
August 31, 2017 Volume 97 Number 03 www.duqsm.com PROUDLY SERVING OUR CAMPUS SINCE 1925 Towers SGA hosts ‘Check’ing out student clubs book loan residents program placed in temporary Raymond Arke news editor rooms Purchasing textbooks is often one of every college student’s least Kaye Burnet favorite activities. They tend to be staff writer expensive and often little used. However, Duquesne’s Student Unlike most Duquesne Towers res- Government Association (SGA) is idents, Cody Collins has a double sink offering students a better option. in his room. The SGA’s textbook loan pro- “It definitely wasn’t what I ex- gram offers students the opportu- pected [when I moved in],” he said nity to borrow their books for free with a laugh. from Gumberg Library. The li- Collins, a Duquesne football brary has a variety of books avail- player and graduate student in able for students, many of which the business school, is temporarily cover the Common Core classes. living in a kitchenette on the fifth Christie Kliewer, outreach and floor of the Duquesne Towers Liv- communications librarian at ing Learning Center. Gumberg, said that the collection “Honestly, I’m just happy to be contains 19 titles with “more on here [at Duquesne],” Collins said. “I the way.” She said that students can’t really complain.” can find the books by asking a li- Collins, who completed his un- brary employee at the 4th Floor dergraduate degree at Marshall Uni- Circulation desk. versity, was a late addition to the Kliewer believes the loan program Duquesne football team roster this is important for students since it fits year. He’s staying in the kitchenette what Duquesne is all about. until Saturday, when he’ll be moving “SGA and the Gumberg Library Kailey Love/Photo Editor are passionate about this initiative Two students play chess at the Chess Club’s table on A-Walk during the Duquesne Expo that featured many student groups. see TOWERS — page 2 because it exemplifies our univer- sity Mission of ‘serving God by serving others,’” she said. President of SGA Olivia Erick- City project to improve Uptown continues son said the little-known service has been around for a few years. The plans to reduce the crime “I think the project was a great Hallie Lauer in this area include ways to remap initiative when it was started layout editor streets to be safer for pedestrians by about two years ago by President- In the fall of 2015, be- adding more crosswalks and a bik- Emeritus John Foster,” she said. came the first in the country to in- ing lane; creating greener infrastruc- Stephen O’Brien is the Vice troduce a plan to become a more tures that can help collect rainwater President of Academic Affairs, efficient and safer city. The specific and prevent flooding and using the who oversees the program. communities targeted for renovation vacant land to better the community “These textbooks are being are Uptown and West Oakland. by planting community gardens and used in 24 courses where there Titled the EcoInnovation District, creating safe playgrounds for chil- are over 4,000 students enrolled. the city’s plans hope for the neigh- dren. The UCOR textbooks are utilized borhoods to become, “an area dedi- Another part of these plans is to across all sections,” he said. cated to sustainability, innovative help attract investment to the area by Erickson believes that offering development practices and inclusive revitalizing the community. The in- this to students is a crucial aspect job growth.” vestments could help Uptown since of what SGA does. The overarching goal is to make currently 23 percent of the commu- “This is an important cause Uptown safer and to bring in more Kailey Love/Photo Editor nity contains vacant buildings, while for SGA because we are able to business to create a more economi- A photo shows a mural in the Uptown neighborhood. Uptown is slated to be the site another 12 percent is surface parking, aid students in their education cally thriving community. In a study of numerous improvements with the EcoInnovation project, which DU is assisting. according to the study completed for and hopefully enhance their done by the University of Washing- the EcoInnovation project and ac- Duquesne experience. We ex- ton in 2016, it was shown that cleaner Pittsburgh Police, it has been shown crimes and a 17 percent drop in cording to the University of Wash- ist to address student needs and areas with more businesses tend to that while crime rates overall in Pitts- murders in the last year, Up- ington study, “cleaning up vacant lots have lower crime rates. burgh have been steadily declining, town and West Oakland are still see UPTOWN — page 11 see BOOKS — page 3 According to the reports done by with a 12 percent drop in violent a crime hot-spot. opinions features sports a & e Follow us on... Controversy Then Football ‘Hitman’s at FOX and Now Preview Bodyguard’ Tomi Lahren is join- How student pub- Everything you The movie is as ing . lications have and should know, plus an cheesy Be afraid ... haven’t changed ... exclusive with A.J. as they come ... Hines ... @theduquesneduke PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7-8 PAGE 9 2 THEDUQUESNEDUKE

POLICE briefs Temp housing puts students in kitchenettes TOWERS — from page 1 Anthony Kane told him the key Greeting youngins, Grandpa PB was still being made. here. You pestering kids just can’t to an apartment off campus. “At this point, I still thought I was take a week off. These past few For transfer students or stu- going to have a real room,” Key said, days were chock full of shenani- dents who are late admissions, “But then I got off the elevator [in gans and meddling. Back in my temporary housing is often part of Towers] on my floor, and I saw the day, there was never any of that. the move-in process at Duquesne. sign said ‘kitchenette.’” Looks like the temptations of the In the past, students have spent The room had two beds devil water proved too much for short stays in Assumption Hall crammed inside, with less than this student. On Aug. 22, a 19-year- lounges, Towers kitchenettes, three feet of space between them, old female Duquesne student was or “forced triples” and “forced and a set of drawers under each found intoxicated in the Towers quads,” the terms students use for bed. Key shared the space with a lobby. A state citation was issued rooms with three or four students roommate for a day and a half be- and the case was given to the Of- squeezed inside. Usually, these liv- fore being moved to permanent fice of Student Conduct. ing arrangements don’t last long, Kaye Burnet/Photo Editor housing. Throughout the experi- according to Dan Cangilla, the as- A look into a student’s temporary housing in the Towers LLC. A few students had ence, he kept a cheery outlook. Also on Aug. 22, there were to live in kitchenettes while more permenant solutions were being made for them. two reports of damage to cars in sistant director of Residence Life. “I was just grateful to be ac- Locust Garage. One student saw “This year, the majority of students cepted [to Duquesne] and to an unknown assailant hit her car in temporary housing were relocated August, he knew he would be staying journalism major Cameron Key, have the scholarship that I have,” before leaving. Looks like “hit- before the start of classes,” Cangilla in temporary housing initially. temporary housing came as more Key said. “I’m a positive person. and-run.” At my age, I wish I explained. “I only moved some of my stuff of a surprise. As a late-to-enroll I thought it was funny, actually, could still run. Phil Vandegrift was one of those [into the kitchenette] because I transfer student from Edinbor- but I could tell it wasn’t going to Aug. 22 was certainly the day students re-housed during freshmen knew it was going to be tempo- ough, Key thought he might be be funny if I was still there when for miscreants. A student reported orientation week. A freshman educa- rary,” Vandegrift explained. He placed in temporary housing, so classes started. I like to study in his bike stolen from a bike rack in tion major, Vandegrift shared a Tow- was moved onto the second floor he called the Office of Residence my room, and that just wasn’t Duquesne Square. ers kitchenette with a roommate for of Assumption Hall the next day Life a few days before move-in. possible.” At Duquesne, the Mayweather/ the first night of orientation week. when an open room was found. “And the lady I talked to told me But now, Key says, he has a funny McGregor fight was held a few days Vandegrift, from Butler county, Vandegrift had a few words ‘We found permanent housing for story to tell. early. On August 22, two students originally planned to attend the Uni- of advice for any other students you!’ so that’s what I was expecting,” “I would tell people about my were involved in a physical alter- versity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown who might find themselves in un- he explained. room, and they would say, ‘Wow cation in Fisher Hall. Duquesne but made a last-minute switch to orthodox campus housing. However, when he arrived on that’s so cool, you have a kitch- Police issued both “Rocky” imita- Duquesne, where his older sister is al- “Be patient,” Vandegrift said. “Res- Aug. 15 for move-in, there was no enette!’ and I’d be like, ‘No, my tors a citation for harassment and ready a student. Since he didn’t sub- idence Life is doing what they can.” room key available for him. Key room IS a kitchenette!’” Key said, referred the case to the Office of mit his paperwork to Duquesne until For sophomore multiplatform said Towers Resident Director laughing. Student Conduct. On Aug. 23, a Duquesne student reported receiving threats from another fellow student. The case was given to the Office of Student DU plans to celebrate the history of radio Conduct. Teens were at it again with the wacky tabacky on Aug. 23. Resi- Josiah Martin dence Life smelled marijuana staff writer coming from a room in Towers and an administrative search found a small amount of marijuana. Four The story of radio began here in students were sent to the Office of Pittsburgh, with the first commer- Student Conduct. cial radio broadcast in the country On Aug. 24, Duquesne Police from Pittsburgh’s own KDKA in were called to Brottier, where Res- 1920. As the nation approaches idence Life had found marijuana the 100th anniversary of this mile- paraphernalia. One student was stone, is referred to the Office of Student playing a role in the celebration. Conduct. The university announced that Also on Aug. 24, a student in As- the Pennsylvania Department of sumption reported their bookbag Education has provided a $124,219 missing. However, it was in the grant to Duquesne to preserve and Lost and Found, and the theft case organize the National Museum of was unfounded. And I thought it Broadcasting’s (NMB) massive was you spry, young students who collection of material relating to should have the better memory. the history of radio broadcasting. Campus Police were called to The NMB, at the moment, is a Kailey Love/Photo Editor Pittsburgh-based initiative look- Brottier to break up a party on WDSR is Duquesne’s student-run online radio channel. Duquesne received a grant to partner with the National Museum of Aug. 24. Residence Life found a ing to build a permanent museum Broadcasting, which is based in Pittsburgh, to help preserve the history of radio. The first national broadcast was from KDKA. small amount of marijuana in the in the city to celebrate its ties to room, and Campus Police found the history of radio. this effort, preparing the collec- ing’s history and influence, which known as WDUQ and affiliated an intoxicated female student. The As a part of this plan, they have tion for display as an exhibit at White is hoping will bring atten- with Duquesne, notes that the be- case was referred to the Office for amassed a large assortment of Duquesne during the 2020 cen- tion to the university. ginning of radio marked the first Student Conduct. writings and recordings relevant tennial celebration of that first “Duquesne University will have time that the whole nation could Saturday, an intoxicated stu- to this history. Up until now, these commercial broadcast. some of the key historic docu- receive information at once. dent in front of Towers was trans- materials have been locked away “This exhibit will ... highlight ments that will be of national and “It was the first mass communi- ported to Mercy Hospital. The in storage, unavailable to the pub- the role that radio has played in global interest to scholars, stu- cation method that became avail- case was given to the Office of Stu- lic and largely unorganized. That’s the development of communica- dents and ordinary citizens inter- able to everyone,” said Abraham. dent Conduct. where Duquesne comes in. tion and mass culture in America.” ested in the birth and history of “It used to take days for that kind “The Duquesne University Ar- White says that President Ken radio,” he said. of information to get across the chives is working with the NMB to Gormley “responded positively” to Some feel that radio broadcast- country.” EmailTips arrange, preserve, catalog and de- the NMB’s proposal that the uni- ing’s influence is still greatly felt While mass communication has You can send your tips and scribe papers, recordings and oth- versity help with this project. With in today’s world. Dale Abraham, spread and evolved far beyond story ideas to News Editor er material,” said Thomas White, the planned exhibit, radio enthu- co-host of “Rhythm Sweet & Hot” what was possible in the early days Raymond Arke at arker@ Duquesne University archivist. siasts and historians will be able to on WESA, Pittsburgh’s public duq.edu. White will play a major role in appreciate and explore broadcast- radio station that was formerly see RADIO— page 11

