STEVEN LIVINGSTON Curriculum Vita 25 June 2020 School of Media and Public Affairs; Elliott School of International Affairs The George Washington University 805 21st Street NW, MPA Bldg, #433 Washington, DC 20052 202.321.8054 (Mobile) 202.994.5888 (Office)
[email protected] Steven Livingston is Professor of Media and Public Affairs and International Affairs with appointments in the School of Media and Public Affairs (SMPA) and the Elliott School of International Affairs (ESIA). He is also the founding director of the Institute for Data, Democracy, and Politics (IDDP). He is also affiliated faculty in the Department of Political Science and in the Space Policy Institute at GW. Livingston’s research and teaching focus on information and communication technology, development and governance, open source investigations, and transnational advocacy, especially concerning human rights, and disinformation. Among other publications, he has written The Terrorism Spectacle (Westview Press, 1994); When the Press Fails: Political Power and the News Media from Iraq to Katrina (with W. Lance Bennett and Regina Lawrence) (University of Chicago Press, 2007); Bits and Atoms: Information and Communication Technology in Areas of Limited Statehood (with Gregor Walter-Drop) (Oxford University Press, 2014); Africa’s Evolving Infosystems: A Pathway to Security and Stability (NDU Press, 2011) and Africa’s Information Revolution: Implications for Crime, Policing, and Citizen Security (NDU Press, 2013); and The Disinformation Age: Politics, Technology, and Disruptive Communication in the United States (an edited volume with W. Lance Bennett) (Cambridge University Press, in press). Livingston received a Ph.D. (1990) in political science from the University of Washington and joined the faculty of the George Washington University in 1991 following a year at the University of Utah.