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[email protected] ORIENTALIA LOVANIENSIA ANALECTA ————— 260 ————— EGYPT AT ITS ORIGINS 5 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Cairo, 13th – 18th April 2014 edited by bÉATRIX MIDANT-REYNES and YANN TRISTANT with the collaboration of EllEN M. RYAN PEETERS LEUVEN – PARIS – BRISTOL, CT 2017 CONTENTS CONTENTS . V CONTRIBUTORS . IX INTRODUCTION . XV SETTLEMENTs AND DOMEsTIC ACTIVITIEs Masahiro BABA, Wim VAN NEER & Bea DE CUPERE, Industrial food pro- duction activities during the Naqada II period at HK11C, Hierakon- polis . 3 Nathalie BUCHEZ, Béatrix MIDANT-REYNES, Gaëlle BRÉAND, François BRIOIS, Rachid EL-HAJAOUI, Samuel GUÉRIN, Frédéric GUYOT, Christiane HOCHSTRASSER-PETIT, Mathilde MINOTTI & Jérôme ROBITAILLE, Lower Egyptian Culture settlement at Tell el-Iswid in the Nile Delta .