Dallas: New Questions and Answers
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1,77 FRAME 312 1 4-043•Cri.. , • • 1-_ The mystery of the mortal wound: Kennelly, still clutching at his throat wound, is hit with explosive furl' from behind Dallas:c riEFR: New Questions and Answers are reed spa al odd-lot the cause and booked 250 campus lee- doubters have always chosen to believe T h"assortment n s critics ant dE-o-- hires (at $780 each) inn single year. A him. Now they have beenjoined by a logues, rationalists and funtasts who have Warren commission staff alumnus, who sometime CIA computer analyst, George never believed that Lee Harvey Oswald still believes that Oswald acted alone, O'Toole, who played a tape of Oswald's alone killed John F. Kennedy and have has urged a review of the case—and now denial to a Psychological Stress Evalua- invested up to a dozen years of their lives Texas's U.S. Rep. Henry Gonzalez has tor—a device that supposedly measures in hying to disprove it. They flowered formally proposed that Congress under- and charts tension in a person's voice— first in the middle '60s, then fell into take the rehearing. and found none of the bunched-up, discouraged retreat with the collapse of The Warren verdict is indeed threaded hedge-shaped clusters of squiggles that former New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison's through with unanswered questions and (momently accompany lying. In Pent- jerry-built attempt to prove their case in unresolved anomalies. What its detrac- house and in a newly published book, court. But the true disbelievers are back tors offer in its place is one or another "The Assassination Tapes," O'Toole now, more numenms and insistent than aiterreiti-re hypothesis fin tidier than the rendered his unambig • jedgment: ever, with their duce-Oswald and four- cm lllll ission's one-man, one-gun analy- "Quite clearly, Lee Harvey Oswald was assassin scenarios and their dizzying ex- sis. But their sort of tidiness has its own telling the troth." egeses of every scrap of paper and every vices. Supposition is elevated into fact; The Maws: The PSE, while gradually frame of film on the JFK shelves in the accident becomes criminal design; evi- gaining acceptance, remains controver- National Archives. And this time, in a dence is accepted on faith if it fits a sial among experts in lie-detection; nei- nation still traumutized by the crimes and conspiracy theory and rejected as MUDD- ier the FBI nor the CIA uses it, and Dr. lies of Watergate, they have found their flu:hired if it does not. The doubters, Joseph ICubis, a Fordham psychologist wides t audience yet for theirdernand that moreover, have never harmonized their, who tested it extensively for the Army, the inquest be reopened. pwn doubts about whether or not Oswald came away doubting its validity. There Their doubts, reasonable or not, have love • r m 3 remains, moreover, the powerful circum- inspired at least two dozen nonfiction sins fired how many shots or w might stantial case that Oswald was My verL• banks, four novels, three feature films, have Itlt them u to it e UAL nr th • alone or not. The only known rtfijp 1 several national conferences and a re- Mafia, or the Ceimmists or Ti-'. w..4weapon, a 1940 Matirdie er-Careano ri- cent freshet of articles in journals rang- 0 I I r. • e, was traced to him and bore his ing from Penthouse to Rolling Stone. A Still, amid the melange of fact and pa linprint; the only recovered cartridges bootleg copy of the fumed Zapruder guess, reason and imagination, there are fragments w;e11e: stile home movie of the assassination—blood, provocative questions: ur revolver that killed Dallas brain fragments and all—has played police patrohrem J.D. Tippit was in twice this spring on network TV and DID OSWALD DO IT? Oswald s possession when he was arrest- numberless limes to smaller audiences The Wee Test "I didn't shoot anybody, ed in a movie theater 80 minutes after the around the nation. A group of Old New no sir," Oswald told an interviewer at assassination. Even sonic conspiracy 1 Leftists in Cambridge, !Antis., embraced Dials police headquarters, and many theorists concede the case, and David 111114 1111111111111 11 II HM1111 1111i II MI 1 p 1 I I 1111 31111111 11 11111 JIM 1111 1 1111111 1111111i1 ' II1M MO 1 1111111131i11111101111111 11111111` 1 11111 ill1 111111 !Hi I 11 1 HII 11 111111 Hill1M111111P1111 ri nil iimpporl [mu H 1.1 11 11111111 H 1 M11014111111111 11111113Plilli '" A fliSi 11 II 11111111114 I 1 11H 11.1 II 111111 111111IN 111111110 111 hI 1111 111111111 1 1 1101 I 11 H 111 .P 11 1 HMI Ilf HIPM11111113 Hi 11111111111 ;) ijI" 1 1 1 11 ilitr1 1.14%111 II 1111111H1111 rig HMI 1 Hill PI 1 till, 11111/ ! 