THIS IS A TEST BALLOT: 2012-10-10 15:29:09 WRITE-IN . CONSTITUTION LIBERTARIAN LIB AND SOCIALISM GREEN INDEPENDENCE FAMILIES WORKING CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN DEMOCRATIC (2) Tovoteforacandidatewhosenameisprinted onthisballotfillintheoval (1) Markonlywithwritinginstrumentprovided by BoardofElections. INSTRUCTIONS: 2012 6, NOVEMBER - ELECTION GENERAL THE FOR BALLOT OFFICIAL (6) Donotovervote.Ifyou selectagreaternumberofcandidatesthantherearevacancies tobefilled,yourballotwillv oid forthatpublicoffice orproposal. (5) Anyothermarkorwriting, oranyerasuremadeonthisballotoutsidethevotingovals orblankspacesprovidedforvoting willvoidthisentireballot. (4) Tovoteyesornoonaproposal,ifany,that appearsonbackoftheballotfillinoval (3) Tovoteforapersonwhosenameisnotprinted onthisballot,writeorstamphishernameinthespaceIn"atbottomofcolumnforsuchoffice. labeled"Write- OFFICE I G D C H E B A F 1G 1H 1D 1C 1B 1A 1F 1I James P.Gray Cheri Honkala Cheri Barack Obama Jim Clymer Yari Osorio PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS PRESIDENTIAL Paul Ryan Joe Biden Mitt Romney Mitt Virgil AND VICE PRESIDENT VICE AND FOR PRESIDENT FOR (Vote Once) WRITE-IN 1 for VicePresident for VicePresident for VicePresident for VicePresident SAMPLE for VicePresident for VicePresident for President for VicePresident for VicePresident for President otelf f h addt' ae like O totheleftofcandidate'sname, for President for President for President for President for President for President SOCIALISM AND LIB AND SOCIALISM FAMILIES WORKING CONSERVATIVE CONSTITUTION DEMOCRATIC LIBERTARIAN REPUBLICAN O thatcorresponds withyourvote. O GREEN 2H 2D 2C 2E 2B 2A 2F 2I UNITED STATES UNITED (Vote foranyONE) Gillibrand Gillibrand Gillibrand Gillibrand Kirsten E. Kirsten Kirsten E. Kirsten E. Kirsten (6 YearTerm) Mangelli SENATOR COMMON SENSE COMMON . Wendy Wendy WORKING FAMILIES WORKING WRITE-IN Chris Clark Clark Colia Long Long Edes John l INDEPENDENCE CONSERVATIVE 2 DEMOCRATIC LIBERTARIAN REPUBLICAN GREEN 6th J.D.(14YearTerm) STATE SUPREME STATE 3B COURT JUSTICE COURT (Vote foranyONE) Kevin M. Dowd WRITE-IN 3 REPUBLICAN STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Tompkins OF COUNTY YORK, NEW OF STATE If nosuchnoticeappears, seektheassistanceofanelectioninspector. (8) Aftercompletingyour ballot,insertitintheballot'sscannerandwaitfornotice thatyourballothasbeensuccessf ully scanned. a righttoreplacementballotuponreturnofthe originalballot. make amistakeincompletingtheballotorwish tochangeyourballotchoices,youmayobtainandcompleteahave newballot.You making erasuresorcrossouts.Erasures outsmayinvalidateallorpartofyourballot.Priortosubmittingot,ifyou yourball (7) Ifyoutear,ordeface,wronglymarkthis ballot, returnitandobtainanother.Donotattempttocorrectheballotby mistakesont REPRESENTATIVE 4D 4C 4E 4B 4A (Vote foranyONE) IN CONGRESS IN Thomas W. Thomas W. Thomas W. Thomas Shinagawa Shinagawa 23rd District Reed, II Reed, II Reed, II Reed, II WORKING FAMILIES WORKING WRITE-IN Nate Nate INDEPENDENCE CONSERVATIVE 4 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN 5C 5E 5B (Vote foranyONE) Thomas F. Thomas F. Thomas F. Thomas SENATOR 58th District O'Mara O'Mara O'Mara O'Mara STATE WRITE-IN INDEPENDENCE CONSERVATIVE 5 REPUBLICAN 6D 6A (Vote foranyONE) Barbara S. Barbara S. Barbara MEMBER OF MEMBER ASSEMBLY 125th District Lifton Lifton WORKING FAMILIES WORKING WRITE-IN 6 DEMOCRATIC Miller-Kenerson Miller-Kenerson 7E 7B (1 YeartoFillTerm) (Vote foranyONE) Karen M. Karen M. CLERK TOWN WRITE-IN INDEPENDENCE 7 REPUBLICAN Ballot ID:5062 Newfield*1* 5062 1 /