SPARTAN DAI IN VOLUME 126 NUMBER 31 Serving San Jose Stale University since 1934 FS1).%). \! I I 21

DAY NIGHT 'Full House' dad Time to Vote Watch your to bring crude Associated Students ele( Lions manners Wednesday. humor to Improv begin today. Polls close on Cast your ballot on campus or Opinion Page 2 41 A & E Page 6 online at 58.F 41 *F Students to SJSU hit again by power loss perform 6 hours iro of Beethoven

Marathon will have no breaks


The alluringly melodic sounds of Beethoven can be heard in a six -hour music marathon at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Library today, performed by 16 piano majors from San Jose State t .niversity In celebration of the Beethoven Center's 20th Anniversary, the "Beethoven Marathon Concert" will be held from 11 a.nt. to 5 p. in. in the Fifth Floor Program Room and will feature 17 of music composer Ludwig van Beethoven's 32 sonatas. The Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies was established in 1983 when Aritona real estate developer. Ira F. Brilliant donated his collection of 75 first editions of Beethoven's music to SJSI to create a library and study center completely devoted to Beethoven's music and hu- manitarian accomplishments, according to the Beethoven Center's Web site. "There'll be 17 pianists total Sixteen are for solo pieces while one is for a cello and piano." said ( iwendolyn Mok, pianist and head of keyboard at SJSI According to Mok, students can conic in at any tune every hour on the hour. "There'll be no break (in between) that's why it's DANIELLE STOLMAN / DAILY STAFF called a marathon." Mok said, "People should come and support their fellow students. I think they'll have fun. Students gathered outside the Central Classroom Building in the rain following a power outtage that lasted about 10 minutes Monday afternoon. (Plus) it's free." Aera Jot), a piano major who is performing Sonata No. 90, Opus 110, said she has been practicing since last semester. Students forced out of classes, wait in the rain during blackout "It's going to be an interesting performance," Joo said. i ping 11,1 in ilie "Whether there's an audience there or not, we're just By Greg Lydon lilt the s.iiiipiis blanketed iii Iii had bccii my iii kola going to play." Windt disrupted campus and isis i :MOS: id liii it ii .1,Il I reshinan 1ili siology Illalor hike and Janet Marcelo The marathon will also feature guest appearances phone and Internet 111.M.t1 diiC liiid.I \let :sflut'II said his /04 )logy ills, had IMIUel by director of the Beethoven Center Professor SSilliam DAILY STAFF WRITERS hile sililie snatlents ell at I ii Mid ha% C been pi,,ed ii II had Ills) begun \s hell the Went out Meredith, library curator Patricia Stroh. Mok and Thalia getting out of . lass Monday. others been dile :Oda\ 1.1 Ailed for and they %s ere ti *Led to head outside Moore, a cellist from the Opera Orchestra. I ate NIonday afternoon, San Jose ii err left scrambling trying to remem .1 COtiPICilullilulus 114 the tatilliniters to "It has been cold." Nguyen said "I according to the press release from the library's Web site State I ins ersity fell under dark bet if they so ed their papers on their start back lip html. bin it didn in is ould rather be inside in class or at "Dr. Meredith from the Beethoven Center will start nes, following a brief campus -wide computers s.1% mine ot It sollieW heti: ’ honte off (the event) with a talk about the Beethoven Center." blackout chits cuninnuton a senior ma s,a eial NI's( 'Allah:Ilk to ellt isa ke)es..1 public health gradu- said Kathy Fox, administrative assistant for the Beethoven The m iii er went down at around tor ingiii aer.isp,ne engineering. is as iii mm Ism nits and classes ...holt as they ate student Ni As hiking .1 midterm in Center "Dr. Mok and Moore will be featured (in Sonata 4 20 p in and remained off for about is (irking on his senior protect in the stood\salting out the posse' outage in her en% itonmental studies class "I for piano and cello Opus 691. and of course the famous 10 minifies s of press time. there Iii Martin laithei King Joint I almary the rain thought it wt. lightning." Reyes said. Moonlight Sonata will be played " was no otra. ifil %stint on the cause of ss lien the lights \sent out lawn lanom WilS %sinking out S. had heard thunder .ifitside and On Thursday, there will be a continuation of the the blackout I is as lucky I saved my data." iii tlw sports club In Ille 1:1elli 1 enter thou dit it kills kl.'d :he pIM Ci nut Beethoven marathon during the weekly I.istening !lour that Iftis is as the second time this se unifington said ii licii the pi us er ss era doss n 111,CiNik P,,11,C I kpartment did will feature six sonatas. "Fhe concert will be held at the con- mester that the power %sent doss n senior ....fol.* ma). ii NanC Ta "I 5 er)OIle (list stopped.- /Alum' ill It upon any 55iii ills problems or m- cert hall in the Music building from 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. On Feb. 13, three separate late night IS Ille same lot her As said "Pin mad I didn't get to finish imics caused by the blackout

Campaign season ... Sorority to explore relationships within the black community

By Tandrea Madison mum: SImmliii. A III: ml 1551iC5 .1110111 hIn iii I iiti 1.11.1 ii iii cii fu other." she DAILY STAFF WRITER said "V1e isanlcd to idshiess Mal

Slit' iieilI iiii iii sa !hal he sisters of Delta sigma 111(1,1 1 membeis asked people ii itluiii the black sp,ifisoring a roundtable discus is ill be II the leli Mal conunum - sion entitled nw !is can't \\c 'ill liisl Cation and ith each other " P iii iii dic was truly :in issue illIone room lt Of the ',Indent I Moll "People tell ii is as." Omer said "So X.:cording to Della sister N i ae we decided to has e Ous roundtable di, the discussi,,n is ;ibout finn sonkur. cussion so that people could talk about ii