August 31, 2017 News THEDUQUESNEDUKE 3 DU student national champ in comp sci Death toll

Zach Landau level, and I said, ‘Sure, I’ll do it,’ rises from a&e editor because why not?” Despite his prior victory, Ber- In an opportunity of a lifetime, dik was still excited to win this Harvey Duquesne computer science student past summer. David Berdik seized victory at the “I thought that maybe the second AP - Authorities say they have Phi Beta Lambda National Leader- time around, it would feel a lot less confirmed six more deaths from ship Conference competition, net- exciting,” Berdik said. “But it really Harvey, bringing the toll to at ting first place in the computer con- doesn’t. It’s still kind of amazing.” least 31. cepts category. Berdik joked that many stu- Harris County - which is home Berdik, a sophomore in the liberal dents would miss Phi Beta to flood-ravaged Houston - con- arts school, beat out 27 other students Lambda if it wasn’t for their high firmed the additional deaths at the national event held in Ana- Wednesday night and said they heim, California. The July 25 com- school teachers encouraging them to join FBLA. still needed to do autopsies on an- petition involved an hour-long exam other eight people to see if their “The people who were on the trip period consisting of a 100-question deaths were storm-related. with me from Duquesne [had a] test. Topics on it included program- The deaths announced Wednes- teacher that knew you were really ming and scripting languages, such day included a man who stepped interested in whatever and told you, as Java, C++ and HTML, and other on live electrical wire in flood- Courtesy of David Berdik ‘Take this test,’ and you said no 55 similar subjects like networking and waters and an evacuee who was times,” Berdik said. “And then you terminology. David Berdik, pictured here, won the Phi Beta Lambda National Leadership com- found unresponsive on a charter eventually give in … and you turn This was not the first time that Ber- petition for the computer concepts category. This was his second national award. bus. Most of the other deaths out to like it. And you move on to dik won a competition hosted by Phi were drownings. college, and you do it there, too, be- Beta Lambda. It was then that Klugh encouraged “I was too busy with my actual com- Houston officials say they are cause you liked it in high school.” In 2015, Berdik competed as a high Berdik to compete in the FBLA com- puter science classes at Duquesne,” working to resume various city op- Despite being housed in the school student in the Future Business petition, which he refused to do for Berdik said. “So, when I took the test erations now that the flood waters Leaders of America’s competition for “two -to- three months.” at the state level, I was not actually as business school and being a from Tropical Depression Harvey desktop application programming. “[Klugh’s insistence] started to get prepared as I wanted to be.” business-oriented group, Berdik have begun to recede. In that event, students were tasked annoying,” Berdik joked. “And I was Berdik was shocked when he would still encourage any student Bus service and the city’s light with designing a program to monitor like, ‘Alright, fine, I’ll do it.’” learned he qualified to move on to to join Phi Beta Lambda. rail system are set to resume on a the intake of and the cost-of-care for “Turns out I got really into it, and I nationals. “Even if you’re not in the busi- limited basis starting on Thursday. shelter animals. really enjoyed it,” he continued. “I did not attend the [state] ness school, there’s something The city’s trash collection service Berdik’s high school teacher Lisa The entire Phi Beta Lambda com- conference in person,” Berdik there for you. You don’t neces- resumed on Wednesday with heavy Klugh encouraged Berdik to compete petition has been something of a sur- said. “So I actually found out sarily have to be in the business trash pickup. Regular trash pickup in the FBLA competition. The two prise for Berdik. through email from one of the school, or be interested in busi- for the city was set to resume on met in a “failed” mobile-app design Before competing at the national members that I placed first at the ness, to be involved with it,” Ber- Thursday. club, but Berdik later took her web level, Berdik first had to earn a posi- state level. And they asked me if dik said. “It was just as beneficial Most city employees are not set design course. tion in a qualifying exam. I wanted to do it at the national for me as anyone else.” to return to work until Tuesday. Book loans offered SGA Budget for the 2017-18 School Year Reporting By Raymond Arke Graphic By Zach Landau, Josiah Martin news editor a&e editor, staff writer

Kailey Love/Photo Editor A stack of books in Gumberg Library. SGA is running a program where students can borrow textbooks they need for free. This allows students to save on book costs.

BOOKS — from page 1 “I would not want to risk [the text- book] being out of stock,” he said. textbook use and cost will always Even though some students are be a concern for students. So I skeptical, Erickson thinks that, with find it practical for us to help more publicity, the program will bridge that gap,” she said. grow as students understand the Some students could use the fi- option. She’s happy that the choice nancial help the program offers. of books being offered is expanding. Dayton Kessler, sophomore fi- “I’m extremely pleased to be able nance major, spent around $500 to expand the existing collection with The total amount appropriated was $81,484. on textbooks this semester. The books from common courses and amount is “obviously high,” but those that can often have a high cost Kessler felt that he uses the text- associated with them,” she said. For more information regarding the SGA Budget, books enough to justify the costs. “Student use of the book loan pro- “Oddly, I’m ok with it,” he gram has been minimal since it be- contact one of the SGA Executive Board members laughed. gan, and I hope to see a significant Yet, Kessler felt he wouldn’t use increase this year in student use and at [email protected] the lending service in the future. awareness of the program.” 4 Opinions THEDUQUESNEDUKE staff 113 College Hall editorial 600 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15282 Showing support

