TURKISH JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL WORK Research Article Yerli, K. The Elizabethan Poor Law Of 1601 As A Result Of Socio-Political And Economic Conditions Of The Sixteenth Century England. Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work, 2020; 3(1): 88-99 Makale Gönderim Tarihi: 26 Mayıs 2020 Makale Kabul Tarihi:15 Haziran 2020 THE ELIZABETHAN POOR LAW OF 1601 AS A RESULT OF SOCIO- POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY ENGLAND ONALTINCI YÜZYILDA İNGILTERE’DE YAŞANAN SOSYO-POLITIK VE EKONOMIK DURUMUN BIR SONUCU OLARAK 1601 ELIZABETH YOKSUL YASASI Kenan YERLİ1 ABSTRACT Miscellaneous economic, political, military and social events that took place in England during the sixteenth century caused poverty and hard times in England. The dissolution of the Catholic Church, the emergence of mercantilism as the early stage CORRESPONDENCE of capitalism, plague epidemics, ongoing wars and migration of Protestants from the 1 Dr. Sakarya University, continental Europe to England changed the structure of social life profoundly in the Department of Foreign sixteenth century and caused poverty. As a result of this, the number of people who Languages, e-mail:
[email protected] vagabond and beg across England grew. King Henry VIII, King Edward VI and Queen ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6114-6167 Elizabeth I promulgated various laws to alleviate poverty and to finalize begging across the country. 1601 Act for the Relief of the Poor was the final and revised version of a series of poor law legislated in the sixteenth century. This study aims at understanding the reasons and functions of the Old Poor Law of 1601 in the light of former acts and socio-political developments of the sixteenth century.