Published OnlineFirst May 17, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-3304 Cancer Molecular and Cellular Pathobiology Research

Pyruvate Kinase Inhibits Proliferation during Postnatal Cerebellar Neurogenesis and Suppresses Medulloblastoma Formation Katherine Tech1,2, Andrey P. Tikunov1, Hamza Farooq3,4, A. Sorana Morrissy3,4, Jessica Meidinger2, Taylor Fish2, Sarah C. Green1, Hedi Liu2, Yisu Li5, Andrew J. Mungall5, Richard A. Moore5, Yussanne Ma5, Steven J.M. Jones5, Marco A. Marra5, Matthew G. Vander Heiden6,7, Michael D. Taylor3,4,8,9, Jeffrey M. Macdonald1, and Timothy R. Gershon2,10,11


Aerobic supports proliferation through unresolved sively expressed the less active PKM2. Isoform-specific Pkm2 mechanisms. We have previously shown that aerobic glycolysis is deletion in CGNPs blocked all Pkm expression. Pkm2-deleted required for the regulated proliferation of cerebellar granule CGNPs showed reduced lactate production and increased neuron progenitors (CGNP) and for the growth of CGNP-derived SHH-driven proliferation. 13C-flux analysis showed that Pkm2 medulloblastoma. Blocking the initiation of glycolysis via dele- deletion reduced the flow of glucose carbons into lactate and tion of -2 (Hk2) disrupts CGNP proliferation and glutamate without markedly increasing glucose-to-ribose flux. restricts medulloblastoma growth. Here, we assessed whether Pkm2 deletion accelerated tumor formation in medulloblasto- disrupting -M (Pkm), an that acts in the ma-prone ND2:SmoA1 mice, indicating the disrupting PKM terminal steps of glycolysis, would alter CGNP , releases CGNPs from a tumor-suppressive effect. These findings proliferation, and tumorigenesis. We observed a dichotomous show that distal and proximal disruptions of glycolysis have pattern of PKM expression, in which postmitotic neurons opposite effects on proliferation, and that efforts to block the throughout the expressed the constitutively active PKM1 oncogenic effect of aerobic glycolysis must target reactions isoform, while neural progenitors and medulloblastomas exclu- upstream of PKM. Cancer Res; 77(12); 1–14. 2017 AACR.

Introduction amplifying cells that proliferate in the postnatal brain (3, 4) that utilize aerobic glycolysis during normal brain development (5). Increased aerobic glycolysis, a common feature of proliferating CGNPs are also cells-of-origin for SHH-subgroup medulloblas- cells during developmental and malignant growth (1, 2), has been toma (6, 7). Medulloblastomas coopt developmentally regulated proposed as a target for anticancer therapy. CGNPs are transit programs of CGNPs (6, 7), including the metabolic phenotype of increased aerobic glycolysis (5, 8). Understanding how aerobic

1 glycolysis supports CGNP proliferation and medulloblastoma Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina at tumorigenesis is essential for designing metabolically directed Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 2Department of Neurology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, medulloblastoma therapies. Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 3Developmental & Stem Cell Biology Program, The During postnatal brain development, CGNPs proliferate in Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 4The Arthur and Sonia the cerebellum in response to locally secreted Sonic Hedgehog Labatt Brain Tumour Research Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, (SHH), generating the largest neuron population in the mam- Ontario, Canada. 5Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency, – 6 malian brain (9 11). In synchrony with increased CGNP pro- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. David H. Koch Institute for Integrative liferation, SHH signaling induces hexokinase-2 (HK2) and Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. 7Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. 8Department of aerobic glycolysis (5, 8). Approximately 30% of medulloblas- Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, toma patients show SHH pathway activation (12, 13) and mice Canada. 9Division of Neurosurgery, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, with activating SHH pathway mutations develop spontaneous Ontario, Canada. 10Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of medulloblastomas that recapitulate the human disease 11 North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. UNC Neurosci- (14, 15). These tumors arise from CGNPs and, like their ence Center, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North cells-of-origin, upregulate HK2 and aerobic glycolysis (5, 8). Carolina. CGNP proliferation and SHH-driven tumorigenesis in mice Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Research typify aerobic glycolysis supporting tumorigenesis arising from Online ( developmental growth. Corresponding Author: Timothy R. Gershon, Department of Neurology, Uni- We have previously shown that conditional deletion of Hk2 in versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599. Phone: 919-966- the developing brain blocks SHH-induced aerobic glycolysis, 3618; Fax: 919-966-2922; E-mail: [email protected] disrupts CGNP differentiation, and reduces medulloblastoma doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-3304 growth, extending the survival of medulloblastoma-prone mice 2017 American Association for Cancer Research. (5). These findings demonstrate the importance of aerobic OF1

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Tech et al.

