בס“ד Volume 38  Issue 24 קולנו  7:39 pm פרשת אחרי מות־קדשים ט׳ באיר תשע״ז May 5, 2017 PARASHA QUESTIONS DVAR PARASHA ANSWERS Raphy Goldstein GRADES 1 AND 2 LS Rebbe GRADES 1 AND 4 1.May a Kohen Gadol enter the Kodesh 1. No. 2. On . 3. Ten. Hakodoshim whenever he wants? 4. They kneeled down, fell on their faces it tells and proclaimed, “Baruch shem kevod ,יום כפור of עבודה introduces the laws of the תורה When may a Kohen Gadol enter the When the.2 ".was given Acharei Mos Shinei Benei Aharon, malchuso l'olom vo'ed מצוה Kodesh Hakodoshim? us that the 3.How many times did the Kohen Gadol “after the death of the two sons of Aharon.” Rashi, based on the 5. The story about the golden calf. It was say Hashem’s name on Yom Kippur? on Yom Kippur that Hashem informed 4.What did everyone who heard the Toras Kohanim, explains that the death of Nadav and Avihu are Moshe that He had forgiven the . Kohen Gadol say Hashem’s real name do mentioned as an impactful warning to Aharon to be careful about is warned about the serious GRADES 3 AND 4 כהן גדול The .קדש הקדשים immediately? entering the 5.What story in the Torah shows us that nature of this activity, so that he would not lose his life in the 1. Because the Shechina is there and Yom Kippur is a day of atonement? Hashem constantly showed Himself in the same way that Nadav and Avihu lost theirs. This is difficult to un- cloud. GRADES 3 AND 4 derstand. offer many different explanations as to what the 2. The Kohen Gadol placed one goat on 1.Why may a person not enter the Ko- sin of Nadav and Avihu was and most have nothing to do with his right and the other on his left. He then so what message is there for Aharon? put both his hands into a box and took ,קדש הקדשיםdesh Hakodoshim? entering the 2.How did the Kohen Gadol designate one lot in his right hand and the other in which goat was to be brought as a korbon How does their death serve as a warning for him? his left. These he placed upon the goats and which was sent to the Azazel? (one upon each of them.) The goat upon 3.If an ordinary Kohen did the avodah on Rabbi Betzalel Rudinsky offers an answer to this question based which was placed the lot bearing the Yom Kippur, would it be acceptable? inscription "for Hashem" was destined for One of the details we learn about the mizbeyach, and that goat upon which .פרשה in this week’s כלי יקר For what sins does the day of Yom on a.4 is that the only person who was able to go was placed the lot bearing the inscription יום כפור of עבודה Kippur atone? the and even his entry was "for Azazel" was afterwards sent to the כהן גדול was the קדש הקדשים What will happen to the Jewish People into the.5 .explains that this is because the Azazel. 3. No כלי יקר The .יום כפור in Eretz Yisroel if they follow all the limited to wicked ways of the goyim? 4. a) The sins against Hashem; b) sins was so extreme that no human being against another person, after one has קדש הקדשים holiness of the GRADES 5 AND 6 was capable of entering. It was only as a representative of the been forgiven by that person. was granted entry. 5. Eretz Yisroel will not be able to tolerate כהן גדול Why is the death of Aharon's two sons Jewish people as a whole that the.1 mentioned at the beginning of the However, during the rest of the year, the Jewish people had sins the sins of Bnai Yisroel any more than the Sedrah? sins of the goyim – they will go to golus. יום When the Kohen Gadol went into the and therefore their messenger couldn’t enter. It was only on.2 when the Jewish people were purified from theirAveiros GRADES 5 AND 6 כפור Kodesh Hakodoshim, was anybody acting as a messenger of the people 1.To warn Aharon that if he comes into ,כהן גדול allowed to be in the Ohel Moed? that the 3.If a kosher beast (chayoh) or bird is representative, was qualified to go in. the Kodesh Hakodoshim when he is not properly slaughtered, what is done with permitted, he will be punished as his two the blood that spills out after the sons were. 2. No. shechita? There are many different explanations about the sin of Nadav 3. It must be covered with earth - kisuy 4.In the time of Moshe Rabbeinu, which and Avihu. However, Rabbi Rudinsky explains that one common hadom. 4. Egypt and Canaan. two countries were the most corrupt? theme among those ideas is that they acted as individuals who GRADES 7 AND 8 Grades 7 AND 8 were focused primarily on their own personal growth without 1: Death at the hands of Hashem. 1.If any person intentionally enters the concern for their place 2.Three. 3. It brought forgiveness for all Kodesh Hakodoshim when he is not among the communi- Jews and, yet, the person who took it permitted, what is the punishment? into the desert became tomeh. ty. They decided the 2.How many times did the Kohen Gadol MAZAL TOV TO OUR 4. U'vechukoseihem lo say a confession for sins (viduy) on Yom Halacha on their selechu. Kippur? own without con- RYNJ FAMILY! 3.Why is the Azazel goat considered to be sulting Moshe  Mazal tov to our beloved faculty members, a chok? Rabbeinu or even Morah Lisa Fishkin (K) 4.From which posuk do we learn that Morah Pearl Markovic (PreK) Jews may not follow the wicked deeds each other. They and Morah Valerie Kahn (N) on and social customs of the goyim? didn’t get married being honored at this year’s so that they could RYNJ Scholarship Reception.

