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Geoscience Canada

Igneous Associations 4. Oceanic Island I and John D. Greenough, Jaroslav Dostal and Leanne M. Mallory-Greenough

Volume 32, Number 1, March 2005 Article abstract Oceanic islands tend to occur at the young ends of trails because they URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/geocan32_1ser01 record the passage of oceanic plates over rising convection cells (plumes) in the , or the propagation of cracks in the . Basaltic volcanism on See table of contents oceanic islands is generally unexplosive and, although potentially destructive, poses less threat to human life than volcanism in other tectonic environments. However, the possibility of giant tsunamis from the catastrophic gravitational Publisher(s) collapse of islands is of real concern for major cities surrounding the ocean basins. The Geological Association of Canada Two series of are recognized in oceanic islands. Tholeiites form at lower than alkali , from higher percentages of decompression ISSN melting. The former contain a low-Ca and the latter can crystallize 0315-0941 (print) . Furthermore, common to both series (, , 1911-4850 (digital) , , and ) are compositionally distinct reflecting fundamental chemical differences between the two series. Explore this journal compositions vary as magmas evolve in sub-volcanic, lithospheric magma chambers by assimilation and differentiation. Magmas assimilate wall rocks in these chambers. Time-scales for differentiation (mostly fractionation) are generally less than a few thousand . Early olivine, Cite this article pyroxene, chromite and immiscible sulfide formation cause compatible Greenough, J. D., Dostal, J. & Mallory-Greenough, L. M. (2005). elements (e.g., Ni, Co, Cr) to decline rapidly as differentiation proceeds. Associations 4. Oceanic Island Volcanism I Mineralogy and Petrology. Plagioclase dramatically removes Sr at intermediate stages and alkali Geoscience Canada, 32(1), 29–45. sequester Ba and Rb as late-stage and form in alkaline magmas. The high-field-strength elements are generally incompatible but locally decline reflecting apatite (P) and Fe-Ti oxide (Ti, Nb, Ta) removal. Studies of layering in individual flows suggest that rising volatiles may effect mass transfer of complexed ions during differentiation in magma chambers.

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GEOSCIENCE CANADA Volume 32 Number 1 March 2005 29


environments. However, the possibility océaniques au-dessus de cellules de con- of giant tsunamis from the catastrophic vection ascendantes (panaches) dans le gravitational collapse of islands is of manteau ou de la propagation de fissures real concern for major cities surround- de la lithosphère. En général, le volcan- ing the ocean basins. isme basaltique des îles océaniques n’est Two series of magmas are recog- pas explosif, et bien qu’il puisse être nized in oceanic islands. Tholeiites form destructeur, il présente moins de danger at lower pressures than alkali basalts, pour les humains que le volcanisme from higher percentages of decompres- d’autres environnements tectoniques. sion melting. The former contain a low- Cependant, la formation possible de Ca pyroxene and the latter can crystallize tsunamis géants provoqués par l’effon- nepheline. Furthermore, minerals com- drement d’îles constitue un danger réel Igneous Rock Associations mon to both series (chromite, olivine, pour les grandes agglomérations situées augite, plagioclase, magnetite and au pourtour des basins océaniques. 4. ilmenite) are compositionally distinct On distingue deux séries magma- Oceanic Island Volcanism I reflecting fundamental chemical differ- tiques dans les matériaux constitutifs des Mineralogy and Petrology ences between the two magma series. îles océaniques. Les tholéiites qui se Mineral compositions vary as forment à des pressions plus faibles que magmas evolve in sub-volcanic, lithos- les basaltes alcalins, et plus souvent sous John D. Greenough1, Jaroslav pheric magma chambers by assimilation des conditions de fusion par décompres- Dostal2, and Leanne M. Mallory- and differentiation. Magmas assimilate sion, et les basaltes alcalins. Les pre- Greenough3 wall rocks in these chambers. Time- mières contiennent un pyroxène à faible 1Department of and Environmental scales for differentiation (mostly crystal teneur en et l’autre permet la Sciences, University of British Columbia - fractionation) are generally less than a cristallisation de la néphéline. De plus, Okanagan, 3333 University Way, Kelowna, few thousand years. Early olivine, pyrox- les minéraux communs à ces deux séries BC, V1V 1V7. E-mail: [email protected] ene, chromite and immiscible sulfide (chromite, olivine, augite, plagioclase, Tel: 250 762 5445 ext. 7520; Fax: 250 470 formation cause compatible elements magnétite et ilménite) ont des composi- 6005 (e.g., Ni, Co, Cr) to decline rapidly as tions distinctes qui reflètent les dif- 2Department of Geology, Saint Mary’s differentiation proceeds. Plagioclase dra- férences de composition chimique University, Halifax, NS, B3H 3C3. E-mail: matically removes Sr at intermediate intrinsèques de ces deux séries magma- [email protected] stages and alkali feldspars sequester Ba tiques. 3Department of Geology, University of and Rb as late-stage trachytes and Les compositions minérales vari- Toronto, 22 Russell St., Toronto, ON, M5S phonolites form in alkaline magmas. The ent puisque les magmas changent de 3B1. E-mail: [email protected] high-field-strength elements are general- composition dans les chambres magma- ly incompatible but locally decline tiques lithosphériques pré-volcaniques SUMMARY reflecting apatite (P) and Fe-Ti oxide (Ti, par assimilation et différentiation. Les Oceanic islands tend to occur at the Nb, Ta) removal. Studies of layering in magmas absorbent les roches des murs young ends of hotspot trails because individual lava flows suggest that rising d’enceinte dans ces chambres. Les they record the passage of oceanic volatiles may effect mass transfer of échelles de temps de ces différentiations plates over rising convection cells complexed ions during differentiation in (principalement de fractionnement (plumes) in the mantle, or the propaga- magma chambers. cristallin) s’étalent généralement sur tion of cracks in the lithosphere. Basaltic quelques milliers d’années. D’abord, la SOMMAIRE volcanism on oceanic islands is generally formation d’olivine, de pyroxène, de unexplosive and, although potentially Les îles océaniques se trouvent générale- chromite et de sulfures immiscibles destructive, poses less threat to human ment à l’extrémité la plus jeune des entraîne un appauvrissement rapide du life than volcanism in other tectonic traînées de points chauds parce qu’elles magma en éléments compatibles (Ni, sont la marque du passage de plaques Co, Cr par ex.). Puis, aux stades inter- GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:14 PM Page 30


