2017 MAJOR LEAGUE AND MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL ATTENDANCE HIGHLIGHTS This is a brief summary of 2017 Major League and Minor League Baseball attendance. It includes league and team attendance totals in the pages that follow the notes below. The Minor League highlights summary, and their team and league attendance listings, can be found starting on Page 13, after the Major League notes and statistics. The 2017 full Minor League Baseball Attendance Analysis is expected to be posted on numbertamer.com by late December, 2017 or early January, 2018. The 2017 complete Major League Analysis should be ready by May, 2018. The full analyses for each season from 2009 through 2016 are available on the ‘Baseball Reports’ page of numbertamer.com. An updated version of the 2016 Major League Analysis, showing 2016 and 2017 attendance data in other sports besides baseball, has been posted, and it will be updated again in early December, 2017. If you need any further information before the 2017 comprehensive reports are published, please contact David Kronheim –
[email protected], 718-591-2043. This data will be provided free-of-charge. SOURCES: Major League attendance data was obtained from the Major League Baseball Information System. The office of Minor League Baseball (formerly known as the NAPBL) provided figures for the Major League affiliated leagues. Independent leagues data came from each league’s Website. In general, Major and Minor League attendance data is compiled from figures announced in box scores, includes tickets sold but not used, and may include tickets distributed for free. Attendance for the Pecos Baseball League was provided by the league, and only includes tickets sold and used.