The University of Glasgow, Charity Number SC004401 ESTATE STRATEGY Estates and Buildings University of Glasgow Botany Gate University Avenue Glasgow G12 8QQ BE PART OF OUR +44(0)141 330 6000
[email protected] NEXT CHAPTER WORLD CHANGING CAMPUS ESTATE STRATEGY Redevelopment of the Gilmorehill Campus 2014 to 2024 UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW ESTATE STRATEGY 2014 - 2024 01 CONTENTS 02 UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW ESTATE STRATEGY 2014 - 2024 01. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW ESTATE STRATEGY 2014 - 2024 03 be undertaken. This means agreed priorities for development STRATEGIC CONTEXT can be taken forward and delivered in the context of an overall The University of Glasgow is a world leading, research intensive vision and urban design scheme for the campus. The first phase University and a part of the Russell Group of Universities. of the Estate Strategy will be delivered in the next 10 years; the The Estate should reflect the character and ambition of the overall vision could take 10 to 20 years to achieve. The Strategy University and enable staff and students to participate effectively will be reviewed regularly and adjusted to reflect the University’s in learning, teaching and research; it should reflect the ambition Strategy and the University’s financial position. of the University captured in the Strategic Plan Glasgow 2020: A Global Vision. This plan is being reviewed and shaped for the period 2015-20 and will be presented to Court in June 2015. BACKGROUND Although the Strategic Plan for 2015-20 is still under The Gilmorehill campus is the largest of the University’s development a number of key issues and principles are campuses.