On the Differences between Human and Machine Intelligence Roman V. Yampolskiy Computer Science and Engineering, University of Louisville
[email protected] Abstract [Legg and Hutter, 2007a]. However, widespread implicit as- Terms Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Hu- sumption of equivalence between capabilities of AGI and man-Level Artificial Intelligence (HLAI) have been HLAI appears to be unjustified, as humans are not general used interchangeably to refer to the Holy Grail of Ar- intelligences. In this paper, we will prove this distinction. tificial Intelligence (AI) research, creation of a ma- Others use slightly different nomenclature with respect to chine capable of achieving goals in a wide range of general intelligence, but arrive at similar conclusions. “Lo- environments. However, widespread implicit assump- cal generalization, or “robustness”: … “adaptation to tion of equivalence between capabilities of AGI and known unknowns within a single task or well-defined set of HLAI appears to be unjustified, as humans are not gen- tasks”. … Broad generalization, or “flexibility”: “adapta- eral intelligences. In this paper, we will prove this dis- tion to unknown unknowns across a broad category of re- tinction. lated tasks”. …Extreme generalization: human-centric ex- treme generalization, which is the specific case where the 1 Introduction1 scope considered is the space of tasks and domains that fit within the human experience. We … refer to “human-cen- Imagine that tomorrow a prominent technology company tric extreme generalization” as “generality”. Importantly, as announces that they have successfully created an Artificial we deliberately define generality here by using human cog- Intelligence (AI) and offers for you to test it out.