411131 Mr II MI HIII 11H ME 1 11111111311Mr..31 Il ' 41!c Hui 1 11 11111111 N t 1/111 HI 1 r ?II • ping .11 111 putigkt Ii 011111111111m :1E311 • 11 " RI 1 11 III 11111111 I .111111111111111 111117 !I I' U.111 1E411 i1111111 III 1 11 1111 11 mon! 1111.14 II ill,' 11 H11 11 Li i: 1 II: III 111110111 h 111i1111111111 1 II 1111 01111 11111111011111111 1111 1111111111111111 11111. II AM 111 LIT it !op piluirci 13111111111 Ill 11 11 1110111111111111111111. 111 I :11111H1111 111111 0111310111 1111 1111 1111 ' 11111111 1111 1 111111111 111 I 'Li 111111 1 11111H11 II 11131 I! MI 1 IM1111M1111 H.1111111 11 11111111111111hk1111113 I UM111111 11 1/11.11131 ,; 1 111 II "' 111 11111111111 II II III 11 011111 H1111111111111111 1111111 11111 1 1111111 1111111111111(11111111111111111111111311 11111111 111111111111111111 11111111 viiektor COUNTERINTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY INC CHART N I didn't —. shoot anybody no sir Oswald's voice chart; Did the absence of stress signs amid the squiggles prove his innocence of murder ing JFK? 36 Newsweek Hoses c--;Hou 1 1-1 AV TH ! NATIONAL AFFAIRS r r I 1 "' .4 it SlIC1WS-111 sit they believe—a ng..e FRAME 321 • liming what Maid br a rifle over the top ••. ref what emild he ;i1 %Labia] wagon on the grassy knoll ahead of the President's manmade. And Groden. in the best •••• • 91P1V, ] "Blowup" teal it ion, thinks he has found twit and pussiImly Ihr17e lucre assassins in 4, 44.44:14wrii all....r.1 •• 7 the Zapruder film: 111117, rifle still in hand, • - ."..1/21'11' •••• S.• dimly visible thonigh smite low-hanging tree branches allow the motorcade route, the other—perhaps with backup inan- ity/0nd a refill' fill the grassy knoll. The Flaws: The. Nis "assassin." it he exists, could as easily be sighting a era as a gall. i t it is u rifle, he appears tic to have the wrong aril propped on the car 1,1•113 1. H. All rhulloo rrm.rvrd roof. Croden's "gunmen" are too galiry - . but did a see i hit from up front drive him violently backward? even to he identified positively as hie man beings, let al , assassins, and are Belin, a Warren staff alumnus now di- to buttress its case. Jones found that accordingly regarded as dubious even recting the Rockefeller commission in- Connally's reaction was too exaggerated an g some diehard cnnspiraturia lists. quiry into the CIA, says flatly: "1 have no to be explained by the impact of the doubt that Oswald killed Kennedy." bullet; he suggests that Connally was WAS OSWALD A GOVERNMENT AGENT? WAS THERE A CONSPIRACY? reacting physiologically to his wounds. The FBI-CIA Connection: The conspiracy The Fidel Wound: With gut-wrenching literature is shot through with specula- The Superbullet: The Warren commis- clarity, Croden's blowups of the Za- tion that Oswald was an operative or at sion's one-man theory rested heavily on printer film show JFK's head snapping least an informer for one or both agen- the hypothesis that Oswald's first shot forward under the impact of a bullet that cies. which were then heavily involved struck JFK in the upper back, exited from blew away one side of his skull; then, a in frying to penetrate domestic radical his throat, tore through then Texas Gov. split-second later, his hand and body groups. The CIA links are largely suppo- John Connally's torso and right wrist, lurch even more violently up, back and sitious, based on some striking oddities and burrowed into his left thigh. To have leftward into Jackie's arms. The in Oswald's record (the ease with which conceded that the two men were hit by doubters' theory: that Kennedy was hit he got a Marine Corps discharge, then separate shots would have been to ac- by separate shots, one from the rear and defected to Russia, then came home on a knowledge a second gun; Oswald almost one from the front, a single movie frame government loan) and some thready con- certainly could not have fired his clumsy (or one-eighteenth of a second) apart. nections with various people and places bolt-action rifle that quickly. Yet the The Flaws: The film itself shows an thought to be in the CIA's ambit. The single bullet said to have caused all this explosion of blood, brain and bone frag- FBI story had rather more body: Oswald damage came away miraculously un- ments spray in upward and forward, in fact was carrying the name and phone scathed. And ongoing studies of the suggesting a hi, from the rear. A second number of Dallas agent James Hosty in Zapruder film—most recently by Robert bullet striking Kennedy from tip front his pocket notebook, and there were Groden, 29, a New York optics expert might have been expected to produce a rumors—now often quoted as fact—that currently touring with a pirated print— comparable burst backward, but none is he was on the bureau payroll as infonn- seem to the doubters to show Kennedy visible, Physicist Jones's studies, more- ant number S-170 at $200 a month.