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Grrtt rbhft Enn nd hnl fr th 199 Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1990/79054/V002T02A015/2399221/v002t02a015-90-gt-204.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021

EY KYE_ AAIC Grrtt Enn vn Alld-Snl Arp In hnx Arzn

ASAC rbn vn. h ppr l t th 800 nd bnd t Grrtt Enn vn f AlldSnl Arp, In., ftr rtrrft prpln t nd nd Grrtt hh ppl lltd z trbn prpln thnl pln fr tn th rrnt. nn t th fxdn vtn rt, xpndn t prdt ln t nld th lltd trbhft nn 800800 UOSA EGIE fr th rtr n (hlptr vtn rt. h rnt n f th 800800 dnlt frd fr fnd In 84 prtnrhp btn Grrtt nd Alln io o is easio. Gae is eeoig e 800 i a frd t flfll th U.S. Ar rt fr pr prtnrhp th th Alln G rbn vn f Gnrl rlblntnbl hhprfrn trbhft prplnt Mtr Crprtn, ndr th pn n f ht l fr th nxtnrtn tnnn lhttt hlptr, ptr rbn Enn Cpn (EC. h 800 trb dntd th . h prtnrhp, th ht lptr hft nn (00hp, 000W l, hh h prr rbn Enn Cpn (EC, bd n n rrnnt prfrn n th pr l (0 t 0 prnt bttr t dndvlp th trbhft nn fr th pf fl nptn nd prtht thn rrnt ppltn. Mrt z, nldn rl ppltn, prdtn trbhft nn, dnd t pr th U.S. prjtd t pprxtl 0,000 nt. h rl Ar lht tt hlptr. Grrtt prn 800 dntd th Cvl rbhft 800 (CS800. h plntr thnl fd n rvn fll p EC 800 nd t rtt rndrn f ptn tr f trbhft nn rrnt fr th 0 nd rfr r hn n r 2. bnd. Grrtt l td th Gnrl Eltr Arrft h vltn f th 800 n b trd t Grrtt Enn (GEAE, fr th nt rbn Advnd G Gnr 000hp l SE0 trbhft dntrtr nn, nd t tr (AGG dntrtr prr. AGG pprt th Alln 800hp l Advnd hnl ntrtr Intrtd h rfrn rbn Enn hnl Enn (AE, hh pnrd b th U.S. Ar (Alt (IE nttv f dbln prpln t pblt nd , 88. h SE0, drvd fr th r f b th r 200. thnl nrprtd n th 800, Grrtt 0lbfthrt 0 trbfn nn nd dvlpd nd rn thnl nd npt pplbl t ftr fr th U.S. Ar r rhld 46 nxtnrtn uosas, ae iscusse. trnr, nld thnl fr Grrtt E trb prpE trbfn nn fl. EC bn th IOUCIO 800 llSl Enn vlpnt (SE prr n d 8. th Grrtt nd Alln ntrbtd nfnt Grrtt Enn vn (GE f AlldSnl Ar rr trd th dvlpnt f th nn prr t p, In., rld ldr n th prdtn f ll nd nnn th U.S. Ar ntrt rd (vbr 88 fr dz trbn nn. Grrtt (frrl, Grrtt th pltn f th 800 SE prr. Qlftn rbn Enn Cpn h rvd rl nd ltr ttn hdld t b pltd n Aprl , th rrft rt th trbprp nd trbfn nn n CS800 prdtn flln. 800 prdtn fr th Ar 6. Wth rnt nnrn dvlpnt nd rtftn ppltn hdld t bn n . prr fr th E042 l bp ntd nn nd h U.S. Ar h nrd thr ltr ndr th 800800 (hrnftr rfrrd t 800 trbhft rl ppltn fr th 800, nd prlll AA tp nn, Grrtt h xpndd t prdt ln t nld rtftn b EC ndr. hr rfr saeoea ige a eicoe egies. igue pn, At, Arptl, nd Wtlnd, hv hn th h th d rn f Grrtt prdt tht r rtfd r 800 fr prttp rrft. h At A.2 fl n rrntl n dvlpnt. Otbr 88 th prlnr flht rl ( vrn Grrtt rntl ntrd th rtrrft rt th th f th 800. h Arptl SA 6 nd th Wtlnd nx 800 trbhft nn, n prtnrhp th Alln G frt flht th th 800 r hdld fr rl .