editorial staff vital in light of Hurricane Harvey editor-in-chief Leah Devorak news editor Raymond Arke destruction opinions editor Shivani Gosai In the wake of the destruction features editor Ollie Gratzinger a&e editor Zach Landau left by Hurricane Harvey, the worst sports editor Adam Lindner rainstorm in United States history, photo editor Kailey Love there are many ways Duquesne asst. photo editor Bryanna McDermott students can aid in the relief of the layout editor Hallie Lauer Houston area – and with more than just sympathetic tweets. administrative staff One great way to help is through adviser Bobby Kerlik the university’s crowdfunding cam- ad manager Madison Pastrick paign. Announced by President email us: [email protected] Gormley yesterday, the money raised will be sent directly to Spiritans in the Houston area for distribution to those in need, an easy and reliable way to help out. (The donation page can be found at duq.edu/harvey.) Other great options for donating are the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund Life is more or from Houston Mayor Sylvester Turn- er, the Houston Food Bank, the Texas less a lie, but Diaper Bank and the American Red Cross. If considering other organiza- Cartoon by Leah Devorak then again, tions for donations, the website Char- ity Navigator is useful to help make that’s exactly sure your money is actually going to the viewpoint the proper place. So yes, the choices of how to act are the way we MTV Music Video Awards show support for social justice many. But as for the choice of whether This past Sunday, MTV held “They say I look like a boy or I’m are all born equal, but we are not to act, there is none. We at Duquesne want it to be. the annual Video Music Awards too masculine or I have too many treated equally. And that is why we must do something to help, for, as hosted by Katy Perry. The show opinions, my body is too strong.” must fight. We must fight for the members of this country, it is our TBob Dylan itself was a boring disaster, with she said, “We don’t change. We equality of every man, woman and duty to come to the aid of our fellow no help from Perry’s terrible jokes take the gravel and the shell and child regardless of race, religion, citizens in this terrible time of need. on topics like the Fyre Festival we make a pearl. And we help oth- color, creed and sexual orienta- As Gormley said in his crowdfund- You just read Now tweet and fidget spinners. The show was er people to change so they can see tion,” he said. ing announcement, there is a direct our thoughts. us yours. carried by a few highlights, such more kinds of beauty.” The show took a very political connection between Duquesne and as exceptional performances by Undeniably the most powerful turn when Reverend Robert Lee the area devastated by Harvey. Not @TheDuquesneDuke stars like Kendrick Lamar and performance on stage that night IV, a descendent of the Confederate only do we have students from the Miley Cyrus, and multiple state- was when Logic performed his hit general Robert E. Lee, whose statue Houston area, but more than 250 ments by artists on various social “1-800-273-8255,” an emotional motivated the unrest in Charlottes- alumni are also living in coastal Texas injustices. song on the struggles of suicide, ville, was introduced to the stage. regions. These friends of the campus Paris Jackson, daughter of “King with Alessia Cara and Kha- “We have made my ancestor an community need our support and editorial of Pop” Michael Jackson, made lid. Before the perfor- idol of white supremacy, racism help, as they are in dire situations. an appearance to present the mance, Kesha said and hate. As a pastor, it is my moral But it’s not just those related to award for Best Pop Video. a few words on duty to speak out against racism, Duquesne who we should be assist- policy During her speech, she ad- the meaning be- America’s original sin,” he said. ing. Presently, there is an unknown number of Americans stranded in The Duquesne Duke is the student- dressed the events in Char- hind the song Susan Bro, the mother of Heath- written, student-managed newspaper lottesville and denounced and assured er Heyer, spoke after Reverend waist-deep floodwaters, waiting to of Duquesne University. It is published white supremacists. those that are Lee. She announced the scholar- be rescued and given shelter, food, every Thursday during the academic “Leave here tonight struggling ship foundation being created in potable water, dry clothes, a place year except during semester breaks and to get clean and everything else that holidays, and prior to final exams. The remembering that we with mental her daughter’s name. The Heather Staff Editorial is based upon the opin- must show these Nazi illness that Heyer Foundation will be a “non- we are now taking for granted as we ions of the editors of The Duke and does white supremacist jerks “none of us profit organization that will provide read, safe, sound and dry. not necessarily reflect the views of the in Charlottesville, and are alone”. scholarships to help more people Current political differences and so- students, faculty, administration, stu- cial issues within the United States are dent government or the University pub- all over the country, that “We all have join Heather’s fight against hatred.” lications board. Op-ed columns do not as a nation — with ‘liberty’ struggles, and as While the VMA’s were lacking causing a terrible reaction of “that’s- reflect the opinions of The Duke, but as our slogan — we have zero long as you never give in excitement, it made up in its what-you-get” attitudes toward this rather are the sole opinions of the col- tolerance for their violence, up on yourself, efforts to raise awareness. Had crisis situation. From umnists themselves. Shivani Gosai tweeting that “it’s God’s punishment their hatred, and their dis- opinions editor light will break those emotional statements not Letters policy crimination,” she said. “We through the dark- been made, the show would have for Houston electing a lesbian mayor” Letters to the editor must be typed, must resist.” ness,” she said. been ultimately ruined by Perry’s to a University of Tampa professor double-spaced and include the writ- tweeting that Harvey is “instant Kar- er’s name, school/department and P!nk accepted the MTV Video The title of the single is the “woke” jokes and general cringe- phone number for verification. Letters Vanguard award this year, but it number for the National Suicide worthy stage presence. I applaud ma” for Texas voting for Trump, the should be no longer than 300 words was her speech that really made an Prevention Lifeline. The lifeline’s the MTV Video Music Awards blaming of Texas on both sides of the and should be delivered to The Duke impact that night. During her ac- Director of Communications for making one of their major spectrum is so ridiculous and imma- office at 113 College Hall or e-mailed ture, it’s almost unbelievable. to [email protected] by 5 p.m. ceptance speech, she told a story Frances Gonzalez told Billboard themes this year to resist social Tuesday. The editors reserve the right of her 6 year-old daughter feel- that they experienced a 50 per- injustice and protest the Trump Is this really what America has to edit any and all submitted copies. ing “ugly” and believing that she cent increase in calls after the administration. Multiple artists become? A place that would rather All letters must be verified before being sit back and blame natural, uncon- published. “looked like a boy”. P!nk responded performance. Toward the end of that evening used their platform by giving examples of “androgy- it, 50 attempt survivors took the to speak out on pressing issues, trollable occurrences on innocent Corrections/clarifications nous rock stars” such as David stage, some crying and emotional, making the 2017 VMAs memo- people than try to help prevent said Readers should report any story or Bowie, Prince, Janis Joplin and wearing shirts that read “You Are rable for promoting social justice people from perishing? photo error to The Duke. All legitimate Get this straight: No one deserves errors will be corrected in print the fol- Freddie Mercury who inspire indi- Not Alone.” and equality. lowing edition. viduality. P!nk’s speech went on to Logic’s short speech after the what’s happening in Texas. No mat- criticize current social issues such performance was just as moving: ter sexual orientation, political Contact Shivani Gosai is a senior journal- as self-image and sexism by using “I am here to fight for your ism major and can be reached at email [email protected] herself as an example. equality because I believe that we [email protected]. see STAFF ED - page 12 Opinions 5 Tomi Lahren receives undeserving larger platform Kailey Love sionate advocate for you,” Lahren continued to discuss the topic at photo editor wrote in a statement on Facebook. length during his FOX segment un- Formerly of conservative news til supposed pressure from within outlets such as “One America the network forced him to drop it. Snowflakes beware: Tomi Lahren News Network,” Lahren made a These two together will be a is returning to the political arena. name for herself through her un- lethal combination, and not in a Unfortunately, much like the abridged support for President good way. mythical hydra (a monster which Trump during her “Tomi” segment As the President’s approval rat- grows two more heads if you cut on TheBlaze and her controver- ings continue to drop in light of his off one), taking away Lahren’s sial comments on the Black Lives comments in defense of the white public megaphone only made Matter movement (more specifi- supremacists and placing blame her louder. cally, equating it with the actions on “both sides” of the protests in Lahren left conservative news of the KKK) during an appearance Charlottesville, it has become much outlet “TheBlaze” in March after on “The Today Show” with Trevor more difficult for his supporters to she was suspended with pay due Noah last November. defend him. This hasn’t stopped to comments she made during an , host of the Hannity or Lahren, however. appearance on “” that “Hannity” segment that Lahren will Hannity blasted the media for at- were regarded as “pro-choice” and regularly appear on and another tempting to “destroy the president” filed a wrongful termination suit avid supporter of the president, has after negative coverage of his state- Courtesy of Politico upon disembarking. As of 10 p.m. also had his share of controversy. ments, saying he was “correct” in Tomi Lahren will make her debut on Fox’s “Hannity” starting on Aug. 30 at 10 p.m. Wednesday night, Lahren will be Most recently, he was widely criti- blaming both sides for the violence. an official FOX News contributor, cized for pushing a false narrative In an OpEd in “The Hill,” Lahren ing her as a comical figure not to be well-recognized outlet throughout primarily appearing on the “Hanni- about the death of former DNC accused the left of “politicizing trag- taken seriously, gives her a sort of the country) and further amplifies ty” segment. In addition to joining data analyst Seth Rich. Though edy” and also attacked the media legitimacy that she lacked up until her voice. FOX as a contributor, Lahren will the authorities found no such foul for going after the president. this point. While there is a large In joining Hannity, who has also have a “signature role” on a de- play in his death, Hannity theorized What still seems a bit backward group of people who do not regard consistently been a cheerleader for veloping digital product, according that he was killed as a part of the to me is that members of the me- FOX as a legitimate news network President Trump (and was even in- to the network. DNC e-mail scandal concerning the dia are attacking the media and after it has been hesitant to criticize vited to dine with him at the White “I am blessed and honored to join undermining of Sen. Bernie Sand- running to the aid of the president the president time and time again, House on several different occa- the FOX News team. This exciting ers’ primary campaign. Though whenever he is criticized. It seems it still has a loyal following through- sions), Lahren only contributes to new step will allow me to give voice the family of the victim repeatedly counterintuitive, and yet it is what out the country. This allows Lahren the fueling of the partisan media to all the America-loving patriots asked Hannity to stop politicizing Lahren and Hannity do best. to access an entirely new audience wars that have been degrading the who have had my back since day Rich’s death and drop the story, Giving Lahren a voice on national that she was not able to reach be- credibility of the mainstream media one. I will remain a solid and pas- Hannity ignored their pleas and television, rather than just regard- fore (due to “TheBlaze” not being a as a whole. Trump disappoints at Phoenix rally, in presidency not take his job as seriously as he should, and stand for something that is not a representa- that is due to the outlandish actions and state- tion of our country. If these individuals can ments he constantly makes, such as what was use our president as an example to help sup- said during the Phoenix rally. port their dangerous beliefs, then there is an The President began his rally with wel- obvious problem and divide within the na- coming statements but soon turned to his tion, and Trump is nothing but a factor that traditional tactics of ignoring the problem encourages the divide. and blaming others for the issues within the Although he did state at the rally that he ac- United States. To be more specific, he - ad knowledged the participants in the Charlottes- dressed the violent accounts of riots that oc- ville riots as racists and advocators of violence, curred recently in Charlottesville. he nullified that when he again began to criti- As he was speaking, a member of the au- cize the media’s portrayal of himself, compar- ing his statements to those of Obama’s when it dience began to boo, and the crowd reacted. came to Islamic extremists. Trump then stated, “Don’t worry, it’s only a Instead of fully addressing a detrimental is- single voice and not a very powerful voice.” sue within the U.S. today, Trump chose to fo- Yet, as much as an influence Trump is sup- cus on unimportant things that he could use posed to be on America, he gave more atten- to attack other people who actually did take tion to that one boo in the crowd than he did to action, using those individuals to stray away the actual riots of Charlottesville. from the things he did not do and the views Trump told the crowd what he has stated and points that he did not make. before, that he loves all people, and based on Trump’s insincere actions completely reflect the events that occurred, he took it one step this, that what he says and does never comes further, getting specific by stating, “We must from the heart, and this is finally starting to re- Courtesy of Time Magazine rediscover the bonds and loyalty that bring us flect in both the media and his own party. ’s speech in Phoenix touched on the media, GOP senators and Charlottesville. together as Americans.” We are living in a time when our president, However, these bonds of loyalty and togeth- Nayia Faxio-Douglas yet to come. He has little time left to prove though his lack of action, is forcing members erness are entirely missing from the actions of staff columnist himself as a competent leader before the end of his own party to revoke their support and of the year, having made no real accomplish- Trump at this rally following the extreme at- take measures of their own in order to fight President Trump has been in office for ments so far. tacks in Charlottesville. They are also absent in for the actions he has still not taken. Trump only seven months, and he has still yet to Instead of the president of the United all the moves he has made in the past seven has impacted America significantly less than make an even bigger name for himself than States focusing on real-world issues, he con- months of his presidency. most presidents before, and that, along with he had before. sistently decides to address problems that al- For example, consider him deporting work- many of the appalling and surprising things On Aug. 22, Trump held a rally in Phoe- most always only apply to his supporters and ing people from specific racial backgrounds he says and does, speaks measures on who we nix in light of the riots in Charlottesville, not the general public (those he is supposed and banning them from returning to America actually elected. Virginia, where many of his supporters, to be supporting). for no good reason. Is this not going against Trump may blame the media for a lot of his both present and at home, came to show Even with the support that he does have his claim of loving everyone? actions, but these rallies show that the media their support. from the American people, his unpopularity is In the case of the riots, Trump’s face, state- really does not alter everything he says. The Trump promised a lot for America during seeming to “trump” said supporters (pun in- ments and motives were used to promote and media simply reflects and shows the man who his campaign, but many changes have still tended). President Trump is seen by many to encourage groups of white supremacists to we actually elected to lead. Opinions August 31, 2017 6 FEATURES Blast from the past: How WWII affected The Duke

