Property of the Watertown Historical Society

Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In LitchHeld County

Vol. 36 No. 51 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE HO.OO PER YEAR Car,Rt.P.S, PRICE 25 CENTS December 17, 1981 Board Will Name Team To Evaluate Principal Williams 9 The Board of Education will be presented with a list of five *Badge Of Freedom Sale recommended evaluators relative to Watertown High Principal Commemorates All People William P. Williams at its meet- Two Watertown residents who ing next week. have gained a reputation conceiv- profiles of people representing The Dec. 14 regular meeting, ing and producing coins and the Caucasian, Arabic, Oriental, postponed by the snowstorm, has medallions have collaborated American Indian, and Negro eth- been rescheduled for Monday, again on a new item, just in time nic divisions, or the white, Dec. 21, at 8 p.m. in the high for Christmas giving. (Continued on Page 24) school auditorium. Engineered Sinterings & Plas- Under an evaluation plan tics, Inc., Commercial Street, has worked out last April, three begun production of 5,000 members of the five-person team "Badge of Freedom" medal- would be recommended by the lions, the end result of an idea school superintendent, with envisioned by Alexander L. Alves Board concurrence, and two by Sr,, ES&P chairman of the board. Mr. Williams. The gold or silver plated med- School Superintendent Dr. allions, each weighing 1V4 Richard C. Briggs informed the ounces (35 grams) and nearly two Board Mr. Williams has asked for inches in diameter, were created, John Proctor, former Watertown designed, and soulptered by Jon assistant school superintendent Hcdu, Atwood Street, a jack-of- and now superintendent of Re- all-trades artisan. gional School District No. 16, an The men have worked together Lawrence Shapiro, principal at before in putting out medallions Wolcott High School and presi- commemorating the country's dent of the Connecticut Associa- 200th birthday in 1976, and Wat- tion of Secondary School Princi- ertown's own Bicentennial in pals, as his choices. PLENTY OF HOLIDAY CHEER was presented at the Watertown 1980. According to the evaluation Convalarium Monday afternoon by>Brownie Troop 4032, First Con- "I've thought about it for a plan, Mr. Williams is authorized gregational Church, which sang Christmas sonp and mingled with the long time," Mr. Alves said in to name his two choices, with the patients. Young carolers left to right in top photo included Natalie describing how the "Badge of Board simply confirming them. LeMadeleine, Carey Ann Budd, Jenny Brook Condon, Jennifer Xul- Freedom" came into being. The Dr. Briggs said he will recom- mann, Becky Barth, Katie Condon, and'JuHe Davanzo. Troop leaders medallion on one side has five Alexander L. Alves Sr. mend as his choices for the team are Linda Condon and assistants Mary Tullo, Adelle Gruslin, and Louis Dunlap, principal at Ner- Shirley Stauffaeher. Junior Girl Scout Cathy Tullo narrated the pro- walk High School, and of the p-am. In bottom photo, patients Axie Vaughn, left, and Anna Thomas Mrs. Delucia Appointed school system where Dr. Briggs unwrap their Christmas presents courtesy of Santa Claus, who ac- was superintendent 10 years; Dr. companied the Brownies. (Valuekas Photos) Peter A. Barile Jr., school super- Oakville Bank Manager intendent in Monroe, and former Cheryle A. Delucia, Water can Institute of Banking. She be- assistant superintendents in bury, an assistant treasurer with gan her banking career in 1969, Portland and Norwalk; and Leroy Christmas Week Programs the Mattatuck Bank and Trust and joined Mattatuck in 1972. Brown, of the state Department Co., has been assigned manager Mrs. Delucia has been active of Education's commission area Planned For Youngsters of the Oakville office, according for several years in the United of administrative organization, to Robert E. Maloney, Mattatuck Way, in hospital fund drives, Is former superintendent in East Special activities and events contests in the Ruble's Cube and president and chief executive of- treasurer of the Oakville-Water- Granby, and former president of have been scheduled for vaca- Missing Link mindteasers. ficer. town Heart Fund, area coordina- the Connecticut Association of tioning youngsters during the Ice skating at the