rntd t th G rbn nd Arnn Cnr nd Exptn—n 11-1 199—rl l • UOO EGIES • E331351 • 575 O S O COMMECIA A MIIAY AICA


• UOSA EGIES Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1990/79054/V002T02A015/2399221/v002t02a015-90-gt-204.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 • CS • 1 O 1 S O COMMECIA A MIIAY



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FIG. 2. THE LHTEC T800 WAS SELECTED TO POWER THE U.S. ARMY NEXT GENERATION OF LIGHT/ATTACK aseie Egie esciio h rvrfl nnlr btr, hh h 800 dn prvd th prpr bln f dvnd hnd rn dn, ftr pr rblt tzn fl thnl nd hrdr nfrtn t t th 0 - t nzzl tht ffr prvnt n plt, rlblt, nd 80hp trbhft nn rrnt fr th nxt 20 r t vr pltd rblt fl nzzl. h dvnd fl nd bnd. Spprtblt nd rlblt r dnd nt nzzl r th bjt f nfnt dvlpnt ffrt th 800. h Mnpr rnnl Intrtn (MAI drn th 800 prr. h rvrfl dn bt tblhd b th U.S. Ar t ptz th ldr ntrt th btr th th 800 rttn pnnt hn ntrf n ll r f th nn ntnn nd prvd pt nn dnnl nvlp. h pprt. A rfltn f MAI t rd ntnn rvrfl dn l ffr lr pttrn ftr nd nd pprt, th 800 dlr n dn, ll tr, nd prr l, n prn t thrhfl nnlr dn rr nl x n hnd tl fr dbl nd fr th rttn rp nfrtn. A lr pttrn ftr Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1990/79054/V002T02A015/2399221/v002t02a015-90-gt-204.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 rpr. Arfr phl ntrf r rdd b rd th ht tr tprtr n th trbn ttr prnt vr rrnt nn. lblt prdtn hv fr vn nd, thrfr, rd vn ln rrnt. h xdd th Ar n t btn rvl (M rdtn n vn ln lv r r vlbl fr n rrnt f t lt 2000 hr. h 800 btn nd rd th pt n trbn ffn l prdtd t prvd pprxtl 2 prnt prvnt n d t vn ln ndr plf th ln h. rlblt nd 0 prnt prvnt n ntnblt vr h nrtr trbn ftr rld rtr rrnt prdtn nn. r h th fr b bld n th frt t. h ln h pl, ll nn dl: th nlt prtl prtr (IS, th prvn dn pprprt fr th 800 trbn tprtr. r rbx, th nrtr r, nd th pr trbn. h rrnt dn ltd fr l t, l r, nd nftrblt, nd fr th blt t nt nd prtl ACCESSOY GEAO tht ln, nt nrl b th nz l MOUE n rrnt. h trbn bld r fbrtd prt IE AICE SEAAO (IS MOUE l nd nrtd nt th d tht drn ntnn `- GAS GEEAO nptnvrhl, ndvdl bld, rthr thn th ntr COE OWE UIE trbn hl, n b rpld. h tt dn MOUE hn vr nlt dn b f t bttr ff n nd f rth. owe uie Moue . h pr trbn dl nt f n fft nld tt "fr trbn" dn (.., nt hnll lnd t prr tht rtt t • MOUA ESIG O EASE O MAIEACE A SUO ntnt pd. h pr trbn dn bd n l • MIIMUM ESIG COMEIY-O AIAE GEOMEY OW AS COU f th Alln AE pr trbn. A n th hhprr • UAE SUIAE COIGUAIO-UEAE AEA MIIMIE trbn, th trbn bld r fbrtd prtl nd nrtd nt th d tht drn ntnn IG. . 800 AS OU ASIC MOUES nptnvrhl, ndvdl bld n b rpld ntd f th ntr trbn hl. h pr trbn prvd frnt Ie aice Seaao (IS Moue . h IS nfr drvhft tpt pr drtl t th hlptr trn tn hn fr th 800 n xl nrt dn tht ffr n. pt nntrtn prtn ffn n th 800 fl z. h dvnd IS h ftr tht prvd prv Coos a ue Sysems . h ntrl nd lb nt n prtn ffn hl ntnn l prr t p ntn th nxt nrtn n thnl l. h ftr nld n nlnd plttr, rdd fr th t. h t p nld n dptv vn rrltn rn, vn vn, nd n fll thrt dtl ltrn ntrl (AEC th dvnd rnrtnt tn. IS r prr l plt rdndn nd flf prtn tht nhn r pprhn n prtl lvl. td prtn rft prfrn nd hndln lt nd rd plt ffn f rtr thn prnt h bn dntrtd rld, n nn r vdn t t prvd tbl fr MISEC prtl. h 800 IS trl ntrtn nn prtn thrht th flht nvlp, n nnd ftr rpht, px pt rll tr fr tn ntnn nn ntrn t tht pd lht ht. trblhtn nd rpr, llltrl r ptl ntrl Accessoy Geao Moue . h r rbx ln t th rrft, nd lfntnd l, fl, nd ltr dl, hh hnll lnd t th hhprr l t. pl v trhft, h bn ltd n th nn t prvd x bllt prttn. h r rbx eomace a ysica Seciicaios . h bln prvd pd fr th trtr, IS blr, l pp, nd fl 800 prvd 22 hp (86 W t x pr (0 n ntrl nt. rtn nd 2 hp ( W (0 n rtn t ntrdt rtd pr (I. Cntn pr f 02 hp (66 W Gas Geeao Coe Moue . h nrtr r vlbl nd prnt f x pr vlbl fr dl nt f tt ntrfl prr, rn ttn. h 800 nn h prr pr rvrfl nnlr btr, nd tt xlfl frn n t z l th 0 t 0 prnt bttr pf nrtr trbn. fl nptn (SC nd 0 t 0 prnt bttr prt h rd tt ntrfl prr ht thn xtn trbhft (r 4 nd . r xtrl drbl nd tlrnt t nd ntn, frn frn nd phl pftn fr th 800 r bjt d, nd nlt dtrtn. Cntrfl prr rzd n bl . h 800 ffr ll f th prfrn, hv l prvn t b tlrnt t prtl rn nd, n rlblt, ntnblt, nd pprtblt prvnt prn t xlntrfl r llxl prr, t pprxtl th tprhp f rrnt prdtn xhbt prr prfrn rtntn d t rn. h nn n th pr z l. nfrtn ffr pt prfrn fr th fl l ae Gow ( lb, .2 nd prr rt (4:, d nt Up t 0 prnt pr nr plnnd fr th 800 rr vrbl tr, nd prvd n nbr f n tn r (EC, 88. rdr hn rrd t t. hv th rth r prntd n r 6. h rth

