Portland Daily Press: April 17,1868
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PORTLAND DAILY Established June 23,1862. Tol. 7. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1868 THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published BUSINESS CARDS. REMOVALS. I Printers’ nmOHAKDISB A fit'Sit*. every day, (Sunday excepted,? at No. __VW MISCEELANEOtS. the Czar’s sergeant surgeon uud Portland. physician Exchange, Exchange Street, thought it possible for him to do without iui- N. A. Proprietor. ot his FOSTER, M. DAILY PRESS. mediate hazard life. Ah soon an F. FRANK, REMOVAI,. No. 5. they Terms:—Eight Dollars a year in advance. MUSCOVADO MOLASSES I Aawmwikm&FwTe were pleased to determine that it would be Hon Henry C. Deming. The 4 » only PORTLAND. dangerous to the remainder of the CWT~ Single copies c^ets. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, to rk rf the kind issued under the sanction and the proceed, by SIMILIA sentence was for that ami authority cf Grant himself. The author is well BlillLlBua 0UP.ABTUR. suspended time, re- THE MAINE ST ATI. i*. KSS, is published at the S. the same NO. 99 MIDDLE STREET, WINSLOW & CO. known as rne ol the most brilliant writers and elo- sumed again the next day, at place same place every Thursday morning at $2.00 a year, 490 50 Tierces, Hogsheads, quent orators in the country. Agents will find this Friday Moraine;, April 17, 1888. and hour, and strictly com form able to tbe Invariably in advance. Casoo Bank. HAVE REMOVED TO one ol ihe most Next Door above intensely imeresting biographies ev- Humphrey’s HonuBopatkie same ceremony. I remember it was three er in Specifics, published America, and will meet wiih a ready days before this execution was over; but! at- Rates of Advebtkp o.—One inch of space, in PORTLAND,.MAINE. No. Free For address S S. SCRANTON E PROY ED, from tlie most Street, Muscovado Molasses t particulars, ample experi- Republican C'ouvcutiou I tended it and was convinced that length of column, constituteaa “square.” April & CO.. 126 Asylum Hart Ct. HA\ence. a>i entire success; constantly, 18-dtf___ si., lord, Simple—proin,,t_ Vffi- the author had swallowed leaf $150 per square daily first week. 75 cents per Centre and Middle Streets, and will April 14-d$wim cient, and Reliable. They are the only Medicines actually every three or to of the book. I he week after; insertions, less, $1.00; continu- L, DRESSER & BETWEENbe to terve iheir customers and the Cargo of the Bark 1a. T. Stocker, from per.'ectiy adipted popular use—so that Thus, think, may be very alter first CO., happy pub- mistakes simple ng every id her day week, 50 cents. lic, as heretofore, with the choicest oi in cannot be made in using them; so harmless FIRST DISTRICT! justly said to have eaten liis own words. Some three everything Ganuia, Boarders Wanted. as be IIall'square, insertions or less, 75 cents: one Successors to William H. Elliott wholesale dealers In the to free from danger, ami so efficient; s to be al- part of this punishment seemed to give the $1 50 cents week alter. GIRLS can be reliable. Tbev have raise 1 the week, 00; per accommodated with board at ways higher t com- culprit little or no but I could not Unde head of No. 55 mendation aud will concern; “Amusements,” $2.00 per square Landing at Central tor sale TWO Brackett Street, up stairs Good refer- from all, always render satislac- now Wharf, by ences The and all other voters ol the First help observing, that and then he Buffered per week; three inserti ns or less, $1.50. Watclies & PROVISION LINE ! required. Cali Thursday or Friday afternoon ion. Republican Jewelry, or meat from an accurate atteu- Special Notices, $1.’5 par square lor the first aprl3dlw* Congressional District of Maine, comp-i ing torture; which, under the firm name of evening._ No. 1 tior, i discoveied to arise from insertion, and25cents per square tor each subse- Silver Plated. Cures Fever*, Congestion, Inflamations, 25 the who are in particular Ware, <&c., GEORGE S. HUNT, •« Counties of York and Cumberland, leaves quent insertion. Wanted and 2 Worm*, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic, 25 on which the strongest points of his ar- Immediately Perma- ** favor of Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State 193 WASHINGTON 193 JPINSLOW <& PAGE. 3 f Colic or or 25 sustaining the principles ol the Republican guments were STREET, 1868. (12w rying Teething inlands, printed. Press” (which has a circulation in April T, 4 Illarrlieca olchildrtn or 25 Party, and of and theiecon- large every ptyjt April 13,1868. (12w nently. adults standing by executing ot the State) for $1.00 x^er lo’* first insertion (UP BOSTON. 