courtesy of gumberg library digital collections As global war broke out for the second time in a century, the effects were felt around the world. Even on the Bluff, students were sent to the frontlines of battles in both the east and the west. said. “In the case of girls particularly, the demand for Jamie crow college trained women is great. It will be greater after staff writer the war.” Buy Bonds and Pray for Peace.” That was the re- While Duquesne’s primary concern was losing quest that the Duquesne Durational made in its its male student population to the draft, as many of “second issue, published on July 30, 1943. The Duquesne’s students were male at the time, there Duquesne Durational took the place of The Duquesne was also worry about losing their female pupils to Duke during World War II, and the issues published the war. The university was concerned that the jobs over its four-year duration give an interesting snapshot that girls left college for will want them to keep their of the time period. positions post-war, and, therefore, those students Because of the war, enrollment numbers at Duquesne would not return. dropped significantly, so much so that the first issue of In order to combat the loss of students to the draft the Duquesne Durational, published on July 9, 1943, or to jobs benefitting the war effort, Duquesne of- served more as an advertisement for those who weren’t fered some enticing options for enrollment. Because pharmacy students were deferred from the draft for two years, Duquesne offered students the opportu- nity to complete a four-year pharmacy degree in two years, provided that they went to school in the summer months as well as the regular academic year. According to the Durational, there was reason to believe that de- ferments would be made available for students in other programs, as well.

Once the advertisements for enrollment and war courtesy of gumberg library digital collections bonds were out of the way, the Duquesne Durational Judging by this comic, math has always been a tough subject. became a publication dedicated to providing its read- ers with campus information and entertainment. One Jan. 20, 1944, issue, for instance, seemed very excited of the most interesting components of the publication, about the prospect of finals week. though, is the section that provides readers informa- “Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Final exams will take place from tion on the Duquesne students fighting in the war. The February 24 to 27,” the Durational said. “Or has the aw- “Dukes In Uniform” section told of homecomings and ful truth leaked out already??? Sorry, no Durational next ship out dates, and, on a sadder note, the section of- week, but we’ll be back better than ever the first week of fered condolences for the Duquesne students who lost the new semester.” their lives in the war. Also worth noting here is the fact that finals week The “Non-Rationed” section gave information on took place at the end of February, which is around campus couples, offering some speculation as to who the time that we have midterms today. It’s unclear as was dating whom. In the March 15, 1945, issue, the to why the semester ended so early; it could be that theme of the section was the spring fever that everyone Duquesne was on a year-round schedule during the seemed to have. Those affected by the warm-weather courtesy of gumberg library digital collections war as opposed to the traditional two semester year Even with the war, students kept themselves entertained. feelings of romance were Bob Harper and Kay Brett. The publication said that Bob, a drummer, had set that we have today. drafted to enroll in one of Duquesne’s academic pro- aside his drums in favor of his heart, “keeping tempo to Times have certainly changed for our print publica- grams, citing post-war benefits as the main reason for a new boogie-woogie rhythm.” Here’s hoping that Bob tion since the 1940s. While the Duquesne Durational enrollment. and Kay’s relationship stayed on beat and thrived even was a wartime publication, the writers seemed to make “Young people with college ability should go to after their college years. the best of their situation by still informing and enter- school as long as possible to prepare for the more re- Adding to the publication’s wartime entertainment taining their readers. We hope that we’ve carried that sponsible duties of war and peace,” the publication department was the language used in its articles. The same tradition into the 21st century.

