Volume CXXXX, Number 8, May 28, 2021
The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884 THE VOL. CXXXX NO. LAWRENTIAN8 APPLETON, WISCONSIN MAY 28, 2021 $15 Minimum Wage Movement THIS WEEK IN PHOTOS: sets agenda for coming months Family Cookout The Black Student Union (BSU) and Committee Caleb Yuan the administration in the next benefits. Staff Writer academic year, the initiative will During the conversation be- on Diversity Affairs (CODA) collaborated to host _________________________________ present their concerns to LUCC in tween the two groups, the Union an end-of-the-year cookout on May 22. The event The “Pay Us 15” initiative, the hope of gaining potential sup- of Grinnell Student Dining Work- founded by junior Barrah Sham- port, according to Freeman. Their ers offered some suggestions, such featured food, music and games held on the Quad. oon, continues its effort towards list of concerns addresses issues as focusing on a specific worker raising student workers’ mini- including the impact of a low pay demographic before expanding mum wage in Spring Term, under rate on the mental well-being of the campaign, doing mass move- the leaderships of Students for a those who come from underprivi- ment such as distributing fliers Democratic Society (SDS), Sun- leged backgrounds, decreased and holding demonstrations, as rise Appleton and Student Libera- financial aid packages for interna- well as waiting for administrative tion Front (SLF). tional students and the disparities changes in National Labor Rela- As of now, the initiative has between student’s received wage tion Board (NLRB) during this set several agendas including ap- and the cost of tuition, books, summer.
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