glycolysis in development and cancer, suggesting that blocking Materials and Methods glycolysis through HK2 inhibition may produce a clinically sig- Animals nificant antitumor effect. Development of selective HK2 inhibi- All wild-type and genetically engineered mice were main- tors for anticancer therapy, however, has been problematic (16). tained on the C57/Bl6 background with at least 5 backcrosses. Whether targeting glycolysis downstream of HK2 would similarly ND2:SmoA1 mice were provided by Dr. James Olson (Fred inhibit tumor growth is unknown. To determine whether the Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA). Math1-Cre distal portion of the glycolytic pathway is required for the pro- mice were provided by Dr. David Rowitch (University of liferation of normal and transformed CGNPs, we analyzed the California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA) and Robert Wechs- effect of disrupting pyruvate kinase (PK) during cerebellar neu- ler-Reya (Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, La Jolla, rogenesis and medulloblastoma formation. CA). Eva Anton (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, While HK2 initiates glycolysis, PK catalyzes the final step, fl/fl Chapel Hill, NC) provided hGFAP-Cre mice. Pkm2 mice were converting phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and ADP into pyruvate generously shared by Dr. Matthew Vander Heiden (Massachu- and ATP (17). Pkm is the pyruvate kinase expressed in the brain setts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA). Medulloblas- (18). of a single from Pkm gives rise to toma-prone mice were monitored daily for abnormalities of either Pkm1, which includes exon 9, or Pkm2, where exon 9 head shape and movement. At the onset of tumor symptoms, replaces exon 10 (19). PKM1 is constitutively active and typically such as weight loss, ataxia, and impaired movement, animals expressed in differentiated cells, while PKM2 has a regulated were sacrificedandsurvivaltimetoonsetofsymptomswas activity and is commonly expressed in cancer (20–24). PKM2 considered the event-free survival. can be activated by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, an upstream gly- For 5-ethynyl-20-deoxyuridine (EdU) experiments, mice were colytic intermediate (23, 24) and inactivated by interaction with intraperitoneally injected with EdU (#A10044, Life Technologies) tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins responding to growth factor at 40 mg/kg in 50 mL of HBSS and dissected 24 hours later. receptor signaling (20, 21, 25). While the regulated activity of were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in 1 PBS for 24 hours at 4C, PKM2 may allow proliferating cells to adjust their metabolism to then processed for histology. All animal handling and protocols dynamic requirements (2), the specific benefit of low PKM2 were carried out in accordance with established NIH practices activity has not been identified. and approved under University of North Carolina Institutional PKM2 is expressed in diverse cancers, suggesting a role in cancer Animal Care and Use Committee #13-121.0 and 15-306.0. growth. Xenograft tumors engineered to overexpress either iso- form showed that PKM2 expression confers a relative growth Cell culture techniques advantage (26). Other studies have reported nonmetabolic, CGNPs were isolated and cultured as previously described growth-promoting functions such as transcriptional regulation (5, 34). Briefly, cerebella were dissected from P5 pups, disso- (27, 28) and (29, 30). However, iso- ciated,andallowedtoadheretocoatedculturewellsin fi form-speci c deletion studies show that PKM2 is not required for DMEM/F12 (#11320, Life Technologies) with 25 mmol/L KCl, fi Pkm2 tumor formation. Aged mice with isoform-speci c deletion supplemented with FBS and N2. After 4 hours, media were develop liver cancer (31) and breast cancers are accelerated in replaced with identical serum-free media. Cells were main- Brca1 Pkm2 -deleted mice with codeletion of (32). These studies tained in 0.5 mg/mL SHH (#464SH, R&D Systems) or vehicle Pkm2 identify cancers in which deletion promotes tumor growth. (0.1% BSA in 1 PBS). Where indicated, 1 mmol/L vismodegib Pkm2 However, neither study showed an effect of deletion on (#S1082, Selleck Chemicals) was added to cultures after the tumor glycolysis, potentially because PKM2 activity may be fully first 24 hours, with cells harvested 24 hours after drug treat- downregulated in established tumors. To identify metabolic ment. In vitro CGNP proliferation was measured by EdU incor- Pkm2 Pkm2 processes linking to growth, it is necessary to analyze poration after a 1-hour exposure to 20 mmol/L EdU. EdU was deletion in normal proliferative cells that, unlike cancer cells, are visualized following the manufacturer's protocol (#C10337, not locked into a proliferative state. CGNPs present an ideal Life Technologies). Cell counts were performed using Leica- Pkm2 opportunity to study function because these cells can Metamorph software (Molecular Devices). No cell lines were modulate both aerobic glycolysis and proliferation, and are also use in these studies. vulnerable to malignant transformation in medulloblastoma tumorigenesis. In vitro metabolism studies PKM2 is induced by SHH in CGNPs and expressed in the 1H NMR and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry ND2:SmoA1 mouse model of medulloblastoma (8), suggesting (LC-MS) acquisition methods are described in detail in the a role in SHH-driven growth. PKM2 upregulation has also been Supplementary Materials and Methods. Briefly, CGNPs of each noted in MYC-amplified group 3 medulloblastomas (33), genotype were cultured in at least three replicate wells. Explanted suggesting a role for PKM2 in tumor growth across human CGNPs were maintained in [1,6-13C] glucose media for 24 hours medulloblastoma subgroups. Here, we analyzed PKM-mediated followed by media sampling and cell extraction for metabolomic regulation of CGNP glucose metabolism, proliferation, and analysis. We normalized to cell number at 24 hours to account for tumorigenesis. Like Hk2 deletion, Pkm2 deletion decreased CGNP differences in growth rates by counting cells in a replicate set of conversion of glucose to lactate. However, unlike Hk2 deletion, wells cultured in parallel. Pkm2 deletion increased SHH-driven proliferation, and acceler- For the enzymatic measurement of lactate, media from at ated medulloblastoma formation in mice expressing a constitu- least three replicate wells were sampled at the specified time tively active Smo allele. The differential effects of impeding aerobic points and lactate was quantified using the L-Lactate Assay Kit glycolysis through deletion of Hk2 or Pkm2 identify the glycolytic (#1200011002, Eton Bioscience) as per manufacturer's protocol. steps upstream of PK as critical to supporting proliferation during For PK activity assays, cells from at least three replicate wells development as well as contributing to tumorigenesis. per condition, or whole cerebella from at least three replicate

OF2 Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 Cancer Research

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PKM Suppresses Medulloblastoma