médiaires, la formation de and eruptive style from the activity at indicates that collapses could imperil réduit considérablement la teneur en Sr plate margins. These sub-sea and subaer- major cities bordering the ocean basins et, aux stades finaux, la formation de ial land forms represent <1 % of all (McGuire, 1996). Thus, studies of feldspaths alcalins en extrait le Ba et le igneous rocks on Earth and ~2% of all oceanic islands have both intellectual Rb alors que se forment les trachytes et volcanic activity in the deep ocean and hazard-alleviation significance for les phonolites à partir de magmas basins. However, enormous emphasis humans. alcalins. Les éléments les plus fortement has been placed on them for under- This is the first of two comple- polarisés sont généralement incompati- standing igneous processes and the evo- mentary papers on oceanic island bles mais, localement, leur teneur lution of Earth. Separated from contam- basalts. It reviews the mineralogy, classi- décline, reflétant ainsi la formation d’ap- inating continental , and unaltered fication, tectonic significance and lithos- atite (P) et d’oxydes de Fe-Ti (Ti, Nb, by -building metamorphic and perhic processes (e.g., differentiation) Ta). Les résultats d’études sur la forma- tectonic processes (Basaltic Volcanism affecting OIB magmas. The second tion en couche de coulées de laves Study Project = BVSP, 1981, p. 161), paper (Greenough et al., in press) exam- indiquent que l’ascension gravitation- oceanic island basalts (OIB) provide ines the mantle processes affecting OIB nelle des volatils pourrait avoir un effet insights into mantle composition, magma generation, including the influ- sur le transfert de masse d’ions complex- magma formation processes and magma ence of source mineralogy and the es durant la différenciation dans les evolution (Fig. 1). effects of fluids and percentage melting chambres magmatiques. The significance of oceanic on magma composition; it also provides islands is apparent in any literature isotopic and trace element evidence for INTRODUCTION review. Their archipelagoes led to the five distinct types of mantle source Most igneous activity in the ocean basins formulation of fundamental plate tec- regions. All aspects of oceanic island occurs at plate boundaries. Ocean-floor tonic ideas (Wilson, 1963), have influ- rocks, including petrography, volcanolo- basalts are extruded along mid-ocean enced hypotheses for how convection gy, and , are inter-related. ridges that define divergent boundaries, drives (Morgan, 1971; Thus, no one scale of observation is whereas island-arcs are produced as the Wilson, 1973; Hamilton, 2003), and entirely satisfactory to understanding ocean floor is subducted at convergent today fuel a healthy debate about chemi- their origin. This paper begins with plate boundaries. In contrast, oceanic cal layering in the Earth (Anderson, hand-specimen scale features, and ends island, oceanic plateau and 1999; Allègre, 2002). Further, the gravi- with the effect of differentiation volcanism is distinctive in composition tational instability of oceanic islands processes on magmas.

Figure 1. Map showing oceanic islands and island chains in the ocean basins (modified from Crough, 1983). Chains (shown) with islands discussed in text include: Azores chain (Sao Miquel and Faial islands); Canary Islands (Gran Canaria and Tenerife); Galapagos (Floreana and Isabela); Samoa (Tutuila and Upolu); Hawaii (Kauai, Hawaii and Loihi); Society Islands (Tahiti); Marquesas Islands (Eiao); Cook Islands (Aitutaki and Mangaia); and Comores (Grande Comore). GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:14 PM Page 31

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PETROGRAPHY AND MINERALOGY join do not pre- zoned and pleochroic and has Ti-rich Oceanic island rocks form two major cisely coincide. Various factors, including rims (Fig. 2c). Both alkali and tholeiitic families based on mineralogy and pet- magma composition, control whether basalts contain chromite as an early crys- rography: those that form from tholeiitic orthopyroxene or occurs as tallizing phase, and form magnetite basalts and those from alkali basalts. the low-Ca pyroxene, but high tempera- and/or ilmenite over a large range of Mantle-melting processes lead to chemi- tures yield orthopyroxene and low-pres- temperatures. cal gradation between the two, but under sure favours pigeonite. low- conditions in the litho- Only tholeiites can have , which, if MINERAL CHEMISTRY sphere, each type crystallizes dif- present, is usually restricted to the Mineral compositions are closely con- ferent minerals and evolves in very dif- . The most common nected to magma alkalinity (degree of ferent ways. phases are olivine, plagioclase silica saturation or undersaturation), the Alkali basalts and tholeiites are and augite, typically, although not always, sequence of mineral crystallization and theoretically distinguished from each appearing in that order (Fig. 2b). degree of magma evolution. Table 2 other using their modal mineralogy (Fig. Alkali basalts (Table 1) contain contains representative analyses of 2; Table 1). However, many volcanic nepheline (Fig. 2d), commonly only in major silicate phases discussed below rocks are completely glass, or are the norm, and plot in the Ol-Ne-Ab tri- (see supplementary materials at extremely fine grained, making mineral angle of the tetrahedron (Fig. 3). http://www.gac.ca/JOURNALS/geo- identification impossible or difficult. To contain modal nepheline. Less can.html for references and islands rep- overcome this problem, a whole-rock commonly, mantle melting yields magma resented on plots). major-element analysis is used to calcu- with such low silica activity that plagio- late the normative mineralogy, which clase cannot form. These rocks, estimates the abundances of minerals , only contain nepheline + Spinel (chromite) is an early crystallizing that would have formed if the rock crys- . Ultramafic primarily phase in oceanic island basalts (OIB). tallized (cf. Philpotts, 1990, pp. 88-92). occur only in alkali basalts. The most tend to show All basalt chemical compositions can be common phenocryst phases are the higher Cr2O3,Al2O3, and MgO, but plotted in the basalt tetrahedron, which same as those in tholeiites, but tend to lower TiO2 than tholeiites at comparable has normative quartz, olivine, nepheline form in the order olivine, augite and pla- Cr2O3/Al2O3 ratios (Fig. 4). The trends and augite at the apices. Because all gioclase. Augite is generally complexly shown in Figures 4a and 4b reflect dif- basalts contain augite (modal or norma- tive), compositions are projected onto Table 1: Petrographic and mineralogical characteristics of alkali and tholeiitic basalts. the Ne-Q-Ol plane (Fig. 3). Alkali basalts are separated from tholeiitic Alkali Basalts Tholeiitic Basalts basalts by the Ol-Ab join. This line has Contain normative or modal nepheline Nepheline absent. great significance, because, if Figure 3 was converted into a phase diagram, the may be present in the matrix. Biotite absent. Ol-Ab join would approximately coin- Interstitial alkali present but dif- No modal alkali feldspar. cide with a high-temperature line or ficult to identify. “thermal divide”. As any basalt cools In rare cases there is modal analcite. No modal analcite. and crystallizes minerals under low-pres- sure conditions, the left-over (residual) Low-Ca-pyroxene (pigeonite or orthopy- Contain a low-Ca-pyroxene (pigeonite or ’s composition moves down-tem- roxene) absent. orthopyroxene) in the norm or mode. perature, away from the thermal divide Quartz absent. Quartz may be present in the matrix. and Ol-Ab join. Thus, once in the litho- Olivine occurs in most samples, phe- Olivine less common, gener- sphere (low pressure), the composition nocrysts zoned with Fe-rich rims. ally unzoned, and may have a low-Ca- of magmas cannot generally cross this pyroxene reaction rim. Olivine missing line resulting in two series of magmas, from matrix. tholeiites (Hy side of Ol-Ab join) and alkali basalts (Ne side). Augite phenocrysts more strongly Augite phenocrysts generally pale-brown The most fundamental charac- pleochroic having purplish-brown, Ti- and zoning is not as apparent as in alkali teristic of tholeiites is the presence of a rich rims. basalts. low-Ca pyroxene (e.g., ), Phenocryst sequence = olivine, augite, Phenocryst sequence = olivine, plagio- most commonly in the matrix, locally as plagioclase such that plagioclase phe- clase, augite locally yielding ophitic and phenocrysts (Fig. 2a), or as calculated in nocrysts are less common than in tholei- subophitic textures typical of most ter- the norm. Thus, tholeiites fall in the Ol- ites. restrial basalts. Ab-Hy or Q-Ab-Hy triangles of the Coarser grained with Finer grained, intergranular textures com- basalt tetrahedron (Fig. 3). common in segregation veins even in pared to alkaline flows of comparable Unfortunately, rocks plotting close the thin flows. thickness. Ol-Ab join can have small percentages Ultramafic xenoliths common. Ultramafic xenoliths extremely rare. of normative Hy but no modal low-Ca pyroxene. The thermal divide and Ol-Ab Notes: Modified from Hughes, 1982, p. 297. GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:14 PM Page 32