blacks interact with each other in to We ii ani to stall out Milan and then es en- di s ,I1CiCi Sonkui said that she tually blanch out into the community " thinks the turnout is ill be good, hut also This es cut is one of sei era! that the said the weatlwr might be an issue for women 01 Itella Sigma Theta spon- peiple sor throughout the school sear They 'It's definitely. going to be a good pro- also hosted an annual soul food night gram," she said "lint is It It the weather in February. in honor ot Black History the way- it is, I'm not sure We usual lonth. .ind during the hist week of ly have a pretty good turnout with our May, they have "'slay Week " During es erns So. yeah, I think it'll be good " that ss eek. there are ses end events 1 telta sister Tamika ireer explained planned including a sell -defense class, that day -to- day relationships within date -rape program and bowling night the black community can be compli- "I haven't heard anything about it" FANG LIANG / DAILY STAFF cated, which was the inspiration for the said Iota Phi Theta fraternity member event. zbel I labtegeorgis. "But I'm sure it'll A person walks by a Stand Up Party campaign sign on Monday. Associated Students elections begin today. "Within the African -American corn- be good." 2 SPARTAN DAILY OPINION TUESDAY MARCH 21, 2006 ERIN 01 T TIIE DEI 111 S Milosevic is dead, so is justice for thousands of victims The recent death of former Serbian leader and war day, an estimated 3,000 Albanians alone are still miss- been happening repeatedly throughout modern his- sight when all is said and done, when it's too late and criminal Slobodan Milosevic has made me wonder ing from the conflict. tory, from the Kurds in Northern Iraq to the the hell has been unleashed. whether justice could ever be served in cases of cnmes Even though we can't go after Milosevic Darfur region in Sudan. Ethnic cleansing on The death of Milosevic has only brought more against humanity'. Can the "Butcher of the Balkans" anymore, there are still those evading jus- such a massive scale has been a tragic real- questions. but perhaps that will always be the case. and his faithful fsmt soldiers ever be held accountable ticefrom the terrible conflict, such as former ity of the 20th century, but every time it hap- We may never know the full extent of his crimes, and for the atrocities they. have conumtted? Bosnian Serb leader Radtwan Karadzic. Ile pens, the world is completely shocked and we cannot undo the damage that has been done. All Milosevic died in prison at the International needs to be found, arrested and dragged to sobs crocodile tears of disbelief and outrage. we can do now is keep trying to understand what hap- Criminal Court in the Netherlands, never to answer the International ( 'nnunal Court to face jus- saying, "It'll never happen again." pened and renwmber the victims. If we do this, then for the people he was responsible for having mur- tice We need to have an international me- It keeps happening, however, so con- we can assure that their memoncs w ill not be con- dered. raped, tortured and displaced in the Balkans. morial day., one on which both sides can not demning Milosevic and his evil deeds with- fined tel clandestine mass graves, but live on in our While people can argue over whether he died of nat- only. mourn the loss of their loved ones, but out real action behind the strong words is hearts forever. ural causes or was poisoned, one thing is for sure: pray. for a peaceful and prosperous future nothing more than an insult to the victims lie died a far more humane death than did his vic- There is a holocaust Memorial Day, why ERIN CABALLERO of his regime tims According to the I 'ruled Nations International not one for the victims of the Balkans con- NVe should've teamed a valuable lesson Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia report, flict? with I tiller When you see a despot start making trou- 45 Albanians w eie slaughtered in what became known The 250,000 dead cannot speak for themsch es, so ble. it's time to send in sonic snipers to take hint out as the -Ractik Nlassacre It is up to us to speak for them and not allow justice The ideal solution would've been to prevent these Erin Caballem is a Spartan Daily co-opinion And this t% as list iflC incident, one an-twits for to stop for even a moment because Milosevic died. travesties from ever happening. The essence of hu- editor. "Erin Hut the Details" appears every which the % Kiwis oil nes er receive justice Io this The I folocaust didn't just happen one time it has man nature, however, is to only learn things in hind. Thecday. GI 'EST COI.1 A IN Write letters to the editor and submit Sparta Guide information online. Visit our Web site Manners matter; heed them at You may also submit information in writing to DBH 209. or face my courteous wrath Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students. faculty and staff members.The deadline for Remember the "good old days- when tt mill> That time, I snatched her by the backpack, spun her entries is noon three working days before the desired publication date. Space restrictions may common to hear such sseet phrases as tIll k .11." around and let her have it. s em hal l that is She stood require editing of submissions. Entries are printed in the order in which they are received. ple.." oti’re welcome am I I in there, month agape, phone still attached to the side of from repeating that verbal as- \\ .trkshop" from 14 p tO in the) 'areer ( 'enter Modular her head. I w ill abstain TODAY guys. It's not exactly. PG stuff I I of more inbinnation. contact Is clvii 'astillo at here in the heck did those days go'? santt to you Beethaven Alaratlion 024 6031 Si,. I was at the bookstore one day and this girl, I .1st toot ard to a less. hours later, same day I 6 as Thc Schiml of MUSIC Bill hy performing a who was standing very much in muty. personal space. lea% ing Jamba Juice, slurping happily asv oil su mile back to Inc and sums talking to her boy friend peach concoction, and thinking ill is is tight with the Deethits xfamthon 'oncert from It a m to 5 p m iii THURSDAY had her Program Room 550 on the 5th lb tot 1,1 the Alartin I.uther At one [mint, she took a step backward and world The earlier tiansgression had been King Jr I Ilya* For more II/tom/atom. contact Patncia Career Center pushed a 50-pound backpack right into me for2 is en and, tlie niost pan. lorgotten. Stmh at Hi% 2050 The ( 'areer ( 'ewe' 'sill Itiii ,Iding a "Aback Inter% less No "excuse me.- no nothing I inuts es et. it all SS CBI awry ss hen I was ic w alkin g on t th e & tot behind a n other g uy orkshop" luau I 4p iii in the) 'areer (Antler \ lodular 'Fhe icing on the cake" You want the . 9,111"' School iq Art and Design I- I.or more inliiiuii,nhiuim oill(aCt Fat:1)11( %Ishii al le Iasi dropped the door on me and he %%as Come listen to artist Karen land discuss the history 024-6031 She then flicked her hug, multi -colored ! almost weanng that juice. I swear I mean, and influence of the Arts and ( 'rafts mot ement From hair in my face NJ/cc see .. Here's the thing come on, a girl could only take so much" 5-6 p m in the An building Room 133 ha inure miit. Study Abroad It I had snatched her up by. her haii. I d lia% gi% e the Awl side oi tltc corn, I contact it, Farb Ilemandet at 024-4328 Professors lkimis laelint and hill is ill host an heel' 5% rt mg. If I had said something rude have had man: experiences [hal were fe- information meeting on thc ktudy atm 'ad program in ller. I'd have been strung ally positise I was at Fitiment's "Anger RTVF Department Bath. England, tor thy I By cilit,,ler From So is hat course of action was I sup. TANDREA MADISON Xlanagement" concert last year. and I was .A casting call for extras and actin. I.rt an 6 p in 10 30 II .50 pun in I /milt.