mice per genotype, were lysed and processed for the colori- Differential Pkm isoform expression analysis of RNA-seq data metric assay per manufacturer's protocol (#K709-100, Library construction, sequencing, and alignment of RNA-seq BioVision Inc.). data are described in detail in the Supplementary Materials and Methods. Transcriptome aligned binary alignment files Histology and IHC (bams) were processed using RNA-Seq by Expectation Maxi- Mouse brain and tumor tissues were processed for IHC as mization (RSEM) software (36). The reference for RSEM was described previously (35) using antibodies listed in Supple- built using the same GRCh37-lite assembly and GRCh37.75 mentary Materials and Methods. EdU was visualized per man- GTF as used by STAR aligner (37). This was followed by the ufacturer's protocol. After IHC and EdU staining, where indi- calculation of PKM isoform level FPKM using RSEM with cated, nuclei were counterstained with 200 ng/mL 406-diami- default parameters in 97 human tumors. The accession number dino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; #D1306, Thermo Fisher Scientific) for the RNA-seq data is European Genome-phenome Archive: in 1 PBS for 5 minutes. Stained slides were digitally acquired EGAD00001001899. using an Aperio ScanScope XT (Aperio). Where indicated, Survival analysis of SHH-subgroup medulloblastoma maximum intensity projections of stained tissue sections were patients acquired on a Zeiss LSM 780 confocal microscope with a Plan- PKM2 FPKM expression was converted to a Z-score and used Apochromat 20 objective (NA 0.8). To quantify EdU, prolif- to segregate SHH patients into a high or low category with the erating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and p27Kip1-positive cells criteria of being greater than 0.5 or smaller than –0.5 respec- in the EGL, the EGL region was manually annotated on each tively. A Cox proportional hazard model was used to determine section, which was then subjected to automated cell counting the presence of a survival difference. using Tissue Studio (Definiens) for fluorescent slides. For premalignant lesion analysis, the entire cerebellum was anno- Results tated and used for cell counts. Pkm isoform expression in the brain mirrors differentiation status analysis We found dichotomous Pkm isoform expression in the post- Cultured cells and whole cerebella were lysed by homoge- natal brain that varied with differentiation state. Differentiated nization in RIPA buffer containing protease inhibitor cocktail, neurons throughout the brain expressed PKM1 and not PKM2 NaF, and sodium orthovanadate. Protein concentrations were (Fig. 1A). In contrast, neural progenitors of the cerebellar external quantified using the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) method granule layer (EGL), hippocampus (HC), and subventricular (#23229, Thermo Fisher Scientific) and equal concentrations zone/rostral migratory stream (SVZ/RMS) expressed PKM2 and of protein were resolved on SDS-polyacrylamide gels followed not PKM1 (Fig. 1B). by transfer onto polyvinylidene difluoride membranes. Immu- The temporal expression of PKM2 in the cerebellum coin- nologic analysis was performed on the SNAP i.d. Protein cided with postnatal neurogenesis. CGNP proliferation peaks at Detection System (Millipore) as per manufacturer's protocol postnatal day 7 (P7) and ends by P15, as CGNPs progressively with antibodies listed in Supplementary Materials and Meth- exit the cell cycle, migrate to the internal granule layer (IGL), ods. Western blots were developed using the enhanced chemi- and differentiate into cerebellar granule neurons (CGN; refs. 3, luminescent SuperSignal West Femto Maximum Sensitivity 4, 7). Western blot analysis of whole cerebellum lysates show- Substrate (#34095, Thermo Fisher Scientific) and digitized ed that PKM2, like the CGNP proliferation marker cyclin-D2 using the C-DiGit blot scanner (LI-COR Biosciences). Quan- (CCND2), decreased between P7 and P15, while PKM1 con- tification was performed using Image Studio Lite software versely increased (Fig. 1C). PKM2 was not limited to prolifer- (LI-COR Biosciences). þ ating progenitors: both proliferating, PCNA CGNPs in the – outer layer of the EGL (oEGL), and differentiating, PCNA DNA sequencing CGNPs of the inner EGL (iEGL) expressed PKM2 (Fig. 1D). Pkm2 þ – DNA was lysed from toe cuttings and used to generate Similarly, in the SVZ/RMS, both PCNA and PCNA progeni- Pkm2 PCR products. PCR primers were TAGGGCAGGACCAAAG- tors expressed PKM2 (Fig. 1E). Thus, PKM2 marked undiffer- GATTCCCT (forward) and CTGGCCCAGAGCCACTCACTCTTG entiated brain progenitors, whether proliferating or quiescent, (reverse). PCR products were extracted from a 0.8% agarose gel while PKM1 marked differentiated neurons. using the MinElute Gel Extraction Kit (#28604, Qiagen), cloned To determine whether medulloblastomas, like CGNPs, exclu- by TOPO TA Cloning (#K4575-J10, Life Technologies) and sively expressed PKM2, we analyzed PKM isoform expression in sequenced from the M13F and M13R primer sites by Sanger transgenic, medulloblastoma-prone ND2:SmoA1 mice. ND2: sequencing (Eton Bioscience). SmoA1 mice express a mutant, constitutively active allele of Smo, driven by the NeuroD2 promoter. In CGNPs of ND2:SmoA1 mice, Patients and samples SHH-pathway activation prolongs proliferation beyond P15. All patient samples were obtained with consent as outlined by These mice develop medulloblastoma with incomplete pene- individual institutional review boards. Written informed consent trance after a variable latency (14). During this latent period, was obtained at the time of surgical resection. Deidentified CGNPs continue to proliferate in premalignant lesions within the medulloblastoma tissues were obtained from Queensland Chil- EGL, generating progeny that differentiate, undergo , or dren's Tumor Bank (Brisbane, Australia), German Cancer remain proliferative. Research Center (Heidelberg, Germany), Sanford-Burnham Med- We found that CGNPs in premalignant lesions of P60 ND2: ical Research Institute (La Jolla, CA), and Hospital for Sick SmoA1 mice expressed PKM2 and not PKM1 (Fig. 1F). Similarly, Children (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). medulloblastomas derived from these premalignant lesions Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 OF3

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Tech et al.

Figure 1. PKM1 and PKM2 correspond to differentiation state. IHC (brown) shows PKM1 in differentiated neurons throughout the brain (A-A00) and PKM2 in neural progenitors of the SVZ, HC, and EGL (B-B00). C, Western blot analysis of CCND2, PKM2, and PKM1 in whole cerebellum lysates harvested at the indicated age, normalized to b-actin. PKM2 decreases from P7 (n ¼ 4) to P15 (n ¼ 4), while PKM1 increases. Graph presents mean SEM. Immunofluorescence shows PKM2 in the PCNAþ oEGL and the PCNA iEGL of in P7 wild-type mice (D) and PKM2 in PCNAþ and PCNA (arrowheads; E) SVZ progenitors. F, Premalignant lesions in P60 ND2:SmoA1 mice identified by PCNA are PKM2þ and PKM1. G, PKM2 and PCNA are expressed in a ND2:SmoA1 medulloblastoma; adjacent normal tissue expresses PKM1. H, RNA-seq shows preferential expression of PKM2 in all human medulloblastoma subgroups. P values determined by Student t tests. High magnification of boxed areas are shown on the right. PC, Purkinje cell layer; ML, molecular layer; FPKM, fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads. Scale bars, 2 mm (A, B,andG); 600 mm(A0 and B0); 100 mm(A00, B00,andE); 50 mm(D and E inset); 1 mm (F); 500 mm(F0-F000); 300 mm(G0-G000).

