FRÅN RUM TILL RUM Gestaltning Av Ett Stadsstråk I Sundbyberg

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FRÅN RUM TILL RUM Gestaltning Av Ett Stadsstråk I Sundbyberg Institutionen för stad och land FRÅN RUM TILL RUM Gestaltning av ett stadsstråk i Sundbyberg ANNA GRONOW AVDELNINGEN FÖR LANDSKAPSARKITEKTUR EXAMENSARBETE VID LANDSKAPSARKITEKTPROGRAMMET UPPSALA 2016 Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet Fakulteten för naturresurser och jordbruksvetenskap Institutionen för stad och land, avdelningen för landskapsarkitektur, Uppsala Examensarbete för yrkesexamen på landskapsarkitektprogrammet EX0504 Självständigt arbete i landskapsarkitektur, 30 hp Nivå: Avancerad A2E © 2016 Anna Gronow, e-post: [email protected] Titel på svenska: Från rum till rum - Gestaltning av ett stadsstråk i Sundbyberg Title in English: From room to room - a design proposal for a city street in Sundbyberg Handledare: Ulla Myhr, institutionen för stad och land, SLU Examinator: Lars Johansson, institutionen för stad och land, SLU Biträdande examinator: Maria Wisselgren, institutionen för stad och land, SLU Övriga foton och illustrationer: Av författaren om inget annat anges. Samtliga bilder/foton/illustrationer/kartor i examensarbetet publiceras med tillstånd från upphovsman. Nyckelord: aktivitetspark, centrala Sundbyberg, design, esplanad, gestaltning, torg, överdäckning. Online publication of this work: FÖRORD Under våren 2015 var jag med i en idétävling för unga skapad av Sundbybergs kommun. Tävlingen gick ut på att komma med en nyskapande idé för vad man kan göra på den plats som blir tillgänglig i staden när järnvägen läggs i en tunnel. Kommunen ville ha ungas idéer eftersom de var nyfkna på vad unga ville ha i sin kommun och vad som kunde få dem att fytta till Sundbyberg i framtiden. Jag kom på andraplats i idétävlingen med mitt förslag ”Uppe bland molnen”. När jag sedan skulle bestämma ett ämne för mitt examensarbete kändes det inspirarande att fortsätta med en gestaltning för samma plats. Eftersom jag redan var lite insatt i projektet och kommunen under hösten 2015 skulle fortsätta med sitt visionsarbete för området tyckte jag att det skulle vara givande att göra ett mer djupgående gestaltningsförslag för platsen. Jag vill tacka min Handledare Ulla Myhr för all hjälp längs vägen och konsten att få mig tillbaka på rätt spår utan att jag ens själv vetat att jag varit på villovägar. Jag vill tacka alla klasskompisar som kommit med tips och synpunkter på gestaltningsförslaget och Anna Lundvall för några bra och konstruktiva handledningstillfällen, utan dem hade jag inte kommit på idén att bygga en arbetsmodell. 3 KISTA SOLLENTUNA KYRKOGÅRD LÖTSJÖN GOLFÄNGARNA Social DANDERYD DUVBO CENTRALA SUNDBYBERG DUVMOSSEN STORSKOGEN URSVIK ENK N TULEGATAN SUNDBYBERG ÖPINGSVÄGE TORNPARKEN HALLONBERGEN VÄLLINGBY RISSNE KYRKOPARKEN MARABOU JÄRNVÄGSGATAN E SOLNA PARKEN STADSDELSGRÄNS k GESTALTNINGS- o CENTRALA SUNDBYBERG OMRÅDE n GOLFÄNGARNA STUREGATAN k o LÖFSTRÖMS ALLÉ ESPLANADEN NYBERGS TORG s FD. TELEFONKABELFABRIK i m KV. KABELN SUNDBYBERGS TORG g KONTORSKOMPLEX o i DUVBO TORG l s STOCKHOLM C FRÅN 1985 k SIGNALFABRIKEN LANDSVÄGEN TVÄRBANAN o k B CENTRUM STRANDPROMENADEN E Ä L JÄRNVÄG LS T A SÖDERMALM TUVANPARKEN LILLA ALBY Å LILLA BÄLLSTAÅN ALBY 5 km 500 m Källa: Eniro/© Lantmäteriet, i2014/764 Källa: Eniro/© Lantmäteriet, 1 km Sundbyberg in relation to the Central station in Stockholm. i2014/764 Central Sundbyberg is within the area of the dashed line. Te site Tree perspectives of sustainability, social, economic and Sundbyberg municipality for the design proposal is within the red line. ecological. Te three perspectives are integrated and dependent SUMMARY on each other Te big housing shortage in Sweden, along with increased PURPOSE AND RESEARCH DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE PRE-STUDY urbanization, has led to the densifcation of cities becoming QUESTION increasingly common. Tis densifcation is especially apparent Te purpose of this thesis is to present a design proposal with Central Sundbyberg has clear traces of its industrial heritage, as To make a design proposal containing attractive places for in Stockholm and Sundbyberg which is one of the adjacent inspiration from Jan Gehls theories of attractive and well- several old industrial brick buildings still remain in the district. pedestrians and cyclists, I had to understand what the needs municipalities to Stockholm. One way to get more space for functioning urban spaces for a part of the site released by Some of these buildings are next to the railway and the area were in the city. Terefore, I needed to make a preliminary housing and at the same time remove barriers in the city is covering the railway and directing the trafc into a tunnel of the design proposal such as the old town hall and an old study of the municipality´s goals and visions for the district to direct large roads and railways through subsurface tunnels through Central Sundbyberg. Te aim of the proposal is to phone cable factory. Te old town hall and the block around Central Sundbyberg. Te municipality of Sundbyberg is instead of having them at ground level. Several such projects