courtesy of gumberg library digital collections With the end of the war in sight, students took the time to reflect on the state of the world, offering comments that hit close to home even today, more than 70 years after this edition was published. SPORTS 7 Sit-down with star sophomore tailback A.J. Hines Adam Lindner with St. Francis, would instead like to win Duquesne coach Jerry Schmitt’s offense. climation in uprooting himself from rural sports editor the NEC outright this year. It’s quest for He feels comfortable and prepared to North Carolina to downtown Pittsburgh a third-consecutive league title, however, accomplish even more this season, now has gone smoothly, as well. On Thursday, the Duquesne football will have to be taken one step at a time. already having a year on the Bluff under There are only a few challenges and team will begin their 2017-18 campaign “Of course, [we’d like to] win the cham- his belt. things that he misses from home. Among at South Dakota State. The Jackrabbits, pionship by ourselves, and then make it “I feel like I know more within the of- them are southern food and, strangely reigning co-champions of the Missouri to the [FCS] playoffs, and make a run fense that we run, and I feel like I’m get- enough, the hills of Duquesne’s down- Valley Conference, are ranked fourth in when we get there,” said sophomore tail- ting bigger and stronger, from me being town campus. the STATS FCS Top 25 poll to begin the back A.J. Hines. “We just want to come here over the offseason and for workouts, “The biggest challenge to me is prob- year. The Jacks stand to provide a stout and take it game-by-game, and come win I just feel different and more mature than ably the hills. I’m not used to all of these test for the Dukes in their first game of games,” he said. I was last year,” Hines said. hills, and down south it’s mostly flat. All the season. “I feel like my team this year has more Nicknamed “Baby Gurley” while star- of this walking around tires my legs out,” Duquesne, reigning co-champions of talent than last year, but we’re young, so ring at Fike High School in Wilson, North Hines joked. the respective along we’re just trying to put that together and Carolina, after fellow North Carolina-na- As it turns out, even the school’s star get the young kids acclimated to what tive and star Rams tailback running back gets a little winded booking we’re doing now,” Hines remarked. Todd Gurley, Hines instead prefers to it from Fisher to College Hall. A big reason for Duquesne’s success last liken his running style to that of Oakland Among several of Hines’ most memo- season was the aforementioned halfback. Raiders back Marshawn Lynch. rable moments from last season, winning In 2016-17, Hines rushed for a Duquesne “He’s a tough back, and I think we got the FCS STATS Jerry Rice Award, which freshman record 1,291 yards and 13 the same mindset. He’s got breakaway is awarded to the subdivision’s most out- touchdowns, and caught 15 passes for an speed when he gets loose in the open field, standing freshman, is among them. Hines additional 200 yards and one touchdown he can run anybody over, he can juke was also named the NEC Offensive Rookie in 11 games. somebody out, and I think I like to model of the Year and was named to the All-NEC If the Dukes hope to have a shot at my style after him.” First Team. three-peating in the NEC, they’ll need No matter which NFL star you prefer “It was a once-in-a-lifetime thing,” another remarkable campaign from their to liken Hines’ game to, both approxima- Hines said of meeting NFL great Jerry sophomore running back. tions are equally flattering and relatively Rice at an awards ceremony in January. As recently as May 2016, however, Hines accurate. Both are downhill runners that “He’s a good person. He talked to me could have never foreseen any of this. Es- are nightmares for defenders to try to about a lot of things, just from the time pecially not in a Duquesne uniform, being stop. Hines’ strong frame – he stands that I was with him. He told me some of that he didn’t even know that the institu- at 5-11, 225 lbs – complemented by his his stories [from] growing up, and it just tion existed before he was contacted by speed, makes for a back that’s able to run inspired me to get better and that I can the program. defenders over, as well as reach top speed make it from a little school. He talked to Originally committed to CAA power- once free in the open field. me about stuff like that.” house Richmond, Hines’ standardized Heading into his sophomore season, Rice played collegiately at Mississippi test scores were slightly too low, thus Hines seems eager to begin his second Valley State before going on to the NFL, denying him admission into his original year on the Bluff this Thursday against where he enjoyed a Hall of Fame career school of choice. No. 4 South Dakota State. with the 49ers, Raiders and Seahawks. Faced with either attending a prep “Probably the most exciting one is the Hopefully for Hines and for the Dukes, school for a semester and then reapply- game we’re coming up on,” Hines said. last season’s accomplishments and ac- ing to Richmond or deciding to attend “We play a top-five team in the nation, colades are only the beginning of what’s another D-I institution, Hines fielded a and it’s a sold out game, so it’s definitely to be accomplished during Hines’ career call from Duquesne, proceeded to visit going to be exciting. I’m ready to go [up here on the Bluff. and then committed to the Dukes that there] and show what we got.” The next chapter begins about 1,100 same weekend. As Hines has become increasingly com- miles away from Duquesne at 8:00 p.m. on Courtesy of Duquesne Athletics A year later, all has worked out well fortable within Duquesne’s offense during Thursday at a sold out Dana J. Dykhouse All-NEC First Team running back A.J. Hines. for both parties as Hines is a key cog in his time here, he said that his personal ac- Stadium in Brookings, South Dakota. Duquesne basketball aids in Hurricane Harvey relief Adam Lindner “There was never hesitation to help sports editor out,” Saba said. “Coach Dambrot and the staff were all on-board immediately, and it On Aug. 25, tropical storm-turned-Cat- got done in literally less than two hours.” egory 4 Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas “We ended up sending 10 to 12 pairs of Gulf Coast, and in the coming days, severe shoes, and at least 40 shirts. We filled two winds, rain and floods had gravely dam- boxes, and tried to find smaller sizes for aged much of Houston and the surround- children and women that may be in need,” ing region. Saba continued. In an effort to aid areas heavily affected “College basketball is a close-knit com- by the hurricane, University of Houston munity so when someone may be in need of men’s basketball coach Kelvin Sampson assistance, we’re always happy to help, and tweeted on Aug. 28, “I have had so many of especially in a time like this,” he added. my friends in the coaching profession text Dambrot said that on top of his moral and call, offering prayers and thoughts for compass guiding him to assist Hurricane all Houstonians. They all ask what [they] Harvey victims, he has interpersonal con- can do to help. … Well, I came up with nections with several Houstonians that something I think coaches at all levels can made the situation all the more resound- help with. Both men’s and women’s [high ing for him. school programs], [junior colleges], [every “Ironically for us, we had four Houston level of college]… If you can, please send kids on our team at Akron [last season], 20 of your school’s T-shirts and 10 pairs of and we played Houston in the NIT last shoes to [our basketball program.] … We Courtesy of The New Yorker will get everything to the right agencies to year, so it kind of hit home for us especial- On Aug. 25, Hurricane Harvey, a Category 4 hurricane, hit land and decimated the Houston, Texas, area, be distributed.” ly,” Dambrot said. as shown above. To help assist relief efforts, UH coach Kelvin Sampson called for athletic programs from around the country to send supplies for displaced citizens. Hours later, Duquesne responded. Duquesne associate athletic director “That’s really what you’re supposed to Dave Saba saw coach Sampson’s request do. I mean, especially when you’re at an As the fiercest part of the storm has placed victims. on Twitter on Monday night, and relayed institution like Duquesne, where you’re passed and the Houston area prepares for “When you have extra stuff, which — ev- the message to Duquesne men’s basketball a Catholic school and that’s kind of what significant flooding, coaches from across erybody has some extra stuff that they can head coach Keith Dambrot on Tuesday you’re taught to do, so it’s only the right the country hope that their contributions get to somebody that needs it,” Dambrot morning before practice. thing,” Dambrot remarked. will be able to provide comfort to dis- said. “To me, that’s almost a no-brainer.” 8 THEDUQUESNEDUKE Previewing Duquesne football ahead of opener versus No. 4 SDSU David Borne staff writer Duquesne’s offensive unit will look a bit different this season after losing a number After months of grinding through tough of last year’s top contributors to graduation. off-season workouts during the sweltering While last season’s FCS Jerry Rice Award dog days of summer, the time has finally winner A.J. Hines returns to man the back- come: football season is upon us on the field for Duquesne, complemented by fel- Bluff. The Duquesne football squad heads low back P.J. Fulmore, the Dukes will rely up to Brookings, South Dakota, on Thurs- on newcomers and younger talent in their day, Aug. 31, where they will face its first passing game. With the loss of the NEC’s test of the 2017 season against No. 4 South all-time passing leader Dillon Buechel, Dakota State at 8:00 p.m ET. Duquesne will have a new quarterback un- Last season was yet another success for der center for the first time since 2013. head coach Jerry Schmitt and his team, but Tommy Stuart, a graduate transfer from even with an impressive 8-3 record and a Boise State, has been named Duquesne’s share of the Northeast Conference regular starting quarterback for Thursday’s open- season title, the Dukes missed out on an er against the Jackrabbits. Stuart, a Balti- FCS playoff berth. St. Francis represented more, Maryland, native, joins the Dukes the conference in the FCS tournament as after appearing in 12 games during two Courtesy of Duquesne Athletics they handed Duquesne its only conference seasons with Boise State. Coach Schmitt On Aug. 28, Duquesne announced that this season, the football team will sport black-and-gold helmet de- cals with the letters “DR,” commemorating the life of alumnus and former Steelers chairman Dan Rooney. loss last season and thus, the Red Flash has been impressed with how Stuart has Duquesne plays its home games on Arthur J. Rooney Field, a venue named after Dan Rooney’s father. held the tiebreaker between the two teams. been able to adapt and learn the offense on The Dukes were selected as the favorite the run in his short time here on the Bluff. On the defensive side of the ball, coor- this year. to win the NEC this season, but preseason “He has an experience playing on a big- dinator Dave Opfar welcomes back many Following the opener against South Da- rankings don’t mean much to Coach ger stage that is helping our guys competi- key contributors from last year’s team. kota State, Duquesne will play two more Schmitt and his team. tively,” Schmitt said. “He’s a great person- Despite losing All-American Christian games on the road before returning to “In the past six years we’ve been picked ality, a winning personality, and I think Kuntz, Duquesne is still expected have to Rooney Field for its 2017 home opener for first or second and I think over the that’s going to help us this year.” one of the conference’s top defensive units against D-II West Virginia Wesleyan on long haul, that shows where our program Stuart will be working with a bit of a this year. Last season’s leading tacklers, Sept. 30 at 7:00 p.m. The Dukes play just has gone,” Schmitt told a group of report- new-look receiving corps this season. Carter Henderson and Nathan Stone, are four games at home this season, so the ers on Tuesday during a media availability Duquesne will be without Wayne Capers, back again this season, and will be defen- journey to clinching an FCS Playoff berth session. “We appreciate the respect that Jr. and Blair Roberts, who were both All- sive anchors for Duquesne. will be a bit more challenging than in pre- the other coaches have for our program NEC First Team selections in 2016. Ju- The secondary will again be strong for vious years when the team may have seen and that’s a credit to our players and our nior Nehari Crawford, who was the team’s the Dukes, as Abner Roberts, Jr., Daquan more home contests. coaches. Other than that, obviously, it’s third-leading receiver last season, returns Worley and Brandon Stanback all return Duquesne’s group of returning players the end of the year that we want to be at and will fill the gap left by Capers and for Duquesne. The trio of Roberts, Worley will face challenges, but hope to be ready the top. We just look at it that way, we ap- Roberts. Chavas Rawlins, a senior who and Stanback did a great job of keeping to be able to lead their squad around the preciate the respect, but we take that and saw limited action last season, will be back opposing receivers at bay last season, and obstacles that the 2017 campaign will in- move forward.” for the Dukes, as well. Duquesne will rely on them heavily again evitably bring. Little League teaches MLB players a big lesson high up on the hill overlooking Howard J. ing quite the jersey. He joked on Twitter: enough to give any baseball fan goosebumps. Bryanna McDermott Lamade Stadium amidst thousands of fans. “Today I started a Major League Baseball While the events might have struck out asst. photo editor The MLB teams, usually restricted by a game with ‘Chicken Strip’ across my back. with the older generation of fans who want tight uniform policy, donned new threads Dreams do come true people!” a more structured league focused on play- Every year in late August, 16 of the best of bright yellows and bold reds, similar Eric Sogard of the Milwaukee Brew- ing the game, it was an amazing opportu- Little League teams from across the globe to what the Little Leaguers tend to wear. ers wore cleats painted by his daughters, nity to reel in a younger audience. gather in South Williamsport, Pennsyl- Players were allowed to have customized Saydee, three, and Knix, one. The vast majority of kids today aren’t vania, to partake in the Little League cleats and bats, wore ‘Thank You’ patches In Williamsport, Pirates’ third baseman content with a traditional, slow-moving Baseball World Series. The 10-day tour- and zany-patterned socks and the backs of Josh Harrison played ping pong with kids, ball game. The league needs to have these nament, held about four hours northeast their jerseys featured nicknames. and Cardinals’ outfielder Tommy Pham fun events more frequently and welcome of Pittsburgh, has been showcasing the It was a sneak peek of what fans would bought 200 snow cones for the Little bright personalities in order to hold kids’ top talent of 11- to 13-year-old baseball see during Players’ Weekend on Aug. 25-27. Leaguers. attention in a world where highlights are players for 71 years. Japan took home this Fans got to see a different side of the When the Pirates and Cardinals went celebrated on Twitter instantaneously. year’s honor on Sunday, defeating U.S. professional athletes that they watch on head-to-head for the Little League Clas- That’s why fans in Williamsport are champion, Texas, 12-2. their TVs. It was a glance into the unique sic, television viewers enjoyed a broadcast greeted by lovable mascots, rain-delay The spectacle is viewed by millions at personalities of millionaire ballplayers equipped with microphones that had been hat stacking and lots of dancing. It’s home annually on ESPN, in-person at that often get overshadowed. attached to the players’ bats and gloves. The more than just baseball; it’s about hav- the beautiful complex in Williamsport Ross Stripling, a pitcher for the Los An- crack of the bat and the pop of the catcher’s ing fun and creating a fan-friendly envi- and even inside clubhouses across Major geles Dodgers, took to the mound wear- mitt gloving a speeding fastball were crisp ronment. League Baseball. To those annoyed with colorful uni- This year, the bright colors and big forms: Let’s remember that these are smiles that have become synonymous grown men making millions of dollars with Little League Baseball were adopted playing a sport that they first fell in love by MLB for both the Little League Clas- with as children. sic and MLB’s Players’ Weekend, which These Little Leaguers don’t receive big taught the big leaguers a lesson about paychecks. Instead, they are paid in friend- having fun. ship, smiles and amazing experiences, The Little League Classic, held on Aug. which are several key foundations found at 20 at BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman the basis of sport. Field in Williamsport, featured the Pitts- They work their hardest to potentially burgh Pirates, who sacrificed a home achieve their dreams of making it to the big game at PNC Park to have the opportu- leagues themselves. nity to play in Williamsport, and the St. And, if they do, hopefully they’ll remem- Louis Cardinals on ESPN’s Sunday Night ber how to have fun and to love the game Baseball. as much as they do now. But it was more than just a game. It’s a big lesson to learn from some Little Players from both Major League teams Leaguers. spent the day with the Little Leaguers. They exchanged hats and autographs, took self- Bryanna McDermott is a senior multi- ies and, of course, watched the day’s Little platform journalism major and can be Courtesy of Getty Images/Patrick Smith reached at [email protected]. League ball games both in the stands and Pittsburgh and St. Louis high-five after their contest, a tradition still employed in youth sports today.