> Molt:Mad I tall. room 135 posed to take" Well I'll tell you what I did on tip some stairs, hands lull 01 in IIGIl. first floor list inure Hata cmtii.n. contact For mon information. c mail %%skit% email 5150 edu I refrained I rum smacking her silly and just took a lurid and soda I missed a step and tripped. nght in 57- ('hanname Williams at (415) sir, couple ol steps Kit k trout of a group of cubes. To say I %vas mortified was SarrateY Cafe cleated my hroal etc loud]) and said, putting it lightly Is or is some an lust Then I Every Nation i'atnpus Alimanies beauty in the eye of the beholder, equally loudly. ' I IIC 5% are I'm sorry, excuse flosses dl Imd of the guys stopped, grabbed no anti -The Source-- I feld c% cry Tuesday at 7.50 p in at the ugly ' ',Inc discuss it in the Student I Mon Pacifica hoy. friend shot me a look and I abstained to stabilue me and then made sure that I was all right Spartan Afemonal For more I:Minn:Mon, contact I hal at 16 lulu I rom 3 4 p in For inure information cont.', I Janet me I ler (51()) 173l42 Stemwedel at 024-4521 from slapping him as well I should he getting awards lie asked me se% eral times. quirking his ey ebrot% s at lin my self-control it le ,c(111C1 is e I digress Crueers Thauglandly Mwrrupting Prejudii-e Bible Stud), couple of day s later. I at as standing in line at the I lc SS a, IVA %%ell 111:11111elect and that. abot - Come learn about thoughtfully lighting prejudice in 'tame read "The Book" w mtlu the \ sian Baptist :t title in .1a//lanti cafe by the BM's:Milo ICti,inc, I ,,,Tiple ssait thing else. N hal impressed tile lot the. rcsi the Student I 'mon ( 'onstatioan Room from 5 3)1-6 30 Komonia in the Student I Mon Guadalupe Room .it - mg to order my stkla, [not snacks and stater Since I night, he kept an eye on clumsy me p m. Ian more mit/motion. Ibt ay ne Ludwig at pmit For inure info. e mail I hane Kim at III 'iii It belies e In personal space. I wasn't 1.11M ding the per- So here's my point It takes preelOUS less sue drtay [winch% igm gmail corn cilltleilS1 uiet suit before Bic to be courteous It shouldn't es en he a CulttsciuIhs 111111i) This girl walked tight in front of me on her cell to show the manners that were taught to s on I know it Hip-flap L'ampu. far Christ phone, bumping her smuts. and I was forced to step isn't lor me Xly mom drilled that stn.. into my head General meeting in the Student I mon Pacheco Room Nightlife is a lime for praising. hearuw (it ',Fs 55 lid and a hack so she wouldn't intn% me down. I gat e her the at a % cry yttung age I hose lest \stmt. sail teally make from 6 50 X p iii I ol more information. contact Da% e place tiltonned 55ith belies els K Mill ill Ii lic Sraltall dirtiest look I could muster, but kept quiet. It w as first someone's day. Manson at Nielllorial liii Mole cinall ,cals thing in the morning and I know I'm cranky, so I said Not saying them could get your ass kicked. suh,m, com nothing 1 Spartan lie/Puff/at 'hare! You %%ant the wing on this cake too') It's delicious. Tandria Madison Ls a Spartan Daily staff writer. l'onve worship with \ ictona Rue. Roman ('Jitholic Black Alliance 01 S,4entist, 11 reall5 She walked by and did it again' I nreci cohinats appear ever% other- lifes.dav. Womallpnest I BIM I 2 p ilt lair more information. feeling on the upcoming Ax10 National I ',ancient e c vii. ii rim II ictonarue coin Student I 'mon ( ihlone Rot tin tutu ii - ill Ii mini; nth/nu:Mon. t mttaul basenwinbeiship coin LETTER TO TILE EDITIOR SJSU Cheer leam open(hi,, After so many lies, Bush and Cheney should step down Males and females are %%anted for S.ISI (.1111ilt 13nng SiSt_ /.1/1111 .sf .1 'Ur clean shoes IrontK 10pmll III the physical education A presentation on "SS It intik mant replacement ha Georg, \ Bush must relinquish his puss et ,ind she could gi e hei vet,. li I tilling speed] %II% ell recreation building SIX 2IK Ii ,r mire inionnation. I'lI'amid duet " 5,14. %It 'iii in the Strident I Mon step dos% e the President of the Lnited States oi Ii Cherie% ill a 111115 %1i1, ,111 is) e-mail Ilerdi Bobecla at hbobeda,t as ssisii cdu Pacifica knoll% lin Ohne information, contact Jeffrey \ iut i in I IR people of the I toted States must %owe Whis 'is Is 551111111111, oghuis as an Ainelican to pirltest I l'hompstm at Jell ley ., static-hag homelimis org the ii unhappiness and request no, demand his guess the Secret Sets Ice (10eS11.1 belles e that the free - WEDNESDAY resignation I also belies e that \ lc e President I Mk drum nufsivech applies to everyone. FRIDAY Cheney should resign his position Bush is turning a country that many. people have Engineering Undergraduate AdvISInk The people of this great country have been tot tled, turned to for help in the past. and nin to (for protec- Mon.. Wed , and Fri from Li a m -12 p in and 24 p m /tOr 3 Bawling Special the election process has been made a mockery. and the tion point the oppression that the)- faced at home. in the lingincering 242 Far more information, e-mail Bo .1 3 games for S3 In the Student I 'mon Bost ling Ireedoms that we all hold so dear have been stnpped into the % ery thing that they have nin :may from The Evelyn (-rush) at Ste: ads isingar ( 'enter Front 0- II 30 a rit For more inforniatitm. call 1 ban us inure he lies the et orse it gets 024-644(0 Since Nish has taken puss er, he has managed to es, there ale had people in this tt ,n1d. but using 14 sires of hartats: Why are we in Iraq! take us 1 rum a surplus to a deficit. turn a safe. Inendly them to watr I he people of the I tined States into go- Watch the documentary by Valeta. %lib and I /on Career Center country into one that is suspicious nil every thing and ing aloil!t %%1111 .1 dangerous domestic and internation- Richards From N-9:30 pm iii the I H. Martin I .mher The (Meer Center will be holding an "It/m.01es% every one .knd to make matters %wise, Bush has been al agenda is at II tug King Jr Joint Library. rooms 255 and 257 Free For more Ihscussion Ciroup" front 1)) .10 II tit a in nr time .areej tying to each and es elS rifle ill Li This is the land of the free and tlw home of the inl0rmation. call KA/K-2636 renter !Modular F For mow intormation. contact Julie I ask you this if Saddam Ilussein had agreed to brave. so I urge the .kinerican people to insure that Sedlemeyer at 024-6031 Bush's demands and stepped down as the President of this country stays free, and that our bravery is ,ssti Red Pm Plus Batt lint; Iraq and the country had its first democratic election, III unit- kindness toward otheis and our ability lt, re Win free games %%hen you strike on red, yellow or a SUNDAY would the Bush administration have been satisfied' main strong in the face of out fears. not bs bully mg green head pan In the Student I anon Bova ling Center liver since presidential candidate .XI Gore was the world because we fear what "might- "happen in from 7-10 ptn For mow inftimiation. call 424-64tRi Oat, c'ampus .1finistrv robbed of his victory. the situation has gone from had the future. Sunday \ lass trinn at 12 p in and from 7 /4 p.111 at the to worse. The one Ireedom that allows me to write Career Center et Mk. I ol 10111 and San ( 'arlos For more information. this article, freedom of speech, is now in jeopardy, of The ( 'areer( 'enter will he holding a "%lock Inter, mess contact Kay IN thinan at 03K-1610 being stripped avtay. Romeo Bonet Kahl ( 'Indy Sheehan, who lost her son in Iraq. was never Senior SPARTAN DAILY STAFF allowed to speak her mind. She was arrested before Political Science ERIK LAC AY Executive Editor ADVISERS ADVERTISING STAFF OPINION PAGE POLICY CHEETO BARRERA Managing Editor Rkhard Craig and Jan Shaw, News ;Thomas Rogers, Photojournalism; Tim Hendrick, BANKS ALBACH & Opinion Advertising; Tim Burke, Production Chief Chris Kaapcke, Tyler Gordon , Nick Readers are encouraged to express themselves on the Editors Opinion page with a letter moth, editor. ERIN CABALLERO Gudgeon, Stephanie Marrujo, Ser Mlin Ng, STAFF WRITERS A letter to the editor is RYAN BALBLIENA Sports Editor a response moan issue or a point Annette Andre, Jeremy Barousse, Mike Brady, Erin Chin, Tatiana Getty, Kiersten Gustafson, Quyen Nguyen, Nino Paiana, Allan QuIndo. of view that has appeared in the Spar tan Daily RACHEL HILL A&E Editor Teresa Hou, Greg Lydon, Tandrea Madison, April Maramag, Janet Marcelo, Laura Rheinheimer, Only letters between 200 to 400 words will be consld SHIN FA KAO Photo Editor Jill Seib, Ryan Sholin, Evie Smith, Dominique Streeter, Andrew Torrez, Zeenat Umar, Jamie ered for publication PRISCILLA WOO, Production Editors Visger, Matthew Zane submissions become property of the Spartan Daily and NEWS ROOM: may be edited for clanty, grammar. libel and length. KEVIN WHITE & Submissions must contain the author's name, address, DANIEL SATO SENIOR STAFF WRITERS 408.924.3281 phone number signature and major. JIMMY DURKIN & Copy Editors Patricia !ban, Sophia Seremetis Submissions may be plated in the Letters to the Editor box at the Spartan Daily office in Dwight gentel LYDIA SARRAILLE FAX: Hall, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Room 209, sent by fax to (408) 924-3237, e mail at spar- SHAMINDER DULAI or mailed to the Spartan Daily Online Editor Phil Bedrossen, Zach Beecher, Morgan Chlvers, Daniel Esch, Megan Kung, Fang Uang, Felix 408.924.3282 Advertising Director Opinion Editor, School of Journalism and Mass SAMANATA NAIK Ung, Gavin McChesney, Danielle Stolman, Kevin White, Chanters Gunn, Nell Waters Communications, San Jose State University, One AARON PRATT Asst. Advertisng Director ADVERSTISING: Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192 0149. THE SPARTAN DAILY I ONE WASHINGTON SQUARE SAN JOSE, CA NA1 HAN HAMMER Creative Director 95192 Editorials are written by and are the consensus of the 408.924.3270 Spartan MONICA GIREL Ant, Creative Director Daily editors, not the staff. (408)9243281 1 [email protected] Published opinions and advertisements do not neces- RYAN SHOLIN Web Master The Spartan Daily is a Public Forum [email protected] sarily reflect Marlow, of the Spartan Daily, the School of Journalism and Mass Communications or SJSU.

