Boise State University ScholarWorks

Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

4-11-1988 University News, April 11 Students of Boise State University

Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. .''I'ltel1l1i\lar.sltil\Tews Volume VIII Issue 24 . Boise .StateUnivcrslty April II, 1988 SBOE toglve renovation yea or nay ApriJ 14, 15 Studentscan testify April 12 oritne proposed $30 BSU requested approval to pro- fee increase for the Student Union renovation. organizational work space, and campus. Other long-standing fire ceed with a public hearing for a offices for ASBSU and the Stu- and life safety code requirements by Kathleen Cressler proposed Housing System/Stu- Education will "have to d'etermine dent Programs Board. and facility improvements within The University News dent Union Fee increase to issue what is an appropriate size project Additional student lounges and ihe Housing System also would be and a 'fee' (based on student views)." additional revenue bonds for meeting space would be included. The Student Union renovation fee done with the revenue from the in- Some specific renovation projects capital construction. The renovation would include creased fee. . increase request currently is in the include enlarging the Activity Center The proposed increase of $30 cash food service and. the information~gathering stage, accor- Information regarding this pro- and correcting fire-life safety codes. per semester for full-time residence dining hall serving and posed fee increase is available for ding. to State Board of Education students, and $3 per semester . Blaesing said he felt the Union seating area. Other improvements inspection during regular business member George Alvarez. credit hour for part-time, on- needs to be "sensitive the to the existing building would be hours at the Office of the Vice The final decision for project ap- campus students, would begin this needs of this university." the lounges, the addition of an art President for Student Affairs, proval and for a student fee increase Alvarez said that the SBOE is summer session. gallery, modernization of meeting for the expansion of the Student Room ZIO of the Administration gathering information in order to A second increase, not to ex- and function rooms, replacement BUilding. Union will be made April 14 and ;5. . understand the need and to clarify" . ceed $35 per semester for full-time of the main roof and im- Oral testimony may be given at According to Student Union direc- the "justification for the project." students, and $3.50 per semester provements in building and fire the hearing, and testimony tor Greg Blaesing, students may pre- written Alvarez said that in their last meeting credit hour for part-time, on- safety codes. before April 1.2. Anyone wishing sent a written and oral testimony on the SBOE "is not in favor of raising campus students, would take ef- The project also would include to person may sign up April 12 atZ p.rn. in the Senate testify in (student) fees," but added that he fect in the summer of 1989. construction of a West Campus in advance at the Office of the Chambers on the second floor of the could make no predictions.' The proposed increase would Union satellite facility to provide Vice President for Student Affairs Student Union. Blaesing said "we've be used to expand and renovate Blaesing said "My perception (is food service. This facility would or at the hearing. Those prescn- made a proposal, students will be that) many people in Seriate support the-Student Union to provide a containseating and study space, ling oral testimony should provide able to make their sentiments" it (the bill)." He said that the longer Student Activities Center with of- as well as program space for use I' • known. a wrinen copy of the testimony to we lake to make the change, the more fices for student clubs and by students whose classes arc the hearing officer. I J Blaesing said that, after the it will cost. organizations, an open office . primarily on the west end of the _fl testimony is given, the State Board of chronicles 18 years of 'cold-drill' by Leigh Anne Squires televisions, complete with The University Neil'S changeable channels. Truksy said he is proud of the Potato sacks, scratch 'n sniff style because sometimes moveable cards and giant 3-D glasses arc be- books are "cheap thrills" but ing displayed in the Hemingway Poetry Television is a design that Center for a retrospective on cold- works well with the format. drill, BSU's literary magazine. ACcording to Trusky, cold-drill cold-drill highlights, from its was created as an alternative to beginning in 1970 up to 1987 arc ordinary college literary publica- exhibited, as well as a display of . tions, He said when he became the 1987-88 issue. adviser he knew very little about Drawings of eyes, cars, noses college magazines and sent away and hands decorate the entrance for a variety of samples. He said door. Dr. Tom Trusky, cold-drill the format used was always the faculty advisor (or II out of 17 . same. They, and t he BSU years, said he designed the exhibit magazine Impulse, all seemed to interact with the viewer and ap- average at best. Trusky peal to .the senses. Some of the create something different, more unusual items from cold- He came up with the literature drill arc featured including a in a box format, featuring loose- Marilyn Monroe poster, an ore leaf pages and other materials in cart full of back issues and an a cardboard box rather than the authentic cold-drill, a tool used in traditional magazine look. mining. Also displayed are pickle, Changes in cold-drill came. in gasoline and money scratch 'n the '75-76 issue which wastypeset sniff poems, originally begun as rather than handtyped when a class assignment by Trusky that Trusky realized· handtyped challenged students to appeal to magazines could not compete on reader's sense of smell. . a national level, Other changes in- One display case includes a stu- clude "taking more and more ad- . • . .. Chris Butler f University News dent's 3-D comic strip, "Joe vantage of the format" In the Tom Trusky models a 1977-78 copy of cotd-dritt, •. BSU's ~erennial a'Yllrd- Hero'," Trusky said cold-drill first issue, an 8" X ZZ" poster was Vintage verse: winning IHemry magazine. Trusky is standing next 10 an ore cart filled with back Issues 01 the magazine, staffers worked with BSU print included and simply folded in shop graphic artist Sally Spiker to .h11lf. Since then, according to Prod~ctjon is limited to 500 issues the Associated Collegiate state and will be featuring create the 3-D effect. Trosky, staffers have cold-drill because the box is 'expensive, A Press/National Scholastic Press snowflakes and flowers from Another display includes tools realized anything that can be put competition judge once said the Association, • the Columbia Idaho. used to make paper. Art professor in a box can be put in cold-drill. format was "disturbing." Scholastic Press Association, and Back issues of cold-drill are on George Roberts created hand- including small books, postcards Trusky said no particular issue the Rocky Mountain Collegiate sale at the exhibition as well as in- crafted paper made from natural and cassette tapes. . is his favorite because' they are like Press Association. dividual items such' as posters, materials found in Idaho. Trusky said the unique format children and he is proud of-each Besides 'Iruskyother cold-drill pop-up art and postcards. Trosky. said the idea for a gives cold-drill an advantage in one for different reasons. He said ' advisers of the publication have The retrospective is open Mon- movable book, called. Poetry competitions. He said "other col- the 1985-86 issue was-the most included Charles Wright and days, Tuesdays and Wednesdays Television "came to me in a vision leges come to the competitions ambitious and won the most Robert Papinchak .. The current, from 1I-2'and Sundays from 1"4 at Denny's." Student Jim Elgin wearing the same uniform while awards. . . adviser is Charles Guilford. through May 15 at t~eHem- had written many short, we're throwing spangled batons in cold-drill has consistently won Trusky, returning as adviser for ingway Center. fragmented poems that Trusky the air." He said the design can awards over theyears in regional a Centennial issue, said he is decided to print onto pictures of occasionally be a disadvantage. and national competitions such as seeking material written about the In This Issue: .•.:~·ig;~·~~r~j·.~~,I~~t.h;i,$~;Vt!fJ·!kc:l·J1:d··:··,:...... •.•.•:rh~:BroncoStadii:irt{patking' lot,.will'be lI'ilrisform,c~,inIO·'li\e:~. :·world'~iargestYal·dsilW' April 15,al\o '16.Spotlsilred by the School : _~:-~;~f::':¥~-~~~l.~:~~~~'~:~~;.;!i~*~~'~~~tr~."_~~~_~"~~<"""";~~~~frilTi'jii~~ A. look at the die'salclvill run froin 9a.rn •.() p;m. ~APtillS 'and 9 . .m: A,pril16 .... ASBSU ··;g~Qmp~~t~.~P,:;.·~~~:~§:;;~~~f't.:" , . .The English Minin'ialC .. . ..21 betw . . ·'m:!tilg candidates. ~Bljio. willb~ Jjsif·· .See pages 2 & 3 andOptnion .' . ASBSlJ Elections Th'~.i,mItYN"'Mo"".AP~11,1"8 2 ,'l~?~litJl(J*t(i'$'~~}'i\';:!i~g~~