Mays Rink Also appointed were Patrick J. tor for Muscular Dystrophy, and School Administrators (CASA). Christmas break, the Parks again will take place from 4:45 to Basile, Waterbury, vice presi- a member of the Watertown-Qak- Recreation Department has an- 5:45 p.m. for a fee. dent, as manager of the bank's ville Chamber of Commerce. The Board reaffirmed in a di- nounced. main office, and Michael R. Nem- vided vote Nov. 17 to continue The Red Pin Bowling Tour- She resides in Waterbury with the evaluation process of Mr. Starting Monday, Dec, 28, the nament for all ages will be from 3 etz, Waterbury, assistant treasur- her husband Vincent. movie "Superman" will be er, as manager of the Town Plot Williams, who agreed to the pro- to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec, 30, at Mr. Basile began his banking cedure when It was recommend- shown free from 10 a.m. to 12 Main Street's Blue Ribbon office. career in 1964, and joined Matta- noon In the Watertown Library, ed by Dr. Briggs last winter as a Lanes. The fee Includes two A Waterbury native, Mrs. Del- tuck in 1975, He is active in sev- means of settling the long disrup- 470 Main St., and from 1 to 3 games and shoes. ucia was educated In the city eral civic and fraternal orders, p.m. at Swift Junior High School. tion between the Board and a Open gyms for basketball and school system, and holds a grad- and is the immediate past exalted sizeable public bloc. The flick stars Christopher other activities have been uate certificate from the Amen- (Continued on Page 24) Reeves and Margot Kidder, scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 2, The return of Mr. Williams to There will be roller skating at under the following schedule: the high school was a key issue Valley Rollermagie in Waterbury Grades 7 and 8, Swift Junior cumenical pressed by a citizens' group after from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Admis- High, 1 to 3 p.m.; Grades 9 the previous Board transferred sion fee includes skate rental, through 12, Watertown High, 1 Carol Sing Friday Night him to Heminway Park eleraen- and there will be a reduced price to 3 p^m.; and men, WHS, 3 to 6 tary in a highly controversial vote Singers or instrumentalists Church, Ceclle Desjardins, direc- June 24,1980. lunch available. p.m. from eight local churches will be Indoor ice skating at Taft A Parent-Child Bowling Tour- tor; Trinity Lutheran Church, An- Dr. Briggs became Water- featured at the Community Ecu- drienne Holbrook, director; and town's superintendent in Febru- School's Mays Rink will take nament will run at Blue Ribbon menical Carol Sing scheduled for place for all ages from 4:45 to Lanes from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Fee United Methodist Chuch, Fred ary, replacing Dr. Anthony King, tomorrow (Friday) evening at Black, director. and announced proposals in April 5:45 p.m. There is a small ad- includes two games and shoes. 7:30 o'clock at Christ Episcopal mission fee. Indoor skating at the Mays to quell Uie animosity. Church. Selections will be presented by Tuition Increase On Tuesday, Dec. 29, it will be Rink will be allowed from 4:45 to Included will be: All Saints' each choir, and traditional carols Game Day at the Watertown Li- 5:45 p.m. for a fee. Among the other items for next Episcopal Church, Maureen Ser- will be requested and sung by the week's agenda will be Dr. brary from 1 to 3 p.m. Scrabble, Weather permitting, cross- va, director; First Congregational congregation. Monopoly, Life, Chutes & Lad- country skiing equipment will be Briggs' recommendation tuition Church, Laura P. Opsahl, direc- The event is sponsored by the rates for the 1981-82 school year ders are included. All gamesmen available for rent at Crestbrook tor; Christ Episcopal Church, Watertown-Oakville Ecumenical can bring their own boards and Park. be established. Dorothy Ferguson, director; Council and will take the place of The proposed rate changes materials and round up partners The recreation office also is Evangel Assembly of God; St. the Christmas Walk which has for two hours of fun. from 1980-81 to the current year planning three ski trips. They John's Church, Julie George, dir- been held for the past several would be: kindergarten, $875.SO A highlight of the action will be (Continued on Page 24) ector; St. Mary Magdalen