'‘lcox Is 65 years old. He has longed to the Standard Oil Com­ 1,850 of the state's 3,5S9 precincts Cadet Point was the son of Lieut. to sell and actual sale. Lanzano els in equal parts among you.’’ fiscal year as about $390,000,000 toohs are filled, the S-51 is expected been working as a charcoal pit pany. Sloane was proceeding east Col, V.
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