ASBSU presidential candidate Ron Craig and vice The Doug 'Iobin-Iripp Craig ASBSU presidential ASBSU presidential candidate Jeff Russell and his . presidential candidate Randy Yadon said the KBSU ticket will "place a priority on finding new ways to help running mate Robert Hopkins said they see the issue of issue, higher education funding and splittingthe State support and' fund' student programs," according to a students having the right to vote on fee increases as the ", Board of Education are keyissues in this year's student prepared statement by Tobin. , ... major issue in the election. elections. Trying to control student fees without ehml~atlng "I think the other major issue is how to deal with an '''Vice President Rick Overton' has done an outstand- , beneficial programs and to participate effectiv~ly m lob- ASBSU that has grown bureaucratically. We, have all ing job attempting to get more student input, more stu- bying for education funding are issues "recognized ev~ry sorts of committees; we don't have enough people to fill dent programming and control (at KBSU)," Unfor- year when the students are faced with another fee m- them, we don't have enough student involvement. That's tunately, it won't be resolved with this administration, crease, the statement said. the tough question: How do we get student involvement? and the next administration will have to take an active Tobin would have the Survey Research Center con- The key is spending as much time as we can out on cam- and enthusiastic role in that, and Isee Randy and I as duct a statewide survey about Idaho's attitude toward pus as we can instead of sitting up in t~e office p~shing having that ability," Craig said. education to help in approaching the legislature to lob- paper. That is the only way we' are going to get input. "Randy and I have both worked very hardto get more by for education's needs, the .sratcment said. ' '. We can't have all the ideas, and neither can 14 senators. fundingfor higher education, ... we want to continue do- Tobin's experiences and background include serving You can't just expect those student to come up; they ~re ing that with the ASBSU lobbyist to its fullest extent, as an intern in the state Senate, working in management students, they're working, some are older students with as well as working outselves to get uniform higher educa- positions in local retail businesses and being a'politi~al kids, you can't expectthem to make the effort," Russell tion funding in the state. Along those lines, I would like science major with a public adminstration emphasis. said. , to see a split in the State Board of Education. This State Russell said his qualifications for the office arc be- Board now' is the only one in the nation that runs ing former Idaho state chairman of a political group everything from kindergarten to graduate school. . ; " which organized chapters 01) every campus in the state. Craig said. He also said there needs to be more student The group Russell chaired was the College Republicans. involvement on campus. . He said that experience, as well as working at the Yadon, also, an ASBSU senator, said his experience' Statehouse for two years, gives him the experience need- as a senator and his membership on various commit- ed for the office. "Knowing the people that push the 'tees have prepared him to be vice president. He added buttons, knowing the people that make things happen, that he has held the position of Senate President Pro Ithink Ihave the Ieadership capabilities, skills that are Tempore and served on the Academic Grievance Board. necessary to go over and lobby the legislature, work with Craig said the major reason the ticket is qualified as the leaders of the corporations, the mayor, to find out a team is that when an issue comes up, they set a goal VOTE what they want out of our students," he said. of what they want to do, and then they do it. As a former in the ASBSU election Hopkins is a member of the ASBSU Senate, and sees student body president of his high school, former na- his knowledge of the legislative process as being impor- tional coordinator of Future Homemakers of America April 13 & 14 tant, but he points out that, with that knowledge, he and State Youth coordinator for the March of Dimes has the ability to-see the problem with the process. "I and a curreni ASBSU senator he has the experience he think that we arc not the Idaho legislature, we are just would need as ASBSU President. a small group of individuals, we can take a lot of.short- cuts and be a lot more productive," he said. .

-I 1. What are the major issues Iac- 2. I will support all measures students aware of who represents employer, in addition to the cam- ing student government? aimed at helping solve our parking I them in student government and to pus. I will strive to play up on those 2. What actions do you plan to problems. I will also push for a encourage them to get involved and attributes and strengthen the BSU take as an ASBSU Senator? ' monthly poll of students to help make themselves heard. image within -the business 3. What are your qualifications guide the senate in decisions. , 3. Involved in Residence Hall community. for serving as Senator? 3. I'm dual majoring in PS and government and currently the 3. My past leadership, teamwork The candidates for ASBSU .: Econ. I have some background in ASBSU Education Senator. senatorial seats were given these ability, drive and firm direction business which will help me When qualify me as a valuable Senator. questions. Following are their working with the large large unedited responses as they, were amount of money the senate con- given to University News reporter trols. I'velived in dormitories, off- Cary Driskell. campus and a fraternity. This helps me relate to students living in dif- ferent environments.·

Lon D. Wtford-Gmduate Senator: I. Student fee increases and stu- dent opinion thereon. KBSU (need I say morer), Development of the Big Sky Student Association and ASBSU's involvement therein. In- 'creased student input into student government, especially the Student Senate. Russ Nelson-Collegll of Business: 2. Support legislation to imple- 1. I would like to see a stronger Todd Johnson-College of Arts , ment student opinion polls regar- student voice oncampus. A means and Sciences: ding proposed student fee increases. would be to allow the students to Curtis Osterloh-School or Social 1. I believe the major issues fac- vote on ,such issues as parking Help to develop, and imple~ent Sciences and Public Affairs: ingour 'student government are: facilities, fee increases, arid the op- programs for student input ID~O I. The senate needs to get con- Student Fee increase, KBSU-more tion to choose insurance at the time ASBSU through my membership trol of the parking ticket monster student involvement; Effective Michelle ,Smith-College of of registration. The Senate in the on the Public Liaison Committee. that controls the cam nils. Student. representation of all students by our past, has no, shown a true concern Support the, Big. Sky Student , pay enough fortuitio~, bOOkSand elected oft1cers. Develope students 1. Funding for higher education. for fellow" students. I propose to Association. Continue to educate and basic needs to have to deal with as well as University. '_ Student involvement with KBSU. change that ... The'students must myselfabout the issues involving an-administration that wants to tow 2. I plan to representafl students Longer '.hours, concerning library. have ways to register their concerns ASBSU as they. arise throughout and ticket the students into the Making students aware of their stu- and input. ' within the college of Arts and the year.' ; , . ' poor house. There also needs to be dent government. . Sciences. Work f8.irlyand effective- " ). I was Director of Forensics at q way to guage student opinions on 2. I have learned in observing the ly with other officers within the stu- 2. Help fight for more funding past. Senate that-It is time for a Highland High School for 2 years. .proposed fee increases and 'use of in the area of higher education by dent government, in Order torepre- ' I was Parliamentarian for the Na- . student funds. Furthermore, we change." BSUis, an outsfanding sent student interest. writing to legislators and encourag- university and needs, to be in the 'tioniliForensic League(Debate). I nccd ail expansion of library hours 3. AS far as qualifications, I have ing students to write. Encourage forefront of our .community's am rthe. incumbent Graduate over I1nals week and a real dead the desire to do the Pest, for those 'students to· fight for, student in- mind. BSU students have a lot to Senato~ with membership on the m:ck 10 let students study. ' I represent as well as the entire stu, volvement in> KBSU and, ma!<:e offer· Boise" and my prospective Public Liaison Committee and the dent bo

