Congressional Record—Senate S781
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February 10, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S781 Expanding comprehensive motorcycle rider The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- neral at Arlington National Cemetery. education and skill testing in all States for ture motion having been presented The ceremony honored Luke, and de- novice riders; and under rule XXII, the Chair lays before servedly so. In the words of Lieutenant Reducing drinking and driving by motorcy- clists through alcohol awareness messages the Senate the cloture motion, which James’s mother, speaking of her son, and targeted enforcement. the clerk will state. she said: As part of this effort, a workshop is being The legislative clerk read as follows: We are very proud as his parents that he planned for June 2004 to identify strategies CLOTURE MOTION had the attitude he had, and wanted to serve. that can be used to reduce motorcycle fatali- We the undersigned Senators, in accord- . It wouldn’t have been this mother’s ties and injuries. You and/or your constitu- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the choice, but you have to have young men and ents are welcome to participate in, and con- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby women willing to preserve the freedom we tribute to, this workshop. The result of this move to bring to a close debate on Calendar have. We are glad he was willing. research project will be the development of a No. 426, S. 1072, a bill to authorize funds for He was willing. We as a nation are guide for highway officials on practices than Federal-aid highways, highway safety pro- grateful. The loss of 2LT Luke S. can improve safety for motorcyclists grams, and transit programs, and for other throughout the transportation system. James is grievous to all of us. Our purposes. Also as part of the implementation of our thoughts are with his wife and son, as Bill Frist, James Inhofe, Christopher Strategic Highway Safety Plan, ASSHTO has well as his family in Oklahoma. Bond, Gordon Smith, Lamar Alex- committed to the creation of a joint task ander, Richard Lugar, Lincoln Chafee, Today we recognize his valor and force to identify hazards/areas of concern to Elizabeth Dole, George Allen, Pat Rob- commitment. It is for men like Luke motorcyclists, as well as highway practices erts, Robert Bennett, Craig Thomas, James I am proud to be a part of this that can help minimize these concerns. Ex- Richard Shelby, Norm Coleman, Mike great Nation. He was a special soldier, amples include the longitudinal expansion Crapo, Mike Enzi, Jim Bunning. joints on bridges, the slickness of material a real Oklahoman, and a true Amer- used to fill asphalt pavement cracks, and the f ican. As we tour over there, and see these safety of various types of guardrail including MORNING BUSINESS traditional steel W-beam guardrail and the young warriors and their attitude and newer cable barriers. This joint task force Mr. FRIST. I now ask unanimous commitment and patriotism, it is so will consist of members from the State consent that there be a period for heartwarming. I am sure at one time or transportation departments, the American morning business with Senators to another I saw Luke, but I don’t remem- Motorcyclist Association, the Motorcycle speak for up to 5 minutes each. ber when that was. But he is certainly Riders Foundation, the National Highway The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without typical, and his family, recognizing Traffic Safety Administration, and the Fed- objection, it is so ordered. eral Highway Administration. Additional that he made the supreme sacrifice, input may also be sought from other noted f but he made it for us. He knew that experts in the areas of motorcycle and high- HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES risk was there when he took on the po- way safety both here and abroad. The infor- sition he held. mation developed by this special committee SECOND LIEUTENANT LUKE S. JAMES f will be used as input into the revision and Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I rise update of the various AASHTO manuals and today to honor the memory of a brave THE CASE OF MAHER ARAR guides. young American who gave his life de- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I rise to We are very pleased that you have an in- terest in this area and we are committed to fending our Nation. I went to the cere- speak about a very troubling case of working with you over the next year to en- mony out at Arlington this morning rendition and alleged torture that be- sure that these issues are addressed and that for this young man. It was one of the came public last fall. This is the case the resulting recommendations are success- most moving experiences I have ever of Maher Arar, a Canadian and Syrian fully implemented. Please contact my office had. This man felt a call to serve his citizen, who was deported from the at (202) 624–5800 if you have any questions re- country, to be a part of something big- United States to Syria last year, who garding this information. ger than himself. For that call, he paid was held and interrogated for months Sincerely, the highest price. by the Syrians at the Bush administra- JOHN C. HORSLEY, Executive Director. 2LT Luke James of Hooker, OK, was tion’s request, and who claims to have a platoon leader in the 82nd Airborne’s suffered torture while in custody there. Mr. INHOFE. I understand that the B Company, 2nd Battalion, 505th Para- Mr. Arar was stopped by immigration Senator has also proposed creating a chute Infantry Regiment, stationed at officers at John F. Kennedy Inter- new program to encourage improve- Fort Bragg, NC. He is survived by his national Airport in September 2002 as ments in the States’ motorcycle safety wife Molly and their little son Bradley he attempted to change planes on his programs. I believe this amendment who was born just 6 months ago. His way home to Canada from Tunisia. He would be very valuable. I also believe it parents Brad and Arleen James live in claims that he was interrogated by an would be most appropriate offered as Hooker, OK, where Luke played foot- FBI agent and a New York City police part of the Commerce Committee title, ball at Hooker High School and grad- officer, and that he was denied access and would like to be added as an origi- uated near the top of his class. Luke to a lawyer. He further claims that he nal cosponsor of the amendment when later attended and graduated from repeatedly told U.S. officials that he that happens. Ms. MURKOWSKI. I thank the Chair- Oklahoma State University where he feared he would be tortured if deported man for his assistance and will add him participated in the ROTC program and to Syria. After being held for nearly as an original cosponsor when that earned a degree in animal science. two weeks in a federal detention center amendment is offered. While on a dismounted patrol, Luke in New York, Mr. Arar was transferred The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who was killed by a roadside bomb during by U.S. authorities to Syria. Arar seeks recognition? an ambush on January 27. He gave his claims that he was physically tortured Mr. INHOFE. I suggest the absence of life for the freedom of millions of during the first two weeks of his deten- a quorum. Americans and for the peace and future tion in Syria, and that he was sub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of the Iraqi people. jected to severe psychological abuse clerk will call the roll. Lieutenant James had long imagined over the following ten months, includ- The assistant legislative clerk pro- a life of service in the Army. He was ing being held in a grave-like cell and ceeded to call the roll. going to be career. These aspirations being forced to undergo interrogation Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent were realized culminating with his while hearing the screams of other that the order for the quorum call be commissioning into the airborne infan- prisoners. rescinded. try on December of 2002. His parents Syria has a well-documented history The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without have described how Luke embodied the of state-sponsored torture. In fact, objection, it is so ordered. selfless attitude toward service to President Bush stated on November 7, CLOTURE MOTION country that is so evident in all of our 2003, that Syria has left ‘‘a legacy of Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I now send military men and women. torture, oppression, misery, and ruin’’ a cloture motion on the bill to the On February 10, I had the oppor- to its people. Stories like Mr. Arar’s desk. tunity to attend Lieutenant James’ fu- are appalling and, if true, seriously VerDate jul 14 2003 00:29 Feb 11, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.011 S10PT1 S782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2004 damage our credibility as a responsible portation of Mr. Arar to Syria and his what it terms ‘‘sensitive national security member of the international commu- alleged torture there. This inquiry will information.’’ Mr. Arar is a member of al nity. also examine the role played by Cana- Qaeda, the Justice Department alleged in a When unrelated allegations of ren- recent statement. Anonymous officials have dian officials in the case to determine been quoted in press accounts saying that he dition and possible breaches of the Con- whether the Canadian government was was carrying a list of al Qaeda operatives vention Against Torture (‘‘Torture complicit in the rendition of Mr.