5 billious 2.5 struction square STAIRS,) or thirty good men ol pleasing aldress Dysentery, Griping, Colic, policy ot the Congress of the United States Herein Publication*. and 50 cents per square for each substquent inser rp\YENT\ ® Cholem-MorbusNausea,Vomiting,25 8Ubseriptijn in New anew 7 in accordance with the recent call ot the National tiou. fctf The best in the to Plated and standardJ° England place city buy REMOVAL. religious book needed in every Christian toughs, Coids, Bronchitis, Oreille Flour. Face ache 25 are invite-1 and to send Jewelry. Flour, n Neuralgia, Toothache, Committee, requested dele- family. 8 Harper & New April 6, 1808. d2m is 25 to a Brothers, York, are the There no other work of the kind in this : * Headaches,Sick-Headache, Vertigo, gates convention to be held at the CITY HALL J. H. country Billious 25 American of a new BUSINESS CARDS. MURPHY, CHOICE FALL GROUND those 44 Stomach, publishers work twin the applying soon, the he<t opportunity ever 2?** IN or painful 25 BIDDEFORD, ottered to canvassing agents will be given. Soppwiwed Periods, pen of the venerable Dr. A 12 Wlaite*, too ise enrols, 25 Oat Friedrich Wilhelm TRUE & 0 dollars per will be prof Tuesday, liny Aik sit tl o’clock A. WOODMAN, CO,, MERCHANT m 15?° year paid to 13 1 HI., oi in TAILOR! & Winter any efficient ami roup. Cough, difficult Breath ng, 2f> Krummacher, Professor in the Importers and Dealers Spring Wheals Flour! reliable agent who prefers it fo a for the ot Theology Dr. W. E. removed to commission. Halt Mheniu,Erysipelas,Eruptions, 25 purpose selecting two Delates to attend Johnson, having }415 Rheumatism. University of Potsdam. It Is entitled David magnolia, Archer, Edwards’, Walker’s, Ladies ol qu make tho Rheumatic Pains, 25 the National Convention which meets in on NO. 87 MIDDLE best of Town anti Countv Fcrer A Chicago, the Dry Goods, Woolens, STREET, Ague, Chill Fever, 50 King of and undertakes to a Griffith’s, F. F. F. G., Eagle *iPly but those of strict moral Ague, he 20th day of May next, and tor the transaction ot Israel, present fJFSSISl Address File*, blind or bleeding. 50 full DENTIST, And Hiimll CANAL store occu- integrity. bv letter ]7 historic drawn Wares, BANK, recently Steam, Imperial. Oplhalmy, and sore or weak 50 any other business that may propeily come be loro portrait .of King David, Office No. 13 1-9 free Street, OPPOSITEpied by J. Kurleigh, where he will be pleased to J. MUNUOE SKINNER, J8 eyes, Corner or Middle and I* earl For sale by Catarrh, acute or cronic, the convention. from the bible and more Street., see all his old friends and customers, and the Care B. S. Influenza,50 record, especially Second House from H. H. Store. public Moulton, W hooping Coughs.50 from Hay’s Apothecary PORTLAND. generally, and can show them one of the best Tai'or- MABB & Apr 2918, Boston Ma s. .« oi congb.violent The basis of will be as the book of Psalms. The TRUE, 11-dlm__Box Amhnin, Oppressed 50 representation follows; translation, ly*Ether administered when desired and thought Ing stocks in the which he will <« oo a Breathing, ET*Agents 'or Maine for the Washington Manu- city, manufacture to 155 Commercial Street. 22 Ear Ea h and Town will be entit ed to one which is made under the advisable. 44 Diochnrge.s,Impaired Hearing,50 city delegate, express sanction of jy22eodtt facturing (Jo’s Cloth Button Hole Collars and order in the April 7. 1868. dtf 28 Paper .. BO and one additional tor the S«*ofuln,eiilargedy»lands,Swellipg8, delegate every seventy-live author, is the Rev. M. G. a Cuffs. MOST WAITED 2 2‘ General Debility,Physi by Eaton. In Also Agents for and FASniONABLE STYLE! 44 arWeakmss/0 vo’es cast lor Joshua L. Chamberlain at the Guber- Singers' Setting Machines, Drop*y, and st anty Secretion'' 50 preface writte u for the American Dr. SMARDON & Sanborn’s Patent Steam Fire Proof Sale-. u edition THOMES, GOj upon reasonable terms. We also call vour attention $8.50. COAL. in every anil town iu N. E. to sell sickness from natorial Ebction ol 18GG. A majority fraction ot $8.50. city « Jeasickue**, riding, 50 Krummacher JOBBERS April 4th-d4m to our well selected AGENTSand control trr says: “Across the Atlantic OF stock o* the new ,, READY-MADE CLOTH- territory and ceie.rated Kiducy-hixease, Gravel. 50 forty votes will be entitled to an additional delegate. ING and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods. LONG Nervous Seminal Ocean I send to my fellow-soldiers of the Cross LOOKED FOB, Debility, The chairmen of the Several and Town Com- April 4,186^. dim SACRED EXGRA VIXG Emissions, In Dis- Cily in WOOr^JEJTS, ML Li. voluntary America add and extend STEVEN'S, charges 1 00 mittees are requested to forward the nanes ol their greeting blessing, AND COME to AT LAST.