years. (Continued on Page 24) PageProperty 2 Town Times (Watertown of, Conn. )the Decembe rWatertown 17,1981 Historical Society session to discuss the progress of applied science through the Com- The land is owned by Charles Lecchi Seeks a departmental investigation into munity College of the Air Force. and Sally Hungerford, and conti- the charges against the patrol- Servicemen's The airman will now begin on- guous to a 32-^cre tract already in Investigation man, the-job training in the transporta- the district the Hungerfords have The chief state's attorney hawatertownhistoricalsociety.orgs Raymond D. Franceskino, 21, Corner tion field at Holloman Air Force attempted to develop in the past. been asked by Police Chief Frank charged last month Mr. Guerrera Base, N.M. bit his cheek while Mr, Frances- Commission members voted Lecchi to Investigate a charge Pa- Airman Arthur T. Salvietti HI, Mr. Salvietti is a 1981 graduate unanimously in favor of the pro- trolman Peter Guerrera bit a kino's hands were handcuffed be- of Naugatuck High School. perty inclusion. handcuffed suspect and threaten- hind his back, and he was threat- son of Arthur T, Salvietti Jr., 336 ed to shoot him. ened, Falls Ave., Oakvllle, and Moreen He and his brother Frank, 18, S. Salvietti, Naugatuek, has com- Navy Airman Recruit Joseph McLaughlin Has Chief Lecchi informed the Pol- pleted Air Force basic training at F. Perugini, son of Rocco and ice Commission last week of his had been arrested in connection Donta Perugini of 30 Flagg Ave., •decision when it met In executive with a disturbance at the Water- Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Hours Saturday town Plaza. During the six weeks at Lack- Oakville, has completed recruit State Rep. Jamie McLaughlin land, the airman studied the Air training at the Naval Training (R-Watertown, Oakville, Wood- Force mission, organization and Center^ Orlando, Fla.. bury, Bethlehem) will conduct of- customs and received special During the eight-week training fice hours Saturday, Dec. 19, at training in human relations. cycle, trainees studied general various locations. dgyidson^s In addition, airmen who com- military subjects designed to The following schedule has . . DRE§§ §HOP,,,, Htchfield plete basic training earn credits prepare them for further aca- been set up: Bethlehem town of- towards an associate degree in demic and on-the-job training jn flees, 9 to 10:15 a.m.; Woodbury one of the Navy's 85 basic occu- Public Library, 10:30 to 11:45 pational fields, a.m.; Oakville Branch Library, 12 A 1981 graduate of Watertown noon to 1:15 p.m.; and Water- for easy shopping CHRISTMAS High School, he joined the Navy town Library, 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. TREES in March, 1981. The public can meet with the I*J 'J I-1 'nil"" •' '..•'.••»' i i .• ' representative without an ap- Ellen Kay Land pointment to discuss issues. Cdoyidson's..... UNION CHURCH Oakville Voted Into WFD A half-acre parcel off Ellen Kay Drive was voted into the PERSOMALS f $12, Or Less Watertown Fire District Monday night by a 10-3 count during a Joseph Antonucci, the eight- On Sale Now special meeting of district pro- year veteran youth karate in- perty owners. structor for the Parks and Recrea- stlon Department, came in sec- ond place in the black belt light- • / i T weight division of the 1981 Academy of Karate Scholarship Specializing In Tournament. Mr. Antonucci is from the Cheezic Tang-Soo-Do Sun, Mon. Tuaa. Wad, Thuri, Frl, Sat, UNFINISHED 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 School of Karate of Waterbury. X 8.6:30 O.S:3O 9.5:30 B-S 9-8 9.5:30 FURNITUEil and Peter Arduino, son of Mr. and 28 26 * Mrs. Peter J, Arduino, 63 Lock- 20 11 23 23 24 WOOD PRODUCTS 11.4 98 9-8 0-5 Marry 9-5:30 wood Drive, won the 500-meter ChrlBt- run and anchored the winning mas mile relay team in Princeton Uni- versity's developmental meet KNOTHOLE] against Rutgers University re-' Gift Boxes-Personal Service UNnNtSHEPfUWtfTUflE J cently. M-F10-8 FIRST CANDLE or Phone 274-2688 •567.8864 Sat. 9-8 MACHINE 651 Main Street In 1834 a modern candle- Open Sunday rnpldlnK machine was de- Watiffown veloped by Joseph Morgan, 1Q.4 274-5082 so that candles no longer had to be made by a tedious hand-dippid process. Make good use of your time and you'll have a lot more to spare.

