# # # # # # Eglin# Flyer# (850) 678-1080 # #
[email protected] The hometown paper for Eglin Air Force Base friday, March 11, 2016 Annual Eglin F-35s conduct bomb run award First test of its kind for 33rd FW by Capt. Hope Cronin units ensures we can provide our 33rd Fighter Wing student pilots the most compre- winners Two F-35A Lightning IIs hensive training available before assigned to the 33rd Fighter they go out to support a combat- Wing dropped two inert laser- coded F-35A unit.” named guided bombs March 2 at a test The 33rd FW aircraft Team Eglin Public Affairs range, advancing the Air Force’s required a series of physical and This month, the three F-35A training syllabus ahead of software modifications to enable wings of Team Eglin named the plane's Initial Operational weapon employment as the their annual award winners Capability. majority of aircraft here were for 2015. The training mission was the produced during earlier produc- Congratulations to those first time the Eglin-based fifth- tion phases. The weapons drop who were chosen from the generation fighters used actual was originally scheduled for late 33rd Fighter Wing, 53rd munitions instead of simulated spring of this year, but innova- Wing and 96th Test Wing. ones. The mission follows on the tion and persistence from 33rd Airman of the Year heels of the recent employment FW pilots and maintainers Staff Sgt. Jeremy C. of weapons by combat-coded F- allowed for an earlier launch of McKague, 33rd FW 35A aircraft from the 388th the munitions. Senior Airman Elizabeth Fighter Wing at the Utah Test “We’re reaching the end of Lanoue, 53rd WG and Training Range Feb.