Figure 2. Photomicrographs of oceanic-island-tholeiites (a, b) and alkali basalts ( c, d). a) Mauna Loa (Hawaii) tholeiite with a large (3.2 mm long) orthopyroxene phenocryst (En70; P on photo) and group of 4 smaller (<0.7 mm) unzoned olivine phe- nocrysts (~Fo70; O). The orthopyroxene contains plagioclase inclusions (F) and is unzoned except for a thin Fe-rich rim (R) (crossed polars; 5.1 mm wide). b) Upolu (Samoa) tholeiite with a euhedral, -shaped, unzoned (Fo67) olivine phenocryst (1.3 mm wide; marked O) and slightly pleochroic (darker coloured) augite phenocrysts (A) in a very fine-grained matrix typical of tholeiites. The lack of plagioclase phenocrysts suggests plagioclase was a late-forming phase. Olivine shows alter- ation on the rim and along fractures (plane-polarized light; photo = 2.6 mm wide). c) Tenerife (Canaries) alkali basalt with large (4.6 mm), twinned, complexly zoned (variable concentric shading), and included (olivine = O) augite phenocryst (A) surrounded by a fine-grained matrix having smaller phenocrysts of olivine (= O; Fo80). The zoning and Ti-rich rim (barely visible, thin, dark edge) on augite are typical alkali-basalt features (crossed polars; photo = 2.6 mm wide). d) Kauai (Hawaii) alkali basalt with euhe- dral olivine (O; 0.25 mm; Fo80) and augite phenocrysts (A, < 0.3 mm long) the latter locally surrounded by irregular plagioclase (F) masses. Dark, polygonal-shaped areas of mesostasis contain serrated Fe-Ti oxides and apatite needles intergrown with nepheline (N) typical of alkali basalts. The olivine phenocryst has an iddingsite alteration rim. Some augite grains show a thin, darker coloured rim reflecting high Ti content (plane-polarized light; photo = 1.3 mm wide). Mineral compositions determined optically.

ferentiation; as the Cr2O3/Al2O3 ratios of olivine compositions (~Fo90 - Fo40; matic Si contents in alkali basalts, when drop, Cr2O3 decreases, Al2O3 rises Fig. 5). Zoned , which are more compared to tholeiites, can cause more (BVSP. 1981, p. 179) and TiO2 apparent- common in alkali basalts, generally have Al to substitute for Si in augite tetrahe- ly decreases in the alkali basalts, but Fe-rich rims. Minor components in dral sites. To maintain charge balance, 3+ increases in the tholeiites. olivine include CaO, MnO, Al2O3,Cr2O3 high-valency cations, such as Al and and NiO. The highest Ca contents most- Ti4+ enter octahedral sites normally Olivine ly occur in alkali-basalt (Fig. 5). occupied by divalent cations (e.g., Mg2+ 2+ Olivine precipitation appears to begin Nickel is strongly concentrated in olivine and Fe ). Thus, Al2O3 (Fig. 6a) and and end early in tholeiite rock suites cre- relative to the coexisting magma (KD ~ TiO2 tend to be higher in alkali-basalt ating a restricted range of olivine Fo 19, depending on magma MgO) and the . The minor components MnO contents (e.g., Fo90 - Fo70 for Kilauean variations in magma Ni concentrations and Na2O help distinguish magma types tholeiites). Precipitation over a greater act as sensitive indicators of olivine pre- (Nisbet and Pearce, 1977) with the for- temperature range in the alkali basalts cipitation. mer lower and the latter higher in alkali- yields more variation in the Fo contents basalt augites (Fig. 6b). Higher Na2O in (BVSP, 1981, p. 179). Nevertheless, Augite alkali-basalt augites may reflect higher some tholeiites can show a large range Le Bas (1962) showed that lower mag- magmatic alkali contents or a charge-bal- GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:14 PM Page 33

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Table 2: Example analyses of major silicate minerals in alkali and tholeiitic basalts. Mineral Olivine Olivine Augite Augite Opx Opx Plag Plag Nepheline Series Tholeiite Alkaline Tholeiite Alkaline Tholeiite Tholeiite Tholeiite Alkaline Alkaline Island Iceland Gr.Com. Iceland Gr.Com. Haw ML Haw K Haw ML Gr. Com Tubuai Sample TH-4 MA-1 GR-22 13 184-1 KP26S1 183-14 MA-17 TU 4

SiO2 39.11 37.54 51.81 50.84 54.92 53.8 49.9 58.03 44.11

TiO2 0.85 0.88 0.34 0.66

Al2O3 2.02 3.99 1.92 1.02 31.4 26.44 33.75

Cr2O3 0.15 0.44 0.05 FeO 15.97 24.33 8.78 5.02 10.79 16.7 0.70 0.32 0.91 CaO 0.33 0.20 19.71 21.63 2.32 2.37 15.1 8.98 0.04 MgO 43.93 36.99 14.85 15.7 29.1 25.4 0.06 MnO 0.23 0.33 0.16 0.10 0.22 0.30 NiO 0.17

K2O 0.02 0.07 0.49 4.82

Na2O 0.30 0.34 0.03 0.05 2.63 5.89 16.88 Sum 99.57 99.56 98.63 98.96 99.64 100.35 99.8 100.21 100.51

Si 0.993 0.993 1.947 1.886 1.952 1.955 9.142 10.386 8.396 Ti 0.024 0.025 0.009 0.018 Al 0.089 0.174 0.080 0.044 6.780 5.577 7.571 Cr 0.004 0.013 0.001 Fe 0.339 0.538 0.276 0.156 0.321 0.507 0.107 0.048 0.145 Ca 0.009 0.006 0.793 0.859 0.088 0.092 2.964 1.722 0.008 Mg 1.662 1.459 0.832 0.868 1.542 1.376 0.016 Mn 0.005 0.007 0.005 0.003 0.007 0.009 Ni 0.004 K 0.001 0.016 0.112 1.170 Na 0.022 0.024 0.002 0.004 0.934 2.044 6.229 Total 3.007 3.007 3.993 4.009 4.000 4.006 19.943 19.904 23.518

