CMSC SPS-MS Poster 6-2-16 Final
Stiff Person Syndrome Masquerading as Multiple Sclerosis Joseph J. Sabatino, Jr., MD/PhD1, Scott D. Newsome, DO1 1Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Introduction Results Results • Stiff person syndrome (SPS) is a rare Table 1. Background information of patients included in study Figure 1. Severe lumbar hyperlordosis. autoimmune or paraneoplastic disorder that Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5 classically causes rigidity and spasms of the proximal and axial muscles and gait dysfunction Gender Female Female Female Female Female • It is typically associated wi th auto-antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GA D)65 and Ethnicity Afric an-Americ an Caucasian Afric an-Americ an Caucasian Caucasian with EMG findings revealing co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles and/or Medical history HTN, OSA, Migraine HTN, HLD DM, HTN, HLD, HTN, HLD, degenerative spine ulcerative colitis, intrac ranial continuous motor unit activity1,2. • disease neuropathy stenosis, psoriasis, Despite these ‘classic’ features, SPS is an melanoma enigmatic disease that can present with a wide Symptoms Gait instability, axial Poor memory recall, Foot tingling, leg Atypical leg sensory Gait instability, variety of signs and symptoms, su ch as ataxi a and leg spasms and hemiparesis, hemi- stiffness, gait symptoms, leg balance 3,4 and encephalomyelitis that can mimic various rigidity, dysphagia, sensory defic its, instability, gait spasms, fine motor impairment, neuro-inflammatory diseases. dysarthria axial rigidity and dysfunction, limb impairment, dysarthria, fine spasms, leg and arm and axial rigidity, abdominal/back motor impairment, Objective cramps, anxiety urinary urgency spasms, intermittent attacks urinary urgency, diplopia • We describe a case series of patients with a headache diagnosis of SPS who were previously diagnosed Abbreviations: HTN = hypertension, HLD = hyperlipidemia, DM = diabetes mellitus, OSA = obstructive sleep apnea.
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