(9 a maiais o imoes a aseie caaiiies wie MSU eseig e aseie isaaio eeoe Weig icease 7 O (3 is miima a egie mouaiy is esee oece imoemes i aeoyamic cooig a maeia ec- 3 • 53 oogy ae icue i e gow a ecica a SAE-O-E-A YY9 EGIE sceue isk ae ee miimie y a eiace o seciic (37 ■ 5 AIE SEIES 1-III ecoogy eeome ogams mos o wic ae aeay C 55 • i ace Egie cos icease is miimie y uicious 5 7 ■ -3 ECE aicaio o aace ecoogy x (3 ■ M3 Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1990/79054/V002T02A015/2399221/v002t02a015-90-gt-204.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 x ■ oece ecoogy Aacemes EC as o- •b W1-1 ■ ece easoae ea-em comoe esig a maeia C. 5 SEIES I 7G aacemes o aciee e es eeseaio o e ( ME U- gow eomace ees ese esig a maeias o- ecios ae e esu o as a ogoig eseac a o 3 EC aes e ecoogy imoemes eece o (1 I I I I ecome aaiae o gow egies ae cosaie y 1 3 maiaiig e aseie isaaio eeoe ese ec- (11 (5 (91 (13 oogy aacemes ae summaie as oows WA M/S (KG/S IG OES 1 O 3 ECE IMOE- o Comesso aeoyamics Icease essue aio ME I SC OE CUE OUCIO EGIES wi a eucio i I IS SIE CASS eiciecy ue oy o e eeoe cosai (13 o uie aeoyamics Icease eiciecies SAE-O-E-A ME EGIE M C o Cooig equiemes eucio i cage- 5.0 ae ow (99 o uie maeias 7G Icease emeaue 55 15 SEIES I caaiiy x E M3 x C ( MSU W1-1 17 j+3 ECE esciio o Gow Ses ee gow ses i ■ 53 icemes o 1 5 a 5 ece owe iceases om e T63 ARRIEL 5 SEIES I-III aseie ae eisioe o e SC imoes oowig 3 e is gow se (igue 7 Egie weig iceases oy C (33 W9 sigy om e aseie coiguaio o e 5 ece gow se is iceases owe-o-weig o e aseie y moe a 3 ece e ee gow ses eie ae o e oy oes acieae e as a gea ea o eiiiy aowig e seecio o iuay ay iemeiae 1 3 owe gow (5 (91 (13 (11 A e 1 ece gow se aseie uie oo W M/S (KG/S ie emeaue (I is icease a mio comuso/ uie moiicaios ae icooae e comuso IG 5 OES 1 O 3 ECE IMOE- macie ig is coae wi a ema aie coaig (C ME I OWE-O-WEIG OE CUE e oa mass ow ae aoe o comuso cooig e- OUCIO EGIES I IS SIE CASS mais ucage wi esec o e aseie wi oy e ow isiuios cage e gas geeao uie is eae usig aace sige-cysa maeias wi ige ae 1 eomace a ysica Seciicaios emeaue caaiiy e owe uie equies eses o o sages aog wi a cage o a ige emeaue (Sea ee Saa ay Maimum owe caaiiy ae maeia Co secio as ae o cage a is se owe 13 s (9 kW A e 5 ece gow se I is icease sigy SC 57 /- (7 kg/kW- om e 1 ece gow se a e comesso is moi- Ie Wco 7 /s (3 kg/s ie y icooaig a icease ow a essue aio 11 eiaie o e ua-ceiuga comesso cosise wi Ouu See 3 m ( a/s e aseie case imesios is comesso oies a 1 ase Weig 99 (13 kg ece ow icease i ie ow e gas geeao uie owe-o-Weig / (7 kW/kg a owe uie ow as ae maiaie aoug ee- imesios sige aiois ae ecessay eg 33 i (5 mm e 5 ece gow se is oaie y iceasig Wi 1 i (57 mm I moeaey om e 5 ece se a icooaig Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1990/79054/V002T02A015/2399221/v002t02a015-90-gt-204.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021