also increases its higher education etc. ..port the allocation of more funds 4. Student apathy-The students Note: Thefollowing candidates were funding. to keep the Halls up to safely unable toprovide It!fOtmatlonto "The 5.1 would like better maintenace of Boise State need to be more in- regulations. University News." The. Issues and on 'classroom equipment, such as formed and more motivated as to . 3. SUB remodeling and stands they have listed were· token projectors and overheads. what goes on in student govern- expansion-l support remodeling from. candidate Information forms ment. Students need to have an ac- the SUB but would like to see any provided to. the ASBSU Election tive part in student government. alternatives to the proposed expan- i :~ Board. They should be more informed of sion. Students should be involved. issues that are under consideration in these decisions, so that they can express their con- 4. KBSU-The students should cerns or support to senators and be surveyed to ascertain what they senators vote respectively. would like to hear from their. 5: Boise State Library- station. Considering that the library is for 5. Media coverage.of the ASBSU the benefit of the students, its hours Senate-s-Students should be better should beset in a way that would informed through The Universit v maximize the student benefit, News. . especially on the weekends. Such I things as research materials and test .: tiles should be expanded.

Gary F. Herake, Jr.-College of Vocational Technical Education: I. Student fee increase for SUB renovation-stand investigatory. 2.·J stand for returning the vote to students for Homecoming King and Queen. 3. For better unification of the ASB for Yo-Techand Acct. 4. I also believe in representing Lana Braun-College of Social what the students want by ask(ing) Sciences and Public Affairs: their opinion. I.Euthanasia: Pro-passive only with permission of ailed patient. 2. Abortion: For myself- extreme pro-Iife-e-for others I'm liberal in cases of rape and incest and mothers' lives. 3. The Women's Movement-l Suzanne E. McintOSh-College of support wholly. Sucial Sciences and Public Affairs: 4. Gay Rights: They have a right I. Continued support for child if they wish. Valerie V. Fuhriman-College· of care. 5. Capital Punishment: I'll; Education: 2. Residence Hall Safety-I sup- against it. I. Student fee increase-e-I feel that the Student Union is definite- ~'~tft!1liiiliiiiiii\1iJ~\ffifli\iiiiiiiiftM\\1\iiiiiliil\iii\1iJ\\\ii:::'1i1'ihiiJ ly in need of serious repair, remodeling and expansion. If a stu- HOW TO SAVE $10 dent fee increase is implemented for l..~.._._.·.•• the remodeling of the SUB, it is for ON YOUR NEXT PEIUvI. }JI the benefit of the students now and Our penns include a ell! long into the future. and stvle and run ir,~111 2. Housing costs .lncrease-e- S 24.95 to 5 45.00 . Having lived in the residence halls depending on [he look you .. and having been the President of II- Allen D. Gamel-College of Arts R.H.A., I am in favor of an increase Heather Hayter-College of Arts , \ram. and Sciences: arid Sciences: if it lVilI mean that the halls will be That's about S10 less I. I am for renovating the SUB, improved through remodeling as I. Decrease student apathy and than other salons. With all with the students paying a portion well as the dining services provid- increase student involvement. 2. Increase student support for the quality ..And no of the cost not all. ed for the student in the halls. I appointment. 2. Students should have limited 3. Student organizations and student newspaper. . . control in the format of KBSU. ASBSU-l . would like to see 3. Increase funding and support 3. I would love to see it school of ASBSU continue to work with and for clubs and organizations. THIRD DIMENSION CUTS 11.·.. - . 4. Increase education to students Fairview & 5 mlle ' Garden City Fred Meyer Center technology with an engineering . for student organizations and even J on public issues. dept. at BSU. to strengthen the relationship be- Franklin Shopping ~eri)er State Str~et Albertson's Marketplace 5. Increase Student Union 4. I am against student fee in- tween the two through liasons, ~. ~ ~ ~. IIUmlll 4ul'i1Ij1'IIIHll!!JI!!'\i( J creases. unless the state of Idaho funding; co-sponsoring of events, funding.