focus on their own For more information or to make a pledge to the campaign, please email: personal growth. [email protected] (Continued on page 2) Rather taking using a fire from the communal Korban Tamid, they used their own fire. They weren’t representing the Jewish people SCRIP PROGRAM CLOSES when serving in the Mishkan and as a result they died. FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR it is essential that The Scrip Program is officially closed for the school יום כפור on עבודה does the the כהן גדול When the he be cognizant that he is there as a representative of the entire year of 2016-2017. Bills will be sent out shortly. Jewish people. This is the only reason he has permission to enter Please save the Yeshiva a lot of work, aggravation, and this is the only way that he can be successful. and money by completing your financial obligationsקדש הקדשים the .are introduced “after the death of as soon as possible עבודה That is why the laws of the the two sons of Aharon,” to serve as a warning and a reminder of the importance of being a representative of Klal Yisrael. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who helped to make the SCRIP PROGRAM a The Meshech Chachma offers a similar idea to explain the reason strong and successful fundraiser for the Yeshiva. ארץ was specifically in the section of land in קדש הקדשים why the was a place that SPECIAL THANKS and YA’ASHER KOACH קדש הקדשים The .שבט בנימין that belonged to ישראל served the entire Jewish people as whole. Therefore, even the To our amazing distributors in the pre-school: smallest amount of disruption in the unity of the Jewish people Malkie Karlin and Shari Koesterich would detract from the holiness necessary for this location. Bin- the entire office staff, the finance office staff yamin was the only brother who was not involved in the sale of and the faculty Yosef, whose legacy was not tarnished with this decisiveness and and therefore is the only Shevet who was qualified to host this holy site. those special families who fulfilled the mitzvah of

hakaros hatov by continuing to buy scrip even after The days of Sefira are a time of reflection about our interpersonal they fulfilled their obligation. relationships. The message of the students of is that complete acceptance of other people is essential, no matter how The Scrip Program will re-open in July. To order or and buy Scrip in the summer please leave a message on קדש הקדשים righteous we are in other areas of our life. The can 201-986-1414, ext. 304 for Marsha or קדושה of the Kohein Gadol within, remind us that true עבודה the only be attained when the Jewish people are unified and working 201-986-0078, ext 319 for Shari. together to serve Hashem. To leave an e-mail, write to [email protected] or [email protected].

All Scrip pick-ups will be AT THE YESHIVA ONLY. Wait to hear back from MARSHA OR SHARI for when you will be able to come to the Yeshiva to pick up your YOM HAATZMAUT Scrip. Remember both ladies are on a summer sched- FUN ule and DO NOT come into RYNJ daily. Boys from 3B1 and 3B2 Ivrit completed a puzzle of HAVE A GREAT SUMMER! for Yom Haatzmaut.  Marsha Friedman, Scrip Coordinator

4G1 GIRLS GOT SPIRIT G1 Ms Nutkiewicz's & Mrs. Rich- ter's girls got into the spirit on Yom Ha’aztmaut! They are holding the bookmarks they made for Chesed/24 and sick children who are in hospitals. CLUBS RYNJ CALENDAR SCHEDULEUpdated