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IG. . 800 AS GOW SES EIE O OWE IG. 8. UUE UOSAS MUS EEC ICEASES O 0, 2, A 0 ECE EOMACE A OW COS th lrt prr nrt th th xtn fr hft n th lltd pr l, nldn n t z. h hh prr rt prr drvtv f th td bt hvbl SC rn bd n th htrl SC 2 prnt rth tp prr nd h prnt fl trnd nd Grrtt dvndntrp pll trb nr vr th bln. h btr prdd t n hft td. Cnvntnl trbn trbhft nn r dvnd ffnld dn. h nrtr trbn pprhn trt n thr hvnt f frthr SC fl pth ntnd lthh rdnd rfl r n n bnd th trn f th ntr, lthh t ntptd r. Advnd ln h, n ddtn t dvnd tht ftr rtrrft t rrnt ll tll dtt bld trl, r nrprtd t nz hrbl th nd fr bttr nn prfrn t n ffrdbl t. ln rrnt. h pr trbn xt r n h U.S. prtnt f fn ( $4. blln rd b lrn th hb ln fl pth. h nl ntll Intrtd h rfrn rbn Enn hnl tn pt t th tp r n nrd fl pt IS (IE nttv ntndd t prv tht trbn rllblr nd dftn f th rfr xht nnr thnl h nt rhd trt (Stn, 8. bd ntrf dtr. IE thrph pprh fd n dvlpn th nl ndd t dbl prpln t pblt b r 200. If IE l r hvd, rtrrft t p UOSA ECOOGY EQUIEMES A blt ll b rvltnzd. npld pblt r AYOS O E UUE xptd t b dbld. Sh drt prfrn n rr rdl dprtr fr th nvntnl trbn A nn thnl tr, nrntl prv nn thrh nnvtv l, dvnd tllnn nt n prfrn b r dfflt nd xpnv t tll trl, prvd trtrl dn, nd dvnd hv. r 8 h th htrl SC trnd fr trb pnnt rdn.

h pnrd GrrttGEAE AGG t pprt 0 48.0 th IE nttv t ppl t trbhfttrbprp SIME CYCE MISSIO 1 nd trbfntrbjt nn. h I f AGG rrntl ueway. e is ase is iece a oiig a oea 40 ECUEAE f prpln t prvnt f bt 0 prnt, prd eav o cue saeoea uosa egies. e 3 ?r GrrttGEAE AGG h I dntrtr ll dvlp r ecoogies o: hprrrtprt xl prr

