Mechanisms affecting liquefaction screening of Non-Plastic silty soils using Cone Penetration Resistance USGS Award Number: 07HQGR0113 Final Report October 2014 S. Thevanayagam Principal Investigator & V. Veluchamy and Q. Huang Research Assistants University at Buffalo State University of New York Department of Civil, Struct. & Env. Eng. 212 Ketter Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 Tel: 716-645-4376;
[email protected] Program Element: III Key Words: Liquefaction, sand, silty sand, Cone Penetration Resistance "Research supported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Department of the Interior, under USGS award number (07HQGR0113). The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government." i Abstract Effect of non-plastic fines on the cone resistance and cyclic resistance of sands and silty sands remains an unresolved problem. This study focuses on: (a) cone penetrometer experiment study on penetration resistance of sands and silty sands at 15 and 25% silt content, (b) numerical study on the effect of permeability and compressibility (representing the effect of silt content), diameter of cone (dc) and penetration rate (v) on cone resistance in sands and silty sands, (c) comparative analysis of the results from (a) and (b) of the effect of silt content on cone resistance through a non-dimensional parameter To (=vdc/cv, where v is the penetration rate, dc is the cone diameter and cv is the coefficient of consolidation) for all soils at the same equivalent inter-granular relative void ratio [(ec)eq] or relative density [(Drc)eq], and (d) relationship between cyclic resistance and cone penetration resistance and the non-dimensional parameter To, and its utility for liquefaction screening.