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VOL. 20. VICTORIA, P.C., H A Tl l?l»AYv AVt.VST 5. 1800. NO. 131*. |j J 1 According to advice»- received at Poet aeeeee——•»—« I 1 Old LJ1 U |13W IVIX^ ^Townsend from. Washington the Rritish - ..... - ■ ■■ etnbas.iy has made a demand on thv sec Will Not Dominion LET ret try of state for the release of six’ Can The Price of Diamonds ssmjsbb»- Cerner Tates and Bonitas Sts. adian fishing vesatis recently seized near Blaine by Lieutenant Dunwoody. In com \\> haxe miiywltdxliy jl t.fuiUtfr •drix'* pf 51 ».mr cmU in th«\ price •f r-mmh diamond*. TV* difficulty of otUetnteg rough; dioiuoiKL*------------- —èr*n at the : FuAiished or unfurnished ... « ................... fnand of United States revenue launch. Back Down Revenue i nonuvHMly lucnwaed prfc-»n. “«nupriniug a «t*ne« of 8 i**r advance each ' The vessel» were kelzed for a violation of toooth fdurv .November last, la vuaalng great dlstraw in the rutting trade. NI net/-three Arma tu Antwerp have determined to dose tholr factorlea for u 96 rooms, exclusive of dining room, office, etc thq laws for Ashing In American waters. period. Thla h.i* occasioned «m< h dlnoontent among the workmen that they • The Investigation is now being made. now rvfuae to return to work without Ml Increase of wage» ami an eight- De/ey S tys United Çt tes Will Monthly Statement Shows That hour -day. Xhi« a a* resolved at *" meeting held at Kalscrshof attended by B.C. LAND <& INVESTnF.NT AGENCY, upward» of l.uuo workmen. It will vauae a still greater scarcity and uinkv 40 OOVERKNENT STREET. Whistling is anitl to, lw regarded as Be Supported by Britain . It is Still on the Up the mark»*! still more firm In price. In view of the Above we> are happy to violation of divine law by Icelanders. aey that upon Informât toil received we Umght nbou* $30.000 worth of dia Against Germany moud» before tin* Amt advance, and while rhey Last have decided to sell at Grade. the old price. *****4***«**jff ************ SKW ADVERTISEMENT*. The best ia the C CMA110NER 6 MITCHELL, lice dtjr. The Admiral Déclinas to Make Proposed Railway Lines A!c_g lK#* 1 Ar Any Explanttipa to Austrian Yukon Creeks- German Com 4’ JEWELLERS | * Cream Classe» | vl> Ï LIME TWO Government. pany’s Application. Soda Any flavor. JOHN COCHRANE, JUICE * A emulated Prvws.) (Hpeelnl to the Tlmes.)- WOMEN Paria, Aug 5.—A despatch to the Li- Ottawa, Aug. S.—The reyeoue ataten CHEMIST. bn* . Parole from St. Pierre Mi.ju* lon for the Dominion for the moiuh «*f July, Saturday, August 5th, 1899. « N.W Cerner Yates and Douglas Streets. ways «îor.riior Il.tchiti Silmtir ha* 1m*cb the first month of the fiscal yea-shows recalled. l'be reason for the recall ?e the revenue to have Increased 33&5.&13 over - IN W-vf gtren,--- -----»---- the same period of last year. J Let lis Fill Ymt Prescription. The same pajgp says that the Atia- Edward Jameé Cox, of Montreal n- Inian govenupent a*ke<l Atlmirnl Dewey graver, will apply next session for. a to egjilnin a NtHteinent -*ai«I to htrrw "divorce from his wife, Dame Maretta A-nn l*een hi rule hy hint Hint the next war of Westgate, on the ground of adultery i.nd KLONDIKE the Pnffetf Stab * would be with T*er- desertion. For Sale ala Bargain. By MARY E. HITCHCOCK. many and that flit- Ttiited State* would The Dcut»che^JbÜvii'jt.‘îk tit ■ 1L< halt is be kii|-pdrt •«! by firent To thl* t pplylng to parliament f..i i»«.v.« i i ti roomed hotwc and lot, Farquhar stiver, : n-jur.f. thn l.'hrr f-irrnh- nt* Attmïr.iI rul (; an.1 operate hy -T-nm . : r- p $700. “The book <>f the woek."J-Ne*r Dewey replied thit bf would d« ny no irl- Ity. or otherwise, a standard <-r u ir- * > E1 A bargain In bënse and hH, tirant street; York. Hentid. * 1 thing hriaW, and tfiereupnn advanced Q VlJ OF THE “An entertaining hoaluLlF-MoBt- row gauge railway from Duwson City. In Large lot autl 5 roomed cottage, Yatw the date of hi* departure Tram Trl»**te. the Yukon, along Bonanza creek nd street. offering very cheap, rvuJ Star. “Whnt 1’eofde want to know Is D«*wey at Xaple*. across the Dome to Dominion creek, «cov ifevera] smell house» to let. Just v tint the life Itwrtf 1* Mkc, and till* Mr*. I-!itcitc>R-k tell# u»."