Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, 83: 219-222. 2019 ISSN 2013-3987 (online edition): ISSN: 1133-6889 (print edition)219 GEA, FLORA ET fauna GEA, FLORA ET FAUNA New records of the Nearctic leafhopper assassin bug, Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 in the Iberian Peninsula (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) Marta Goula*, Ferran Lizana** & Adrià Miralles-Núñez*** * Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals and IRBIo. Faculty of Biology. University of Barcelona. Av. Diagonal, 643. E-08028 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. A/e:
[email protected] ** Passatge Jaume Roig, 32, pral. 2. E-08028 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. A/e:
[email protected] *** Servicios Depec. Nena Casas, 71. E-08017 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. A/e:
[email protected] Corresponding author: Marta Goula. A/e:
[email protected] Rebut: 03.12.2019; Acceptat: 11.12.2019; Publicat: 30.12.2019 Abstract After the first record ofZelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 in Spain in 2012, the species has been recorded in other provinces in the south of this country, and part of the information is only in the internet. In this paper, the species is reported for the first time from several spanish Pro vinces: Barcelona (first record for Catalonia), Castellon (Valencia autonomous community), Madrid (first record for Madrid autono- mous community) and Sevilla (Andalusia), enlarging the species distribution norhtwards and westwards within the Iberian Peninsula. New data from Valencia province are also included. Key words: allien invasive species, Iberian Peninsula, faunistics. Resum Nous registres de Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 a la península Ibèrica (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) Després del primer registre de Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 a Espanya el 2012, l’espècie s’ha citada a altres províncies del sud del país, i part d’aquesta informació només es troba a internet.