May 24*All Library Books Due May 28 - May 29 Mondays Memorial Day Weekend - No School - Pottery, Bricks4kidz May 30 May 8 Erev Shavuot - Tuesday Winter Friday Dismissal Schedule - Ballet, Baking May 31 - Jun 1 May 9 Shavuot - No School Wednesdays June 2 -Painting on Canvas Winter Friday Dismissal May 10 N @12:50, Prek-3 @1:00, 4-8 @1:50 MAY LUNCH CALENDAR

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

8 2 10 11 BBQ Chicken Tomato Soup Pesto Chicken Mac & Cheese Roasted Potato Pizza (EC-Grill Chicken) Plain Pasta String Beans Vegetables Couscous Garlic Broccoli Fruit Fruit Veggies & Fruit Fruit

15 16 17 18 Deli Hero Vegetable Soup Egg Drop Soup Bagels Veggies Pizza Chicken Lo Mein Scrambled Eggs Potato Chips Veggies Rice Hash Browns Fruit Fruit Broccoli Sliced veggies Fruit Fruit

22 23 24 25 Chicken Soup Vegetable Soup Shwarma/Pita Pancakes Spaghetti & Pizza French Fries Whip. Cream, Meatballs Veggies Pickle Chips Syrup, Berries Garlic Broccoli Fruit Veggies Sliced veggies Fruit Fruit Fruit

29 30 31 1 No School No Lunch No School No School

Lori K. Okoskin PARNAS HA’YOM Monday, May 1 In memory of Elli Newman, Yita Shayndel bat Menchem Mendel A"H. Dedicated by the Newman and Alter families.

In memory of Louis Levy, Aryeh Leib ben Gavriel Z"L. Dedicated by Dr. & Mrs. Gabriel Gurell. American Veterans of Israel Legacy Corporation In memory of Harav Aharon Ben Hagaon Harav Chaim Dovid Z"L, in conjunction with the Rabbi Aaron Regensberg, grandfather of Azriel, Consulate General of Israel in New York Eytan, Yoni and Kirschenbaum. invites the public to attend Dedicated by Shanie and Neal Kirschenbaum and family. The 51st Annual Mickey Marcus Memorial Service at Thursday, May 4 The U. S. Military Academy, West Point Jewish In memory of the 2nd yartzeit of Michael Katz, Mordechai Simcha Chapel ben Tzvi Z"L, grandfather of Aharon and Aryeh Katz. Sunday, May 7, 2017 Dedicated by Jonathan and Rebecca Katz. 10:00-1:15 For further details please contact: Friday, May 5 [email protected], In memory of Matisyahu ben Aslan Z"L. [email protected], or [email protected] Dedicated by Steve and Julie Stern.