(n vrbl tr 1 3 Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1990/79054/V002T02A015/2399221/v002t02a015-90-gt-204.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 • EEECE AUES 2. . hprrrt ntrfl prr th xt .4 . . tprtr nd tp pd rrnt tht rp OGW OO UE WEE OCK nvntnl tll trl lt 917 IAMEE U AEA IME -1 (11 KG 1 17 73 31 Cpt l pttrn ftr thrhfl nnlr (17 M (79 KG (79 M nntll btr IG. . COMAISO O OOCA CAGES h r pd, hh tprtr, nlt, hh (SIME ESUS ECUEAE EGIES r, dvnd tll nrtr trbn.

Unnvntnl l h th pnd trbn dl nn (CE, rprtd trbn, nd vrbl r 0 h th td rlt fr bth nl nd t l nn ffr pprh t nfntl lr SC. sage gas geeao uie coiguaios o a aace 0 vr, th nnvntnl nn hv l fl n lb fl z trbhft nn. h rlt d ptn t th xpn f ht, vl, nd t. r trbn thnl dvn n trl nd rd t ppltn th pnlt fr th nnvntnl n lr t th rrd t hv th IE h egies, we eauae i aace ooca, usuay cace I prfrn l. h fr vld fr thr tt th lr fl nptn bnft (r (Erl nd ntrfl r ltt xlplntrfl prr nr, 86. n t 0 Ib fl z, prr prjtd pltrp ffn pprxtl vlnt fr thr nfr e eaig owea caiae o e 0s oo io. igue 0 iusaes e age gais ossie i seciic rft rn th nvntnl l trbhft nn. SC pr th nrn I, nd th rrd t nz n n th ftr ll ll b r dt thn n th pt. SC. Al hn th n fft n prfrn f hrfr, nnrltd rtrrft t prvnt rdn th hh prr trbn t nt fr t t t n r h ht, vl, nd t, hr oe. lr prvnt ptntl rn. Inrd I th t hvn nfnt nr n pf pr, hh A thnl dvn, hhr r pblt ll hlp rd ht nd vl. dn th nbr f nlt hhprr trbn ttrtv nt nl prr nd trbn t n th nn hlp rd t fr t lr t, bt l b f t bttr prfrn nd xptd t prv rlblt nd ntnblt. v hhr pf pr nd prtht n thr



w /Y y U 5 I W » 1 ¢ 1 IE IE ASEI ASEI GOAS GOAS

80 0 00 0 20 0 80 0 00 0 20 0 EAIE SECIIC OWE ECE EAIE SECIIC OWE ECE

IG. 0. GAE AACE UOSA SUIES SOW A IGE I A AE KEYS O IMOIG SC A SECIIC OWE n nd vn r rtr rfl t l. On f th prbl 8 th nlt trbn tht t lt nn rth. h MEAIC UIES t hvn rdd trbn t nt hhl ldd S (191 KW nlt trbn thnl. r h rrnt 1 1 1 f t E ESSUE O = ECE Gae gas geeao uie oaig eeiece a uue f 1 (17C hhl ldd trbn thnl rrnt t pprt W O 1 EECIEESS = aace sigesage gas geeao uie egies. ese (204C 2400 2 hhl ldd trbn r hrtrzd b hh xt Mh (6C 8 nbr nd rl hh rt lr prr l n th E-1 1 trntn dt btn th nrtr trbn nd th (6C 0 2 Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1990/79054/V002T02A015/2399221/v002t02a015-90-gt-204.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 pr trbn. hrfr, fr prfrn rn, ln 0 2600 0 (42C tn f th trntn dt b lpln th t trbn CEAMIC I 280O ntl. UIES (8C UUE 6 z 80 0 0 0 0 0 C UUE UOSAS EQUIEMES EAIE SECIIC OWE ECE Y IG. 2. ECUEAE EOMACE COMAISO ° 40 IGE AACE (MEAIC ESUS CEAMIC M U ME ECOOGY W • 0 OUCIO OA EEI ($/GA $5/I W 00 EEIECE — — — — OA EEI ($1/GA $/I •• W f( 6 60 W • f C : Cr W •