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" Vote, preferably Craig,.& Yadon Letters , . . . ASBSU elections are this Wednesday and Thursday. We urge you to vote no matter which, candidates you .support, . Our student government spends approximately a quarter of a million dollars in stu- Vote Jeff and Bob for new directi,on dent fees. If you're a full-fee paying student, $16.50 per semester of that money comes Editor, Tire University News; something back to us, They believe every pro- from your pocket. Vote. posed fee increase should be voted on by us ASBSU is the only student organization on this campus which purports tospeak Now that basketball season is over, I wanted, before student government takes a position. for all students and is recognized as doing so. All full-fee payingstudents are members, to write to congratulate all of you students who Jeff, and Bob want 10 •establish a student though not officials, of ASBSU. Vote. got involved in our success. A lot of you turn- scholarship fund for those students who don't No matter what your views, vote. Vote to insure that ASBSU does its duty by you. ed out for and participated in our get athletic scholarships or other forms of But first, do your own duty, for yourself and other students: Educate yourself about exciting season. We couldn't havebeen so suc- financial aid. They believe campus clubs are the candidates and issues. cessful without your involvement! vital and should be supported much more than We think it would be difficult for an informed voter to make any choice other than But, there's a lot more going on here at BSU they are now. Ron Craig and Randy Yadon, for a number of reasons: than just basketball. In just a few days, on In short, Jeff Russell and' Bob Hopkins are First, Ron Craig i~ the only presidential candidate with anyASBSU experience at- April 13and 14, we will be electing a new stu- not typical student leaders. They think all. Contrary to popular opinion, being ASBSU president is not simply a matter of dent body president and vice president. you ... the students ... ought to get something sitting in a cushy chair and signing any stray legislation the Senate sends along. It This is an important election, and I hope back from student government. That's quite takes, at the least, intelligence,judgment and experience to do the job with any measure everyone participates and votes. - a change from the currentthlnking of our stu- of success. Intelligence and judgment may be subjective terms, but experience is not. I know most of us don't ever vote. Weusual- dent government, officials; Craig has it; no-one else does. Craig fully understands ASBSU and its workings, as ly feel like it just doesn't mailer. But it does I think it's time for new direction! That's only a senior student government officer can. We believe he also has intelligence and excellent judgment. matter-if you want to make our student why I'm voting for Jeff and Bob on election government better. day. If you want. something different, Randy Yadon, too, has those Qualities. As a formerSenate President Pro Tempore, Jeff Russell and Bob Hopkins are running something. meaningful from student govern. Yadon knows how to faeilitate efficient and productive senate meetings, which is one for president and vice president this year. ment, take a look at Jeff and Bob. And then of the vice president'S primary duties. He was elected pro tern by his fellow senators, They're in this race for one reason ... to pro- on election day, vote Russell and Hopkins! which speaks highly of their respect for his abilities and willingness to 'Workwith him. vide a new direetion in student government. While Doug Tobin and Tripp Craig have offered the students neither experience nor - I fully support Jeff an-d Bob because they Doug Usitalo stands on issues, and Jeff Ru'sselland Robert Hopkins have made tantalizing yet mean- believe student .government should give ingless offers, such as cutting down on bureaucracy, Craig and Yadon have shown, through actions as well as campaign materials, just where they stand. Craig and Yadon do support all student groups. As a student organization, we have felt their support. They have not always agreed with us, but they have always worked Team brought fame to BSU, Boise for what they believeto be the good of the students in an honest and honorable fashion, Editor, The University News; This squad showed great athletic ability and they have always been open to negotiation. through wisdom, strength, and a lot of We also have felt the "support" offered student groups by their only experienced Boise State University Basketball Bronco courage. II's only once in a lifetime that any opponent, and it has left us cold.. Squad of '87·88 was a phenomenon and spec- individual can .makc this honor or achieve- Both Craig and Yadon are politically moderate and have never allowed partisan tacular, a sporting event that will be a ment. The game with Michigan is history, gone politics or non-BSU issues to influence their dealings with fellow students, which is memorable experience for all of us, forever, except the memories. They have a positive and all-too-rare attribute. Wecannot say we believe it is true of their visible This Bronco team dedicated this season to nothing to be ashamed of or should they hang opponents, and the invisible candidates have provided no hint as to where they stand. the memory of their former teammate Jeff their head in shame or defeat. They lifted them For these reasons and many others, webelieveCraig and Yadonare the only qualified Foster. Then they went on to win the con- candidates. up and we're proud that they came this far. Pat ference and the Big Sky Tournament Cham- yourself on the back. Only accept it without But whether you agree with us or not, vote. pionship Trophy. They proved to the nation any self-pity, anger, fear and pride (false). that they were no pushovers and can reckon Behind all this success is Head Coach Bob- for another great season. by Dye and his staff bringing BSU national These fine young academic and athletic men attention, He should be congratulated. Besides Letters. were living examples of discipline, being a football town, he brought BSU na- perscrverance, hard work-hope, faith, courage tional fame and a basketball powerhouse as and the willingness to come back after a first- well and not to be put down, with its 12,000 President supports Craig, Yadon half lull at the NCAA first round tournament plus thunderous and cheering fans at the Editor, The University News at Salt Lake City, Utah. Even when the score Pavilion on any given cold Boise night. have an intelligent and active agenda for a great came out short at the final buzzer. Still they 1988-89at BoiseState. Ron and Randy are very were smiling and shaking hands. Even when I would like to thank everyone at BSU who capable individuals and frankly a couple of the Richard G. Joshua they so much wanted to win-but the spirit BSU student has helped make this a great year for Rick and most honest people that I have ever met. was there. myself at Boise State. Ron Craig and Randy Yadon will move BSU Now the silly season (silly in the good way) ahead as the next ASBSl/ President and Vice- has once again arrived and it is time to elect President. Please lend them your support on Craig and Yadon show commitment a new ASBSU President and Vice-President. Wednesday and Thursday of this week and vote I have studied the people and issues involv- Craig/Yadon. Editor, The University News; ment to ASBSU and the students of Boise ed in this year's campaign and have decided State University.They have worked closely with to endorse Ron Craig and Randy Yadon. Ron Perry Waddell We would like to express our support for theAdministration of BSU on behalf of the and Randy know the issues on campus and ASBSU President Ron Craig and Randy Yadon who are running students 10 bring about a change in the ad- for ASBSU President and Vice-President. ministrative policies of KBSU. They have demonstrated a continuing com- Ron and Randy arc working today to shape mitment to ASBSU. Ron Craig has served a tomorrow. Their experiences will make a term as senator, and is a member of the ,difference. ASBSU Financial Advisory Board, the Please support with us Ron Craig and Ran- Pavilion Advisory Board and the ASBSU dy Yadon for ASBSU President and Vice- The University News Academic Grievance Board. Randy Yadon is President. currently serving his second term as Senator Editors in Chief' and serves on the ASBSU Financial Advisory Karen Scheffer Jani King Business Manager Typesetters Board, Academic Grievance Board, Student Karen Kammann Susan Binns Lisa Sorensen Linda Foster Jonathon Tomlinson Steve F. Lyon Union Board of Governors and as a Universi- Laura Rud Bethany Connell Bobbie Cunningham ty Ambassador. Secretary Margi Walker Margaret Bergin Copy Chief Both Ron and Randy have made a commit- Kimberly Calvert Reporters Russell Gould Joyce Morrison Jim Chivers Kathleen Cressler Copy Editor Vo~eon fees-vote Russell, Hopkins. Distributor Riek Fannon Holly Anderson Fred Bartel Robert McFadden Editor, The University News; let students even vote on raising our students Leigh Anne Squires fees more this year. Entertainment Editor Ad Sales Cary Driskell I have never voted in a student election here Jeff and Bob told me they would make sure Stephen King' Lee Arnold at BSUActually,·1 don't like politics much and students could vote on everyfee increase if they SIeve Thompson Reviewers I really..never thought it mattered who got' Briefs Editor are elected. I believethem. Wan Dirt elected to student president and vice president. So for the first time ever I'm voting in this Paul Bouffard Photographers Philip DeAngeli But, the other day Jeff Russell and Bob year's elections. I'm voting for Jeff Russelland Brian Becker Steve F.arneman Layout Chief Hopkins handed me one of their brochures. Bob Hopkins because I think we should be Mark Jones ,) Jeff and Bob are running for president and vice Gordon Schwenk able to vote on the fee increases. Sports Editor president. I said I wasn't going to vote because Paste-up Tom Lloyd it didn't really matter much, but they said I Photo Chief Shanandoe Brizendine Phil Bartle Chris Butler should vote since our current officials won't Charlotte Kreiller Sports Writer David Dunn Ad Manager Derrick Fox We tel! students what we wHido The University N.e"'~publishes weekly on Mondays during the fall and spring Editor, The University News; students know where we stand. semesters, and dIstributes 10.000, copies on and off campus. The University- The choice is very clear. ":'ell's.isan e~c1usivel?,student-run organization. The newspaper's faculty ad. No campaign jargon, no mindless rhetoric If you feel ASBSU needs to doa better job and no empty promises. viser IS Daniel Morns. Comments. questions or letters to the editor can be of reflecting your concerns and opinions, vote • m~iled 10.: .The University News, Boise State University, 1603Yz University As candidates for ASBSU President and for u~ on 'election day. Drive, BOIse.Idaho; 83725. Our of~ces are located at 1603VIUniversity Drive. VicePresident, we believe in a simple concept; across from the SUB. Our phone IS (208) 345·8204. The yearly subscription The choice is yours to make. For New Direc- price is $15. Tell the students exactly what you will do as tion, vote RussellandHopkins. It's that simple. their representatives, and then let them decide for themselves. ' Jeff Russell We havedone that in our campaign; Wehave Bob Hopkins taken strong positions on important issues. The Oplnion ,The University News Monday, April 11, 1988 .5 Letters Continued' Ticket supports, programs board Russell, Hopkins will listen to all Editor, The University News; at all SPB movies. . Editor, The University News; This kind of support is necessary. Not just respect. for people who are "good for their I have known both Ron Craig and Randy to SPB but to all aspects of student govern- word" in relationship to student representation. Yadon for the past year. As a committee ment. I feel Ron and Randy have made a com- As the president of a recognized student If this is just a small sample of what Jeff member in the Student Programs Board, and mitment to SPB, ASBSU, and to the students group at Boise State,' I have had the opportuni- Russell and Bob Hopkins have to offer, then as a student, I have seen the commitments they of Boise State University. . ty to deal with the ASBSU student government they have my vote. .' . have both made to\,"ards SPB. They have been Support with me Ron Craig and Randy on several occasions. My experiences have led I would like to encourage other student extremely supportive, of the programs and Yadon for ASBSU President and Vice .me to .conclude that- Jeff Russell and, Bob group leaders and members who believe that events, and have helped us with everything· President. Hopkins will put forth an honest, refreshing student representation is important to vote for from blowing up balloons to prepare for a effort toward listening and acting 'upon Jeff Russell and Bob 'Hopkins for ASBSU dance' to practically being permanent fixtures Kimberly M. Scheffer students' needs. President and Vice President this April 13 and Senator Bob Hopkinshas dutifully provid- 14. ed the way by which our group was able to con- Candidates fight to. regain KBSU vey our desires to the ASBSU Senate. For that, L. Griffith we are very grateful. I have a great 'deal of Editor, The University News; 'organizations 01) campus. I have seen both of them at the actual weekly meeting of the clubs I would liketo express my support for Ron they purported to support, asking what they Craig and Randy Yadon as they run for the could do to be of service to the groups. Arnell for Craig and Yadon ticket. positions of ASBSU President and Vice Presi- Neither Ron or Randy will make promises Editor, The University News; dent. Both Ron and Randy have had extensive that they cannot keep. This is quite unusual earlier for students during basketball season. work with the student government and, more for most politicans, This is the kind of help students want. importantly, with people. I support Ron Craig and Randy Yadon as In closing, I would urge all BSU students to Vote Ron Craig and Randy Yadon April 13 the next ASBSU President and Vice President. and 14. Both Ron and Randy support. the fight to really take a close look at the candidates run- regain KBSU. They both stood outside the They are strong supporters of the BSU athletic ning. In my opinion, you will not find more program and student rights. Randy helped get Pavilion at last spring's registration and handed Arnell Jones able, experienced or willing candidates than the doors of the Pavilion open one half hour. out fliers and solicited signatures from the' Ron Craig and Randy Yadon. students in an attempt to regain KBSU. Ron and Randy actively support clubs and Leslie Griffin Yadon's views on the candidates

