City Year's Whole School Whole Child Model on Partner Schools
ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACTS OF CITY YEAR’S WHOLE SCHOOL WHOLE CHILD MODEL ON PARTNER SCHOOLS’ PERFORMANCE June 4, 2015 Julie Meredith Leslie M. Anderson POLICY STUDIES ASSOCIATES, INC. Commissioned by City Year Analysis of the Impacts of City Year’s Whole School Whole Child Model on Partner Schools’ Performance City Year is an education-focused organization founded in 1988 dedicated to helping students and schools succeed. City Year partners with public schools in 26 urban, high-poverty communities across the United States and through interna- tional affiliates in the United Kingdom and Johannesburg, South Africa. Diverse teams of City Year AmeriCorps mem- bers provide student, classroom, and schoolwide support to help students stay in school and on track to graduate from high school, ready for college and career success. A proud member of the AmeriCorps national service network, City Year is made possible by support from the Corporation for National and Community Service, school district partnerships, and private philanthropy from corporations, foundations, and individuals. City Year AmeriCorps members are 17- to 24-year-olds who commit to one year of full-time service in elementary, middle, or high schools. Working on 7- to 18-person, school-based teams, City Year AmeriCorps members (or corps members) de- liver City Year’s Whole School Whole Child (WSWC) model, which is a portfolio of services delivered in and outside of the classroom. Specifically, the model is intended to serve all students in a school, providing additional support to students at risk of dropping out based on their attendance, behavior, and course performance.
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