OF4 Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 Cancer Research

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PKM Suppresses Medulloblastoma

þ consistently and homogeneously expressed PKM2, while adja- PKM2 cells were more numerous in SHH-treated wells (Fig. 2A; cent, normal brain expressed PKM1 (Fig. 1G). We compared the cyan arrows) compared with SHH-deprived controls (Fig. 2B; þ expression of PKM1 and PKM2 mRNA in human medulloblas- arrows). In SHH-treated wells, PKM2 was detected in both EdU – toma samples by RNA-seq. As in the mouse model, we found and EdU cells (Fig. 2A and B; white arrowheads). Consistent with exclusive expression of PKM2, with minimal PKM1 in all four the absence of PKM1 in the EGL, no CGNPs in either condition þ medulloblastoma subgroups (Fig. 1H). Together, our studies of showed detectable PKM1; rare cells that were PKM1 did not have mouse and human tumors show that developmental PKM2 morphology characteristic of CGNPs (Fig. 2C and D). These data expression persists throughout medulloblastoma tumorigenesis. show that SHH sustained PKM2 expression in CGNPs, whereas PKM1 expression remained low during the initiation of differen- SHH stimulates PKM2 expression tiation in SHH-deprived CGNPs. To examine the effect of SHH signaling on PKM1/2 expression, To determine the effect of SHH inhibition on PKM expression, we isolated CGNPs and compared PKM isoform expression in the we analyzed SHH-treated CGNPs exposed to the Smo inhibitor presence or absence of SHH ligand. We labeled S-phase cells by vismodegib (38) by quantitative PKM Western blot. As an indi- þ adding EdU to CGNP cultures 1 hour before fixation. EdU and cator of SHH-driven proliferation, we also measured CCND2

Figure 2. Growth factor signaling regulates PKM expression and activity. A and B, PKM2 immunofluorescence on explanted CGNPs exposed to EdU for 1 hour, SHH. C and D, Rare cells within CGNP explants expressed PKM1 (arrowheads) in both SHH-treated and vehicle-treated wells. E, Quantitative Western blot analysis of CCND2, PKM2, and PKM1 in cell cultures, normalized to b-actin (n ¼ 4/condition). F, N2-deprived CGNPs produce less lactate detected by enzymatic assay (n ¼ 3/condition). G and H, CGNP PK activity increases with combined SHH and N2 supplementation (n ¼ 3/condition). Graphs present mean SEM. P values determined by Student t tests. Scale bars, 50 mm. Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 OF5

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Tech et al.