HAND QUttUNG CLASS • Daytime class 9 8 Weeks ® Begins January 5,1982 • Feet $35,00 Class size limited to 10 For Beauty at Christmas... Gift Ideas from the Red Barn;,,, Dorothy Littlefield 274-5081 Deck the halls and rooms with HUMMIL Christmas 1981 Boughs of Holly, Pin© and Fir Spoon (limited first edition) $13.50 GROGGERY MUXLflQ!— Guaranteed HUMMEL 1982 ANNUAL BELL Thurs, To Work! First Edition "Sunny Weather" $19.95 Tangent If ,00 for more than Hot Rock & Roll an ample sprig, mSANTA'S EXPRESS 1RMH$UM Bar Drinks Battery operated Santa's r@g, $25,98 2 for the price of 1 • Cut Christmas Trees S-iip.m. © Balled Live Trees •SCRIMSHAW Pocketknives, Fri, Letter Openers, Ladles' & Men's Belt Buckles, Live Holly, Evergreen, and Sal, Boxwood with or without a candle $6.50 and up Boxes • Replacement Bulbs for & His Band • POiNSETTIAsDiSH _JVHnjfiture Lights GARDENS©CYCLAMEN Sun. ©HANGING PLANTS and • RIBBON BY THE YARD Free Movies CACTUS GARDENS BOWS Made To Order Hot Buttered Popcorn Mon. FOOTBALL Raiders vs. Chargers Drink specials after every score 96 Porter Street, Watertown 274-1889 CSam Nile • Closing Friday at 7:30 » Closing Christmas Eve at 5 Mon. Tues.. Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'til 5©Thurs. 'til 8:30 Town Times (Watertown, Conn,) December 17,1981 Page 3 Property of the Watertown Historical SocietyDelegate's Meeting More than ISO day camp staff Second Congregational people were honored at the re- cent Delegate's Meeting of the Church In Days Connecticut Trails Council of Girl extending quite round the gal- ing lunch, the participants will at- Scouts, Inc. The meeting was ByJohnF. PilHs Gift of Water Conference lery, and between this platform The 19S0's have been declared tend two "hands on" workshops held at Portland High School. "There was a little square and the walls of the building was of their choice. The workshops Delegates who attended repre- room at the entrance for the con- "The Decade of Water" by the a row of pens, similar to those be- United Nations, The Connecticut will feature weather, water quali- sented the 93 towns served by the venience of bell-ringing, Here low, elevated one step. These ty and supply, water and history, Connecticut Trails Council, might be found the stalwart form Trails Council of Girl Scouts has were designed for the younger joined this worldwide effort to hydroponics, architecture, music of Mr, Jeremiah Peek, tugging at members of the society, and art, recreation and the world- Highlights of the evening were the bell-rope. It is said that this bring awareness of the impor- "They then had a tithing-man tance of water to our future. wide implications of water con. the awarding of special recogni- old gentleman, for eight or ten appointed, whose duty it was to servation. Representatives to the tion certificates to the volunteer years, rang that bell every even- In honor of the 70th birthday watch over the conduct or mis- of Girl Scouts, the troops in the conference from Connecticut day camp staff and a report from ing in the week, Saturdays ex- conduct of these youngsters, and Trails Council will form a re- those delegates who attended the cepted, precisely at nine o'clock, Connecticut Trails Council will woe be to them if they saw him undertake various service pro- source team for the troops in National Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. to warn the good people that it marching towards them in all the their areas, assisting them with Convention In Houston, Texas, in was time to be at home, Saturday jects to preserve and protect our pride of office, waterways. These projects are their service projects. October. evening being holy time, it was "The Reverend Uriel Gridley taken for granted they were at their birthday gift to their com. was the minister at that time. He munity. home and at their devotions, was a man of more than ordinary 111 Porter Street Insured Phone "From this little room there In preparation for the projects, Watertown, Conn. 06795 274-1771 size, and beautifully proportion- the six Connecticut Girl Scout was a door of entrance into the ed, 1 shall never forget, and lan- main building. There was also a Councils have scheduled