Clackmannanshire Field Studies Society
CLACKMANNANSHIRE FIELD STUDIES SOCIETY The CFSS was formed in October 1970 after attempting to revive the Alloa Society of Natural Science and Archaeology established in 1865. The society‘s aims are:- ―to promote interest in the environment and heritage of the local area‖ - and it has some 130 members. CFSS has run and participated in various events eg. on Industrial Archaeology; David Allan; in and at Alloa Tower; Green Scene; Biodiversity; Local Heritage Initiative Scotland (LHIS). Our latest edition of Alloa Tower and the Erskines of Mar was jointly published with the Friends of Alloa Tower. It is associated with Stirling University‘s Forth Naturalist and Historian (FNH) in publishing, and every November with its Man and the Landscape annual symposium – the 30th 2004 is Landscapes of the Mines, and is the launch of the 27th annual journal as reported on in the CFSS April newsletter. Research projects have included- Linn Mill, Mining, and Alloa Riverside; these have been published as booklets Linn Mill, Mines and Minerals of the Ochils, and Alloa Port, Ships and Shipbuilding. The recent major project is Old Alloa Kirkyard, Archaeological Survey 1996 – 2002 has much further related work, displays and publications in progress. The CFSS Newsletter, twice yearly April and October, has 5 yr indexes. The Summer Programme, for May to August, has four Saturday or Sunday outings, a weekend event in May and a series of fortnightly (on the first and third Wednesdays of the month) Evening Walks. A Coffee Morning in September links the summer and winter events. The Winter Programme, ‗launched‘ at the coffee morning, has fortnightly lectures or member‘s nights on the second Monday of the Month from October to March, possibly including an Industrial Visit, and concluding with the Society‘s AGM in April.
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