Fo% 83.1 73.1 Ca% 41.7 45.6 4.5 4.7 Mg% 43.8 46.1 79.0 69.6 Fe% 14.5 8.3 16.4 25.7 Ca% 75.7 44.4 K% 0.4 2.9 Na% 23.9 52.7 Notes: Major-element oxides in wt.% with total Fe as FeO. Formulas for olivine, augite, orthopyroxene (Opx), plagioclase (Plag) and nepheline calculated on the basis of 4, 6, 6, 32 and 32 , respectively. Mole proportions of endmember components are given at the bottom of each column (except for nepheline). Island abbreviations: Gr. Com = Grande Comore; Haw ML = Hawaii, Mauna Loa; Haw K = Hawaii, Kilauea. Reference citations appear in supplementary materials online at http://www.gac.ca/JOURNALS/geocan.html: Sample TH 4 & GR-22 = Mäkopää, 1978; MA-1 & MA-17 = Spaeth et al., 1996; 13 = Strong, 1972; 184-1 & 183-14 = Garcia et al. 1995; KP-26 Scoria 1 = Wright and Helz, 1996; TU 4 = Brousse and Maury, 1980. GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:14 PM Page 34


ty gap is narrower at high temperatures, so that under slow cooling conditions, early formed augites and low-Ca pyrox- enes develop exsolution lamellae as low- Ca pyroxene and augite (respectively) are expelled from the structures. Coexisting low- and high-Ca pyroxene composi- tions are related to temperature allowing two-pyroxene geothermometry (Davidson and Lindsley, 1985). For example, in Fig. 7 the long-dashed line between the Skaergaard trend lines con- nects coexisting formed at ~1000o C.

Plagioclase Higher alkali-metal concentrations in alkali basalts result in plagioclases having higher K2O values (represented by high- er molecular ; Fig. 8) than those in tholeiites. Except for K and Fe, few elements substitute for the major cations (Ca, Na, Al, Si) in high-enough concentrations for routine analysis (e.g., by electron microprobe). As tempera- tures drop and differentiation proceeds, Figure 3. The normative composition of oceanic-island-basalts projected from Na substitutes for Ca with coupled sub- onto the base of the basalt tetrahedron. Ol = normative olivine, Ne = stitution of Si for Al to maintain charge nepheline, Q = quartz, Ab = albite, and Hy = normative hypersthene. Molecular balance. Thus most compositional varia- norms (Fe3+/Fe2+ adjusted to 0.30 atomic) calculated from averaged data for basalts tion reflects differentiation. Compared with Mg# > 0.40 and < 0.77. Island symbols: A = Ascension; AA = Aitutaki, to augite, plagioclase is rarely used as an Austral-Cook Islands; CO = Grande Comore, Comoros; CV = ; E= indicator of magma type, perhaps ; EM = Eiao, Marquesas; FA= Faial, Azores; FG = Floreana, because there are few measurable minor Galapagos; GC = Gran Canaria, Canaries; GO = Gough; H = Heard Island; components. However, multiple analyses HK = Kilauea , Hawaii; HM = Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii; IC = Iceland; yield information that not only reflects IG = Isabela, Galapagos; JM = Jan Mayen ; K = Kergulen; KH = Kauai, magma type, but can “fingerprint” indi- Hawaii; M= ; MA = Mangaia, Austral-Cook Islands; P = Pitcairn; R= vidual lava flows (Mallory-Greenough et Reunion; SH = St. Helena; SM = Sao Miquel, Azores; T = Tristan da Cunha; TA = al., 2002). Tubuai, Austral-Cook Islands; TC = Tenerife, Canaries; TH = Tahiti, Societies; TS = Tutuila, Samoa; US = Upolu, Samoa. Data and references in supplementary Magnetite and Ilmenite materials online at http://www.gac.ca/JOURNALS/geocan.html. Like Cr-rich , from tholeiitic basalts tend to show lower ance response to high-charge-density Ca begins rising again as the hedenber- Al2O3 and Cr2O3 and higher TiO2 con- Al3+ and Ti4+ cations entering octahe- gite component goes up. centrations than those with comparable dral sites. Low-oxygen fugacities cause Cr2O3/Al2O3 in alkali basalts (Figs. 4a, c, Fe to be enriched in residual magma as Low-CCa Pyroxenes d). However, ilmenites from tholeiites tholeiites differentiate, because Fe-oxide In addition to augite, tholeiites also con- tend to have lower Al2O3 and lower formation is inhibited. A similar enrich- tain low-Ca pyroxenes (Fig. 7). TiO2 concentrations (Fig. 9). The com- ment in magmatic MnO may cause high Orthopyroxene forms in primitive (high- positions of coexisting magnetite and MnO in tholeiitic augites. The Ca con- MgO) basalts but as differentiation pro- ilmenite can be used to estimate liquidus tents of tholeiitic augites are lower ceeds, it is replaced by pigeonite once temperatures and oxygen fugacity reflecting the dilution of the diopside- the component falls below 60 (Andersen and Lindsley, 1988) of mag- molecule by a low-Ca to 70 atomic percent. There is a misci- mas, although subsolidus exsolution pro- pyroxene molecule (Fig. 7). There are bility gap between augite and the low-Ca duces intergrowths that complicate also differences in how augite composi- pyroxenes making compositions that application of the geothermometer/oxy- tions change as differentiation proceeds. plot between the two less common (Fig. gen barometer in slowly cooled, coarse- In alkali basalts, they move parallel to 7). However, rapid crystallization grained rocks. the diopside-hedenbergite join. In tholei- (quenching) can yield disequilibrium ites, the Ca proportion drops until the compositions (sub-calcic augites) which Mg:Fe ratio reaches ~1:1, at which point plot in the miscibility gap. The miscibili- GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:15 PM Page 35

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TECTONIC SETTING AND MANTLE hotspots, an idea central to acceptance movement of hotspots relative to the CONVECTION of plate tectonic theory. Many scientists geographic pole (Duncan and Richards, Oceanic-island volcanism occurs at the think that hotspots mark locations 1991). Also, hotspots probably move rel- ends of hotspot trails (e.g., Hawaiian- where diapiric convection cells, called ative to one another and this is consis- Emperor), which can, in places, be mantle “plumes”, rise beneath lithos- tent with fixed hotspots being unlikely, if traced, using , across major pheric plates (Morgan, 1971; Wilson, “plume” models for convection in the parts of ocean basins (Fig. 1). The vol- 1973). Detailed studies of the angular mantle are correct (Koppers et al., 2001). canically active trail-ends are preferen- relationships of hotspot trails show that Nevertheless, these conclusions do not tially located near divergent plate bound- the distance to the north magnetic pole, negate the hypothesis that hotspot trails aries and are rare near convergent and by assumption the north geographic dominantly reflect plate motions. boundaries (Zhao, 2001). Wilson (1963) pole (= spin axis), has changed by up to Despite the popularity of the plume proposed that the trails reflect move- 8 mm/y over the past 100 Ma, providing model, hotpots (oceanic islands) may ment of oceanic plates over fixed mantle evidence for “true polar wander” or simply represent the position of propa-