a guage would fail me to describe, special conference with the Insti- door at the eastern extremity. his majestic dignity and easy The descent of the land was so tute of Water Resources of Con- grace as he walked, bowing rev- necticut. The all day conference great that it required a very high erently, up the broad aisle, as- Crawford Siason underpinning, so they built a for Girl Scouts in grades 7-12 and Carpentry—Landscaping cended the steps to the pulpit, adults will be held at the Univer- double flight of steps, one from and turned his placid, benign the north, the other from the sity of Connecticut, Starrs, on face toward the audience, Jan. 9, 1982, from 9:30 a.m. to south, to bring them on to a plat- "No doubt the good man enter- form on a level with the door of 5:30 p.m. The day will begin tained some of the prejudices of with two keynote speakers. A entrance. Storage Buildings Formica Fynces that age against forms of prayer, luncheon and tour of the campus Floors Sanded Yard Clean up "Possibly to avoid all imita- but some of his sentences are in- will be offered at noon. Follow- tions of Popery, or even of delibly engraven on the memory L Churchmanshlp, the main door or from their oft repetition. The entrance was placed directly in minister then read a psalm or the side of the building. The hymn. The choir rose* the leader Two good reasons broad aisle led across to the op- produced an immense pitch-pipe posite side, where a flight of and blew upon the key note; stairs leading up to an elevated every singer responded to bring to choose a KODAK pulpit, about on a level with the their voices in unison, V singers' gallery, "Then commenced the sing- EKTR ALITE10 Camera "There was a huge piece of ing, the leader beating time the architecture built on the wall be- full length of his arm to keep hind the pulpit, projecting over them all up to the mark. They the minister's head, called a frequently sang fugue tunes, the k Built in sounding-board, said to assist the parts responding back and forth k** EieetrojiM minister in making himself till the walls seemed filled with. heard. Beneath the pulpit was melody, I remember how majesti- the deacon's seat, a long straight cally it sounded to my infant ears pew with the back to the pulpit, when they sang, 'On cherubin "The audience room was divid- and seraphin full royally he rode, KODAK EKTR ALITE 10 Camera Outfit ed into pews resembling pens, And on the wings of mighty Your favorite people and their special friends ,.. with the door of entrance on one winds came flying all abroad,*" they're why you need this handy aim-and-shoot side, and seats running around To be continued ,, ,, camera. The built-in electronic flash is there when the other three sides. In these Ht- you need it. lO-second recycle time. Fixed focus tle pens the good people rose up from 5 feet to infinity. Outfit complete with film and to pray, and sat down to praise, ARABESQUE batteries. Get one for your next outing. "The singers* gallery was com- 113 Bonk St. posed of two straight rows of slips extending around three Downtown Woferbury sides of the building. The leader "Openmeffrst" sat directly in front of the pulpit, Reg. $44.50 with his tenor on his left hand, Santa his counter on his right. The tre- ble occupied the seats on the east side of the^buildlng, the bass on Stuff Come see tfie KODAK the west, They were arranged in Soles & Rental TELE-EKTRAUTE 600 single file. KODAK EI01FLEX TOT Camera Outfit "Behind the singers* seats OPEN MONDAY Automatic SiNSAUTE " there was an elevated platform. Flash turns on when you Color PrintnmEcing need it and off when you don't! Takes normal and telephoto shots. Outfit We'll be closed for the Christmas System complete with film and Holiday from December 23rd thru December 26th. battery. We'll be re-opening on Wednesday, December 30th. with a 25% OFF SALE. HAPPY HOLIDAY Reg. from M. Cozza's $79.95 WHICHCRAFT 165 Smith Pond Rd,, Wtn. 274-3483 Demonstration of Mrs. Perkins the newest, easiest way Old Fashioned Home Made Hard Candles 77% Woodbury Road - 2F4-12O2 to make your own Watertown, Connecticut 06793 color enlargements Fruit • Excellent color KODAK A»*ortmsnt • One