August 31, 2017 sports ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 9 ‘The Hitman’s Bodyguard’ too tropish for own good WEEK’s Grant Stoner Even the movie becomes self-aware at one EVENTS staff writer point, when Bryce questions how a single man can ruin such a common phrase. Unfortunately for The Hitman’s Body- am not a fan of the action movie genre. guard, the dialogue alone cannot keep this Puzzle Mania! For me, the drawn-out chase scenes, only- film from becoming boring. The battle se- Sept. 2, 2:30-4:30 p.m. I mildly-entertaining fighting sequences quences are similarly generic, relying on and weak romantic subplots all feel the same. the classic gaggle of guns, explosions and Take a trip off campus this Unfortunately, The Hitman’s Bodyguard is fisticuffs, otherwise known as the Holy Trin- weekend and stop by your as standard as action movies can come, and ity of action movies. In fact, the movie even local, Downtown-branch of employed the trifecta of chase scene vehicles: despite the amazing rapport between Ryan the Carnegie Library for this Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson, the film does Boat, bike and multiple cars culminate in an puzzle-solving marathon. little to stand out from the crowd. uninspired final act, which, yes, included Michael Bryce, played by Reynolds, is em- multiple explosions. ployed by an international police agency to Even the main villain, played by Gary Old- Live Music Fridays escort Darius Kincaid, played by Jackson. Kin- man, seemed dull. His motives, as well as his Sept. 1, 5 p.m. caid is a notorious assassin whose testimony is diabolical plans, are the hallmark for every required to imprison a ruthless dictator from ruthless dictator from every other film. To As part of the continuing series Belarus. Naturally, the transport goes hay- make matters worse, he even has a cliché of Live Music Fridays in the wire, forcing Bryce and Kincaid across Europe, Eastern European accent. Cultural District, come out To further the terrible elements, The Hit- where they constantly dodge bullets as well as this Friday to listen to self- try to avoid killing one another. man’s Bodyguard features an inexcusable at- described Folk Fusion Artist The dynamic between Bryce and Kincaid tempt for a romantic subplot. Bryce and Kin- is nothing short of spectacular. They are al- caid were needlessly paired with romantic Aaron Lefebvre at the Back- ways trying to outdo each other, whether it interests who do little to add anything signif- stage Bar in Theater Square. be through depressing stories, or racking up a icant to the entire plot of the film. While the kill count. Each sarcastic quip by Bryce is met reasons for loving one another were amusing, with a flurry of expletives from the hitman. I Courtesy of Lionsgate Films the film could have succeeded without their The Hitman’s Bodyguard was originally written as a rarely found myself without a smile on my face addition. drama. According to Vice, it underwent a dramatic re- upcoming throughout the 1 hour and 58-minute film. write two weeks prior to filming to make it a comedy. The Hitman’s Bodyguard was humorous, Despite these humorous moments between and I thoroughly enjoyed the conversations Bryce and Kincaid, their “friendship” with Samuel L Jackson likes to swear. A lot. between Bryce and Kincaid. However, action releases one another is only supported through an Now, I’m no prude, but when he shouts his movies rely on intense sequences to support egregious amount of cussing. Toward the end famous phrase EVERY time he’s on screen the film. Every interaction, fight or shoot-out Last Day of June of the movie, I noticed that I began to groan (which, since he’s a main character, is quite did little to deviate from the genre, making Aug. 31 at the utterance of every “Mother F***er!” often), it can be annoying to say the least. the movie a chore to watch. Coming to PS4 and PC, Last Day of June follows a recently widowed man named Carl who learns that he can use the Duquesne Student Continues High School Dream paintings of his wife to rewrite the day she passed away. Featuring Sean Armstrong an artstyle that mixes elements staff writer of stop-motion and watercolor paintings, you can pick up June for $19.99. ew Galaxy Records is ushering in arts development with Duquesne junior Mi- Destiny 2 chael Matsakis, along with his former high N Sept. 6 school bandmates Ethan Baechtold and Owen Stone, heading the helm on the unique project. The sequel to 2014’s controversial After graduation, the trio went on to college, shooter, Destiny 2 is set to feature with Matsakis and Stone pursuing education in more of the quintessential online- sound recording and music composition and only, multiplayer-shooter action Baechtold studying entrepreneurship with a mi- its developer Bungie is known for. nor in music. The group, however, moved to dif- The $59.99 game releases for ferent areas of the country, with Matsakis based Xbox One and PS4 next month, here in Pittsburgh and Baechtold and Stone in with a PC version arriving in Asheville, North Carolina. Despite the distance between its members October. and its rather unique origins, this partnership, which Matsakis described as a “trinity,” is still growing today. “We used to be called Sir Tuna Records back Micro when we were in high school,” Matsakis said. “When we got into college, we decided that we Courtesy of New Galaxy Records review wanted something a bit more serious and profes- Despite living states apart, Matsakis and his partners Baechtold and Stone still operate their own recording studio. sional because we want to deal with adults, not just high schoolers. So we revamped it, and now we’re New Galaxy.” Any artist can record with New Galaxy but has sicians. New Galaxy is currently expand- Fans have been waiting for Lil The group has worked with such Duquesne the option to leave whenever they want; all that ing into YouTube, poetry and other artistic Uzi Vert’s first studio album for University artists as A Life Well Lived, Wil- the group needs is some sort of notice. realms. Another goal for the group is to be months, and on Aug. 25, he liam Sparks and The Uptown Woods. New The end goal for Matsakis and his partners able to provide any artist that comes to them finally dropped it. Luv is Rage 2 Galaxy arranges, records and, on rare occa- is to allow the artists that they sign to realize with what they want and draw up a contract is Uzi’s most polished work yet sions, plays on albums with groups they have their creative potential — even if that means that reflects that ambition. and includes several highlights, signed to its label. using unorthodox methods, such as recording New Galaxy’s future doesn’t just include its such as “444+222,” “The Way Speaking of labels, New Galaxy has a dif- outside the studio. business ventures, however. It is also exploring Life Goes” and “X.” I highly ferent conception when it comes to working “Our goal is to just have top quality engi- the possibility of non-profit work. with artists. neers, which is going to be me and Owen,” Mat- “Our goal is to eventually start a non-profit recommend listening to this “Signing people doesn’t necessarily mean sakis explained. “So we can just go anywhere where we are teaching other kids — I mean album if you’re in the market for they’re under a strict contract or anything like with you and record anywhere. I’m trying to more so underprivileged kids — how to re- some new, futuristic rap to add that,” Matsakis said. “It probably will never contact people right now to do certain record- cord and how to write music,” Matsakis said. to your library. mean they’re under a strict contract because ings, even in their own homes.” that’s just not our belief.” The studio doesn’t just work with mu- see GALAXY — page 12 —Adam Lindner 10 THEDUQUESNEDUKE YouTube channel h3h3productions wins fair use lawsuit