Figure 4. Plots of Cr2O3/Al2O3 (oxide wt.%/oxide wt. %) versus the concentrations (oxide wt. %) of Al2O3, TiO2,Cr2O3 and MgO (diagrams a, b, c and d respectively) in chromites (Cr2O3/Al2O3 > 1) and magnetites from alkali (A symbols) and tholeiitic (T) basalts. Note the log scale for Cr2O3 concentrations in diagram c and for Cr2O3/Al2O3 in diagrams c and d. Data references and islands in supplementary materials online at http://www.gac.ca/JOURNALS/geocan.html. GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:15 PM Page 36


zones with passive rise of mantle below spreading ocean ridges, whereas cylindrical convection cells (plumes) may be responsible for oceanic islands (Davies, 1998). Some models suggest that plumes arise from the lower most, lower mantle, thermal boundary layer (the “D” layer) heated from below by energy leaving the core. Others see cells originating at the 670 km seismic discontinuity, or from mid-mantle depths below the discontinuity (Cserepes and Yuen, 2000). It has been argued that three-dimensional views of seismic wave velocities (seismic tomography) do pro- vide support for hot, low-density (low- velocity) (plumes) rising from the core-mantle boundary to the lithosphere below oceanic islands such as Hawaii and Iceland (Ji and Nataf, 1998; Bijwaard and Spakman, 1999; Zhao, Figure 5. Plot of olivine content (Fo = 100*Mg/(Mg+Fetotal), cation pro- 2001). The results of these studies and portions) versus the number of Ca cations (mineral formula based on four oxygen). those showing subducted ocean-floor As differentiation proceeds (Fo drops), Ca substitution increases in alkali basalts (A) slabs crossing the upper mantle – lower but changes little in tholeiites (T). mantle boundary (670 km seismic dis- continuity) have recently been ques- gating cracks in the lithosphere tion seems inevitable (Griffiths and tioned (Anderson, 2000; Hamilton, (Anderson, 1999; 2000; Hamilton, 2002; Turner, 1998). Based on observations of 2003). Thus, plumes may not exist and 2003; see Greenough et al., in press, for the length of subduction zones, subduc- convection in the upper mantle may be a brief review of this model). tion and spreading rates, length and separated from the lower mantle. As dis- Given an internal heat source height of ocean ridges, and the topo- cussed in the complementary paper from radioactive decay, the size of the graphic height of “hotspot” swells, there (Greenough et al., in press), this has Earth, the low thermal conductivity of may be two modes of mantle convec- important implications for models of silicate rocks, and the temperature tion. The dominant one is driven by the Earth’s chemical structure and evolu- dependence of , mantle convec- cool, high-density, lithosphere sinking at tion.

Figure 6. Plots showing the relationship between augite compositions and magma alkalinity. a) alkali-basalt augites (A) have higher Al2O3 and lower SiO2 than tholeiites (T). b) The minor components MnO and Na2O distinguish alkali and tholeiitic augites. All concentrations in oxide wt. %. The dividing line in a) is from Le Bas (1962). GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:15 PM Page 37

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Information on the magnitude of hotspot swells (0.5-1 km high * < 1000 km diameter), lithosphere thick- ness, and melting behavior of assumed mantle materials including xenoliths, yield models for the size and thermal structure of underlying convection cells. These explain changes in magma com- position and volume produced by decompression melting as plates move over a hotspot (Watson and McKenzie, 1991; Sen et al., 1996). Figs. 10 and 11 show stages in Hawaiian volcanism (Clague and Dalrymple, 1987). In the pre- stage, the plate begins to over- ride an ascending plume and decompres- sion initiates melting. The initial magmas are alkaline (e.g., the subsea Loihi Seamount, southern end of the Figure 7. The pyroxene quadrilateral showing that alkali-basalt augites (A) have a Hawaiian chain). Elements such as K, higher wollastonite component (Wo) than those in tholeiites (T). Low-Ca pyroxenes Rb, Sr, Nb, Zr, and La are highly con- (orthopyroxene and pigeonite) plot at the bottom of the diagram. Solid black lines centrated in these incipient, small per- show compositional trends in the tholeiitic and the long-dashed centage melts because they are “incom- line connects coexisting pyroxenes formed at ~ 1000oC. Diagram was plotted using patible” in minerals of the solid mantle the cation proportions of CaSiO3, MgSiO3 and FeSiO3. residue and prefer melt over solid. In the second or shield stage, the plate is over occurs at greater depths resulting in low AND VOLCANIC the plume axis and large amounts of volumes of dominantly alkaline magma HAZARDS decompression occur. Melts form at the typical of the majority of oceanic islands Models for the plumbing system feeding highest temperatures and lowest pres- (Haase, 1996). flows are mostly based on Hawaiian sures resulting in large volumes of studies. During the shield-building stage, tholeiitic magma that form shield volca- noes such as Mauna Loa. “Incompatible” elements are diluted in these high-percentage melts. As the plate moves over the plume tail, melting per- centages and magma production drop as alkali basalts and their differentiates appear during the post-shield stage. Following 0.3 - 2.0 Ma of dormancy with edifice , small volume, explosive and highly alkaline magmas appear during a rejuvenation stage attrib- uted to volatile-induced melting in a “wet” envelope at the plume tail’s periphery. Lithospheric thickness deter- mines the height to which plumes can rise (or the depth where propagating cracks initiate melting), and so it also affects the depth, volume, percentage of melting and geochemical character of magmas. After new forms, the lithosphere cools and thickens as it moves away from the ocean ridge. Where a plume/crack occurs below/in young and thin (< 75 km) lithosphere, low-pressure melting creates large vol- Figure 8. Plot of plagioclase compositions on the feldspar ternary diagram. The umes of tholeiitic magma (e.g., Iceland expanded scale for the KAlSi3O8 (Or) component emphasizes the lower K content and Hawaii). If the lithosphere is older of tholeiitic plagioclases (T) compared to alkali basalts (A). Diagram was plotted and thicker (e.g., Canaries) melting using cation proportions of Ca, Na and K. GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:15 PM Page 38


