Equality, respect for human rights, and protection of citizens’ rights by conditions linked to the possibility of achieving good governance and the government are mutually enhancing features of good governance. democracy? Which roles does Islam play in enforcing women partici- They are meant to refer to men and women alike, implying that the deni- pation in this part of the world? In this edition of the Heinrich Boell al of equal rights and equal participation based on gender discriminati- Foundation’s series on Democracy, these questions are analyzed based on is incompatible with the notion of good governance – and the notion on historical and current developments of gender relationships, and the of democracy. But what does the political participation of women look role of women in the politics of Egypt, Morocco, the United Arab Emi- like within the immense diversity of the Arabic world? How are gender rates, and Kuwait. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Schumannstr. 8, 10117 Berlin The Green Political Foundation P 030-285340 F 030-28534109 E
[email protected] I www.boell.de ISBN 978-3-86928-040-0 DEMOCRACY VOLUME 21 Diversity and Female Political Participation: Views on and from the Arab World VOLUME 21 Diversity and Female Political Participation: Views on and from the Arab World Claudia Derichs Diversity and Political Participation in the Arab World Hoda Feminists and the Reform of the Personal Status Code Vânia Carvalho Pinto Salah From Ijtihad to Gender Jihad: Islamic Feminists between Regional Acti- Women and Political Participation in the United