economical ready-mixed EKTRAUTE 500 Orangs Did you know processing solution our Grnndmama Camera Outfit Umon • No fussy temperature control Lime is ready for It's the camera that thinks Santa Ciaus • Compact printmaker Keeps your for you! SENSAL1TE" Grape hands dry during processing Cherry now??? Fiash makes flash- BuHer Rum exposure decisions Melon automatically. Pineapple MATTHEW and ROBBy Spies 1 ib. Boxes of Assorted Assortment chewles, caramels, nut pieces Anise 1 Ib. Boxes of Assorted Cherries Reg. Clove Reg. Cinnamon I $134.50 Peppermint Milk Cashew & Bark $64.95 Wintergreen Cashew & Almond Bark Spearmint Dark Chocolate Cashew & Almond Bark Saiiafra-Root Christmas Perkys Beer SO South Main ST. All kinds of Chocolate Lollypopsi! Watefbury Mrs, Perkins Special Chocolate for Special Occasions Old Fashioned "Horehound"-Mail Order Service 754-2256 Weekdays 9-5 Sun. 12-5 Page 4 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) December 17,1981 fD- • •Property D • ••PDDDDDDDDDDDDD of the DWatertown Historical Society TOWN TIMES INC. Published Weeklwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgy Second class postage paid at Watertown, Ct, Office located in the George Building, 678 Main Street, Watertown For news or information call 274-6721 Address maJl to TOWN TIMES Box 53, Oakviile, or Box 1, Watertown, Ct, William E, Simmons, Editor & Publisher Tommy Valuckas, City Editor Leslie Fisher, Dolores Semeraro and Claudia Fettinlcehi Sales Representatives Franeine Ouarino, Office Manager

USPS 635-480 ••••DDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDD place, junior female rifle; Monica Brouillard, 5th place and Robin Mackewicz 6th place, junior fe- O-W Dram Corps male flag; Debbie Rinaldi, 4th place, junior female glockenspiel. A total of 21 individual medals A glockenspiel quartet consisting were awarded to members of the of Debbie Rinaldi, Lisa Heckel- Oakville-Watertown Drum Corps man, Michelle Renaud, and at the I.D. & Q. competition Monica Renaud took a 1st place Sunday at the Long Kiver School, medal and a glockenspiel duet Prospect. The unusual competi- with Debbie Rinaldi and Lisa JANICE M. RUSSO OF WATERTOWN, center, was one of three outstanding students at the University tion, hosted by the Prospect Heckelman also won a 1st place of Connecticut, Storrs, receiving a $300 scholarship under the Janet M. Fierberg Scholarship program, Drum Corps, consisted of the medal. which is administered by the UConn Foundation, The students are planning careers in social work, Pictured standard C,F. & D.A. competi- In the open competition class left to right are: Foundation Director Frederick J. Bennett, Janet Fierberg, Miss Russo, Elizabeth April of tion rules as well as an open winners were: Marcy Brouillard, Coventry, and Sandra Montanari of New London*. (UConn Photo) competition in which male and 2nd place, junior female flag; female compete against one Monica Brouillard, 4th place, place and Leanne Mackewicz, another, and an age group com- junior female flag; Raelea Rlnal. 2nd place, junior female flag (IS- petition in which members com- di, 5th place, junior female flag; IS) • Marcy Brouillard, 1st place, pete against those of their own Debbie Rinaldi, 3rd place, junior junior female flag and 2nd place, ROOT & BOYD INC. age. female glockenspiel. junior female rifle (16-i8); and Insurance Underwriters Since 1853 Individual medal winners in The age group class winners Ray Donohoe, 1st place, junior the standard competition class male trumpet (10-12), •'"-'- 1 were as follows: Robin Macke- GENiRAL INSURANCE were. Marcy Brouillard, 1st wicz, 1st place, junior female flag Those boys and gins Between place, junior female flag and 1st the ages of 8 to 18 who wish to REAL ESTATE (10-12); Monica Brouillard, 1st become members of the Corps are invited to contact Corps Di- WATERTOWN: 449 Main St. 274-2591 Wotffi rector John Gensler at 274-0279. WATERBURYi 101 S§uth Mufn Strett INC. Florida Trip 756-7951 The Oakviile Early Retirees CUSTOM DRAPERIES Club js sponsoring a trip to Day> . CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES • SLIPCOVERS tona Beach, Fla., for 12 days be- * WINDOW SHADES . WOVEN WOODS ginning Feb. 20, There still are a * VERTICAL BLINDS few openings. Anyone interested * SHOP AT HOME SERVICE should call 274-J689 for informa- tion. WE MEASURE . MAKE . INSTALL "Ask Your Friends & Neighbors About Us" Figurines, PSates and Bells 41 W. Main St. 756- WATERBURY BIG and Professional Steam Carpef Cleaning TALL the Bane>C!