—Vic Naples. Aug. 5. -The I tuted States ering a distance of about fifty-five mile» Private fonde to loan at km rate*. Great Sale of Dry Goods toria eolimlst. cryim-r illympia. with Admiral Dewey on altogether, with power to build -br»m*h “Fill! »t fresh and fj»*1n*ttng In- I have several very cheap hrntsc* and lot* hoard; .iirriijed: tore thix meruiug. A* ihe lines and equip, operate and maintain •m Til nr ” Tv rwttt~ T*y yen Sannart ; LIME -lOMflL**-T||M| Times. ihi*m before pore he sing. «■nmwf i»sit ixp p g g |. Itihc-fi * rc 4TThe Westslde. PttlfFFSBLY ILLUSTRATED. P. C. NAC6RE60R, A teat, "JUICE exchanged. _. V IB (ÎOYBKXMKNT HTltBET. GofiLwH- of rb« Aral editbm. wfcbb IU LK SAMOA. 1* 1 seing rapidly exha weed, to Ik* ob This Great Shelf-Clearing Sale'will be continued to-day and Your Fire Iwmnmce «oiMted In the oM tained -only by *uih*oripibu». Tele WlMIl, this evening. Ladies who have not been able to attend the r«*IIaide **8UX.” phone or cell at *>rUmS hotrt, where It i* Probable that -a Governor Will lie . 1U.I L* uuw upML....... ' —■ Appiûuted l.v ti»** Three Fouie», A Wathicftoo Comspoâdeui'b Ut» Ruai:ate sale during the day should come out to-night and secure a H. W. TREAT. THOS. KIDDIE. (ASMM*tat«d Prefer.) Regai dies Sir Wilirld Lauiirr Preeptly few of the many bargains we are offering. Free.. Trw * and ‘-That they all »iy le let» ivIL 21. tiendrai M nager. Sun Frauebu-Ql Aug. 5.-The *tearner Ueakd. li-iiigkoug kart» bring» the Hlow-ng edvlcew from Honolulu dated July h; Everything marked at prices to fairly push the goods all Hudson’s | TWO LECTURES The I.'nitid State» *tenm*hip Barber, tA a*o« la 11 d Pr«W8. ) • over the city. We must make room for heavy fall purchases g I OS THE bearing two of the three SaiHnnn- com* Washington, Xug. ô.--F. W. ’ mi*sionrr*. arrived in pot! op Wednes- riek, of rtit* treasury »b-t arttut ut. ira» -«it— now on the way.. «• ï 9t day. July L'Ulh, eight «lay* from Apia, »-n -turmd -ter AVashington trotir....r- Unity of the Church route t«> San Fraacineo. Ou k»iard are whi rr, hv wvu* at the instauw ot the VAN ANDA Bay Hun. Bartlett Tripp, Vulted State* Will be dell ree d at the committee of vitiecus of Chicago JQ e.miniiwioiier. and . Baron Von St* in- ^ COPPER & GOLD CO. A.O.U.W HAIl, VA1E6 ST. charge of the c««n*Uiuuie»^jil iaj u>u the The " Co., Ld. l»erg, representative r»f Germany. Mr, ctftarr stouv of .th.ic city - gn at « st -BY- Company G, N. F. Elliott. ço«uiii*»ioner for office bpiMing next t)ct«*U*r by MriUJif »sikd via New Zealand and 3îcKîujey, lo arrange for the fumiui Purchasers^ Smelters ! HR. CITHBERÏ IÀÏTW» Australia for I*oudon, to report direct : ) ittitiim an«l expected iicct-Mall^ Of, , L OF CATii, CNGLAML i« l*w Kitvemjment -or- - invitation from Chicago’s citizens to thi- I 1 On the following t*vtduga. cammwndTng Tfiv latter day* of the Whelewle Distributary Agents. *1 8 o*«dpck p. m. ‘‘.JT i :‘,,l“D,'r?un <jovtvnor-G,»rxgl ami «ab-vt of C # stay in Samoa were i,m <,,iti,ni,7„ry "o ad“ to ta I be AatirMf.. Coppcr and Copper-Gold Ores Tuesday, August B|h - pyiitkai organisation satisfactory to WW'«Sffj nnunT’' “Tin r.< ..r • v .iH- and which t i. W‘t., Trial* and Plmcnltlesr The fNitllhg «rt.mcft.rH, to an | cdk-cmcd -«*>“•« *« «lie bwhhag. Filtered Water. NEW AUVIKTISkMkm. ami Ihwlhiy of Fhrlstlahs." ««.1er .he tripartite tr-at,. A whCm, ' . Tv‘\*■'?! '? 1 T" rtfxr*mtn'yt Woits at Van Amla, Texada island, B.C. Thuratlay, August lOtb - ... ad-nHcl. The mcbcra. ...werer, I ?c that hi, olb. ..! rw-çM -u at/ PuH and wholesome; our stock, lr the Rates on application. WANTBD-CHd copper nresa. sine. load, r.d..«d to .talc it. particular, outil .c- : «JT I5.1îd.,,‘u,,<*ll,el w" ‘,,*fcîS1-rt‘S’, Mtuft; JM old or stale good*, lievawe we w-rwp Iron/rope, canvn* and s*ek*; high SFBJWT--,yrhe ratty of the Vhutvh furred to their rcapc-Ur, r.,,c„„u.„t.. 1 S,r l-»«ricr very candidly HI- have a M to cover them. r«* Tea In the Cash paid on statement of assays. eet prices g’vcn. A|iply Victoria Juua Xetvw*an f<«r the FnUEro»*n< of Ageuvy, SO Store wi r»-t?i. B. Aarons >ii. ; God"* I*urpow« In Oiling and- En luit they have give. ,mt that Sam.,a will 1 ™« l'im th« umlcr thc l.r.-cct aMd.laum water. Tfg Oar Golden Blend at 40c. anti Agent. 2.U0O potato sacks and LBOO coal dowing Hrc.". iu future he rilled hy a whit, «wmer.