Editor, The University News; Candidates have stands on issues in contact with about eighty clubs and Editor, The University News; organizations. He also co-sponsored legislation the students before ASBSU takes a position. Students beware! It's election time again. which would have put fee increase questions Russell and Hopkins will establish a student Springtime is a funny time of year. People Here we go again! on the spring ballot. . scholarship program. They fully support clubs who could have cared less about student Politics is the only field where people with As customary, the student elections have and will improve the 'current club funding government six months ago now want to be no or very little experience get the important brought forth a healthy amount of campaign system. They believe students must be involv- president. Beware! I challenge every candidate jobs. Why? Because someone can get up in cliches and rhetoric. Cries of "More Student ed in KBSU as long as our fees go to support who is running for any office, executive or front of a group and talk about all those great Involvement" and "Better Leadership" again the station. Senate, to get involved, win or lose. ideas? . plague our presidential elections. Simply put, Russell and Hopkins have told What the students of Boise State want are I ask the students of BSU to vote for peo- But wait. Something is different this year. us exactly where they stand on several impor- students who are committed for and above the ple who have and will continue to get things We actually have candidates for president and tant issues. The other candidates could learn political quagmire that arises this time of year. done. Ideas and theories are important but the vice president who are speaking outloud and a great deal from these two. Commitment to students' rights and the stu- willingness to act on them is the difference be- clear on specific issues! . While the rest of the candidates are learn- dent's voice are key requirements. Contrary to Jeff Russell and Bob Hopkins are the only tween Ron Craig and any other presidential ing their lesson, I'm voting for the first time political propaganda; Ron Craig is committed candidate. candidates I have ever seen on our campus to this year. And I'm voting for Jeff Russell ami' to listening to the students. That is why he Vote Ron Craig April 13 and 14. tell us specifically what they want Jo Bob Hopkins! . wrote legislation, long before thinking about accomplish .. the presidency, that required ASBSU to keep Randy Yadon For example, Russell and Hopkins will make Frances Talboy sure every proposed fee increase is voted on by' Andrus, McClure must compromise Senator supports Craig,Yadon ticket Editor, The University News; Editor, The University News; dynamically progressive year, both for the tection around the state. The message from Ihese hearings was loud and clear. - Senate and for the Student Body. I offer them The Senate field hearings on the Idaho The ball is now in Senator McClure's court. ' It has been my privilege and pleasure to serve my continued support and congratulations on on the ASBSU Senate with Ron Craig and Forest Management Act are behind us now and, Congress now knows how unpopular this bill a well-run campaign, and I hope that you will the results are in. Despite incredibly short is in Idaho. Randy Yadon. Their professionalism and en- help me elect Mr. Craig and Mr. Yadon to the notice, over 500 people managed to sign up and If 8.2055 is to have any chance of passage thusiasm have contributed toan enjoyable and Presidency and the Vice Presidency on April testify at three different hearing locations. Less this year, Senator McClure and Governor An- a productive year for ASBSU. If their past 13 and 14. record is any indication of the way they will than five percent of all individuals and ' drus must listen to the hearing record and show organizations that testified supported this bill some flexibility If this bill fails to passCon- conduct themselves as President and Vice Lon D. Waford for any reason. The vast majority of testimony gress, it will not be because interest groups on " President of ASBSU, then 1988-89 could be a ASBSU Graduate Senator consisted of individuals in the afternoons. any side of the.issue killed it, it will be because Seventy percent of those testifyng strongly urg-. of the inflexibillty that has dominated the pro- Candidates good for club needs ed Senator Mc<;lure and Governor Andrus, to cess thus far. eliminate all dangerous special management Conservationists and sportsmen within Editor, The University News; Their activities put t~eir actions 'Yhere their language and miscellaneous provisions which Idaho badly want good wilderness legislation. words are. They don't Just talk a good game! would undermine current laws such as the We are all willing to compromise. Please join I would like to publically offer my support In my capacity as Sociology Club President, Wilderness Act and the' National .Forest us in our plea for flexibility, to Ron Craig and Randy Yadon for the offices I have seen their interest in making the ASBSU Management Act. These saine people strong- ly urged the authors to increase wilderness pro- of ASBSU President and Vice President. more responsive to club needs and desires. Tom Robinson They offer the students of Boise State , They're darned good guys and I think they'll University the proven leadership and ex- do a great job for us all. perience necessary for the best representation .ro the faculty, administration and state Sojourner O'Connor Vote for Osterloh, not rhetoric government. ' Editor, The University News; -. the ability to relate to people i~ different en- vironments. He's dual majoring in Political Ticket offers actions, not just words Once again we are going to be flooded with Science and economics,' so he has some an endless supply of political rhetoric and pro- background in Business affairs. I may be Editor, .The University News; BSU that have not been represented by the cur- mises from our budding student candidates for mistaken, but the senators control over $50,000 rent student government. It is time to recognize office. They will promise this and that, but and allocate it to different programs. It would The current student government at Boise that all people and groups at BoiseState are after the election, a majority of the student be nice if all the senators had some business State has turned their noses up to the students integral' to the growth and improvement of body hardly notices what they do or try to do. background when' controlling that much of this university. They fight with the athletes, Idaho's largest university." . I've had numerous discussions with students money. • they tell the rest of us that we' are not smart The Russell and Hopkins ticket offers and friends about how one of us should run His major stands include expanded library enough to vote on their regular fee increases, students a platform that includes the establish- and try to let the students know what their hours over finals week (a point that has always and they plan to take another big chunk of ment of scholarships based on academic merit senators' job is all about. Would you believe perturbed him). U of I and Pullman have 24 money out of. our pockets: (another. fee in, that wilt be av...ardcd cvcry semester, aiso n or~ they actually have offlce hours? My longtime • hours open floors duiingfinal week; why not crease) so that they can build themselves new fersthe demand that if BSUstudents are go- . .associate Curtis Osterloh decided to run for BSU? He wants to improve our terrible park- offices. In fact, the greatest achievement ofthis ing to fund KBSU, the students, in turn, must ASBSU Senator from the School of Social ing conditions. How many of you have receiv- group was last semester's "Condom Vote!" take an active role in running the station. In Science and Public Affairs. To give you an.idea. edtickets for parking in Julia Davis Park What a major .step into the modern world this addition, Russell and Hopkins pledge full sup- of his character, I've known him for seven years across the river? How many people do you was. . . port to all of the student clubs and organiza- ' .and he's only been late for it meeting a couple think go tothe zoo orpark when it's 30°? I'm Finally, the entire student body of Boise tions on campus. This means attending their of times. voting for Curtis Osterloh on Election Day; State has an opportunity to elect a President, meetings regularly and asking for them to He expects the best of himself and motivates I'm hoping you will.too, Let's give some sup- and Vice President that will listen to everyone: loudly voice their opinions' in student people around him to do the same. He's receiv- port to a candidate who's devoted to certain jeff Russell and Bob Hopkins have and will government. ed two 4.0 GPAs in a row. I· have no doubt he issues and will dohis best to accomplish them, . continue to meet with Vo-Tech; Nursing, Con- I am encouraging all of you to vote on April' will'receive another one. He's lived in dor- VarE Curtis Osterloh!!!l struction Management, R.o.T.C"ti!e athletes, 13 and 14 for Russell and Hopkins. "mitories, off-campus apartments and even all of the student clubs and organizations, and - spent a semester in a' fraternity. This gives him Chris Peters the many othergroups and departments at Thorpe Orton . Hancock, Lookout Room, 11 man. Student Union, 12:15p.m .. SPB film, How to Marry a ASBSU Elections. Millionaire, SPEC,7 p.m. All - SPB films are free to BSU students' wlth. an activity card and $1 for faculty and ·14· thurs. staff, and $2.50 for the John Doan, harpist-guitarist, general public. SPEC, 8 p.m., $3 for BSU students, staff,' facu Ity and Focus on Boise State senior citizens,$5 for the University features Joan general public. Nelson discussing drugs and alcohol, 7:30 a.rn., and Student recital; soprano 7:30 p.m., Channel 27. Tanya Seibert and mezzo- soprano Valerie Peterson, Morrison Center Recital Shadows Stories from India, Hall, 6 p.rn., free. Multicultural Board Puppet Theater presentation, Big Senior recital, pianist Iuann Four Room of the Student Fife, Morrison Center Union, 1 p.m., free. Recital Hall, 8 p.m., free.