elitimmenme 5 TUESDAY MARCH 21, 2006 SPORTS SPAM AN DAILY 3 SJSU sports news in brief Softball team gears up for WAC opponents DAILY STAFF REPORT By Greg Lydon Swimming and Diving DAILY STAFF WRITE.k

San Jose stale 1 ins ets0 tinni sss limner ittie Nlathenke compet- The San use State 1 msersits ed In the SO, ..5.5 N>>mitiiiii and Dis ung i'hampionships last ucek In mittball team hegins k1 estern S the its. I ia. Athletic I onlerence plax this neck 1 hiring the 50 meter irce.tIc on Thursda. Nlarkenke finished l7th end and has its sights NCI 011spialitx in the pieliminaries. missing the cutoll time to the finals to tti sec mg 101 the WA(' toninament onds Satilida at the 100 meter lieest) Ie. she finished .5th in the pie linunaties larkenke suam a 50 during the es ent. breaking her suss n school tet old time lrom a pies lotus lace Women's gymnastics INE P The Si Si avomen's mnastics team lost its hula' match of the regu- lar season to t alultiuta Sa11111.11 II Iteikeles NOTEBOOK The iolden Items (Ideated the spartanc 194 2-5 193 350. This %vas the team scow oh the Mild hest leant season ii s .1 ',Ct. 5.151 *mast, Michelle \ linotti and 5inherl Klein tied for first on 01111 Stam )1) ui the %atilt and balance beam. iespes us els Xlinom scored a /423. tying salt! N,ISI het season high on the %milt Klein scout's! .t season high 9 825 on the Claal:11 I It'e I let' balance leant Lnalle111,1 Nlinotti also captured second ph, C 111 tilt ill iound (38 I behind )1M(.1111 1)111 ',olden Bear pmnast Britain I 'in 11110 .11- large op 1 he Spartans ssuIi tra, el to I opt'. 1 1111 ii, C01111/C1C in the 55 CIC111 ixtritutils \0111:11s I Itntlelelke harnpi,,n.lup on Slat h 25 do incited in non c011lef- Figure Skating ence 111,1 LEWIS itabviller The St St figure skating team lost to I 'alifornia at the Ifolden Bears /midi p said Skate oil Saturdsuy. she hopes the team lakes ads an FTE /DAILY FILE to tiny points separated the tut, learns 'Mc Spartans had six skaters lage ot the ci IIIICICIll C se.e.011 She compete to the ( ;olden Bears' 10 111C 0111 iso for Ilion to Bison outfielder Grete Peterson, right, slides toward second base as Spartan infielder Sarah Taylor, center, makes a leaping catch. San Jose State University split its Flue Spartans will host the Intercollegiate Figure Skating jain make ik,Isca, )11 1)1.1> I. to qualtl> doubleheader with North Dakota State University Wednesday at the Twin Creeks Sports Complex in Sunnyvale. 'hampionships onApril 1-2 at the I tugitech lee ( 'enter lot tht. Sl Si lownatticitt 'SSt.. Itccd I, finish the season SJS1 skating results sin int and cite outsets es 11,1114.0 that puns, It s the best thloughout 'fired shouldei time to rest ut the plate calls, it gets his in holes I atallentel i IIIIi1111 said the regular SeaS11/1 'I 'iii iel uutg on f 'ourtiie I eu is sse lime to climb out oh,- 1 en Is Rachel I titian Junior short program !thud place). juntoi lieu skate For the lost time since the 1999 changed im inind cause at this 11101l. 10 hell, 0111 OW 0111e1 lilt Ii suitl (second place a ',tit) dance I /inch \salt/ I lit th place I. solo dance so tug season, the 55 51 ii ill s)5 tilsoi a tini I umildn't mind a ueekend In 1 11.111C111C1 I 11111(11p said 1 en Is 's rule 111l1.\ hale C11.111!2ed 1 1111111 plaCe I. le.1111 111/1111elll ('is (111,1 1/1.1t.0 I softball 11111111.1111CW I lu tip 51\ 1 l'e,110 When: ne 12C1 lit .1 .111t1 11 ,2el, 1 he ',1st It said sentot a little htil not her LakIl It s I.1111 SanlIII1 5s 11.1.ik1 St 40 1.1:111Ce kei not I hist pla. e Ni40 dance le:1111, In C0111( is n.t is iii Al% amt.' list hid.- I nabentet unitdin sm.1 I es, is sophomois. 1412m.i 1 .111.111. ulciics' in list s% 1,4 ..,tiruh. laitopean ss.ull, tscsond place). team nianein els list ph, c to the double thininanstu tourna 00(1 lactoi in Ills' and I les11111ell \ Wm Pis kens as Nlegan St iii Intermediate short program (hist Its Cl solo meta I he I, 'iii still be held siR cess dining conk:tem:a. nil li .III with' Ise used in the same game hate a Initstanding ollensis ear dance I huts h \salt/ I stsrh place), team manens cis Oust place. at I tulld rs! I 4..itiond in I iesno Is' the health ol `,1/1)111/111111U 11111. IICI this ueekend to pitch it need he and patiol center held.- I nabt Alegan Xl.illainace Pre intermediate S lice skate (lost place) solo I I I IceIl 1 n 110 %las 1111111eLl I don't ssoii) Muslin said -I knots shell , dance I /inch wait/ ((mirth place), solo (.1.111LC 555 111g 1 1111111 1/1:11C) 1C.1111 1 Iont-a1>. 1 »,1,11.1 a Ian ol the 111 .1 I.I1111C An:1111,1 111t.' 1 III% cislIs Ill is hen I'm used. I tma I 'it kens tot Its cs er> t .11 ,h, maneusers (second place). ,11111.1111eIll .11 111,1 1 nabenter lull .1 larl:11 II said 1 ills as Ills1 it lc In 011 .11111 - Intermediate short program filth phis el. noel inedi ,intslin said le l 11 1`,111g 0111 lingers 111C t..11s 11C1 "'u.11.151 us cuitivittl II 110 on this ate iree skate (first place). solo dance swing ilnuilu plass... il',1111 111.111111 I he coach dt.ln I led it ssas tight that Mc test ssc. gas': Kell last %seek I Ill' 1. 1.1l 11 ill,. Ill pc. the team's (second place) to ressaid leant that could bite licIpcd I liabo:10- I )1111du)i aggiesso envss at the plate picks I lie leant hives oll against 53.51 Kiisten I htchman - l're intermediate \ free skate Ilourth place one great 55 L'l .1 N( I is sit It didn't pitc.11 is, ,n III, conleretwe mat Nest \ State team mittens els isvcond plaL e 11/11111aM1:111 111,1. 1111,1(1 III a learn in last uaak s action to Ink, lici in -55 hen sse 6,0 get aggre,soc 1 ins Cekefill II1LECTIONS 200 vote TODAY! %40 Polling Locations:

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i111/ nil, 11/ limmt i l''siJIi_' 6,11 1111111 I 4 SPARTAN 1)AII.1 1-4:WS TUESDAY MARCH 21, 2006 Committee to hold forum on learning

By Janet Marcelo seitoi at junior colleges and uni- programs that a Unit t' I sits might versities items, the country do than there are financial re DAILY STAFF WRITER The sun e IlleasUled how sources to support. so the selec- student engagement impacted tion of priorities is crucial to all San Jose State I 'niversitv student persistence and gradu- members ol the university com- \ ssessment I onmuttee still be ation rates said Associate \ ice munit!, M,Iding ,...unpus ti Ric It ruin President ot I ndergraduate The small groups will con- ill) and \\ edne,da hoin noon Studies Robert ( 'miner sist of freshmen and senior stu- to I 30 p ti ui the I ngincering "(The) questions on the survey dents who have participated in Building sin.2S3 I he !MMUS assess things like participation in the survey in the past three .eat 5. are a response to a National class. frequencv of discussions 'ooper said SW% e t Student I mgagement with facult.v or other students out- -The groups is ill MY file into I needs to that identifies is hilt N.IS side ol class and participation in smallei groups to dust uss is tIris m to enhance learning and projects that alt ect the summnd- sues ot assessment that ilittlest sell Iles tor students ( mg commumtv." 'our r said oopei said 'I Ile Undel- kccording to a Ilver. there Dowd') S Poole. assistant lyllig uiittuuin IVO that ii tie are to ate lout sitiall disciissiiin groups to president tor institution- the be a learning institution and plan i,1111 10111C Med, I un eloping al planning. ..nd !mum. uttuld successfull tie must the data to clIFTICIII,i1 cycliencc,. con- be helpful Itti sKI tu Inert its guide out planning necting unit student, enhancing Vision antI I I, its 2010 state .kt the end the groups will re Mc campus Lommunity and de molt. %%Inch I' is pas.eil by the port what input they received to lit colic student sell ices Acadeinu !senate in 2011i the vision goal what I lie se topn s ii err selected -An important element ol this achieve and because findings lion] the Ntitili entire planning process is open kind of planning process needs suggested that these engagement it ith opportunities to take place to get there. Cooper etc .itc.ts that mid be strength- lin participation It faculty. stall said ened... said \ ssislant Professor of and students."'Ii title said. "I hope students it ill gain an Anne Drabble ( it per said the mission state- increased undei.tanding iii the 11\ ing small group di, ment is a ision ot is hat the um- range of (Aperient es: succe,,es. cussions. it n It il I ii students. % ci sit, ii hits to see WWII ilehleVe failures and challeip2es espen faculty and stall it elicit utti lie «need In then lellm siudenis,- findings and do el 'p icr tiiitliten It 1.(121111(les the planning ()M- Cooper said "An ineleased un derstandmg iol) how the lacult.s iiiiit,tons s a nd suggestions. I ee, ti huh iii tutu determines the alloration icsomi es at the um- collet:Wu:di/es student success lie stilt \ in I 'PP) %%lib oopei said I here are and students ill reflect on then lilt ,,IleLlcd In MI lic.lunen and aluay s mote good .kilt lies and own v lett 01 sucCess

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*All proceeds go to public education* The Pruneyard Shopping Center Campbell 408-377-1987 Ea TUESDAY MARCH 21, 2006 A SPARTAN DAILY 5 'Vendetta'exploresterrorism Game Developers Conference comes to the

