Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1996 Daily Egyptian 1996 2-7-1996 The Daily Egyptian, February 07, 1996 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 81, Issue 88 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1996 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1996 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Inside: Information Technology to. give student-~-~ganizations:~}~d ·computers~=::• __:,>a:se 3 •1.- 13····.~, .. , .. ·.":,-~·;.:\:';.,,,.,::;:1;;•'" .. a·· e 'a1 . .··-. i,Y.]·.·i_'.~t. _-_--_---.--.f-.tlj.-_::.-_:··. ...-~:----·-.··;_-~.-_:_~. _--.~.:-_·-i;·;·.:·-'_,._-.·~.;:·-_.r_i , 1996.. T· - .,, Southern Illinois Universityn at Carbondale ' ~ ~·;;;L~i;~tt~w~:i~~. - : Groups burying hatchet USG, RHA try to mend relationship in wake of dispute By Si;;ne K. Skinion Daily Egyptian Reporter Above: Andrew Cameron chases ducks across a frozen Cnmpr1s Lake Tuesday afternoon. Ct1111eron took a stroll across tlie lake with Iris fatllcr and Effons to improve the relationship brother. (Photo by B. A11to11io E.) Rigllt: Steve of the Residence Hall Association and the Undergraduate Student Albert, a senior in e11gi11eeri11g a11d geology from Government are beine made follow Soutlrem llli11ois, skates 011 Campus Lake Tliesday ing recent controve~y between the aftemoon. He /rad 110 classes, so lte decided to work two organizations. members of both out and freshe11 up lzis skating skills. (Pfioto by groups say. Shirley Gioia.) RHA. USli and Univer,itv Housing officials mer Tuesclay night io discu~~ how a recent USG reso lution, which called for the removal oi iwo Hou~ing officials and stated Police: Frozen lake 1ha1 RHA is not properly represent ing the students.