expression. SHH-treated CGNP explants demonstrated 5.5-fold compared with no-Cre littermate controls (Fig. 3C). In whole cKO more CCND2 compared with SHH-deprived CGNPs, and 2-fold cerebellum lysates, PK activity was equivalent in Pkm2 and more PKM2 (Fig. 2E). PKM1, which likely originated from rare littermate controls (Fig. 3D). In CGNPs, however, Pkm2 dele- cells detected by IHC (Fig. 2C and D), was also significantly tion blocked all detectable PKM expression. cKO increased SHH-treated explants. Vismodegib decreased CCND2 During the breeding of Pkm2 mice, we noted an unan- fl by 30% but did not significantly alter PKM1 or PKM2 expression ticipated tendency for germline recombination of the Pkm2 (Fig. 2E). Thus, both PKM2 and CCND2 were upregulated by allele. This recombination event was detected as a smaller than SHH, but compared with CcnD2, Pkm was markedly less respon- expected PCR product when primers flanking Pkm exon 10 were sive to changes in SHH signaling. These data suggest that Pkm, used to amplify genomic DNA. While these primers were fl/fl unlike CcnD2 (11), is not a direct SHH target. separated by 605 bp in the Pkm2 allele and 560 bp in the þ/þ Pkm2 allele, we found pups in several litters that generated PK activity in CGNPs is increased by growth stimulation 220-bp PCR products consistent with the recombined allele Tyrosine kinase signaling, and specifically insulin signaling, can (Supplementary Fig. S2A). Sequencing of this band demon- downregulate PKM2 catalytic activity in diverse cell lines (21, 39, strated that 9–10 and 10–11 were brought together, 40). While CGNPs are typically cultured with insulin-rich N2 separated by a single loxP site, consistent with Cre-mediated supplement to improve cell viability (41), we have shown that excision of exon 10 from Pkm (Supplementary Fig. S2B; ref. 32). CGNPs can be cultured without N2 for 24 hours, reducing IGFR Similar germline recombination has been observed when fl activation without compromising survival (5). We maintained Pkm2 mice were crossed with other nongermline Cre drivers CGNPs in the presence or absence of SHH or N2, to determine the (M. Vander Heiden, unpublished data), suggesting that Pkm effect of SHH/IGFR costimulation on Pkm expression and PK exon 10 deletion is positively selected in the germline. The null null/null activity in CGNPs. recombined allele (Pkm2 ) was heritable and Pkm2 We found that SHH/IGFR costimulation was required for mice were viable and fertile without neurologic abnormalities, CGNP aerobic glycolysis, as N2 deprivation reduced lactate pro- consistent with the published Pkm2-null phenotype (31). duction (Fig. 2F) in a manner comparable with SHH-withdrawal Pkm2-null mice have been reported to develop spontaneous (5). We have shown that growth factor stimulation induces hepatocellular carcinoma in the second year of life (31); how- aerobic glycolysis through a complex program that depends on ever, we did not observe any spontaneous tumor formation in null/null null/null many , including N-myc and Hk2 (5). To determine whether our Pkm2 aged up to one year. In Pkm2 mice, PKM2 this program may include changes in PK activity and PKM was absent from all brain cells, while PKM1 was appropriately expression, we analyzed CGNPs cultured with or without SHH limited to differentiated neurons (Supplementary Fig. S2C and cKO null/null or N2. N2-deprivation potently inhibited IGF signaling, resulting S2D). Like Pkm2 mice, Pkm2 mice showed normal in a 70% reduction in AKT phosphorylation, and more modestly brain anatomy. reduced PKM2 expression by 30% (Supplementary Fig. S1). By measuring the conversion of exogenous PEP to pyruvate in CGNP Pkm2 deletion increases CGNP proliferation cKO lysates, we found that CGNPs maintained with SHHþN2 showed Although Pkm2 cerebella had normal organization, quan- significantly higher PK activity compared with either SHH without titative analysis showed that CGNP proliferation was increased N2 or N2 without SHH (Fig. 2G and H). These findings show that compared with PKM2-intact littermate controls. We analyzed CGNP PK activity and PKM2 expression were responsive to proliferation dynamics in vivo, by injecting EdU at P6 into cKO fl/fl extracellular signaling, and were maximal with SHH/IGFR coac- Pkm2 and Pkm2 no-Cre littermates. We harvested cere- tivation, thus varying directly with glycolysis. While reduced PK bella 24 hours after EdU injection and quantified the number þ activity has been correlated with growth factor stimulation in of EdU cells in the EGL that expressed the CGNP differenti- cancer cells (20, 25, 26), in CGNPs, developmentally relevant ation marker p27Kip1. Both genotypes included differentiating, þ þ þ – growth factors increased PKM2 expression, PK activity, and aer- EdU p27Kip1 CGNPs and proliferating, EdU p27Kip1 CGNPs obic glycolysis. (Fig. 4A and B). While EdU labeling was similar between genotypes (Fig. 4C), we noted a trend toward reduced p27Kip1 cKO þ Pkm2 deletion is not replaced by Pkm1 in brain progenitors labeling in Pkm2 CGNPs (Fig. 4D). Importantly, EdU – To determine the developmental significance of PKM in CGNPs that were p27Kip1 were more numerous in the EGL cKO CGNPs, we examined the effect of conditionally deleting the of Pkm2 mice (Fig. 4E). In vitro studies provided additional Pkm2-specific exon 10 (19). We crossed Math1-Cre mice, which evidence of increased proliferation with Pkm2 deletion, as fl cKO express Cre recombinase in CGNPs (42, 43), with Pkm2 mice CGNPs explanted from Pkm2 mice showed a higher fraction þ that harbor loxP sites flanking Pkm exon 10 (32). The resulting of EdU cells after a 1-hour pulse, compared with CGNPs fl/fl cKO Math1-Cre;Pkm2 mice (Pkm2 ) were viable and fertile explanted from littermate controls (Fig. 4F). cKO cKO without neurologic deficits. Pkm2 cerebellum showed nor- Consistent with increased proliferation of Pkm2 CGNPs, mal foliation and cellular organization, without PKM2 or analysis of equivalent midline cerebellar sections showed that cKO PKM1 in the EGL (Fig. 3A and B). PKM1 expression was Pkm2 cerebella contained significantly more cells (CGNPs and cKO increased in IGL of Pkm2 mice, which is populated by CGNs CGNs) compared with littermate controls (Fig. 4G). The ratio of that derive from CGNPs and inherit the deletion of exon 10 EGL:IGL was not significantly different between genotypes, how- (Fig.3A).Thus,Pkm2 deletion in the Math1 lineage did not ever (Fig. 4H), indicating that Pkm2 deletion did not prevent induce compensatory PKM1 in progenitors but did increase CGNPs from progressing through their normal differentiation PKM1 expression by terminally differentiated neurons. Con- trajectory. Thus, Pkm2 deletion blocks all PKM expression in sistent with these changes, Western blot analysis showed CGNPs, with the effects of increasing proliferation and reducing cKO reduced PKM2 and increased PKM1 in P7 Pkm2 cerebella cell-cycle exit, without altering cell fate.

OF6 Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 Cancer Research

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PKM Suppresses Medulloblastoma

Figure 3. Pkm2 deletion blocks all PKM expression in CGNPs. A and B, IHC shows PKM1 and PKM2 in representative sagittal cerebellar sections from P7 Ctrl and Pkm2cKO mice. Pkm2 deletion does not induce compensatory PKM1 expression in the EGL. High magnification of boxed area is shown on the right. C, Quantitative Western blot normalized to b-actin in whole P7 cerebellum lysates demonstrates decreased PKM2 and increased PKM1 (n ¼ 4/condition). D, PK activity in whole P7 cerebellum lysates is similar between genotypes. Graphs present mean SEM. P values determined by Student's t tests. Scale bars, 500 mm; 100 mm (insets).

Pkm2 deletion inhibits the catabolism of glucose to lactate to identify species with metabolic rates that varied consistently We used a nonbiased, metabolomic approach to determine the across genotypes (Supplementary Table S1). cKO effect of Pkm2 deletion and consequent loss of PKM function on Lactate production was significantly reduced in Pkm2 cKO CGNP metabolism. We isolated CGNPs from P5 Pkm2 mice CGNPs compared with controls (Fig. 5A). Lactate was the species cKO and littermate controls and cultured them in three replicate wells with the largest change in metabolic rate in Pkm2 CGNPs for 24 hours in media with [1,6-13C] glucose replacing unlabeled versus controls (Supplementary Table S1). Lactate production glucose. We analyzed media metabolites from each replicate well and arginine utilization were both significantly reduced in the for each condition at 0 and 24 hours using NMR spectroscopy Pkm2-deleted cells, but the change in arginine was 10-fold smaller followed by orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis and unlikely to be directly related to glucose metabolism. We Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 OF7

Downloaded from on September 27, 2021. © 2017 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst May 17, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-3304

Tech et al.