By Greg Lydon Minified to him% tip Parliament 00 ple of Britain by any means nec- Nos ember5,1605mtheriunpowder essary and settle his own vendetta San Jose Convention Center DAILY STAFF WRITER Plot. Guy. Fawkes Night is a yearly against those in the government By Janet Marcelo anti While game, and location and business (ippon unities that the celebration in England for the fail- who've wronged him. entertainment. Plav Station 3 has to offer as a next- WOW you tight to bring free- ure of the Gunpowder Plot Portman is the star of the film DAILY STAFF WRITER " I he ((IX consistently draws generation console to increase con- dom and justice back to a nation The problem with the movie even in a supporting role, as she the top designers, progranuners. art- sumer interest. The 2(106 held under a corrupt, evil regime? is the V character is portrayed as dresses in a skirt and pigtails to Game Developers ists and composers in the industry," -Ile highlight event of the week Conference will be at the Jose One man lights back in futuristic a sas ior for resetting Li ei in the seduce a priest to get information San said Senior Conference N tanager is the ( 'hoice .Awards," Scavio said. Mclinry Britain in the year 2020 in "V For opening of the film, which is fine. and has her head shaved in a prison Convention Center until Meggan Scavio. -Ile) are there to -the ((attic Developers (7hoice Friday and it doesn't come cheap Vendetta " But he is a glorified terrorist from camp. teach. share, Icam and master their As% ard, is the premier event that a that point on. making him just as As Evey uncovers the truth A Friday student expo pass goes craft" recognizes leaders in the industry. for S-75 and doesn't include had as the totalitarian regime he's about V's mysterious background, any of Scavio said the conference also Nominess and %%inners are selected MOVIE REVIEW the trying to stop. she also discovers the truth about keynote speeches. sessions or bnngs together eecutis es who re- by their peers and the ceremony is The terrorist that will do any- herself and emerges as his unlikely networking es ents, but it does in- locate their offices to San Jose for hosted by true industry profession- Based on an tios graphic 00% e clude thing for revenge, even use Evey as ally in the culmination of his plot to a career pas thou $2.000 can the week to make deals and proj- als" written by, Alan Moore, "V I:0 a pawn in his scheme. bring freedom. give attendees the VIP pass to at ects the Annual Game Developer Vendetta" tells the stiny of a youni., Produced by the Wachowski "People should not be afraid of everything the conference has "We anticipate total attendance ( tine Awards nominees include girl named II ey (Natalie I kunnan to brothers and Joel Silver the same their go'. enumnts Governments offer. Iii exceed 12,(X() this year" Scavio "( hid ot War.- "( 'all of Duty 2.- who is saved by a man named \ team behind the " 'infix" franchise, should be afraid ut their people," V "I think it's kind of expensis e for said "Nintendogs." "Resident Evil 4" from being raped. the "V l'or Vendetta" has Matrix-like prixianns in the film general public to get in," said Mai said he %%mild be interested and "Project ( iotham Racing 3." The masked, defiant savior lighting scenes.Ith jaw-dropping The movie also has an eerily fa- Tuan Mai, a junior management in in attending to see the new graphic other conference highlights in- at war with a totalitarian regime vistuds of futuristic higland. and miliar man playing the character Imitation system in business major. cards and game console hard'.'. are clude a "what's next" panel, a dis- showcased his flare for the dramat- the whispering sounds (it the blades second-in-conunand to, the I ugh "There might not be a lot of teenag- for Play Station3 and \ 'xi \ t:11,0.14M on sex in games and an ic during the heroic rescue. V uses to kill the men try ing to at- Chancellor. Mu) parallels the role ers into technology (who are) going -les good to see the nes\ twes eperunental game -play workshop Ferociously skilled in the art of tack l%.. people belie'. c Vice President Dick to be able to afford it " ttl leehnologv and haidsuale lhat with kty note speakers such as combat and deception, V Hugo I ugh Chancellor Adam Sutler Cheney plays to President George Mai said the $75 might he f 1K people still get to buy later on in the- "Battlesiar I (alactica" creator and Weaving) urges his !elitist t III lens (John I bum heads up the futuristic W Bush. for college students, but it's still ear or lest them inn beton: thcc pi producer Ronald I) Moore and Will to rise up ,Igainst t ranny :Ind op fascist regime in the lilm's Britain. The movie is worth seeing for pretty expensive for one dav. eon- out in the market,- klai said W right, chief designer at Maxis. pression \ tier saving young I es. Sutler biok power in I ngland after a the visual displays alone, but be sidenng students aren't es en going kev note address tic Si lily Seas io said the conference and set, the mos ie olT with a bang. great disaster occurred, killing over prepared to watch a terrorist be to get to see or heal es my thing the 'omputo t viten autumn 55 oi luIss ule its attendees will be able to discuss attempting to blow up Parliament. 80.0()0 citizens The ( hancellor re- glorified into a hero, which leaves conference had to it I ti Studios l'imadent Phil I lin ['son us II I lie Ct ins ergencc of film and games, nu tucking the famous ( lulus 's% der semble, littler gicatly, c'. en down you almost as confused as when V :\ccording to the conference's be held 11etlitesda Inini lii to to the broadening of the market and Plot Iii Ins mannerism, rattles off 20-plus words all starting Web site, the men! is put on by II 311 tk ,f pie, le the social impact created by games V dons a mask mulai lo the The unit %cutlet is 5 engeanee with the letter "V" in the beginning des elopers lot other des elopers ol least. I 1.1111,1.11 vs 1111..4k rind as %s ell as their teaching capabili one worn by ( iu I iiihi at lor us hi, sets oul Iti tree the peo- of the film. computer. ci insole. mobile. lit lilt 11111liall. lilt' %alit MS dl%1:101111....111,

