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Natural History Bulletin OF THE Illinois State Laboratory OF Natural History Urbana, Illinois, U. S. A. STEJPHEN A. FORBES, Ph. D., L,L. D. Director Vol. XII. March, 1917 Article III. A PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION OF DIPTERA, EXCLUSIVE OF PUPIPARA, BASED UPON LARVAL AND PUPAL CHARACTERS, WITH KEYS TO IMAGINES IN CERTAIN FAMILIES. PART I. BY John R. Malloch ERRATA AND ADDENDA for Page 5, first column; line 2, for Sheperdia read Shepherdia; line 11, amcricana read americanus. Page 9, line 5 from bottom, for XYII read X. Page 42, line 4 from bottom of key, for Pyromorphidae read Eiicleidae. Page 73, line 7 from bottom of key, for or read atid seldom. Page 100, just below key, insert as follows: — The following species were examined: LopUoptilus cloisclla Clemens Laverna brevivittella Clemens Page 107, lines 8 and 9 from bottom, page lOS, line 10 from bottonr, and page 110, line 10, for Cucullianae read Cuculliinae. Page 110, line 8 from bottom, dele Polia. Page 112, line 19 from bottom, for Metathoracic read Mesothoracic. Page 129, line S, for never read sometimes. Page 131, at end of second line insert Paleacrita Riley. Page 15S: first column, after Paleacrita, 127, add 131; second column, after Polia dele 110. Page 170, line 4, for Strayiomyiidae read Stratiomyiidae. Page 243, line 2, for alternata read alternatus. Page 307: line 5 from bottom, for with read and; line 16 from bottom, for Homeodactyla read Homoeodactyla. Page 314, line 15 from bottom, for Cecidomyiidae read Coenomyiidae. Page 321, line 12 from bottom, for Stratomyia read Stratiomyia. Page 324, line 6, for pantherina read pantherinus. Page 370, line IS, for Empidoidea read Empididoidea. Page 428, line 8 from bottom, for ilesnottim read Mcsonottun. Page 461, line 10 from bottom, for Aeshnide read Aesluiidae. Page 478, line 13 from bottom, for vigilas read vigilax. Page 519, line 2, dele side. Page 528, line 10, for caruncluatum read caruncvlatum. — CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 161-173 Acknowledgments 163 Habits and habitats of species 163 Methods of collection and preservation 164 Economic importance of the order ; 165 Arrangement of families 168 Scope of work 173 Characters of the larvae 173-177 Suborder Orthorrhapha • • 173 Division Nematocera 173 Division Brachycera 174 Suborder Cyclorrhapha 175 Division Acroptera 175 Division Aschiza 175 Division Schizophora 1^" Characters of the pupae 177-179 Suborder Orthorrhapha • 177 Division Nematocera 17' Division Brachycera 178 Suborder Cyclorrhapha 178 Divisions Acroptera, Aschiza, and Schizophora 178 Keys to suborders: Larvae 179 Pupae 179 Imagines 1°" Suborder Orthorrhapha 180-407 Keys to divisions :-=— Larvae 1^*^ Pupae 180 Imagines 1^1 Division Nematocera 182-307 Tabular arrangement of families 182 Keys to families: — Larvae 183 Pupae 185 Imagines 188 Tribe Polyneura 190-245 Superfamily Tipuloidea 190-245 Family Tipulidae 191-207 Keys to subfamilies 193 Ctenophorinae 194 Tipulinae 195 Principal papers on North American Tipulidae 206 IV PAGE Family Limnobiidae 207-238 Keys to subfamilies 208 Cylindrotominac 210 Limnobiinae 212 Pediciinae 216 Limnophilinae 230 Rhamphidiinap 226 Eriopterinae 227 Hexatominae 232 Trichoeerinae 234 Papers on the Biology of North American Limnobiidae 238 Family Ptychopteridae 238-241 Family Ehyphidae 241-245 Tribe Eucephala 245-291 Superfamily Mycetophiloidea 246-262 Family Bolitophilidae 247-248 Family Mycetophilidae 248-258 Keys to subfamilies 251 Mycetophilinae 251 Sciophilinae 255 Family Sciaridae : 258-260 Family Maeroceridae 260 Family Platyuridae 260-262 Principal papers on North American Mycetophiloidea 262 Superfamily Culicoidea 263-280 Family Psychodidae 264-274 Papers dealing with Biology of Psychodidae 273 Family Blepharoceridae 274-276 Principal papers on North American Blepharoceridae 276 Family Culicidae 276-279 Keys to subfamilies 278 Some of the more important works on North American Culicidae . 279 Family Dixidae 279-280 Paper containing account of North American Dixidae 280 Superfamily Chironomoidea 280-291 Family Ceratopogonidae .281-284 Family Chironomidae 284-290 Keys to subfamilies . 286 Tanypinae 287 Chironominae 287 Important papers on North American Chironomoidea 290 Family Orphnephilidae 290-291 Tribe Oligoneura 291-305 Superfamily Cecidomyioidea 292-297 Family Cecidomyiidae 293-297 Important papers on North American Cecidomyiidae 297 Superfamily Bibionoidea 297-305 Family Bibionidae 298-300 Important papers on biology of North American species 300 Family Scatopsidae 300-302 Paper on North American Scatopsidae 302 Family Simuliidae 302-305 — V PAGE Addenda to Nematocoia 305-307 Trichocerinae 306-307 Division Braehycera 307-407 Tabular arrangement of families 308 Keys to families: Larvae 308 Pupae 310 Imagines 312 Tribe Platygenya 314-399 Superfamily Stratiomyioidea 314-354 Family Stratiomyiidae 315-346 Key to subfamilies 316 Stratiomyiinae 317 Clitellariinae 322 Beridinae 331 Geosarginae 331 Pachygasterinae 334 Xylomyiinae 340 Principal papers on North American Stratiomyiidae 346 Family Xylophagidae 346-351 Family Coenomyiidae 351-354 , Family Aeanthomeridae 354 Superfamily Tabanoidea 354-367 Family Tabanidae 355-361 Principal papers dealing with the biology of North American Tabanidae ' 361 Family Leptidae 362-367 Superfamily Cyrtoidea 368-369 Family Nemestrinidae 368 Family Cyrtidae 368-369 Papers on North American Cyrtidae 369 Superfamily Asiloidea 369-396 Family Mydaidae 370-373 Family Apioceridae 373 Family Asilidae 373-389 Family Bombyliidae 389-396 Eeferences to descriptions of larvae and pupae of North American Bombyliidae 395 Superfamily Therevoidea 