ASBSU Elections. 12 tues. Student recital, Tom Baker 15 tri. and David Santistevan, Mor- World's Largest Yard Sale, rison Center Recital Hall, 8 Bronco Stadium Parking p.m., free. Lot, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Idaho Shakespeare Festival, P.J. O'Rourke, international Shakespearian excerpts, affairs editor for Rolling Morrison Center, Stage II, 7 Stone magazine, SPEC, 8 p.m., free. p.m. Tickets are $5 for general admission, $3 for BSUAOP meeting and students, tacutty and staff. luncheon, Lookout Room, Student Union, 11:30a.m. Franciscan String Quartet, Boise Chamber Music The History of the Civil Series, Morrison Center Rights, Multicultural Board Recital Center, 8 p.rn.' video presentation and General admission $7.50, discussion led by BSU students and senior citizens social work professer $6. Mamie Oliver, Room 210 Simplot/Micron Technology SPB film, Man Facing Center, 3:30 p.rn., free. Southeast, SPEC, following O'Rourke lecture at 10 p.m. Boise Philharmonic Rehear- sals, B125 Morrison Center, Bob Gibb Classic, men's and through April 14, free. women's track and field meet, Bronco Stadium, .5 p.m., Apr. 16 at noon. 13 weds. 1940s Radio Musical Hour, Morrison Center, 8 p.rn., tickets are $15. ~ 16 sat. World's Largest Yard Sale, District III music festival, Bronco Stadium Parking throughout campus, all day, Lot, 9 a.01.-4p.m. free. George Strait, 'Pavilion, 8 Idaho Folklore Society, p.m., tickets. $15. . South American music by Sukay, Morrison Center Boise Master Chorale and SPBpresents 'Holidays in HelJ'April 15 Stage II, 8 p.rn., general ad- Boise Philharmonic, Carson - P.J. O'Rourke will present mtsslon $7, Idaho Folklore ~ong, director, Morrison described investigative humor- Society members $5. . Center, tickets $7-19.50. "Holidays in Hell" April 15 at 8 Lebanon, EI Salvador and South p.rn, in the SPEC. ist, sees his job at Railing Africa. A question and answer as -."going to terrible O'Rourke, international af- Stone period will follow his lecture, SPB film, Bus Stop, Ada fairs editor for places and finding out what is Tickets, available at the door, . funny about them." The hour- Lounge,Student Union, 3:15 magazine, former editor-in-chief are $5 for the general public, $B p.m. long lecture will Iocus on 17 sun. of National Lampoon and a self- for students, faculty and stalf O:Rourke's experiences in SPB tllm, Man Facing I and senior citizens. i Faculty/~taffluncheon, Ben Southeest, SPEC, 7 p.m. I I