with eruption, enhances the formation of fragmental rocks (Cas and Wright, 1987, pp. 42-45). Non-explosive shield volcano eruptions rarely result in human deaths but lava flows, the most common type of volcanic hazard (e.g., Hawaii), can be very destructive (Mullineaux et al., 1987). More daunting is the tendency for oceanic islands to undergo catastrophic collapse. The seafloor surrounding most oceanic islands shows debris-flow deposits stretching hundreds of kilome- tres from islands (e.g., Moore et al., 1994; McMurtry et al., 1999; Moore and Clague, 2002). Various factors contribute to the collapse (Elsworth and Voigt, 1996; Carracedo, 1996). These are: 1) flows extruded into seawater become quenched and contribute to over-steep- ening of the volcanic edifice. The result is a tensional stress regime, induced by gravity, which radiates from volcano summits, 2) porous subaerial fragmental deposits can be intruded by imperme- able dykes. In humid climates the porous rocks between sub-parallel dykes in rift zones become saturated water reservoirs, Figure 9. Plot of TiO2 versus Al2O3 concentrations (oxide wt. %) in ilmenites from and 3) intrusion along rift zones facili- tholeiitic (T symbols) and alkali basalts (A). Both oxides tend to be higher in alkali tates catastrophic collapse because basalts. See supplementary materials online at http://www.gac.ca/JOURNALS/geo- magma has no shear or tensional can.html for data sources and islands represented on the plot. strength and it also decreases the strength of surrounding rocks by heat- magma originating from mantle depths eruption of copious quantities of high- ing trapped water and raising pore-fluid > 60 km penetrates a vertical conduit temperature, low-viscosity (highly fluid) pressures. The potential for catastrophic and is stored in a 3 to 7 km deep magma basaltic lava results in the low slopes collapse has attracted much attention reservoir beneath the volcano’s summit characterizing shield volcanoes. High because resulting giant tsunamis could (Decker, 1987). During the post-shield temperature pahoehoe flows near vents imperil major cities bordering the ocean stage, more alkalic magmas that have have smooth “ropey” surfaces (Williams basins. lower production rates are stored in and McBirney, 1979, pp. 101-112). deeper chambers (~15 km; Clague, Lower temperature flows, and flows far- GEOCHEMISTRY AND 1987). Depending on supply rates, ther from vents are more viscous and DIFFERENTIATION magma is periodically erupted from the have uneven, jagged or broken surfaces Once magmas form in the mantle, vari- summit and/or laterally intruded and (aa and blocky flows). Pillow form ous processes, including differentiation, erupted along rift zones. Rift zone orien- where lava is extruded under water. The can cause them to evolve. The products tations reflect the gravity-induced ten- outer selvages are glassy and the interior of these various processes are highly sional stress field that is controlled by a tends to be vesicular under low-water dependent on the starting magma com- volcano’s internal structure and mor- pressures. At great ocean depths (pres- position. Basalts and rarer intermediate phology (Fiske and Jackson, 1972). The sure), lower magma volatile contents, and rocks can be categorized into 3 volume (0.08 to 40 km ) and shape and/or higher magma , pillow three series based on Na2O + K2O at (interconnected sills and dykes versus interiors are less vesicular. Evolved (dif- particular SiO2 contents (Fig. 12a; aver- spherical pluton) of magma chambers ferentiated) and alkaline magmas tend to ages used appear in supplementary below Kilauea are debated but temporal be more explosive reflecting higher vis- materials with representative averages in geochemical variations suggest a small cosity and/or higher volatile content. Greenough et al. (in press; their Table (2-3 km3), simple-shaped reservoir, Thus, post-shield and rejuvenation-stage 1). Three reference suites from Iceland, whereas geophysical models “see” a alkaline magmas are more prone to Moorea and Tristan da Cunha illustrate large aseismic zone (chamber) that forming localized, cone-shaped, frag- (respectively) the tholeiitic series con- includes crystal mush (Pietruszka and mental deposits (Mullineaux et al., 1987). taining basalt to , the alkaline Garcia, 1999). Magma interaction with groundwater or series with alkali basalts to trachytes and The relatively non-explosive seawater, either before or in association a strongly alkaline series, beginning with GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:15 PM Page 39

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and ultimately yielding phono- lite; few oceanic islands contain tholeiite- series rocks. The alkaline series is most common (Fig. 12b). Variations in com- position within each series reflect differ- entiation in magma chambers under vol- canoes. Crystals (minerals) have a differ- ent bulk composition than the magma they form from. For example, early crys- tallizing olivine has higher MgO, lower SiO2 and little Na2O and K2O compared to the host magma. Its formation causes the residual liquid (magma) to have lower MgO and higher SiO2 and Na2O + K2O content than the original magma. Magma chambers are not exposed, so processes that remove crystals from magma must be inferred from erupted flows. Whether minerals grow in magma and are gravitationally separated (i.e., minerals denser than magma, sink), or nucleate and grow on the floor, walls and roof of chambers from convecting magma, is debated (see Hawkesworth et al., 2000) but most petrologists are of the view that crystal fractionation, in whatever form, is the dominant differen- tiation process. Intermediate composi- tion lavas tend to be less common, or missing, in some suites, a phenomenon called the Daly gap. The Daly gap has been related to high viscosities Figure 10. Graphical representation of time (Y axis) versus magma eruption rates (Thompson et al., 2001) and/or higher (solid curve; X axis), accumulated volume (shaded rectangles) and rock types (right densities (Renzuli and Santi, 2000) of hand column) for Hawaiian volcanoes at various stages of development. Example intermediate magmas, which prevent volcanoes are given on the Y axis. Note that percentages of melting correlate posi- them from reaching the surface. Evolved tively with the eruption rates represented by the bell-shaped curve. Modified from magmas can have lower viscosities than Best and Christiansen (2001, p. 359). intermediate ones because of increased alkalis and volatile contents. This, formation and removal causes Kilauea als. Nickel, Cr and Co behave as “com- together with volatile exsolution, which magmas to intersect the olivine - plagio- patible” elements (i.e., are concentrated creates buoyant magma, allows evolved clase cotectic. Thus the order of phe- in early crystallizing minerals) in all three magma to erupt. nocryst appearance in Kilauea lavas is series with the concentrations falling as Various approaches yield infor- olivine, plagioclase, augite whereas in Mg# declines. Declining Ni and Co are mation about how magmas evolve. For Mauna Loa lavas it is olivine, augite, pla- most commonly ascribed to olivine pre- example, olivine is a common phe- gioclase (Basaltic Volcanism Study cipitation. However, globules of high- nocryst phase in both Kilauea and Project, 1981, p. 165). density, immiscible sulfide liquid can also Mauna Loa tholeiites. The effect of Mass-balance calculations and form in the early stages of magma dif- olivine formation and removal on trace-element modeling are widely used ferentiation. Sulfide liquid removes Ni magma composition can be calculated, to infer how magmas evolve (e.g., more rapidly than olivine because of the and matches glass compositions Maaløe et al. 1986; West et al., 1988; Le extremely high-sulfide liquid/silicate observed at both volcanoes. Projection Roex, 1990; Thompson et al., 2001). magma partitioning coefficients. Some of these liquid compositions onto exper- Generalizations on processes can be siderophile and chalcophile elements imentally determined phase diagrams made from variation diagrams showing such as Au and the Group ele- reveals that the slightly higher silica con- representatives of the three magma ments (PGE’s) are more strongly parti- tent of Mauna Loa magmas causes series (Fig. 13). Selected major elements tioned into immiscible sulfide liquid than evolving to intersect the olivine - and trace elements are plotted against Ni. Thus, the removal of sulfide liquid pyroxene cotectic. Therefore, pyroxene Mg# (= Mg/(Mg + (0.9*Fetotal)) atomic) may explain the compatible behavior is the next mineral to start forming after which decreases during differentiation (concentrations fall with differentiation) olivine. Plagioclase comes onto the liq- reflecting the preferential incorporation of these elements in many hot-spot uidus after pyroxene. In contrast, olivine of Mg over Fe in ferromagnesian miner- magmas (Fryer and Greenough, 1992; GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:15 PM Page 40