Figure 4. Pkm2 deletion increases CGNP proliferation. A and B, Representative confocal images of P7 Ctrl and Pkm2cKO cerebellar sections labeled for the p27Kip1 and for EdU, 24 hours after EdU injection (n ¼ 3/condition). High magnifications of boxed areas are shown on the right. C and D, Quantification of EdUþ cells and p27Kip1þ cells in the EGL. E, The p27Kip1– fraction of the EdUþ population is significantly larger in the Pkm2cKO EGL, indicating increased cell-cycle reentry. F, Comparison EdU incorporation by CGNPs of indicated genotype, cultured with SHH and exposed to EdU for 1 hour. G and H, Analysis of midsagittal cerebellar sections shows increased EGL and IGL populations in Pkm2cKO mice (n ¼ 5) versus controls (n ¼ 4), with preserved EGL:IGL ratio. Graphs present mean SEM. P values determined by Student t tests. Scale bars, 500 mm; 50 mm (insets).

cKO confirmed that Pkm2 CGNPs produced less lactate by mea- noted a trend toward increased choline in Pkm2cKO CGNPs; this suring media lactate in replicate wells by colorimetric assay (Fig. trend cannot be directly related to glucose metabolism, but is 5B). The 13C fractional enrichment of lactate was also decreased in consistent with increased proliferation (Fig. 5E). We were able to cKO Pkm2 CGNPs (Fig. 5C and D), showing that a smaller propor- detect 13C labeling in glutamate, which we used as a measure of tion of utilized glucose was converted to lactate. flow through the Krebs cycle, and in the ribose component of ATP, To determine how Pkm2 deletion altered the intracellular ADP, and AMP, which we used as a measure of flow through the disposition of glucose in CGNPs, we analyzed cell extracts by pentose phosphate pathway (PPP; Fig. 6). cKO LC-MS. Diverse molecules detected by LC-MS detected did not Relative to Pkm2-intact controls, Pkm2 CGNPs showed a show significantly different distribution between genotypes. We small, but statistically significant decrease in glutamate with 3 or 4

OF8 Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 Cancer Research

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PKM Suppresses Medulloblastoma

Figure 5. Pkm2 deletion reduces lactate production. A, 1H NMR analysis of media sampled after 24 hours of culture demonstrates decreased lactate in Pkm2cKO wells (n ¼ 4) compared with controls (n ¼ 3; , P ¼ 0.029). B, Comparison of media lactate between genotypes, measured by enzymatic assay. C, Representative 1H NMR spectra of Ctrl and Pkm2cKO 24-hour media demonstrate the peaks representing [3-13C] lactate (dashed line) and unlabeled lactate (solid line). D, Quantification of 13C-enriched fraction of lactate from samples in A. E, LC-MS analysis of indicated metabolites in CGNP extracts, comparing genotypes. Graphs present mean SEM. P values determined by Student t tests. FE, fractional enrichment.

13C atoms (Fig. 6). The incorporation of multiple 13C atoms from pyruvate, allowing the incorporation of 13C into glutamate and [1,6-13C] glucose requires both conversion of pyruvate to acetyl- lactate at a reduced but detectable rate, while maintaining com- CoA by PDH and multiple turns of the Krebs cycle (Supplemen- parable flow through the PPP. In net, Pkm2 deletion redirected tary Fig. S3). The reduced glutamate with 3 or 4 13C atoms in glucose-derived metabolites away from both lactate generation controls indicates that that PKM2 deletion marginally reduced and retention in the Krebs cycle, without causing a large increase labeling downstream of PDH, consistent with a shift in fate of in PPP flux. glucose-derived carbons. Both genotypes demonstrated 13C incorporation into ribose. Medulloblastoma tumorigenesis is exacerbated by loss of PKM2 LC-MS demonstrated labeled parent masses of ATP, ADP, and We examined the functional consequence of Pkm2 deletion on AMP that fragmented into unlabeled adenine and 13C-labeled SHH-driven medulloblastoma tumorigenesis by crossing cKO null/null ribose. These data demonstrate active flow through the PPP. Pkm2 and Pkm2 mice with medulloblastoma-prone However, we did not detect a robust difference in PPP flux mouse lines. We generated tumor-prone mice using either the between genotypes (Fig. 6). These data suggest that unidentified SmoM2 allele that induces rapidly developing progressive medul- cKO reactions in Pkm2 CGNPs bypass the conversion of PEP to loblastoma with 100% incidence by P20, or with the ND2:SmoA1 Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 OF9

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Figure 6. Pkm2-deleted CGNPs show altered glutamate progression through the Krebs cycle but comparable PPP flux. Comparison between SHH-treated CGNPs of indicated genotypes cultured for 24 hours with [1,6-13C] glucose showing 13C labeling of ribose-labeled adenine nucleotides and glutamate (mean SEM). The diagram is provided to show how 13C glucose carbons accumulate in ribose and glutamate. P values determined by Student t tests. OxPPP, oxidative phase of pentose phosphate pathway; non-OxPPP, nonoxidative phase of pentose phosphate pathway; GAP, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; X5P, xylulose-5-phosphate; E4P, erythrose-4-phosphate; F6P, fructose-6-phosphate; S7P, sedoheptulose-7-phosphate; R5P, ribose-5-phosphate; Ru5P, ribulose-5-phosphate; LDH, ; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; PC, .

OF10 Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 Cancer Research

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PKM Suppresses Medulloblastoma

fl/null allele that induces tumors more slowly. In contrast to the anti- (Fig. 7A) or hGFAP-cre;SmoM2;Pkm2 mice (data not shown) tumor effect of Hk2 deletion, we found that Pkm2 deletion did not compared with Pkm2-intact, littermate controls. In both of these fl/null slow tumor progression in Math1-Cre;SmoM2;Pkm2 mice models, however, rapid tumor growth limits the ability to

Figure 7. Pkm2 deletion accelerates medulloblastoma tumorigenesis. A–D, Kaplan–Meier curves demonstrate the effect of Pkm2 deletion on survival in the rapidly progressive Math1-Cre;SmoM2 model (A) and the slow-growing ND2:SmoA1 model (B), including ND2:SmoA1 mice with conditional (C) or global Pkm2 deletion (D). E and F, A representative P147 Pkm2-deleted ND2:SmoA1 medulloblastoma shows PKM1 (brown) in normal brain (E-E000) and absence of PKM2 (brown; F-F00). G, Comparison of premalignant lesions at P60 and P120 between genotypes. The proportion of PCNAþ/total cells in the cerebellum increases over time in the Pkm2-deleted genotypes. H, Kaplan–Meier curve demonstrates a trend toward shorter survival in SHH medulloblastoma patients with low PKM2 expression. P values determined by log-rank test (A–D), Cox proportional hazard model (H), and by Student t test (G). Scale bars, 2 mm (E and F); 100 mm(E0-E000 and F0-F000). Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 OF11