Zach Landau a&e editor n Aug. 23, Ethan and Hila Klein of the YouTube channel h3h3productions won a year-and-a-half- O long lawsuit filed against them by Matt Hosse- inzadeh, otherwise known as Matt Hoss of the channel MattHossZone. Hoss’ original complaint, filed April 2016, alleged that the Kleins infringed on his copyright, later adding the charges of defamation and misuse of DMCA counter no- tifications after the Kleins made a video informing their audience about the lawsuit and criticizing Hoss for filing in the first place. The verdict marks another step in a long series of simi- lar lawsuits establishing legal precedent for fair use on the video-sharing platform. The content that Hoss alleged infringed his copyright was a reaction video — a popular genre within YouTube where a commentator watches and critiques another piece of media — that the Kleins made in response to Hoss’ video titled “Bold Guy 12 Parkour Girl.” In his original complaint, Hoss alleges that the Kleins were violating his copyright and did “nothing to alter the original video with new expression, meaning or message,” declaring their video is not protected under fair use. As explained by copyright attorney and YouTuber Leonard French, fair use is an affirmative defense, or an explanation someone can use to justify using another’s material.

“You’re affirming that act (of taking another person’s Courtesy of h3h3productions content) was done or committed,” French explained in Pictured are husband and wife duo Hila and Ethan Klein of h3h3productions. Their work consists of, in-part, reaction videos and comedy skits. a livestream on his channel. “But you’re saying that you have a reason that [the act] was legal.” well as making a video a month later titled “We’re Being District Court of the Southern District of New York stated Hoss issued a DMCA takedown of the Kleins’ video on Sued.” Hoss amended his suit in response to their video, that, “Any review of the Klein video leaves no doubt that it April 23, to which the Kleins issued a counter notification claiming defamation. — which Hoss objected to as DMCA misrepresentation — as In her opinion, Judge Katherine Forrest of the United States see LAWSUIT — page 12 ‘Paper Girls’ makes a socially-conscious return Nicole Prieto bit, but the sobering implications are not lost on the girls staff writer when Wari — herself hovering around their age — reveals the circumstances of her son’s conception.) Wari is do- aper Girls returned early August with its third ing all she can as a young mother surrounded by mega- trade paperback collecting Issues #11-15, follow- fauna monsters while being plagued by incomprehensible P ing 12-year-old Erin and her fellow Stony Stream dreams from the far future. paper girls in their displacement to the far past. Faced As in prior volumes, the Apple logo (as in, that Macintosh against long-extinct megafauna and cavemen in high- Apple) makes a ubiquitous appearance on far-future artifacts tech gear, the girls find themselves in another temporal Erin and company encounter. It is a degree of single-target fight for their lives as they hunt for a way to escape 11,000 ad placement on par with the company adverts in Blade Run- BCE. New readers for this underrated series be warned, ner. Even the mohawked-inventor-of-time-travel, Dr. Qanta as there are inevitable spoilers below. Braunstein, hails from an Apple division apparently dedicated Volume 2 left off with Erin, Tiff and Mac jumping off to bending the space-time continuum. a helicopter into a time portal, transporting them from Amid the flurry of supernatural-scientific chaos, the 2016 to thousands of years in the past. The three hap- comic still finds the breathing room to tackle old-fash- pily reunite with KJ, but find themselves at a loss in a ioned, pubescent problems. When KJ suddenly gets her dangerous world oddly riddled with signs of unintended period in the middle of their adventure, she handles it interference from the far future. The third arch puts the calmly (and with an emergency handkerchief). Mac, on the focus on KJ after a five-issue absence, fleshing out her hand, starts pelting her with questions and period myths backstory and personality. The book opens with a dream gleaned from her older brother — displaying a noticeable sequence of KJ dealing with her anti-Semitic field hockey dearth of health and sex education. The display is as amus- teammates and the presumed death of her grandmother ing as it is discomfiting, given that sexual health ignorance — a Holocaust survivor. is still a very modern issue. Toward the middle of the volume, LGBT fans may ap- The incident also gives more insight on Mac’s personality. preciate an unexpected revelation about KJ that high- It is no exaggeration to call her a pendulum of insecure contra- lights the growing pains of first crushes and possible dictions. After KJ saves her from drowning in a river, the first queer self-realization. From its earliest issue, writer Bri- thing Mac does is shove KJ off and call her a perv for giving an K. Vaughan has not sugarcoated the homophobic atti- her mouth-to-mouth. But the moment she notices the other tudes of the late ’80s, particularly through foul-mouthed girl bleeding the next morning, Mac’s immediate reaction is to Mac. In Volume 1, Mac is quick to judge a far-future teen blame herself for KJ getting hurt while rescuing her. In this re- lamenting the death of his boyfriend and loosely throws spect, Vaughan is tactful about not spoon-feeding the audience around what Erin politely refers to as, “the other F-word.” on the girls’ complex and imperfect attributes. Mac can be irri- KJ’s accidental peek into the future, however, suggests tatingly abrasive, but it is hard to doubt that she cares deeply for Courtesy of Image Comics the others. KJ knows how to keep a cool head in emergencies, that the comic may address how those attitudes play out Paper Girls first published back in Oct. 2015. The series has earned as she may find herself coming out. two Eisener Awards for Best New Series and Best Penciller/Inker but that does not stop her from pulling off brave and danger- Even with its gimmicky premise of time-displaced pre- ously impulsive stunts. She is 12 afterall. teens trying to get home to 1980s Ohio, Volume 3 hardly nonsense archer-cavegirl named Wari trying to protect wastes time with light issues. The girls soon meet a no- her infant son from his three violent fathers. (It takes a see PAPER — page 11