Angell'S':"Kevin Kirk, Ap~ 13-16. Barkley's-Jay Wende~ Walker. Apr. 13-17.' Bouquel-Brickston19, Apr. 11; Methods of Dance, Apr. Doan plays ~ 12-16; )-84 & Flying Color .. Apr. 17. . Itroadway Bar-FireForx. Apr. 15-15. CassidY's-Lee Carey. Apr. 11-16. April 14 in S_I Crazy Herse-r-Poetry Night. Apr. 11; Ir. the Ink of Time.Apr. 12: Hen. drlxson & Mercury. Apr. 15.16:' Dino's-No Ties. Apr. 11.16. John Doan will strum his D.J:s-Curbdwellers. Apr. 11: Section 8, Apr. 12.18. harp guitar April 14at 8 p.rn. in Flicks-Kevin Kirk. Apr. 17 the SPEC. H~nn::h·:;-r.t:d5iultt:. A-~Jr.;12.-10. o I Doan, a new age artist, was Hennesey's-Kevin Kirk & Sally. Tibbs, Apr. 11.16 Lock, Slock & Barrel-Billy Braun Band. Apr. 12·16: Bluegrass one of the first. musicians to Band. Apr. 17. _ z use the harp guitar as a serious NendeJ's-Extra. Apr. 12·16. concert Instrument, The harp , The Nook-Bryce. Apr. 15: JUdy Willig. A~1. 16. gUitar, which is shaped like a Pengifly's- Ban Burdick and Joel Kaserman' Apr. 13.16. CJ) I Peter Scholls~Larry Clark. Apr. 11-16: diVing Whale,features bass and I The River··.Designe(s Dream. Apr. 11-16. treble stringson either side of Red Lion Downtowner-Keyed Up. Apr. 12.16. an ordinary six-string guitar Sandpiper-Johnny Shoes. Apr. 13,16.. ~ neck. Having played antique SunshineSaJoon-Jaywalkers. Apr. 11: IT. Miller Band. Apr. 12-16. Tom Grainey'S-John Hansen Acoustic Jam. Apr. 11:H,-Tops.Apr. 12-16. C) models for a number of years, T.K. Bar-Dave. Don. and the Bob Revenue. Apr. 13. Doan arranged for two luthiers, The Zoo-Detian!. Apr. 11-16. or stringed instrument craft- m smen, to bUild an updated version. ': - . .'



SPB shows .BSU senior Luann Fife will Marilyn films, perform a piano recital in partial fulfillment of her bachelor of "Man facing' music degree in piano perlcr- mance April 14 at 8 p.rn. in' the this week Morrison Center Recital Hall. Fife, a recipient of the full. tuition Ada Hatch scholarship and a part-time registered The SPB Films Series con. nurse, will perform works by tinues this week'with How to Beethoven, Scriabin and Marry a Millionaire, Bus Stop Chopin, In addition to. these and Man Facing Southeast: pieces, she will give the How to Marry a Millionaire, premiere performance of com, starring Marilyn Monroe, 'is a poser Brent _Pierce's "Chorale 1953film in which love foils the and Fugue,'" a piece written plans of three shrewd lovelies especially for and dedicated to her. who had their hearts set on marrying rich men, Admission to the recital is free. In Bus Stop, Monroe plpys a chanteuse pursued by a cowboy on his first trip to Phoenix, The two settle their differences while snowbound India,civil rights at a roadside cafe. '...-" 1 Billed by critics as "an E.T. for Classical, jazz are the focus adults,".Man Facing Southeast is a sensitive and exquisite film. guitar by of two free from Argentina which will draw you into a mysterious world. BSU students programs How to Marry A 'Millionaire . will be shown on Apr. 11 at 7 BSU senior .Tom Baker and The BSU Multicultural Board p.m. in the SPEC.Bus Stop will junior David Santistevan will .will present two free programs, be shown on Apr. 13 in the Ada present an evening of classical both open to the public,Jn April. Lounge of the Student Union at and jazz guitar April 12at 8 p.m. "Shadow Stories from India" 3:15p.m. Man Facing Southeast in the Morrison Center Recital Hall. will be the title of 'a puppet wjll be shown Apr. 15at 10 p.m. theater presentation April 11at and Apr. 17 at 7 p.m. in the Baker, whose performance in 1p:m. if! (he Big Four Room of SPEC. this recital is. in partial fulfill. the Student Union. Donations Admission is free to all BSU ment of his classical guitar will be accepted at the door. student with an activity card, $1 degree, will perform works by '.'The . History of 'the Civil 1940s Radio Musical Hour, Morrison Center, April 8 p.rn., for faculty and staff and $2,50 Villa-Lobos, Ponce, Tarrega, Rights Movement" will be a tickets are $15. general' admission. Albeniz and Satie. Santistevan, video presentation and.a a jazz guitar major, will perform discussion led by BSU social , works by Howard and Bach. To work professor Mamie Oliver. conclude the recital, Baker and The presentation.will take place Shakespeare Santistevan will perform four April 12at 3:30 p.m. in Room 210 original pieces they have com. of the. SimplotlMicron Tech. Strait, Highway 101 play for the posed together during the last nology Center. . year. Both guitarists are in BSU's· Pavilion beginner students of professor George Thomason. Admission Country artist George Strait The. Idaho Shakespeare free. will appear with special guest Festival will present an evening Highway 101 in the Pavilion on of Shakespearian excerpts April April 16 at 8 p.m. 12 at 7 p.m. in Stage II of the Strait, whose voice has been Morrison Center. likened, to a combination of In its third year and funded In George Jones' and Merle Hag. part by grants from the Idaho gard's, was discovered while Humanities Council and the playing in Texas by a Nashville. Mountain Bell Foundation, based producer who signed . -'~~, \ "Shakespearience" is a two-part Strait in 1980. Since then he has presentation designed to in. produced nine , with , troduce people to the works of such hits as "Does Fort Worth William Shakespeare. The show Ever Cross Your Mind," is also taken to area high "Nobody in his Right Mind"and schools several times a year. "It Ain't Cool to be Crazy." Admission to the program is . Tickets for the concert are free. $15.50.

. , Catch Flying Color" New music keeps coming out gOOdSOundson vinyl. Their harp, guitar 'Bqise's way. debut Flying Color was ;PEC Frontier recording artists, released in 1987to rave reviews, Flying Color, are schedulad to and their Sound was likened to make a pit stop at the Bouquet "seductive- son-core pop." Ap~11~ ' Doan, a part-ttrns member of .FI,ying Color will appear at the music Oregon's . FormedIn October of 1984, theBouquet Baron Main Street Willamette UniverRitv

International Affairs Editor of Rolling Stone Magazine and former writer for National I~~~' GRADE: B Lampoon Magazine will speak about his travel A most unique and in a troubled world. entertaining triol 'Glory' is -, ~~..... 11-.... _ Friday, April 15th Tuesday, Aprll19th C-I •• U---_:> 8:00 pm NOON well-done flick ~.. Special Evants Center in the Quad by Lee Arnold § § § Tickets available at door The University News iii· $3.00 students & $5:00 generai MOiVIES~ While most films dealing with the effects of war on children usually FREEto BSUstudents wi oct. card take on a gritty, urban land- $1.00 BSUfaculty & stoff scape/concrete junglethemc, Hope and Glory takes on another angle- $2.50 general how war can bring a new, vital order to life by destroying the old, monolithic traditions. Jolin 1Joan This John Boorman-directed film HARP GUITAR --.---- Let tfiis Wituffiam !Hir{ JIrtist .tak!-you away witfi his supetlrmusic & storyte{{ing. It's an MOIIiS evening not to be missed! $3.00Stucfents begins on September 3, 1939, two $5.00 (jenera{ days after the German invasion of Poland initiated theSecond World %ursaay, 2lpri{ 14 ~ ~ . War. Britain has just declared war on HOMBRE MIRANDO Al SUDESTE the'Third Reich, and for nine-year- 8:00 pm ..,.,~»» n~,.1 • .j; ~ . old Billy Rowan (Sebastian Rice Ed- Friday, April 15. wards), it signals the beginning of a Speciai Eoenss Center .-~ new and different life. He collects Sunday, April 17 shrapnel and plays with a gang in the TIckets available at Musicians Pro Shop, Old Boise Music, 7 pm SPEC ruins of gutted-out buildings. While Record Exchange, Cosmic Connection & BSUUnion Station the blitz rages,' he plays with sets of toy soldiers and fighter planes in the family bomb shelter. He sees the war ARGENTINE not as a tragedy, but as a cause of . celebration. Gradually,' the war becomes a B OPENI DOCUMENTARY welcome intrusion into the mundane \ and disillusioned lives of the rest of the family, and for the most part, National Student Exchang Don't Eat Today .they becomeshielded from the stark ;Program Coordinator horrors of wartime reality. While they experience firsthand some of its 75.00/month • 12 month pos or Tomorrow brutality, such as the loss of their Monday: Apr!! 18 home, luck somehow always seems to smil" UII li£Rowans. Evenwhen Bil- inate program to send students to 7 pm SPEC ly's father joins the army, it is not to Wednesday. April 20 the front lines he is sent, but to a s. Must be a full time studentw/ clerical unit near home. Indeed, the 3:16 prn- Ada LOl,Jnge.SUB war becomes so abstract and far away, even when dogfights between Contact Lea Turner 01" ASB British and German planes can be For info about any of these seen from the streets arid the roar of 385-1280/1440 artillery can be heard from across the events call 385·3874 Channel. ------~-~---.;.--- J. SeeIGlory,'page 10. t :.~. .... The University News Monday, April II. 1988. .9

