Regional Cultural Identity and Stakeholder Mapping Report

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Regional Cultural Identity and Stakeholder Mapping Report Ref. Ares(2018)4283410 - 17/08/2018 MIREU ● Regional Cultural Identity and Stakeholder Mapping Report REGIONAL CULTURAL IDENTITY AND STAKEHOLDER MAPPING REPORT D4.1 Deliverable 07/08/2018 Diego Murguia1 & Günter Tiess1 1 MinPol, Agency for International Mineral Policy, Austria Pamela Lesser2 2 Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Finland Gregory Poelzer3 3 Luleå University of Technology, Sweden This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 776811. Topic: H2020-SC5-2017 MIREU ● Regional Cultural Identity and Stakeholder Mapping Report Dissemination level PU Public X CO Confidential, only for the members of the consortium (including the Commission services) Deliverable administration D4.1 Regional Cultural Identity and Stakeholder Mapping No & name Report Status Final Due M7 Date 2018-08-07 Author(s) Diego Murguia & Günter Tiess, MinPol; Pamela Lesser, LAY; Gregory Poelzer, LTU Description of Task 4.1 Establishing the SLO Framework (MinPol) M1-M6 the related task Three different pillars are addressed in this task: and the 1. The European pillar in which the different regional cultural features (historical deliverable. context of mining and metallurgy, cultural heritage, economic integration and Extract from transition), and the likely actors and partners in a SLO process within the respective DoA regions, will all be mapped. 2. The global pillar where there will be a review of the existing international guidance on facilitating public consultation and SLO, i.e. ICMM’s 10 Principles of Sustainable Development; the Global Reporting Initiative; guidance pertaining to SLO and sustainability by funding organisations such as the World Bank, IFC, and IMF; UN declarations; ILO recommendations and other guidance developed outside Europe, e.g. in Australia, Canada, USA and Chile. Included in the global pillar will also be a review of the role professional ecologic movements and global environmental activists play in mining and metallurgy projects. 3. The conceptual pillar, where the most recent academic and grey literature will be reviewed and summarised so that the latest SLO conceptual thinking is communicated with the relevant stakeholders. Participants MinPol, GKZ ,LTU, LAY, ENAMI and participating regions Comments V Date Authors Description 1 17-08-2018 DM, GT, v1.0 (Final version) PL, GP This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 776811. Topic: H2020-SC5-2017 MIREU ● Regional Cultural Identity and Stakeholder Mapping Report About MIREU The project MIREU aims to establish a network of mining and metallurgy regions across Europe with a view to ensure the sustained and sustainable supply of mineral raw materials to the EU. The network will help the regions to share knowledge and experiences when facing the challenge to establish and maintain an extractive industry. MIREU will facilitate an exchange between all interested stakeholders in the regions, namely regulatory authorities, political and administrative bodies, development agencies, mining companies, non-government organisations, as well as the general public. The project will develop a shared knowledge base, taking into account the region-specific geographic and economic features, cultural, societal and language diversity, and their historical developments. The network will also learn from experience in other regions of the World. This knowledge base will allow to understand what has been conducive and what hampering to the development of extractive and metallurgical industries. It will also provide the context for a bottom-up integration of these activities into their respective socio-economic and socio-cultural context. Development is about people and, therefore, bringing people into the decision-finding procedure in order to achieve a ‘social license to operate’ will be a key aspect of the project. Guidelines and recommendations for actions to be taken to foster a sustained and sustainable development of the extractive industries will be developed in close co-operation with a range of selected regions from the European Union. These regions will form a nucleus and multipliers for a more extensive network beyond the life-time of the project. Partners This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 776811. Topic: H2020-SC5-2017 MIREU ● Regional Cultural Identity and Stakeholder Mapping Report Acronyms and abbreviations CD Community development CDA Community development agreement CSO Civil society organisation CSR Corporate social responsibility EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative EU European Union FPIC Free, prior and informed consent ICMM International Council on Minerals and Metals IFC International Finance Corporation IIED International Institute for Environment and Development LU Land use MMSD Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development NGO Non-governmental organisation PEST Political, economic, socio-cultural and technological SDG Sustainable Development Goals SLO Social licence to operate SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises MIREU ● Regional Cultural Identity and Stakeholder Mapping Report Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... i 2. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 3. Objectives, scope and methodology ................................................................................. 2 4. The Global Pillar ............................................................................................................... 6 4.1 Conceptual overview ................................................................................................................... 6 4.1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 6 4.1.2 Governance ...................................................................................................................... 7 4.1.3 Public Acceptance ........................................................................................................... 9 4.1.4 SLO definitions ............................................................................................................. 13 4.2 Review of drivers according to literature and existing models ................................................. 16 4.3 Working global SLO framework ............................................................................................... 19 4.3.1 Multi-scale variables ..................................................................................................... 20 4.3.2 Local scale variables ..................................................................................................... 21 4.4 Role of professional ecologic and environmental movements .................................................. 33 5. The European Pillar ........................................................................................................ 36 5.1 ANDALUCIA, SPAIN .............................................................................................................. 36 5.1.1 Historic legacies and contemporary regional context .................................................... 36 5.1.2 Political landscape and legislative framework .............................................................. 36 5.1.3 Economic effects and influences ................................................................................... 37 5.1.4 Research capacity .......................................................................................................... 38 5.1.5 Socio-cultural dimension ............................................................................................... 38 5.1.6 Stakeholder perspectives ............................................................................................... 38 5.1.7 Sources of conflict ......................................................................................................... 39 5.1.8 Technological impacts and opportunities ...................................................................... 39 5.2 CASTILLA y LEÓN ................................................................................................................. 39 5.2.1 Historic legacies and contemporary regional context .................................................... 39 5.2.2 Political landscape and legislative framework .............................................................. 40 5.2.3 Economic effects and influences ................................................................................... 40 5.2.4 Research capacity .......................................................................................................... 41 5.2.5 Socio-cultural dimension ............................................................................................... 41 5.2.6 Sources of conflict ......................................................................................................... 41 5.2.7 Technological impacts and opportunities ...................................................................... 42 5.3 CORNWALL, UK ....................................................................................................................
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