August 31, 2017 arts & entertainment THE LAST WORD 11 Project set to improve Radio Uptown district Duquesne history UPTOWN — from page 1 tives attending meetings and giving news at input on how best to go about imple- preserved was one of the most effective treat- menting the program. your RADIO — from page 2 ment strategies [for crime].” “The University will work . . . to The program, according to its web- determine the best opportunities for fingertips of radio, Abraham points out site, has collected 700 surveys of peo- participation as the implementation that radio, despite a century of ple who live in and around Uptown of the plan unfolds,” said Solomon innovation in communication, and West Oakland to see citizens’ has stood the test of time. Uptown Partners of Pittsburgh, Follow The Duke suggestions on how to better their “Radio’s especially important another organization that special- community, and these suggestions on social media: because it refuses to die . . . It izes in creating greener communi- are being taken into account as the turned out to be the most durable program plans for the future. ties, has been a key player in help- Twitter form of communication,” he said. Not only is this program work- ing to develop the revitalization @TheDuquesneDuke Instagram “Rhythm Sweet & Hot” is, ing closely with the members of the plans for Uptown. @DuqDuke_Sports @TheDuquesneDuke according to Abraham, more community, they are also working Joseph Wingenfeld, the program popular than ever before in its with other community outreach manager for the organization, said 35-year run. programs, including ones here at that things are proceeding “very “Who would’ve thought that Duquesne. well.” He also predicted that City Facebook Online at telephone landlines would’ve gone “At the request of the City of Pitts- Council will adopt the EcoInnovation The Duquesne Duke www.duqsm.com by the wayside? … But radio seems burgh’s Department of City Planning, District Plan along with another zon- to somehow still make it,” Abra- Duquesne is now the convener of the ing plan in September. ham said. newly formed Uptown Task Force, Right now, there is no set date for White said that radio is rele- which includes representatives of when the project will be completed. vant specifically to the Duquesne various organizations that will help There are other organizations that community. to drive the implementation of the work closely with the EcoInnova- “Duquesne students formed one EcoInnovation District Plan,” said tion District that accept community of the early amateur radio stations Mary Ellen Solomon, the assistant involvement such as Grass Roots in Pittsburgh in the 1940s and vice president for executive affairs in Green Homes, which helps people leading figures like Bill Hillgrove Duquesne’s Office of the President. learn how to make their homes more graduated from our program,” he Duquesne has been a stakeholder green, and the Uptown Partners of said. Bill Hillgrove is now Presi- since the beginning, with representa- Pittsburgh. dent of the NMB. White believes that everyone should pay attention to the up- coming centennial. “It’s a great piece of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University history that students around the world should know about,” he said.

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‘Paper Girls’ delivers careful discourse Like taking photos? PAPER — from page 10 kids growing up in the 1980s rust belt, for instance, nor does he ig- Paper Girls is an adventure nore the frightening realities of meant to level with teen audi- being a 12-year-old surrounded ences without patronizing them. by adults with questionable mo- The girls are young enough not tives. He recognizes that the girls Email Photo to question the supernatural being kids does not magically problems literally dropping on exempt from them butting heads them out of thin air (at least, with adult problems. Editor Kailey Love at not for long). But they are defi- Coupled with gorgeous art- nitely old enough to appreciate work by Cliff Chiang — with col- [email protected] to become a that they are in serious dan- ors and lettering by Matt Wil- ger. For older folk, the comic son and Jared K. Fletcher — the is a sobering reminder of how story is both a lively homage to photographer for The Duke. adolescence is both an incred- 20th century pop culture and a ibly freeing and unbearably blunt-force social commentary awkward experience. It steers on coming of age. Issue #16 clear of romanticizing the past. comes out Oct. 4. A hardback Vaughan does not ignore the edition collecting Issues #1-10 less flattering social attitudes of releases on Nov. 1. 12 THEDUQUESNEDUKE YouTube fair use Hurricane upheld in decision help still

LAWSUIT — from page 10 suit is not strictly over, as Hoss needed can appeal the decision — to instantly STAFF ED - from page 4 constitutes critical commentary of which he responded, “I highly, the Hoss video.” highly, highly doubt it,” — and association, immigration status, eth- More critically, Forrest also said the Kleins can ask the judge to nic background or whatever else we that the Kleins’ video “is quintes- have Hoss pay for their legal fees. base our prejudices on, no one de- sential criticism and comment,” In the decision’s aftermath, serves to have their lives destroyed – indicating that their reaction ex- the Kleins have called the case a and even taken – by a super-destruc- emplifies a standard for fair use. win for fair use, with Ethan stat- tive event out of everyone’s control. “She’s basically saying [the ing in a video uploaded to the The devastation of Harvey isn’t a Klines’] video is the model of criti- political situation; it’s a humanitar- cism and comment,” French said h3h3productions channel, “I’m so happy we [fought the case]. ian one that calls for one thing and in the same livestream. “She’s say- one thing only: help. ing they did everything properly in Because this is a landmark case, not just for us. The wording the So let’s put our differences aside that statement as far as their use DUQSM.COM/ in order to do just that. Make a do- judge put into the opinion is go- of copyrighted material.” nation – not a hate comment – and ing to strengthen fair use across Forrest also dismissed Hoss’ help bring some peace to this area YouTube.” WDSR/ allegations of DMCA misrep- in need. resentation and defamation, Later in the same video, Ethan claiming that the Kleins acted said, “I’m elated. I’m relieved. in good faith, that they had a le- I’m stoked. I’m happy we took LISTEN LIVE gitimate defense and that they this journey. I’m happy that the said nothing factually wrong or opportunity came to us to stand 24/7 For Hire defamatory. up and set this important prec- French stressed that the law- edent for fair use on YouTube.” Longue Vue Club (Verona) We are in search of banquet and ala carte servers, food runners and bartenders. Longue Vue offers excellent Advertise pay, free parking and meals as well as a great teamwork with us environment. We are flex- ible in regards to schedul- ing around class schedules at a as well as your other com- mitments. Experience is a plus, but we are always discounted willing to train if we think you would be a good fit for our team. To learn more rate! about Longue Vue, we in- vite you to visit our website Contact us at www.longuevue.org [email protected] For Rent Friends Luxury 2,3,4 BRS avail now 2BR 1511 Bingham $1045 3BR 106 14th $1345 continue 4BR 1509 Bingham $1895 Enjoy photography? Writing? Modern updates and Graphic Design? dream pets OK Having fun? GALAXY — from page 9 “Because even for most people, it For Hire may not turn into a main source of income, and they may not be- Math, Statistics, Econom- Join come super famous, but at least it’s a very therapeutic source. It’s ics tutor available for regu- given me a lot of peace to write po- lar meetings or last-minute The Duke! etry and write my own songs and help. Calc 1 & 2, Biostatis- record them.” tics, Business Statistics, New Galaxy is poised to be the next trendsetter in the Pittsburgh Principles and Intermedi- Come to our region. For Michael, Owen and ate Micro & Macro, and Thursday, September 7 Ethan, however, they are just tak- Econometrics. $15 /hour. OPEN HOUSE 7:30 p.m. ing things one step at a time and Tutor is senior student who and see how you working toward the goal they comes to you. Contact Kaye 113 College Hall started back in high school. can join! For more information on New at [email protected] Galaxy and its upcoming projects, or 724-316-8844. visit NewGalaxyRecords.com.