Federal Register: 9 Fed. Reg. 10667 (Sept. 1, 1944)
FEll EGI NU3EI3IB 175 Washington, Friday, September 1, 1914 Regulations 9392, 8 F.R. 14783; WFO 79, 8 F.R. 12420, CON7 13283, 9 F.R. 4321, 4319) RPGULATIONE -D T. Issued this 29th day of August 1944. TITLE 7-AGRICULTURE n M~lsHL, AL=mr FPzopznr C=_::'' Directorof Distribution. Vesting orders: Chapter XI-War Food Administration Akezzon, Elizabeth. ..... 1721 (Distribution Orders) IF. R. Doe. 44-131O6; fled, Auguat 20, M-14; Bauer, George-- .... 10722 12:20 p. m.] Baur, Marie-_...... 10722 [WFO 79-14, Amdt. 2] Brutty, J. J. - - 10722 PAT 1401-DA RY PnODUCTS Doppanschmitt, Friedrich_-_ 10725 TITLE 19-CUSTOMS DUTIES Fabbrica Italiana Valvole Ra- LuIm m. AND.crL n mmor, oHIo, dio Elettriche and Fab- 5ALES AlRA Chapter I-Bureau of Customs brica Italiana Magnet! IT. D. 5il1s] M.areli -_ 10725 Pursuant to War Food Order No. 79 Fuchs, Franz, and L-opoldine (8 F.R. 12426, 9 F.R. 4321, 4319), dated PART 8-LABunY ron DuIES, E.,"y O? I2PORTED M=CHADISE Mueller___ .10725 September 7, 1943, as amended, and to Goodridge, Sophia _ 10723 effectuate the purposes 'thereof, War PART 18-TR;sPonTATxoi ni B arm tam Grozzman, Israel.-___ _ 10723 Food Order No. 79-14 (8 F.R. 13424,9 FR. M Incmxrsrn; TnA;sra Haneho, Ted-_ . 10723 4321, 4319), as amended, relative to the IMSCELLANEOUS A=MEhtD5UTMI Xompman, Hugo ...... 10724 conservation and distribution of fluid I-odd, Agnes Nutting__ 10721 milk, milk byproducts, and cream in the AuGusT 30, 1944. YLIne, FraLh "1_ __I0721: Akron, Ohio, milk sales area, is hereby Section 8.33 (c), Customs Regulations Molneau, Rene J.
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