396-399 Family Therevidae 396-398 Family Scenopinidae 398-399 Tribe Orthogenya 399^W7 Superfamily Empididoidea 399-407 Family Empididae 400^03 Papers on the biology of North American Empididae 403 Family Dolichopodidae 403-407 Eeferences to papers on the biology of North American and European Dolichopodidae 406-407 — Article III. A Preliminary Classification of Diptcra, exclusive of Pnpipara, based upon Lari'al and Pupal Characters, with Keys to Imagines in certain Families. Part I. By J. R. Malloch. Introduction Economic and taxonomic entomologists have long felt the need of a synoptic treatise on the immature stages of Diptera. Owing to the added impetus given to the study of this order by the comparatively recent discovery of the economic importance of certain members of the Diptera, the lack of available literature in English dealing with the larvae and pupae has been considerably emphasized. It is not the intention of the writer to attempt a definition of the larval and pupal characters that may be depended upon invariably for the separation of all the families of the order; a simple presentation of the main fea- tures involved in the differentiation of the families, genera, and spe- cies available to him is all that is attempted. It may be that these characters will in the main, with necessary modifications, prove of fundamental importance; but even if later they must needs be rele- gated to the category of things that have been they will at least have served the purpose for which they were intended—the identification of a number of important economic groups—and also constitute step- ping-stones to the firmer ground that can be reached only by a more extended knowledge of the larvae and pupae, and by means of patient and intelligent comparative examination of a larger amount of ma- terial than is now at my command. 1 have been requested by several of my entomological colleagues to undertake the task of presenting analytical keys to the immature stages of Diptera, but for lack of material that would add to the infor- mation already published I have hitherto refrained from doing so. I have been steadily acquiring material, however, for over two years, which, taken in conjimction with material previously in the collection here and that kindly loaned me, probably includes more examples of immature stages of Diptera as a basis for classification than have been brought together elsewhere in the United States. It is, more- over, my opinion that when any entomologist has a considerable amount of additional information upon any phase of a subject it is 162 incumbent upon him, in the interest of his fellow workers, to publish , not only his new data, be they new species or life histories, I)ut inci- dentally to link up with his data such facts already published as have a direct bearing upon the subject in hand. It undoubtedly takes valu- able time to make a c(jmparative description of a new species, and where several species in a genus require to be described it necessarily means considerable work to the describer to make a synoptic key to the whole genus as well as to give a description of each of the new species. But when one considers that tiie time so spent is infinitesimal as compareil with that saved to sul)sequent workers who wouUl other- wise have to puzzle over descriptions in order to discover the differ- entiating characters, it is evident that synopses and comparative de- scriptions are not only useful but should be regarded as indispensable in scientific work. It is not with the intention of assisting the narrow specialist that this paper is written ; the purpose is to enable the observant student of nature and the economic entomologist to recognize those forms that often come to their notice and thus obviate the frequent delays and discouragements in obtaining information through other channels. If this object is attained, even in a small measure, science will have gained some advantage and the author will
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    International Journal of Zoology Studies International Journal of Zoology Studies ISSN: 2455-7269 Impact Factor: RJIF 5.14 Volume 3; Issue 1; January 2018; Page No. 35-38 Diversity of moth fauna in the West Bengal state university campus: A pictorial catalogue Dr. Samir Kumar Saha Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, West Bengal State University, Berunanpukuria, Malikapur, Kolkata, West Bengal, India Abstract An attempt has been taken to study the diversity of Moth fauna in West Bengal State University (WBSU) campus. A total of 30 genera were recorded under ten families from the study area from November 2017 to December, 2017. The family Erebidae with 12 genera followed by family Crambidae with 9 genera, family Noctuidae with 2 genera, rest of the family Arctiidae, Sphingidae, Pterophoridae, Uraniidae, Geometridae, Scythrididae and Stathmopodidae with 1 genus each were recorded inside campus area. As 30 different genera of moth recorded within a short span of time, it can be presumed to have a good diversity of moth species inside campus area. Keywords: moth, diversity, WBSU, West Bengal, India 1. Introduction Moth fauna. WBSU Campus is located in between 88° 25′ E Lepidoptera is one of the large order of insects that include longitudes and 44°46′ N latitude in the state of West Bengal, butterflies and moths and is probably one of the most suitable India (Fig. 1). groups for most quantitative comparisons between insect Photographs and observations were taken during the day light faunas to be valid, for the many reasons elaborated by hours. Individual images of Moths were photo-documented Holloway [1].
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