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Local valet company needs SU DOKU enthusiastic & energetic team players to work at nearby malls FOR Difficulty: 510151 CROSSWORD PUZZLE hospitals private events & country clubs FT/PT avail We will work around your school schedule Must have clean DMV and ACROSS PREVIOUS be able to drive manual transmission vehicles Lots of fun & earn X-LARGE-2BD-2-BLOCKS 4 7 2 1 Band bookings PUZZLE SOLVED good money Call (408) 593-4332 or (4081867-7275 5 Klutz FROM SJSU 8 Spouted as a C.A.P.SIS.P.R.A ,R 0 N SWIM TEACHERS! Year round program indoor pool Experience 2nd apartment with walk in closets Great for students/ whale 2 4 5 LUREP.A.D,L A D 0,0 E with children a must Teaching experience not required AM/PM/ roommates. Great Floor Plan' Washer & Dryers on premisis 2 Conform 0,D. I ,E URGESEWER WE shifts available Email resume to sdavis@avac us Parking available" Only $1.050/ mo. may work with you on the 4 Martial art 8 1 7 Peru s capital P I G MEN T S I .E.A S E D NOW HIRING! If you are looking for a job. we can help' Register with deposit' (408)378-1409 6 Kind of bear I .R K W. E ,1 .L SpartaSystem (the Career Center's online career management HOUSING FOR YOU AT THE SJSU INTERNATIONAL HOUSE' 7 Spreadsheet OPENLY A.E1 VS S,E,S worker tool) and access over 800 job listings on SpartaJOBS the Career We offer 'Housing for American & International Students 'An 3 4 MERGE ECRU PAL Centers official job and internship bank Its easy visit us at www 8 Not - to stand intercultural experience with international students 'One semester on A RE CLUED AVE careercenter sjsu edu sign in and search SpartaJOBS, contract 'Computer lab, study room & student kitchen 'Wreless 1 4 6 5 9 Grayest HOC H. I ES ME T I D ABCOM PRIVATE SECURITY Security-All Hrs 24/7 PT/ FT Internet access 'A safe friendly & home-like environment 'Various 21 Flammable gas ANTACID CA,REUS Possible Commute Recptionst/ Schduler-Eve PT (408)247- cultural activities 'Parking also rented to non-residents) We 23 Destiny E U.T.A 24 Pride M.U.S.0 L E T.H.R E S hl.E.S 4827 are currently accepting applications The International House is 6 2 25 Boombox platters located 360 So 11th Street If you are interested or have U,11.U.HIA.C.E1 E,SIE,A,R,P GROOMER'S ASST/KENNEL HELP needed for small exclusive @ 26 Cat burglar's quest NIECE further questions please call 924-6570 30 Wide D.O.M.0 RIME shop & kennel PIT. Tues-Sat Must be reliable honest & able to 8 32 Hair cutlers SHOO SINKS SLAW do physical work Prefer ex p working vv/ dogs but will train Great LG 1BR, 2 BR & STUDIO 1050 S 12th St / Keyes 33 Freshened (2 wds ,006 un.0 Fo.,. syn. I nv oppty for dog lover 408 371-9115 or fax res to 377-0109 From $795 & $99 Dep Subject to credit approval Priv Park Area 36 Occupies. as a Excellent Location' Walk to SJSU shuttle Free DSL wilyr lease 2 9 8 3 post 3 Festive 35 License plates PART-TIME OPENINGS' $1500 ATTN: SJSU STUDENTS (408) 291-0921 37 Low voices 4 Run-in 37 Soaked up BASE-appt Vector the company for students has part-time 38 Ore truck 5 Send packing 39 Call - - cab openings available for Customer Sales/ Service The positions 2BDRM/1BA Walk to SJSU $10001 mo Parking Laundry No 3 1 40 Shorter 6 Fruity drink 41 Lower 5 6 7 Precedes offer numerous unique benefits for students Pets 408-559-1356 Days 42 Jam in tightly 3-3-06 IFSIKF Dist by United Feature Syndicate Inc 43 Relieves 8 Tame 42 Considers HIGH STARTING PAY SPECTACULAR STUDIO SUITE Quiet Vict style building From 44 Jellyfish 9 Fragrant shrub 44 Chow mein **FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES $875 w / fireplace 45 Genre 10 Fix a manuscnpt additive PREVIOUS SOLUTION It Carnes on. as a 45 NATO member Internships Possible All newly renovated' Tall ceilings Lg walk-in closet, claw foot 48 - Voight of films "All Majors May Apply 49 Chi follower war 46 Cowboy star tubs, cozy kitchen onsite laundry room, Quiet secured entry 13 Warbles Lash -**No Exp Necessary 50 Sauce with fish Walk to Lt Rail & SJSU 62 8 1 5 9 4 7,3 52 Circus performers 14 Equitable 47 Tiny shrimp *Training Provided Free DSL w/ 1 yr Lease 57 Opera tune 20 Goddess of 49 Mountain lion Earn income & Gain Experience' Watch for us on-campus 260 N 3rd St (408) 509-1750 HOW TO PLAY 9.3 4 8 7 2 1 6 58 Timber dawn 51 Like a sequoia throughout the semester or CALL 866-1100 9am-5pm www Each row must =lain 60 Cuba neighbor 22 Frog cousin 52 Tarzan's mate workforstudents corn/ sjsu SPANISH CASTLE Cozy w Fireplace Jr 1 Suites from $1375 w the numbers 1 to 9. 74 2 6 3 8 9 5 61 Quiet time 24 Glitch 53 Put down $400 deposit subject to credit approval each column must con- 62 Millay or Ferber 26 Kirk. to Bones 54 Blarney Stone Fun, Part-full AUDIO/VISUAL TECHS needed Great pay & 1040-58 N 4th St/ Hedding tain the numbers I to 1 9 6 3 24 5 8,7 63 Tornado warnint, 27 Notable tomes site language skills a plus Email resume to ell@ 9. and each set of 3 by 64 Raise one's vorci- 28 1 - Forget 55 Country addrs. time work Spanish Quiet location secured entry. Large eat-in kitchen, tall ceilings w/ 9 1 62 4 summercinema com 3 boxes must contain 5 7 3 8 65 Apply henna You" 56 Plummet office or den area the numbers 1 to 9 66 Classroom fixture 29 Follow on 59 Ben & Jerry MEDICAL OFFICE: Bilingual Chinese & Bilingual Korean office Free DSL w/ 1yr lease 2 8 4 5 76 1 3 9 30 Chomps down rival help wanted Part-time Medical office located a few blocks from (408)509-1750/295-4700 ! DOWN 31 Was overfond 3 1 7 8 4 5 9 6 2 33 Non-earthling SJSUi Fax resume to 288-6698 _ I Fence flaws 2 ROOMS FOR RENT New Condo complex near Japan Town. 2 Archeologist's find 34 Hindi cousin DAYCARE TEACHERS. K-8th school seeks responsible next to Park Secure area and close to freeways 87, 101. and 46 2 7,9 1 3 5 8 individuals for extended daycare P/ T afternoons No ECE units 880 $65000 per room all utilities included please call alex 8 5 9 6 3 2 7 4 1 req'd Previous childcare cop a must Please call 248-2464 anytime and leave a message thanks (408)2044680 MEM IINI CLASSIFIED AL) RATE INFORNI:VrION SPARTAN DAILY MENNE ENNE MUNN Each line averages 25 spaces. Each letter, her, punctuation mark, and space is formatted into an ad line. The first products or services advertised above MENNEN= makes no claim for fine will be tel in bold type and upper caae for no extra charge up 10 20 apace.. 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k A I FS AR E. rsISECUTIVE DAYS oNLY ALL ADS ARE PNFPAtl, st R :moil IN AN, I.11111 yo MIIIMIIIIMMIIII noura too. Oa romydryl VW ro., Mr. fortny roof.. MOr AlitfifinNAL Woltna MAY OE SOW AT A cHARnE iii $I DOPER WORD 00,40 mono for gOor.... IC.I,,WOO. caortor IREQUENCY DISCOUNT MENNE MENNEN ,O.rfl or.loOlfr a. firry UttOVPOn '0, 1,K01.104 010 40+ consecutive issues: itrdi.ounr. MEM ENE MEM VSI RATE 10.4 discount. Ms mud be placed in peraon in DBH 209 Boni I Oatii or 3pin. STUDENT ID REQUIRED. Kate apphea to modem's individual ada only. EMMEN ENNEEMEM Not intended for businesses and/or other persona. Frequency diacount does nut apply. MUNN AMEN MENNE

