Aspects of the Hydrogeology of Southern Campeche and Quintana
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Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 73 (1) / A011020 / 2021 / 1 Aspects of the Hydrogeology of southern Campeche and Quintana Roo, Mexico Aspectos de la hidrogeología del sur de Campeche y Quintana Roo, México Eugene C. Perry1, Rosa M. Leal-Bautista3,*, Guadalupe Velázquez-Olimán2, Joan A. Sánchez-Sánchez4, Nikklas Wagner5 ABSTRACT 1 Northern Illinois University, Geology ABSTRACT RESUMEN and Environmental Geosciences, Emeri- tus, DeKalb, Illinois 60115, United States. This paper explores strong indirect evidence for Este documento, explora la existencia indirecta de existence of a previously unrecognized deep 2 Centro de Innovación e Investigación un acuífero profundo no reconocido previamente para el Desarrollo Sustentable, Javier Rojo groundwater aquifer in southern Quintana Roo, en el sur de Quintana Roo, partes adyacentes de Gómez, Mza. 9, Lote 1, Local F, Puerto adjacent parts of Campeche, and (probably) Campeche, y probablemente norte de Belice. La Morelos, 77580, Quintana Roo, Mexico. northern Belize. The region contains rocks of región contiene rocas del Cretáceo al Holoceno, Cretaceous-to-Holocene age, including: 1) an incluyendo: 1) un bloque elevado carbonatado del 3 up-thrust block of the late Cretaceous carbonate Centro de Investigación Cientí ica de Cretácico conocido en Belice como la Formación Yucatán, A.C., Unidad de Ciencias del known in Belize as the Barton Creek Formation, Barton Creek, la cual es la Formación más Agua, Calle 8, No. 39, Mza. 29, SM 64, which is the oldest formation exposed in the Cancún, 77524, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Mexican Yucatán Peninsula, 2) the Cretaceous/ antigua expuesta en la parte mexicana de la Paleogene Albion Formation consisting of weakly Península de Yucatán, 2) la Formación Albión 4El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Departa- consolidated Chicxulub impact air-fall deposits, Cretácico/Paleógeno consiste en depósitos pobre- mento de Ciencias de la Sustentabilidad, 3) the Paleocene-Eocene Icaiche Formation, con- mente cementados de residuos aéreos del Impacto Grupo de Biotecnología Ambiental, Uni- taining a massive 25-35 m thick gypsum member del Chicxulub, 3) Formación Icaiche Paleoceno- dad Chetumal, Av. Centenario km 5.5, that crops out over an estimated area of more Eoceno, notable por su componente masivo de 77014, Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico. than 10,000 km2 in the elevated interior region yeso (25-35 m de espesor) un afloramiento apro- of the northern lowlands, and 4) younger rocks of 2 5Chemtech Services, Inc., 20648 Gaskin Dr., ximado de 10,000 km en la Región Interior relatively low permeability that flank the region on Elevada (RIE) de las tierras bajas del norte, y Lockport, IL 60446, United States. the east. Hydrogeology is dominated by ground- 4) rocas más jóvenes de permeabilidad relati- water and surface flow in and adjacent to the Rio vamente baja, en el flanco este de dicha región. * Corresponding author: (R. Leal-Bautista) Hondo Fault Zone (RHFZ) and by recharge in the [email protected] elevated interior region. Groundwater in the ele- Hidrogeológicamente dominan flujos superficiales vated region has a high sulfate concentration and y de agua subterránea adyacentes a la Zona de is approximately saturated with gypsum dissolved Falla del Rio Hondo (ZFRH) y la recarga en from the Icaiche Formation. High-sulfate ground- la RIE. Debido al yeso disuelto de la Formación How to cite this article: water and river water with a slightly lower gypsum Icaiche el agua subterránea está casi saturada Perry, E.C., Leal-Bautista, R. M., Velázquez- saturation index than in the elevated region also en sulfato. A su vez esta concentración de sul- Olimán, G., Sánchez-Sánchez, J.A., Wagner, occurs in the RHFZ, but no water of comparably fato en agua subterránea de ZFRH, es menor N., 2021, Aspects of the Hydrogeology of high sulfate content is present elsewhere in the comparada con el agua de rio; ambas indican un southern Campeche and Quintana Roo, study area. This suggests that the elevated region índice de saturación de yeso menor y diferente al Mexico: Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica is a recharge zone for high-sulfate groundwater de la RIE. Sin embargo, no se detectan contenidos Mexicana, 73 (1), A011020. http://dx.doi. carried eastward beneath a 50 km gap by a tan altos de sulfato en otras partes de la zona de deep, previously unrecognized aquifer and then org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n1a011020 estudio. Basados en la geoquímica de los iones discharged into the RHFZ. Based on chemistry of chloride, sulfate and other ions it is proposed cloruro y sulfato se propone la existencia de un here that a deep aquifer comprising the