The Granary West Mill Street Perth PH1 5QP Tel: 01738 493 942 By email to
[email protected] Nick Groom A9 Dualling Team Transport Scotland Major Transport Infrastructure Projects Buchanan House 58 Port Dundas Road Glasgow, G4 0HF Your ref: 2140003/SM/MP/KS Dear Sir A9 Dualling Programme: Perth to Inverness Tay Crossing to Ballinluig: Preferred Route Public Exhibitions 1. Introduction Thank you for your letter dated 27 January and the notice of the public exhibitions concerning the Tay Crossing to Ballinluig section of the Dualling Programme. As we are unable to attend the exhibitions, we provide initial observations below, based on our assessment of the options. Please note that our contact details have changed and future correspondence should be addressed to David Gibson, CEO, at the above address, email
[email protected] Mountaineering Scotland is the only recognised representative organisation for hill walkers, climbers, mountaineers and ski-tourers who live in Scotland or who enjoy Scotland’s mountains, and acts to represent, support and promote Scottish mountaineering. Mountaineering Scotland also acts on behalf of the BMC (British Mountaineering Council) on matters related to landscape and access in Scotland, and provides training and information to mountain users to promote safety, self-reliance and the enjoyment of our mountain environment. These notes have been prepared in relation to the advertisement of public exhibitions to be held on 15th and 16th February 2017, following the announcement of the Preferred Corridor and Route Decision on 5th December 2016. The purpose of these exhibitions is to give local communities and road users the opportunity to see and comment on the outcome of the route option assessment work and the preferred option for the Tay Crossing to Ballinluig dualling project - part of the A9 Dualling Programme.