create attractive, functional and inviting places for pedestrians it was renovated in 2013 and is now called Signalfabriken. Te working towards a sustainable community with a focus on three are planned in and around Stockholm, including Sundbyberg. and cyclists in the district. To help answer the main purpose new so called Signalfabriken contains mixed activities such as perspectives: ecological, economic and social sustainability. Sweden Railways has restrictions against building houses of this thesis, a research question is used. Te question is How housing, shopping, a hotel, a gym, restaurants and a library. Tey plan for reduced car use and new buildings with the help directly above the tunnels, but attractive locations for housing can a part of the site be designed from Jan Gehls twelve quality Te municipality is planning for new buildings south of the of densifcation in Central Sundbyberg. Tey also plan for can also be created right beside the tunnels by getting rid of the criteria with the aim of creating attractive and functional urban railway containing housing and ofces where there are parking storm-water treatment in the city and increased biodiversity. existing railway tracks. Nor is there any restrictions on building spaces for pedestrians and cyclists? spaces and an ofce building from the 1980’s. Southwest of Tere should be a variation between residential housing and roads, parks and squares directly above the tunnels. the site for the design proposal is the Marabou park. It is a workplaces and the variation of shops and services in the My master thesis consists of two parts. Te A1 posters presents legacy of the old Marabou chocolate factory which was next municipality should be further strengthened. Te residents Jan Gehl is an architect and former professor at Copenhagen the results of the design proposal, while this appendix contains to the park. Te street north of the railway is the main link want more parks, including space for farmer’s markets, venues university. He writes in his book Cities for people (2010) a pre-study for the design proposal, a description of the design between Sundbyberg’s western and northwestern parts and the and better walking and cycling routes. Te prerequisites for that the human perspective has long been neglected in city process and a fnal discussion. city central. Along the north side of the street is a residential sporting activities will be improved and the city should be planning. Trafc planners have planned for motor vehicles in housing area with shops and restaurants in the ground foors. safe and accessible for all. Te municipality wants to limit the the city and urban planners have followed the modernist ideal number of motor-vehicle parking spaces and invest in adequate of the city as a machine which divided the city into its various parking spaces for bicycles. functions. In the dense city the quality of the urban space becomes even more important than before. In his book Gehl I did an on-site inventory to study vegetation, materials and has created a toolbox to help urban planners and architects. Te climate conditions. I also made an inventory of the existing toolbox includes twelve quality-criteria to be met in order to parks and squares in the district. Te inventory revealed that create attractive and functional urban spaces for pedestrians and there are many parks in central Sundbyberg that are not fully bicyclists. available because of the topography, winter maintenance, specifc hours when open or not allowing dogs. Only three of 4 the parks have space for play and three of the parks have space for spontaneous sports activities. Te two squares Sundbybergs Te square: torg and Nybergs torg are available, but both are very small THE DESIGN PROPOSAL Te square will be a new democratic space in the city. Tere is DISCUSSION in size and thus lack features like market places, a place for Te pre-study process gave me enough information to present room for a bigger market on the open surface and place to hold Te fnal part of the thesis consists of refections and demonstrations, meetings and performances; features that I a program for the design. Te program was divided into three demonstrations or performances on the scene. Te edges of conclusions. Some of the matters discussed are: the question believe should exist in a city. Tere is thus a need for more perspectives for sustainability: ecological, economic and social. the raised planting act as benches where you can sit and watch of how I responded to the twelve quality criteria in my design playgrounds, a big square and a new, accessible park. Te Tese were the general guidelines in the program: the activity on the square or the water fountains. Cars are not proposal and how or if I followed the general guidelines of the possibility for spontaneous sporting activities can also be allowed on the square and cyclists must take into consideration program. Ecological: enhanced. the pedestrian trafc. Support biodiversity. Te aim of the proposal was to create attractive, functional and Te analysis of the site was inspired by Jan Gehls (2010) Contribute to ecosystem services.
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