strongly acuífero profundo que comprende la superficie weathered upper surface of the Barton Creek superior fuertemente erosionada de la Formación Formation plus the overlying weakly consolidated Barton Creek, sobrecubierta por la consolidación Manuscript received: March 24, 2020 Albion Formation connects the elevated recharge débil de la Formación Albion conectando la Corrected manuscript received: September 27, 2020 area with the RHFZ discharge area. If this com- región elevada con la descarga en ZFRH. Si esta Manuscript accepted: October 1, 2020 posite permeable zone does extend westward zona permeable compuesta estará representando beneath the elevated recharge zone, it is probably un excelente acuífero extendiendose hacia el oeste Peer Reviewing under the responsibility of an excellent aquifer. debajo de la zona de recarga de la región elevada. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Keywords: Hydrogeology, Icaiche Palabras clave: Hidrogeología, sulf- This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA Formation, Sulfates, Deep aquifer, atos, Formación Icaiche, acuífero license( Yucatan Peninsula. profundo, Península de Yucatán. Aspects of the Hydrogeology Campeche and Quintana Roo, Mexico 2 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana // 7373 (1)(1) // A011020A011020 // 20212021 1. Introduction to its area of outcrop. In this paper we extend the discussion of how the geology and geochem- In this paper we present chemical data from istry of the Icaiche Formation has affected more groundwater, especially its sulfate ion concen- populous regions by examining a specific case in INTRODUCTION tration, as tracers, and we assert that these data which we examine the chemistry of high-sulfate provide strong indirect evidence for the existence groundwater in the elevated recharge area where of a previously unrecognized deep groundwater gypsum of the formation is present, and we then flow path in the southeastern part of the Mexi- compare that groundwater to ground and surface can Yucatán Peninsula (henceforth MY) adjacent water chemistry in a lowland area more than 50 to, and probably extending into, northern Belize. km away -- where groundwater of similarly high The region is an elevated zone of recharge sulfate content is discharging into the Rio Hondo encompassing much of the southeastern part of Fault Zone (henceforth RHFZ), (Figure 1). We Campeche state and adjacent parts of southern also establish that no high-sulfate surface water or Quintana Roo. There, the Paleocene-Eocene shallow groundwater is present in the wide inter- Icaiche Formation is present at the surface over a vening zone between the area of Icaiche gypsum wide area; and, because that formation contains outcrops and the RHFZ. Finally, we conclude that massive and extensive beds of highly soluble gyp- the remarkably similar high-sulfate water chem- sum (CaSO4•2H2O), it is a major regional source istry in the Icaiche recharge area is the probable of groundwater sulfate ions. direct source of high-sulfate water in the RHFZ. Although the Icaiche Formation is widely From what is known about regional geology we exposed, relatively little is known about the forma- then suggest that the two areas are connected by tion because a thick cover of tropical vegetation a deep aquifer consisting of a weathered upper combined with a low population density in the Cretaceous carbonate surface overlain by weakly region and a correspondingly sparce road network consolidated air-fall debris of the K-Pg Chicxulub make detailed geologic observation difficult (Perry, impact event as we discuss further in Section 5.1. et al., 2019). Nevertheless, geologic research in this largely undeveloped southern part of MY is 1.1. HYDROGEOLOGIC CONTRAST BETWEEN important and warrants broad interest because, as NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN AQUIFER SYSTEMS OF pointed out by Perry et al., (2019), the Icaiche For- THE MY PENINSULA: THE TICUL FAULT mation is present in the subsurface beneath much of MY far beyond its outcrop area. It contains The WNW-ESE trending Ticul Fault (Figure 1) both thick beds of highly soluble, massive gypsum serves as a useful but inexact boundary between as well as argillite layers of low permeability, and the northern and southern hydrogeologic regions the formation strongly influences geomorphology of MY. The northern system is discussed by numer- and groundwater geochemistry in populous parts ous researchers beginning with classic papers by of the northern Peninsula. Hence, detailed study William Back, Bruce Hanshaw, and associates: of the Icaiche Formation and its geologic asso- Back and Hanshaw, 1970; Hanshaw and Back, ciations in this southern area where its outcrops 1980; Back et al., 1979 and Back et al., 1986 as well are exposed and can be examined directly is an as later papers such as those of Bauer-Gottwein