by rom Lloyd Sidelines by.Tom Lloyd .Be,tter the football team Tennistea,ms beatNNC

The BSU women's tennis team beat .Northwest Nazarene College Tom. Lloyd 7-2 to increase its record to 9-3 overall. The old home town hadTallen On The University News the lines of a workout scrimmage. We The team's next action will be April 15-16 when it will host a meet lean times after experiencing winning would wear our workout gear, hold to include Eastern Washington University, Montana State University, ways. Rumors filtered through the All I could think of the Other day it at the same time as -the other Utah State University and Weber State University. community. that perhaps the football when the snow was falling on the workouts. No hoopla after surviving The men's team also defeated NNC 9-0, upping its record to 9-5. fathers might have made a mistake in spring training footballers was, "bet- all that punishment. Eight of us were In the Weber State Invitational April 9, BSU beat Reno 6-3. The team's the person hired to extend their egos. ter you than me." standing at the locker room door, next meet is the BSU Invitational, April 14-17, with U of I, ISU, NNC, In two years this coach had taken You see, I participated in my fair talking, having the hardest time USU and WSv. a winning program and decimated it. opening it. Then it happened. One share of what I thought at that time He was a throwback to the old days was some masochistic male rite of guy jokingly remarked, "Let's skip." of blood-and-guts football. This was And it was a prairie fire in our passage. Survivors of these events all another era. Gymnasts finIsh season have their own horror stories. I have emotions. In minutes. we were gone, Eventually, his anachronistic ways and to this day. I do not understand \ " mine. The BSU gymnastics team finished in 7th place at the NCAA North- , , got him in trouble. His teams ran the' our psychopathic reaction and later One of the most memorable was ball, other teams aired it out. Prac- west Regionals April 9 in Corvallis, Ore., with 177.30 points. my 9th-grade year. At that time, we our guiltlessness to the situation. tices were non-stop contact, others were the top dogs of the junior high, Yes, we were missed, for several of developed techniques. Practices went us were starters. Hard to be overlook- but were on the bottom end of the to sunset-thank goodness it was totem pole in spring training with the ed. And yes. we were' severely before daylight savings time-others punished-l got the three most BSU to host track meet high school. It was the last year the were organized into I Vz -2 hours max- brutal licks I had ever taken. But Texas 9th-graders, were allowed- BSU will host the Bob'Gibb Invitational Track and Field Meet April - imum. For the final game his second luckily the football fathers had had made, as far as I was concerned-to 15 and 16 at Bronco Stadium. Confirmed teams are CSI, the U of year, 20 players suited out,which in- enough,too. Mr. Throwback was go through spring training with the I,'ISU, University of Montana, Montana State University and Utah cluded"B" tea mel'S, because their relieved. high schoolers. My class also was the State. . season had been cancelled earlier in I learned much for all that time, last one to play tackle football in the year. And" we were a 4A (large grade school. but the most important was from my schools) Texas high school. We were father. My next door neighbor, whose Athletically, my class was excep- an embarassment. father was an all-American in college, tionally talented. Throughout junior .I was literally petrified going into was severely punished and chastised . high we had scrimmaged and com- Thursday ~ ladies Night-S3 .that spring training. The horror My father, the principal, who was peted against age groups anywhere stories abounded.: We counted each quite upset with me, simply said, "I Friday-University Night-S3 from one to four years older on a day as if doing time on a chain gang. don't care if you play or not, but if regular basis. That 9th grade year, we, 1Qth & Grove 336-0672 ...... '., Much to my dismay, the stories were you commit to playing, then you're had played area high school"B" real. . responsible ,to fulfill that' L- _ teams in football and varsity teams We worked out, or rather collided commitment. " in basketball. We dominated our own physically, with each other for a After that, I complained about area age group-undefeated in both minimum of tliree hours. Now what spring training practices in parking football and basketball and winning made that so insufferable was that lot practice fields full of stickers, hot our conference's track meet. We were Give a hoot. there was no Friday night or Satur- and dusty west Texas afternoons, in- being counted, on and touted 10 day glory. It was just go out there and terspersed with tornadoes, hail Don't pollute. restore our town's athletic honor. hit your classmates for umpteen storms, gully-washer rains. As is the case in most places, it is' 'Foresr Service, U.S.D.A. rili1 times. Iquestioned many things dur- Take heart, BSU spring foot bailers. important. But in Texas, where foot- ing that time. . At least it's not Bozeman, Mont., ball is king and legend, ids a must. Then, after enduring that torture where one spring.afternoon in a two- And I do mean a must. It had for three weeks, a group of us rebell- hour period, I saw the weather go something to do with the town's col- ed. Ii was what most people would from sunny to snowing, back to sun- lective ego. Also something to do refer to as the spring training game. ny, then rain, sleet and cold wind and Thallk Yon BSU with God, country, motherhood, For us it was the last day of spring back to sunny all in 3:>-minute inter- heredity, Texas and a bunch of other training workouts. vals. Sure reminded me of spring things I never did grasp the meaning Oh, we were going to scrimmage, training and home. Students and Faculty or connection of. but very controlled and more along The Broadway Shopping Center Mer- chants want to take a moment and The ~University News thank you .for shopping with us. As a . is accepting applications show of appreciation we are providing a S500 General Scholarship through the, for all positions for the 1988-89pUblishing year. . BSU Financial Aid Office. Applyin person at The University News, 1603V2 University Drive, across from the SUB. Thalll\ you, BSl:

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\ SIGN UP ALL THIS WEEK! r.··· \ i I j BSU Students! Bring I.D..card, meal card, oldtests, anything!! !-Goodfor: 2 Draft :Beers for $1 'all nlqht long! Open Mon-Frt. 4:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Sat. 7 p.m.-2 .a.m. 415 South 9th Street (Next to 8th Street Marketplace) 345-4163 c'-o: ..... Classifleds The University News Monday, April 11,'1988 11

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