RYNJ Scholarship Reception

Chairman's Circle $5,000 And Above Philip & Tamar Gross Raphael & Nurielle Inzlicht Anonymous Anonymous Yehuda & Shira Isenberg Anonymous Anonymous Steven & Rivky Klar Anonymous Nathan & Yocheved Lindenbaum Henry & Vivian Rosenberg Anonymous Yossie & Pearl Markovic Yair & Adeena Mayerfeld Menachem & Rachel Schechter Robert & Dr. Sara Erlich Dr. Elly & Dr. Rebecca Gamss Ephraim & Sarah Mernick David & Brenda Gruber Parent Association of RYNJ Dr. Chaim & Ariella Herman Allen & Miriam Pfeiffer President's Circle Rabbi Aryeh & Alissa Joseph Jonathan & Mandy Rochwarger Anonymous Elliot & Lori Linzer Dr. Jeffrey & Miriam Rosenfeld Glenn & Debby Pfeiffer David & Shira Sandel Jonathan & Dr. Aimee Baron David & Yonina Rosenberg Dr. Avi & Aliza Schulhof Nahum & Dr. Rina Felman Mordy & Eva Rothberg Rabbi Danny & Jodi Senter Morris Zimmerman David & Cheryl Siegel Andrea Bier Howard & Meital Teitelman Yaakov & Elana Zachter Brian & Sarit Glass $3,600 And Above Dr. David & Shula Barnett Alex & Dena Kaye Yossie & Dafna Davidovitch $1,000 And Above Yitzi & Terri Karasick Anonymous Laizer & Dr. Jessica Kornwasser Rabbi Elliot & Shoshana Moskowitz Avraham Simcha & Dr. Aviva Adler Azi & Rachel Mandel Dr. Oran & Arielle Pachter American International Group Zvi & Amy Pearlman Eric & Robin Aschkenasy Jonathan & Mindy Neiss Elliot & Nomi Press Dr. Michael & Yael Buckstein Dr. LeRoy & Sharon Rabbani Dr. Yehuda & Aliza Burns Donny & Arielle Rosenberg Yaakov & Suffy Rudman Yoel & Shoshana Dreifus Dr. Richard & Susan Rosenbluth Aryeh & Arielle Sheinbein Jonah & Chani Fink Hillel & Elaine Weinberger Dr. Yosi & Lisa Fishkin Barry & Joy Sklar Dr. Michael & Jennifer Wiederkehr Tom & Marsha Friedman Menashe & Miriam Zupnik Dr. Steven & Andrea Jutkowitz Michael & Malkie Karlin $10,000 And Above $2,500 And Above Dr. Phillip & Leah Kazlow Joshua & Esther Klavan Anonymous Aryeh & Rochel Leah Glatter Rabbi Shmuel & Barbara Goldstein Chaim & Shana Klein Ariela Balk Shelly & Gaye Hoffman Dr. Arthur & Linda Kook Chayim & Karen Kirschenbaum Dr. Chaim & Rachelle Mandelbaum Lowell & Lisa Baron David & Sara Mechlin Jeffrey & Malkie Mayer Ari & Rebecca Neugroschl Steve & Shulamit Felsenthal David & Dr. Oshra Mogilensky Henry & Mindy Orlinsky Seth & Shoshana Poloner Yisroel & Dr. Shira Hochberg Daniel & Chani Oshinsky & Nechama Price Yossie & Tzivia Rubin Jeremy & Rebecca Rauch Rabbi Yehuda, Andria, & Yedida Aaron & Rachel Savetsky Ben & Ali Rosenthal Josh & Alyse Rozenberg Rosenbaum Moshe & Arianne Weinberger Rabbi Ezra & Adina Wiener Leigh & Sheri Schachter Yechiel & Nomi Rotblat Kenny & Meredith Yager David & Debbie Schiff Dr. David & Bracha Schreiber Rabbi Zecharya & Anne Senter Dr. Amit & Elisheva Schwartz $1,800 And Above Moshe & Eliza Skoczylas Jonathan & Leah Silver Anonymous Jason & Rebecca Stein Gregory & Chanie Bell Avrami & Romy Tabacznik Adam & Stephanie Summers Shully & Eliana Braunstein Dr. Oren & Esther Wachstock Daniel & Miri Edell Dr. Stanley & Charnie Waintraub Judah & Nina Eizikovitz Harvey & Deena Wrubel $7,500 And Above Dr. Yechiel & Sara Engel Ephraim & Batia Zagelbaum Yaron & Rachel Engelstein Dr. Ben & Esther Chouake Naftalee & Tamar Zomberg Ehud & Miriam Fried Rabbi Mark & Linda Karasick Richard & Jenny Gans Joseph & Leah Gottlieb David & Shira Greenberg $500 And Above $250 And Above Bernie & Sandy Horne Anonymous Bryan & Ora Alter Chris Jurgensen IV Anonymous Etan & Kayla Bluman Larry & Valerie Kahn Anonymous Rabbi Mordechai & Suzanne Cohen Rabbi Ron & Shari Koesterich Anonymous Rabbi Daniel & Leah Feldman Rabbi Yosef & Miriam Levy Emanuel & Helen Adler Ari & Dassie Fuchs Aviva & Nochi Lipins Dr. Adam & Renee Becker Moshe & Ricki Hornblass Aaron & Jennifer Mallin Dr. Brian & Dr. Sharona Benoff Hillel & Menucha Hyman Markovic Monday Night Learning Group Dov & Dvora Brandstatter Parents of Morah Lisa's K Class Rabbi David & Dr. Jenny Nachbar Judah & Sara Diament Parents of Morah Penina's PreK Class Russell & Michele Moskowitz Dr. Amichai & Jody Erdfarb Parents of Morah Valerie's N Class Andrew & Aliza Parver David & Rivkah Felman Mayer & Miriam Sabo Dr. Jonathan & Yaffa Leah Field $180 And Above Moti & Sarah Savetsky Ari & Tzippy Gellman Anonymous Rabbi Moshe & Mirel Stavsky Rabbi Yitzi & Shoshana Genack Anonymous Daniel & Shoshana Robbin Dr. Martin & Bruchie Goldstein Anonymous Rabbi Nachum & Aviva Wachtel Aryeh & Lisa Haselkorn Ari & Rebecca Ashkenas Pinchas & Dvora Wechter Bradley & Adina Karasik Rabbi Avi & Gila Bernstein Robert & Chana Weiner Robert & Goldie Kikin David & Chanah Bickel Robin Wexler David & Marsha Kreinberg Rabbi Efrayim & Aliza Clair Rabbi Yosef & Hadassah Zitter Dr. Alden & Evie Leifer Dr. Eli and Moriya Eisenberger Ezra & Miriam Lightman Mark & Chava Finkel Friends Nathan & Shari Lindenbaum Dr. Barry & Elissa Finkelstein Anonymous David & Aviva Markowitz Stephen & Rosalyn Flatow Rabbi Eliezer & Sheva Abish Jan & Suri Meyer Simmy & Jen Friedman Theodore & Shari Baran Milton & Selma Polevoy Rabbi Tzvi & Michal Geffner Binny & Sheri Baum Dr. Dovi & Debra Popowitz Josh & Courtney Gelernter Rabbi Mark and Esther Bauman Rabbi Daniel & Lea Price Alex & Tanya Gitlin Dr. Leonard & Roberta Feiner Rosenberg Family Michael & Sharon Glass Allen & Jackie Gerson Rabbi Yisrael & Wendy Rothwachs Eliezer & Rachel Gross Chana Lieve Goldberg Rabbi Jacob J. & Yocheved Schacter Dr. Eli & Sora Grunstein Levi & Robin Goldberg Kenny & Naomi Schiff Rabbi Dov & Elissa Hochbaum Rabbi Yehuda & Chava Leah Herbst Aaron & Alana Schlanger Avi & Stacey Horowitz David & Shulamis Hes Rabbi Ben & Shani Skydell Rabbi Binyamin & Chani Krohn Rabbi Harvey & Helene Hollander Josh & Esther Slomnicki Dr. David & Karen Lefkowitz Rabbi Shlomo & Freidi Hyman Daniel & Mira Stokar Barry & Suzanne Lieberman Jerrold & Madeline Isenberg Teaneck Simcha Gemach Steven & Nechama Pudell Sy & Carole Oshinsky Dr. Jonathan & Ruchi Tiger Chanani & Dr. Irit Sandler Rabbi David & Leah Pietruszka Robbie & Maren Scharf Seymour & Lydia Richter $360 And Above Eddie & Sandy Steinberg Sarah Rosenberg Yale & Dr. Annie Baron Dr. Shimmy & Lani Tennenbaum Rabbi Moshe and Faye Rosenberg David & Malka Flamholz The Jewish Center of NYC Moshe & Ruth Royzenberg Mark & Linda Gruenbaum Nicolas & Dr. France Weill Dr. Benjamin & Aliza Rubin Aaron & Rachel Kopstick Charlie & L'via Weisinger Dr. Noam & Aliza Salamon Dovid & Malkie Kosowsky Rabbi Michael & Rivka Zauderer Rabbi Eliezer and Shira Schnall Joel & Sara Krinitz Rabbi Mark & Tzippy Staum Dr. Saul & Stephanie Lejtman $100 And Above Shlomo & Rachel Swinkin Daniel & Jenni Levy Anonymous Avi & Aviva Vogel Amiel & Elana Mandel Robert & Suzanne Acosta Hal & Beth Walters Elliot & Lisa Rothschild Dr. Emile & Galia Amzallag Dan & Michal Wasserlauf Aaron & Pesi Simon Yaacov & Aliza Apfelbaum Mark & Rachelle Zomick Ari & Esther Sorotzkin Reuben & Joan Baron Yitz & Gilla Stern Yaakov & Miriam Bindiger Corey & Sarah Tarzik Dov & Fanny Elefant Karen Zheutlin Joseph & Mitra Emrani Tsvi and Sara Zilberstein George Feintuch David & Deena Fisher Rachel Fishkin Dr. Jonathan & Dr. Aliza Frohlich Rabbi Menachem & Sarah Genack Rabbi Zev & Michal Goldberg Rabbi David & Yael Goldfischer Daniel & Chaya Hager