IGE UIG ► tO ; + O j O OC W U :W O C W 20 W f 5 = C fA W O - Q W fA OW MU 0 00 2 0 3 1W Cr W lL Q ? O GO d EAIE SAGE MEA WOK COEICIE ECE f- W

5 IG. . IGY OAE GAS GEEAO UIES CEAMICS 3Al CAS COMOE AE EEE O EUCE SAGE COU EOMACE IG. . OECE OC EEIS (ECE O pprh t prvn th l ffn f ISOAE ECOOGIES (SIME CYCE trbhft nn ll fr dvn n trbn rfl ln thnl. In th nrr tr, prvnt n ln fftvn f nrtr trbn rfl n A trbn thnl hrn th z nd ht f th prvd dt prfrn n. r th frthr tr, n trbhnr, rrpndn prvnt t b trl h r n prvd drt prfrn hvd n ntrl nd r f lr rdtn n prvnt b ffrn I pblt l t td vrll ht nd vl r t b rlzd. ld tll trbn tht th nd fr rfl ln. On pbl pprh t prv th r b r 2 (Erl nd nr, 86 h th drt prv hnn fr th nvntnl r rbx t t nt n SC (8 t 0 prnt nd pf pr (0 t iec ie sa-moue sae/geeao sysem a prnt pbl b lntn trbn rfl ln suies eecica owe o eecic-moo-ie eea pltl n n dvnd rprtd l v r trbn accessoies is sysem cage as a ousaig oeia rfl. r (Erl nd nr, 86 h th ptn o eucig cos weig a oume o e coeioa tl prvnt n drt prtn t (OC fr nrpr r rbx. tn r trbn trl nt dvnd trbhft uosa egies equie ig eiciecy ow essue nn. Cr trbn rfl r prjtd t prvd l nlt prtl prtr (IS t prtt th nn pprxtl hlf f th ntr OC prvnt f ll th comoes om us i a oeig oec igesio we dvnd thnl tdd. Crrnt r trl d oeaig i e yica gou eiome o e eicoe o ae aequae ougess o e equie uaiiy i Imoemes i seaaio eiciecy wi e mosy i e trbhft nn. vlpnt prr fr r sma-o-moeae aice sie age u wi si e i a trx pt trl t tht h pr fr egio wee egie eomace eeioaio ue o eosio prvdn ndd thn hv bn nttd. ca e sigiica Acieeme o ese imoemes is Cntrl nd r n trbhft nn rrntl xptd t hlp prvnt ln f ln p nd, p pprxtl nfrth f th ht, nthrd f ece o imoe e uaiiy o e aace cooe th t, nd p pprxtl nfrth f th vl. uie comoes SUMMAY EEECES

Grrtt h ntrd th rtrrft rt th th . Alt, ., nd , W., 88, "Cn th rpln rlbl, hhprfrn 800 trbhft nn. l Indtr rl Shr & hnl t th Ctr blt, ntnblt, nd pprtblt ftr hv bn nft? h EC 800800 Str," rtflt, dnd n fr th bnnn. h 800 frt ltr l. 4, . , pp. 222. ppltn ll b th U.S. Ar . hr rl rfr pn hv hn th 800 fr prttp r 2. Erl, M.., nd nr, .K., 86, "Infln f Enn rft, nd AA rtftn fr th CS800 rrntl rbl n tr lptr St," Advr Grp ndr. A pln fr p t 0 prnt rth f th 800 fr Arp rh nd vlpnt, Sn: dfnd. Grrtt ttd t bn ldr n th EnnArfr Intrtn fr trrft, tr rtrrft rt nd vltn ftr trbhft th Sr . 48, pp. 6, 822. Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1990/79054/V002T02A015/2399221/v002t02a015-90-gt-204.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 nl nd thr ptntl pff th bth Alln nd Gnrl Eltr. Cnvntnl trbhft l r . EC, 88, "Enn Grth prt fr th 800 pprhn lt n frthr lr SC rdtn lthh 800 rbhft Enn," EC hnl prt nfnt prtht nd pf pr prvnt A0004., l. 4, rt C. r tll hvbl. Unnvntnl l hv bn hn t ffr nfntl lr SC, bt t th xpn f 4. Stn, ., 8, "IE Spn Enn fr 2t ht, vl, nd t. Cntr," Intrv Arp v, l. 44, p. .