Figure 11. Schematic cross section along the axis of the Hawaiian island chain showing relationships between the underlying plume and volcanoes at various stages of development. Circles give the volume and percentage of melting (high, low, etc.) at each volcano. Temperature contours outline the plume’s shape which is asymmetric reflecting viscous drag from the moving, overlying lithosphere. Alkaline magmas form at the rim of the plume, which is hydrated by metasomatic fluids driven from the hot dry (dehydrated) core. Scales on the X and Y axes are the same except that the above-sea-level part of Y is expanded to show surface features. Modified from Best and Christiansen (2001, p. 362) and Sen et al. (1996).

Tatsumi et al., 2000). both elements have high partition coeffi- 1986). Note that because the REE parti- decreases are commonly attributed to cients in K-feldspars (e.g., sanidine). tion into apatite, the proportion of the early precipitation of chromite, and The rare-earth-elements (except apatite precipitating must be large later, the formation of augite. Eu), and high-field strength elements enough to remove P but small enough Strontium tends to increase in (e.g., Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta) generally behave to keep the bulk partition coefficient for basalts and then plunge in more differ- incompatibly (Fig. 13). However, Nb the REE less than one because their entiated rocks (Mg# > 0.40) of alkaline and Ta are compatible in some Jan concentrations increase with differentia- and strongly alkaline islands, (e.g., Mayen and Hawaiian suites, apparently tion. may initially increase dur- Tristan da Cunha, Fig. 13); plagioclase reflecting Fe-Ti oxide precipitation ing differentiation, but it becomes com- concentrates Sr. The change from (Maaløe et al., 1986; West et al., 1988). patible in all types of magmas above an incompatible to compatible behavior Phosphorous initially rises and then falls Mg# of ~ 0.5 (Fig. 13). Minerals that heralds the onset of significant plagio- in Tristan da Cunha lavas, but remains remove Ti include augite and ilmenite/ clase (or ) constant, or falls, in the Moorea and titanomagnetite. precipitation/removal. Similarly, Ba Iceland suites (Fig. 13). Although P can An important question is behaves incompatibly in mafic magmas be incompatible in entire suites (West et whether the alkaline and tholeiitic series but concentrations either level off or fall al., 1988), apatite comes on the liquidus magmas are related by differentiation. in highly differentiated rocks. Declining by intermediate to late stages of differ- Classic experiments by Yoder and Tilley Rb and Ba in evolving, alkaline Hawaiian entiation in many suites as indicated by in the 1960’s showed that Ne-normative rocks has been ascribed to feldspar pre- declining P concentrations (e.g., alkali basalts are probably not related to cipitation (West et al., 1988) because Thompson et al., 2001; Maaløe et al., tholeiitic basalts by differentiation GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:15 PM Page 41

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Figure 12. Total alkalis versus silica diagrams. a) Suites of differentiated rocks from Tristan da Cunha (T), Moorea (Society Islands, M) and Iceland (L). Fields are from Le Maitre et al., (1989) b) Averaged compositions of basalts from 30 oceanic islands as labelled. The dividing line for alkaline and tholeiitic (subalkaline) fields is from Irvine and Baragar (1971). Averages used for diagram b) appear in the supplementary materials with selected representative analyses in Greenough et al. (in press).

because of a low-pressure thermal lization (AFC). For example, high Time scales of Differentiation divide approximately coinciding with the 87Sr/86Sr ratios in Kerguelen trachytes -series dating (Hawkesworth et Ol - Ab join in the basalt tetrahedron supports assimilation of hydrothermally al., 2000; Condomines et al., 2003; Reid, (Fig. 3). To cross this divide, basaltic altered oceanic crust in subsurface 2003) has been important for estimating magmas would have to increase in tem- magma chambers (Gagnevin et al., differentiation time-scales in closed-sys- perature as they differentiate (see 2003). However, even basalts can be tem magma chambers, and magma resi- Petrography and Mineralogy Section). contaminated. The K2O and P2O5 con- dence times for open systems (magma Both series show similar maximum Mg# centrations, and 206Pb/204Pb and constantly erupting; e.g., Kilauea, values and concentrations of differentia- 143Nd/144Nd isotopic compositions of Hawaii). Uranium-series methods are tion-sensitive transition metals (Ni, Cr, melt, fluid and crystal inclusions in based on the concept of radioactive Co, Sc). This precludes fractional crystal- olivine from a relatively unevolved equilibrium. In an “old” system (e.g., old lization even at high pressures as a Kerguelen basalt, indicate assimilation of mineral grain) the number of daughter process relating the two types of basalts the underlying lithosphere (Borisova et atoms forming per unit time from par- (Dostal et al., 1982). However, Renzulli al., 2002). Oxygen isotopes (δ18O) are ent atoms (referred to as Activity of the and Santi (2000) show that under high useful for identifying contaminants such parent = (AP)) will equal the number of fO2 conditions, slightly Ne-normative as altered basalt and seafloor sediment. daughters decaying to some other iso- δ18 basalts can yield highly evolved peralka- Variations in the O of Canary islands tope (Activity of daughter = (AD)) and line, Hy- and Q-normative trachytes phonolites and basalts, as well as (AD/AP) = 1. Young systems can be in a through a two-stage fractionation Icelandic basalts, support assimilation of state of disequilibrium; the number of process occurring in deep and then shal- felsic rocks (e.g., nepheline ) from daughter atoms forming (or decaying) is low-level magma chambers. the volcanic edifice (Wolff et al., 2000), greater than the number decaying (or ocean floor, and island crustal rocks forming). The extent to which the sys- Assimilation (Hansteen and Troll, 2003; Eiler et al., tem is out of equilibrium reflects how Although fractional crystallization is 2000). Studies of volatiles (e.g., H2O, young it is. The U and Th decay series seen as the dominant process yielding CO2, Cl, F, S, B, Be), in particular Cl, in that lead to stable Pb isotopes involve highly evolved rocks (e.g., Prestvik et al., Hawaiian and Austral Islands basaltic numerous intermediate isotopes with 2001), other processes glass and olivine-hosted melt inclusions short half-lives. The commonly used can be important. The phase change suggest that intruding magmas com- parent–daughter pairs 238U – 230Th, 235U associated with crystallization releases monly assimilate subsurface seawater, – 231Pa, 230Th – 226Ra, 226Ra – 210Pb large amounts of energy that is convert- hydrothermal brines or brine-impregnat- and 232Th – 228Ra (daughter 1/2 lives = ed to heat; this heat causes melting or ed oceanic crust, and fumarolic deposits 75400, 32500, 1620, 22.3 and 5.75 years of wall rocks, a process (Lassiter et al., 2002; Hauri, 2002; Davis respectively) permit “dating” on time called assimilation – fractional crystal- et al., 2003). scales of ~400,000 years to a few years GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:15 PM Page 42