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determine whether PKM2 ablation accelerates disease. To address not essential for tumor progression and suggest that low PKM2 this question, we examined Pkm2 deletion in ND2:SmoA1 mice. expression, like Pkm2 deletion, enhances medulloblastoma ND2:SmoA1 mice with Pkm2 deletion developed tumors more tumor growth. frequently than Pkm2-intact ND2:SmoA1 controls. We compared ND2:SmoA1 mice with two mutant copies of Pkm2, including fl/fl fl/null Math1-Cre;ND2:SmoA1;Pkm2 , Math1-Cre;ND2:SmoA1;Pkm2 , Discussion null/null and ND2:SmoA1;Pkm2 genotypes to control ND2:SmoA1 mice We analyzed the functional significance of pyruvate kinase with two intact copies of Pkm2, including no-Cre;ND2:SmoA1; isoform expression in the developing brain and in medullo- þ/þ fl/þ Pkm2 ,no-Cre;ND2:SmoA1;Pkm2 ,andMath1-Cre;ND2: blastoma. While aerobic glycolysis has been associated with þ/þ SmoA1;Pkm2 genotypes. We observed a trend toward increased proliferation in both development (5, 44) and cancer (1, 2), tumor formation in Pkm2–deleted mice at P150, where the our data show that disrupting glycolysis at PK increases, rather incidence was 37.5% with Pkm2 deletion versus 15.8% for controls than decreases both developmental proliferation and tumori- (P ¼ 0.245, Fisher exact test). By 300, tumor incidence was 100% genesis. We show that within the neural lineage, Pkm is spliced in Pkm2-deleted mice versus 57.9% for controls (P ¼ 0.004, into mutually exclusive expression patterns that correlate PK Fisher exact test). Consistently, ND2:SmoA1 mice with Pkm2 dele- activity with differentiation state. In the postnatal brain, undif- tion demonstrated significantly shorter progression-free survival ferentiated progenitors in the cerebellum, hippocampus, and (Fig. 7B). SVZ expressed the less active PKM2 isoform, while differenti- To determine whether Pkm2 deletion accelerated tumor growth ated neurons expressed the more active PKM1. The correlation through a cell-autonomous process, we separately compared the of PKM2 with the undifferentiated state was maintained in fl/null null/null Math1-Cre;ND2:SmoA1;Pkm2 and ND2:SmoA1;Pkm2 medulloblastoma. The PKM1:PKM2 dichotomy persisted after subgroups to Pkm2-intact ND2:SmoA1 controls. This analysis also conditional or germline deletion of Pkm2, which increased showed significantly shorter survival for both Math1-Cre;ND2: PKM1 in differentiated cells but not in progenitors. The lack fl/null null/null SmoA1;Pkm2 (Fig. 7C) and ND2:SmoA1;Pkm2 geno- of compensatory upregulation of PKM1 in brain progenitors types (Fig. 7D). We found no statistically significant difference contrasts with prior observations in MEFs and other tissues, between different Pkm2-deleted genotypes. Thus, the accelerating where PKM1 expression increases on Pkm exon 10 deletion effect of Pkm2 deletion on SmoA1-driven tumorigenesis was cell (31, 45). In Pkm2-deleted MEFs, increased PKM1 caused nucle- cKO autonomous. otide scarcity and cell-cycle arrest. However, Pkm2 CGNPs Like Pkm2-deleted CGNPs, Pkm2-deleted medulloblastoma expressed neither PKM isoform, showed decreased conversion cells expressed neither PKM2 (Fig. 7E) or PKM1 (Fig. 7F). of glucose to lactate and increased proliferation. Pkm2 deletion þ However, we noted scattered PKM1 cells within Pkm2-deleted also enhanced the growth of premalignant lesions and tumors – tumors (Fig. 7E000). These cells were consistently PCNA (Sup- in ND2:SmoA1 mice. These findings demonstrate that the cKO plementary Fig. S4) and were also found in Pkm2-intact tumors. absence of detectable PKM2 in Pkm2 mice increased devel- þ These nonproliferative, PKM1 cells may be entrapped neurons opmental proliferation and neural progenitor susceptibility to þ or differentiated progeny of tumor cells. Similar PKM1 stro- tumorigenesis. mal cells were previously observed in Pkm2-deleted breast The different effects of Pkm2 deletion in CGNPs and MEFs tumors (32). argue that proliferation is restricted by PKM1, rather than The slow process of tumor formation in ND2:SmoA1 mice enhanced by PKM2. We propose that high PK activity inhibits allowedustoanalyzetheeffectofPkm2 deletion on the growth SHH-driven proliferation and suppresses tumor formation. þ of premalignant lesions. We counted PCNA cells in cerebella Consistent with this model, splicing Pkm to PKM2 has a of ND2:SmoA1 mice with deleted or intact Pkm2, harvested at permissive effect on proliferation and abrogating PKM expres- þ either P60 or P120 and normalized the number of PCNA cells sion is more permissive. The finding that SHH/IGFR cosignal- to the total number of cells in each cerebellar section (Fig. 7G). ing increased CGNP PK activity is not necessarily inconsistent þ In controls, the median fraction of PCNA cells in the cere- with this model as growth factors are known to induce simul- bellum and the range of these values decreased over time, taneously both positive and negative regulation of proliferation consistent with a dynamic balance between growth and growth in primary cells. For example, SHH activation induces Patched suppression. In contrast, in Pkm2-deleted genotypes, the medi- (Ptc)expressioninCGNPs,whichnegativelyregulatesSHH þ an and range of PCNA fractions increased over time, consis- signaling (46, 47). Activating PKM2 may be a similar inhibitory tent with reduced growth suppression during the premalignant element within the normal regulation of SHH-induced growth period. Altogether, Pkm2 deletion increased SHH-driven CGNP in primary cells. proliferation during development, accelerated tumorigenesis in Our prior Hk2 deletion studies demonstrate that the initia- premalignant lesions in Smo-mutant mice, and increased the tion of glycolysis supports postnatal neurogenesis and sustains incidence of tumor formation from these lesions. the malignant growth of medulloblastomas. In contrast, our The more rapid progression of mouse tumors with Pkm2 current studies of Pkm2 deletion show that impeding the flow deletion was mirrored by a trend toward shorter survival in of glucose to lactate increases CGNP proliferation and accel- medulloblastoma patients with low PKM2 expression. We clas- erates medulloblastoma tumorigenesis. Together, these dele- sified SHH-subgroup medulloblastoma patients as having either tion studies show that the pathways through which glucose is high or low PKM2–expressing tumors and compared their clinical metabolized significantly influence the proliferative behavior outcomes. All patients were treated similarly with radiation and of undifferentiated cells. The divergent effects of Hk2 deletion chemotherapy. While not statistically significant, we found that versus Pkm2 deletion establish the glycolytic steps upstream of patients with low PKM2 expression trended toward shorter sur- PK as critical to supporting the proliferative phenotype of vival times (Fig. 7H). Together, these data confirm that PKM2 is neural progenitors and cognate tumors.

