Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2017 No. 198 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 search will help farmers in the Com- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- minutes. monwealth of Pennsylvania better pro- pore (Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia). Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. tect their crops from bear-related dam- f Mr. Speaker, I rise today to acknowl- age. Pennsylvania has one of the larg- edge the work of a student at Penn est populations of black bears in North DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO State DuBois. America, and thanks to studies like TEMPORE Alec Baker, a native of Clarion, Alec’s, the Commonwealth will be bet- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Pennsylvania, is a student in the wild- ter able to understand how bears influ- fore the House the following commu- life technology degree program at Penn ence agriculture and how farmers can nication from the Speaker: State DuBois. He was recently awarded implement better management tactics WASHINGTON, DC, an Erickson Discovery Grant from to protect their crops. December 5, 2017. Penn State’s Office of Undergraduate I congratulate Alec for his achieve- I hereby appoint the Honorable JODY B. Education for an independent research ment and all those who received the HICE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this project. Erickson Discovery Award, and I look day. Alec’s area of study focused on black forward to the results. PAUL D. RYAN, bears and the impact the bears have on f Speaker of the House of Representatives. agriculture and farmers in Pennsyl- f vania, particularly, the Common- RETREATING AMERICA MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE wealth’s corn crop. Alec conducted the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The project this summer for the Pennsyl- Chair recognizes the gentleman from A message from the Senate by Ms. vania Game Commission and gathered Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- Lasky, one of its clerks, announced information in the field through Octo- utes. that the Senate agreed to the amend- ber. He is processing his findings this Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, it ment of the House of Representatives fall. is sad to watch the Trump administra- to the bill (S. 371) ‘‘An Act to make Alec has conducted his research pri- tion leading America in retreat, with- technical changes and other improve- marily using Clarion County as his drawing positions of international ments to the Department of State Au- study area. He has obtained nuisance leadership, hollowing out the State De- thorities Act, Fiscal Year 2017.’’. bear reports for crop damage from the partment, crippling us for years to f area dating back to the year 2000. He come. plans to chart trends in the data Last night, there was an example of MORNING-HOUR DEBATE through these years and monitor sites that retreat right here on the floor of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- for continued activity using cameras. the House as our Republican friends ant to the order of the House of Janu- In total, 219 students applied to re- were unable to address their plan for ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- ceive an Erickson Discovery Grant this raising taxes for Americans in every nize Members from lists submitted by year, and Alec was one of 83 students State by restricting their ability to de- the majority and minority leaders for from all Penn State locations and cam- duct State and local taxes. Why force morning-hour debate. puses who received a grant. The millions of Americans to pay taxes on The Chair will alternate recognition Erickson Discovery Grant allows stu- taxes? between the parties. All time shall be dents to immerse themselves in origi- Why, Mr. Speaker, is there a proposal equally allocated between the parties, nal research under the direct super- to destabilize insurance rates across and in no event shall debate continue vision of a faculty member in order to America, leading to 10 percent pre- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other obtain hands-on experience in their mium increases year after year, and to than the majority and minority leaders chosen field. have up to 13 million additional unin- and the minority whip, shall be limited Alec has just completed his sopho- sured Americans over the course of the to 5 minutes. more year in the wildlife technology next 10 years? f associate degree program and will go They have no answer as to why to on to earn a bachelor’s degree in wild- mortgage our children’s future for CONGRATULATING ALEC BAKER life and fishery science. greater benefits for the richest and ON BEAR RESEARCH PROJECT Mr. Speaker, I applaud Alec Baker most privileged Americans. When cor- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The for undertaking this important area of porations are recording record-high Chair recognizes the gentleman from study. I have no doubt that his re- profits and have trillions of dollars of b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9623 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:44 Dec 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05DE7.000 H05DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H9624 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 5, 2017 profits overseas, why are we borrowing outside of Federal law—but not all in electrical engineering from New to provide more benefits to the largest Federal law, just this particular Fed- York University. After graduating, Bill corporations and wealthiest people eral law. returned to North Carolina, where he while we are ignoring the people who That defies common sense. It defies worked as a senior engineer at IBM visit our offices every day seeking not reason because we are a nation of laws, Corporation in Durham. a sympathetic ear, but action, for ex- a nation that abides by the rule of law, Bill Bell has been a community de- ample, action on the opioid crisis and a nation of law and order—not of anar- velopment trailblazer not only as the epidemic of opioid deaths claiming chy. mayor, but as vice president and chief 64,000 Americans last year? Sanctuary city policies are making operating officer of United Durham In- Our former colleague, Patrick Ken- America less safe. On this, there should corporated since 1996, where he used nedy, whose advocacy is informed by be no doubt. We have to think: What the acronym UDI. his own struggle to overcome opioid does this example set for our country? Even during his days as a young engi- addiction, will testify today in the What does it say to people who abide neer, Bill Bell had a unique vision for other body that we could easily produc- by the law, who feel that their lives are his beloved community. This vision led tively spend up to $200 billion more endangered, that their security is en- to Bill’s election to the Durham Coun- dealing with the crisis, helping people dangered? What kind of message do ty Board of Commissioners in 1972. At with recovery. The Senate is proposing sanctuary policies send to the thin blue the time, Bill was one of two African- to increase one ten-thousandth of that line, people who stand to protect us American commissioners on the five- amount—not $200 billion, but $20 mil- every single day? member board. Bill Bell served on the lion—to deal with this crisis because I would suggest that sanctuary city board of county commissioners until we don’t have the money, yet we are policies are cracking the foundation of 1994, and again from 1996 to the year borrowing $1.5 trillion to give addi- our democracy. It is why it is impor- 2000, even serving as its chairman from tional tax benefits to those who need tant that this body take action. I 1982 to 1994. would suggest it is why it is important them the least. b 1015 We are not being able to adequately that we pass the CLEAR Act, legisla- help our veterans, whose needs are tion I have authored that would strip In 2001, Mr. Speaker, Bill Bell was clear to anybody who visits the Vet- sanctuary cities of funding, that would elected mayor of the city of Durham. erans Administration hospital in their require that criminal illegal aliens be He was then reelected seven—yes, that State, or provide investments in roads deported from this country. is seven—times, serving as Durham’s longest serving mayor for 16 years. and bridges and transit or in water and f sewer that would strengthen every Mayor Bill Bell will be remembered HONORING MAYOR WILLIAM V. community, make it safer and business for leading the city of Durham toward BELL more competitive. great progress. His legacy includes Good policy and effective investment The SPEAKER pro tempore. The heading up the transformation of is possible if we are not mortgaging our Chair recognizes the gentleman from downtown Durham from boarded-up children’s future, borrowing vast sums North Carolina (Mr. BUTTERFIELD) for 5 windows to a city which is a top des- of money to lavish more tax reductions minutes. tination and is now home to a variety on people who don’t need it, while ig- Mr.