(~5 times 1/2 lives). Based on 238U – 230Th, differentiation of alkali basalt to form in deep magma chambers (e.g., Sao Miguel , Azores; Tenerife, Canaries) takes ~105 years, although these could be an over-estimate if old crustal materials were assimilated (Condomines et al., 2003). 226Ra – 210Pb methods indicated only ~10 years were required for alkali basalt to differentiate to hawaiite/ in Iceland (Sigmarsson, 1996). For “open sys- tems”, a 230Th – 226Ra study of an evolved Kilauea rift basalt gave a mini- mum residence time of ~ 550 years (Cooper et al., 2001). Reid (2003) states that 230Th – 226Ra disequilibria indicate residence times of, at most, a few thou- years and more commonly years to hundreds of years.

Differentiation in Flows Rapid (years to 10’s of years) differentia- tion processes occur in individual basaltic flows and form igneous layering with “exotic” compositions. Segregation veins create the layering. They occur in basalt flows > 10-m thick, are 1 - 100- cm thick, vertical to horizontal (=sheets; traceable 100’s of m) and show sharp, but unchilled boundaries with surround- ing basalt. Textures change from highly vesicular (upper 5 m), to pegmatitic at depths of ~30 m (Greenough et al., 1999). As the flow’s upper crust grows downward, horizontal segregation veins form at regular intervals reflecting tear- ing of crystal mush at the bottom of the crust (Helz, 1987). Interstitial liquid in the mush is sucked or forced into the tear to produce the vein. Convection contributes to the exotic compositions of segregation veins (Helz et al., 1989). Various processes can cause low-density residual magma to form at the bottom of the flow. This magma forms diapirs or vesicle “plumes” (not mantle plumes!) that rise through the flow, infiltrate the crystal mush of the flow’s upper crust, and ultimately enter segregation veins. Veins show high concentrations of ele- ments likely to form volatile complexes (K, Na, Rb, Sr, Ba, Cu, Pb, Zn Cl, S and As) implicating volatiles and vesicle “plumes” in the differentiation process Figure 13. Plots of selected trace elements (ppm) and major element oxides (wt. %) (Greenough et al., 1999). Similar rapid versus the differentiation indicator Mg# (= Mg/(Mg + (0.9*Fet)) atomic) in three differentiation processes may operate in suites of oceanic island basalts. Tristan da Cunha (T) represents a strongly alkaline subsurface magma chambers. suite, Moorea Society Islands, (M) a moderately alkaline suite and Iceland (L) a tholeiitic suite. Note concentrations on the Y axis are on a log scale. GACGeoCanV32No1.qxp 3/18/2005 3:15 PM Page 43

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FUTURE RESEARCH Basaltic Volcanism on the Terrestrial pyroxenes; Part 2, Model calibration The issue of whether oceanic islands Planets: Pergamon Press Inc., New York, from experiments and applications to form from mantle plumes or represent 1286 pp. geothermometry: Contributions to propagating cracks in the lithosphere is Best, M.G. and Christiansen, E.H., 2001, Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 91, p. 390- of fundamental importance and requires . Blackwell Science, 404. , 458 p. Davies, G.F., 1998, Plates, plumes, mantle a re-evaluation of seismic tomography Bijwaard, H. and Spakman, W., 1999, convection and mantle evolution, in results. Although the importance of Tomographic evidence for a narrow Jackson, I., ed., The Earth’s Mantle, crystal differentiation appears estab- whole below Iceland: Composition, Structure and Evolution: lished, the impact of assimilation and Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, effect of volatiles on magma composi- 166, p. 121-126. U.K., p. 228-258. tions requires further consideration. Borisova, A.Y., Nikogosian, I.K., Scoates, Davis, M.G., Garcia, M.O. and Wallace, P., Studies of the trace-element composi- J.S., Weis, D., Damasceno, D., Shimizu, 2003, Volatiles in glasses from Mauna tion of minerals using new analytical N. and Touret, J.L.R. 2002. Melt, fluid Loa Volcano, Hawaii; implications for methods such as laser ablation – induc- and crystal inclusions in olivine phe- magma degassing and contamination, tively-coupled-plasma mass-spectrome- nocrysts from Kerguelen plume-derived and growth of Hawaiian volcanoes: picritic basalts; evidence for interaction Contributions to Mineralogy and try, promise refinements in our under- with the Kerguelen Plateau lithosphere: Petrology, v. 144, p. 570-591. standing of differentiation processes as Chemical Geology, v. 183, p. 195-220. Decker, R.W., 1987, Dynamics of Hawaiian well as alternative methods for assessing Carracedo, J.C., 1996, A simple model for volcanoes: an overview, in Decker, R.W., relationships between magma chemistry the genesis of large gravitational land- Wright, T.L. and Stauffer, P.H., eds., and source region processes and compo- slide hazards in the Canary Islands, in Volcanism in Hawaii: U.S. Geological sitions. McGuire, W.J., Jones, A.P. and Neuberg, Survey Professional Paper 1350, v. 2, p. J. eds., Volcano Instability on the Earth 997-1018. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and Other Planets: Geological Society Dostal, J., Dupuy, C. and Liotard, J.M., 1982, R. Corney prepared diagrams. SMU pro- Special Publication No. 110, Geological Geochemistry and origin of basaltic vided office support for LMM and JDG. Society, Bath, U.K., p. 125-135. lavas from Society Islands, French JDG and JD acknowledge NSERC oper- Cas, R.A.F. and Wright, J.V., 1987, Volcanic Polynesia (South Central ): Successions, Modern and Ancient. Allen Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 45, p. 51-62. ating grants. The comments of review- and Unwin, London, 528 p. Duncan, R.A. and Richards, M.A., 1991, ers (G. Jenner, B. Murphy and D. Piper) Clague, D.A., 1987, Hawaiian alkaline volcan- Hotspots, mantle plumes, flood basalts, and the editor (G. Pe-Piper) led to major ism, in Fitton, J.G. and Upton, B.G.J., and true polar wander: Reviews of improvements in the manuscript. eds., Alkaline Igneous Rocks: Geological Geophysics, v. 29, p. 3150. Society Special Publication No. 30, p. 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