OF12 Cancer Res; 77(12) June 15, 2017 Cancer Research

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PKM Suppresses Medulloblastoma

Between the reactions catalyzed by HK2 and PKM2 are several tion (53, 54). A detailed understanding of how low PK activity reversible reactions that permit glycolytic intermediates to be promotes proliferation may produce novel clinical strategies to shunted toward biosynthetic processes. We and others have treat tumor growth. previously proposed that low flow downstream of PEP, achieved by preferentially splicing PKM to generate PKM2, may support Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest growth by diverting glycolytic intermediates away from lactate M.G. Vander Heiden has ownership interest (including patents) in Agios generation and toward the synthesis of macromolecules (2, 48, Pharmaceuticals and is a consultant/advisory board member for Agios Phar- fl 49). However, evidence for decreased lactate and increased anab- maceuticals and Aeglea Biotherapeutics. No potential con icts of interest were disclosed by the other authors. olism with Pkm2 deletion was lacking in Pkm2-deleted breast tumors (32) and MEFs (45). Recent work found that the direct Authors' Contributions incorporation of glucose carbons is a minor component of the Conception and design: K. Tech, A.P. Tikunov, M.G. Vander Heiden, biomass of proliferating cancer cells (50). Working with primary T.R. Gershon neural progenitors limited the amount of material for analysis Development of methodology: K. Tech, A.P. Tikunov, J. MacDonald, and thus the range of metabolites we could detect. However, we T.R. Gershon were able to detect 13C in extracellular lactate and in intracellular Acquisition of data (provided animals, acquired and managed patients, pro- glutamate and ribose. Pkm2 deletion decreased the incorporation vided facilities, etc.): K. Tech, A.P. Tikunov, J. Meidinger, T. Fish, A.J. Mungall, R.A. Moore, S.J.M. Jones, M.A. Marra, M.D. Taylor, J. MacDonald of glucose into lactate and glutamate, suggesting that that altering Analysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biostatistics, PEP metabolism redirects glucose carbons to different metabolic computational analysis): K. Tech, A.P. Tikunov, H. Farooq, A.S. Morrissy, fates. Pkm2 deletion did not produce a detectable effect on the T. Fish, S.C. Green, Y. Li, Y. Ma, S.J.M. Jones, M.D. Taylor, J. MacDonald, incorporation of glucose into ribose, suggesting that PPP flux is T.R. Gershon not the major destination of glucose carbons redirected by low PK Writing, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: K. Tech, A.P. Tikunov, activity. H. Farooq, T.R. Gershon Administrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or organizing Our 13C studies show that CGNPs lacking both PKM1 and data, constructing databases): K. Tech, J. Meidinger, H. Liu, Y. Li PKM2 can metabolize glucose to pyruvate, raising the question of Study supervision: K. Tech, T.R. Gershon what alternative pathway metabolizes PEP. We were not able to Other (provided unpublished (at the time) animals and had numerous detect changes in glycolytic intermediates that might indicate how discussions regarding data interpretation): M.G. Vander Heiden cKO PEP is processed in Pkm2 CGNPs. However, prior studies have shown that PKM2-expressing cells with low PK activity can Acknowledgments generate pyruvate by transferring the high-energy phosphate of We thank the UNC CGBID Histology Core, the UNC Tissue Pathology PEP to the enzyme PGAM1 (51). This phosphorylation activates Laboratory Core and UNC UCRF, and the UNC Neuroscience Center Confocal and Multiphoton Imaging facilities for providing expertise in immunohis- PGAM1, which may promote biosynthetic metabolism (52). If tochemistry and confocal imaging. PEP-PGAM1 phosphotransfer occurs in CGNPs, it may mediate the growth-promoting effect of PKM2 splicing that is enhanced by Grant Support Pkm2 deletion. UNC CGBID Histology Core was supported by P30 DK 034987 and the UNC Our work suggests that Pkm functions as a tumor suppressor. Tissue Pathology Laboratory Core was supported by NCI CA016086. K. Tech, Identifying Pkm as a tumor suppressor has profound implications J.M. Macdonald, and T.R. Gershon were supported by the National Institute of for aerobic glycolysis and may be effectively targeted in cancer Neurologic Disorder and Stroke (R01NS088219). K. Tech and T.R. Gershon treatment. Inhibiting PKM function as an anticancer therapy were supported by the American Institute for Cancer Research. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment would be counterproductive while drugs that increase PKM cat- of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement alytic activity may be of limited therapeutic value if tumors can in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. thrive with low PKM expression. The loss of tumor suppressor genes, however, may be targeted through alternative approaches Received December 15, 2016; revised February 20, 2017; accepted April 18, that require defining the consequent changes in pathway regula- 2017; published OnlineFirst May 17, 2017.

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Pyruvate Kinase Inhibits Proliferation during Postnatal Cerebellar Neurogenesis and Suppresses Medulloblastoma Formation

Katherine Tech, Andrey P. Tikunov, Hamza Farooq, et al.

Cancer Res Published OnlineFirst May 17, 2017.

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