California Buddhist Centers - Updated January 1, 2007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery Address: 16201 Tomki Road, Redwood Valley, CA 95470 CA Tradition: Theravada Forest Sangha Affiliation: Amaravati Buddhist Monastery (UK) EMail:
[email protected] Website: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All One Dharma Address: 1440 Harvard Street, Quaker House Santa Monica CA 90404 Tradition: Zen/Vipassana Affiliation: General Buddhism Phone: e-mail only EMail:
[email protected] Website: Spiritual Director: Group effort Teachers: Group lay people Notes and Events: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Buddhist Meditation Temple Address: 2580 Interlake Road, Bradley, CA 93426 CA Tradition: Theravada, Thai, Maha Nikaya Affiliation: Thai Bhikkhus Council of USA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Buddhist Seminary Temple at Sacramento Address: 423 Glide Avenue, West Sacramento CA 95691 CA Tradition: Theravada EMail:
[email protected] Website: Teachers: Venerable T. Shantha, Venerable O.Pannasara Spiritual Director: Venerable (Bhante) Madawala Seelawimala Mahathera -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Young Buddhist Association Address: 3456 Glenmark Drive, Hacienda