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6 Sl'AITAN DAILY A 174 TUESDAY MARCH 21, 2006 SJSU band 5606 Bob Saget to perform at Improv By Ran Sholin DAILYySTAFF WRITER Prill* / IQOP releases second album Nan Jose State I nis eisits sill saievelot dents %%lis) grew up in the 1990s may renwmber Bob Saget from \ III television's "Full !louse" and ".kinerica's Funniest Home Videos." middle-of-the-road tele% snni sInns that appealed to families silting at how on Friday nights. saget's preferred comedic style tress off that road entirely.. "II I did my comedy I %could've been raped and pillaged," Saget said of his eight -year role as the , .1_ . host of \ menca's Funniest llonw COURTESY OF 5606 \ " 5606 band members, from left, Anthony Greene, Eric \ entimiglia and Kit in Bligh pose on a couch. In a phone interview last week, By Janet Marcelo their 110151% [deo and keeping what ts e do our own thing saget issued a warning to SUSI' DAILY STAFF WRITER their heads afloat and it seems Is) be a winning com- students thinking of showing up at ni the first ( 'D, you can bination.- BIQA said. his perlomiances at the San Jose COURTESY OF UNS WORTH PHOTOGRAPHY heal 5511,, tall" influences are, - Ventimiglia said 5606 is go- Impros this sseekend. Local hand 5606 has made Bob Saget will bring his comedic routine to the Improv. quite a name lot- it ac said \ Wholly ( ;recite. 56( /(;s kiss trig Is, bong dos% n the \s ails of the "They should try and not take saw Sages prelened comedic style which Sago and others provide the companying latnous names such plas et and 5.151 iournalemi ma hardc, tie kids. the punk kids and b., much medication, because most lot \\ hen we got to the second the eino kids 01 the Ault brings you %%ay up. IF for the first time. voices for real -life penguins. Saget is as Yellosscaid. sugars ill. \lI producing and directing the penguin ( t. \se is ok %%hat vs c los ed about "We aie an edgy 55,l\ Illello%%." Saget said -And it "I'm a slecent pers,)11.- Saget said. American Reis,. is. Papa koach. and yet sim- movie as %%ell as acting in it. .then Ant I :um. Itettei than I /fa, tnusb and made it Into our own ple this, piece pop rock hand.- in to lease in the middle of the "I don't go aroinid has ing se's with 's that's wrong. It "Stand-up is alinost rny vacation," Slight') ling tor Non!) It's like our sound is starting Ventime2lia said. slim I II %all you on it my family. I think might be politically incorrect to say Saget said and Rutio to take lorm from the past couple tI relic said when people come Sogel 5%111 lake the stage for one that Saget, 1%-ho turns 50 this year, his past year 5% e'% e been out to the band's shows, the hand shos% on I huisday, Ps), oil Friday oii Sage( has turned tip all over the said he started doing stand-up as getting so much recognition. - Drummer Ke% in Bloat said Ow \s ant them to cub's the music and and three saturday 1111:01Teet lit1151,Cape since a 17year-old high school kid in said I is \ entinuglia. guitarist less !ukase. "Basic ( inidelines is not feel like they has,: is) be a part miiicth tans Lumbar %%itli his I Xinny I inner days, %% nether ap- and socaled sI -160() and San Jose !slaking Liictuics.- would break ol that genre to emos It Sagel's 1111111 lot -1)111111.1,11111C st) Ic hal itie pearing as a recovenng cocaine ad- "I took the train to the Impnw in State 1 no c1,11 ;id% ettising ma- them out !tom being lust a local see 3611t. In le go might not be surprised by s dict in le drug -addled movie "Half Ness Si ode to do 'open nuc' iughts,- jor "A year ago this month Joel band mg to go out and it's going to be see at the linpio% bin Saget epu- tati in us ills 'I till House- Tins as a Baked- ot IA:1)111g .1 Its 'sled 5 CP4011 Sage! said. Madden, the lead singer from I he band's s,tund has become s tat s ()teem said "i ou Ins. ide Ii i's liesh lased 111%c guy %%as Isles er 011 111111,ell on .111 01 Ill Saget said he spent most of Good ( 'hail, site. discos vied us 011 mote gloss ii Up. Bligh said don't > need feel like you has e Ill sillily.' II) 1.1,1 )eilt title jOke 1110% "I Timm-age,- in %% Inch his character his free time at the University of !sly space We its er met him and \ (loom i1 1,5 said 55 ,or, has a be part sib something.- (ireene Is IC "I he Si islOeliils " does mg hits and makes out with a Penns Is 11111, doing stand-up at cam- still has c not 111r1 hum" heay influence Itom an oidei said prostitute In the him. nu 'lc thall WIis., 111e- pus es CHI, and C011eehOUSeS while Veiigli said \ hidden tell sounding ireen I lay that Ians lust fans are not going to just watch Itss not Saget said dialls tell a joke usually h,1.1 only reality.- "I'm courting the %simian who would be- 1.100d I 'hart( )..e .ans ssmeells don't get any Mole ii shoss, but instead become a part is, kilos\ comics in the 1111%.1ty msl not a goixl pot smokei Collie his stuk and now his ex- check 5F,(16 out, and III olle illo1101 "We.% C us. iii ',did to be the sec ol ii. \ emoinglia such 55 de then Messing rooms In the long Saget also said he's "net er been the added 4 Itlisinsand people on ond coming ''I the people %% c (I like to get our music (nit mulses min of the joke, the come svith a hi ioker " What words of wisdom does II) their My space page that houses ties ei got then second 'I fookie thew to as as s isleol iii audience dians exercise their impros national talk to hookeis." Saget said Saget have for impressionable young clips 01 sortie 01 the kind., songs !win oven 1 Vent1111101,1 I possible. ricenc said this bs stringing together cstraor stnppers arc better than hookers. college students'? ,unpa, dld hal ',Mild ilds beCil kind i With then scions! I disc "I don't think vs e Il es el- be sat- 5'111111115 ,'list ills.' rif Is on topics both They has e bettet skin -- but maybe -fly to be your:dins soon as you los] I \\ s. Call.' bring release patty set 1,iid) I it isfied. jtiSt heCallsc 55 s. 'I alWityti incest'. ,Iis atol, Twat it's just the light " can figure out who that is," Saget the Saratoga Reetealional I enter it back ss smpletely. but ss e remind going to keep %% ot king.- I ireene aget’s turn in the mo% le is .klong ss ith the calms) toles. Saget said. "I Just have fun. I don't know and the album s them oh \s kit they Illiss " said "We're alssay s going to keep me 'fable. not just because lie has kept himself busy as the narrator what the hell I'm doing " 111 10eal Hot .1 I pi% stoics and Bligh said it's hard to catego pushing al to the nod level I think tells a more penciled version of ol CliS sitcom "I low I Met Your Saget's run of six shows lasts rise the type of sound 5606 has on Smartpunk coin in mid \ poi. that's what separates a good band the joke than any other comic in the Slother.- and he's currently- finishing from Thursday through Saturday at the hand has kept busy Mining "We go out there and we do from a great band . - film, but because some mos iegoep) vsork on "I.arce suh the Penguins." in the.ltnpnw. Admission is $23-$27.

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