«n#® woy In hom« or office — by carefully framed, experienced personnel ... bonded, in^ lured, uniformed and courfeoui. No imeking in home sr officf. TRiATMlNT FOR: Soil Retardaflon • Static Elee- Firirti Enf luh . -frielfy • Smoke Damage • Spot Mj(rnaU Styled to your exafI *'Removal • Pet Odori, meamiirmftil by most easel equipment ii left outside in our truck. MM f iXPERT FURNITURE CLEANING SPECIAL 3A1E Free Estimates •185 to •295 J&R Carpet Cleaning (3 plus frey tUtnliant for a yfgr ADVENTURE BOUND Holiday Special—Nov. & Dec, Custom Made Shirts $10.00 discount wtth any two room combination $28"to$32»* FREE Scotch guard with upholstery cleaning HONG KONG Sff J. Sciorlino R, Ssiortino Caonjn man, Thomaiton AVB, WI^. Come and Make Your 174-9000 755-2076 fit !M itt, IM 763-4B6B Christmas Choice Now While We Have a Large Selection,

p..making your Christmas Merry with a collection of holiday treasures to please everyone on your Christmas list GIFT ITEMS GALORE! If you don't know your jewelry, know your jeweler. Middle C Rt. ( BY THE MALL 384 Stilson Rd, Woodbury 73 8. Main Waterbury Mon.-Tues, 10-5-30 S75-9880 Waferbury Wed,.8af. 10.8:30 755.8804 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown, Conn.Society) December 17, 198 1 Page



Thursday, December 17 9:30 P.M. —Midnight CASH SALES ONLY-Quantities Are Limited

FILMSPECIALS C110'12 $1,89 C126'!2 0110-24 $2.59 C126-24 Polaroid SX~ 70X0 $ 7,99 ...••••>*5^' FLIP FLASH 10's$L99 •>;y *. PLASHBARS $2,19

40 pc. Socket Wrench Set Super Special $9.99 suggested retail $59,95 a Amity Ladies Wallet While they Last $21.99 SPECIAL IN-STORE GAME suggested retail $35,00 ^ FOR KIDS (15 yrs, and Super Special On under) Guess the number of bubble gums in the Scotch Tape ¥2 Off milk container— Special Group WINNER WILL ft RECEIVE A ft POCKET SIMON

Many, many more in store specials-too many to advertise. 1 Extended Hours: Open Sunday 9AM-6 PM Page€ Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) December 17,1981 Property of the WatertownBurning th eHistorical Society 1982 CALENDARS Yule Log StockweH The burning of the Yule log Is a custom handed down NOW ON SALE AT: by the English who settled in America, On Christmas • ASAP QUICK PRINT 773 Main St., Wtn. eve the log, set on the hearth, Is kindled with the • HOLIDAY BOUTIQUI 639 Main St., Wtn. remains of the log from the • FRAMING WORKSHOP 179 Main St., Wtn. previous year, Many super- stitions surround the Yule f • THI LAUNDRY ROOM Sports Village, Utohfield log. It was thought by some to protect their home from evil spirits, others thought the ashes would help swol- len glands I At Williamsburg Lodge, in Williamsburg, Vir- ginia, the burning of the Snow Chains Yule log is still part of their traditional holiday celebra- $0,00 Off tion, (sets in stock) GiT-UP-AND-QO A person may be born with READING ENRICHMENT PROGRAM students at Oriffin School Engine Dip Stick natural talent, but each of us must recently attended a performance of "Babes in Toyland" at Southern Heaters $10.61 previdt his own get-up-and-go. Connecticut State College in New Haven, performed by the Performini Arts Repertory Theatre from New York. Pictured left to • Many Christmas Gift Ideas • liiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliitilillliliiiililliiiilliiiliiiiiliiU right aw Gene Spino, Joseph Rubbo, Nicole Korzen, Stephanie Range I Fuel Oil I Soldi, Samual Zaza, Thomas DeMatteis, and Sevxhion Rizvani, BI^TOL AUTO PARIS, INC Kathleen Barberet is the teacher, (Barberet Photo) 400 Watertown Rd. Thomaston BARIBAULT'S j treats come completely OPEN Mon.-Fri. 8-6®Sat, 8-5#2g3-5831 packaged In red Christmas' stockings. Easy-to-clean 600 MAIN St. I litter boxes are readily available and there are OAKVILLI | odor absorbing litter chips to put in them. w Tt), 274-3284 1 Latex toys in a variety of shapes and sizes will or 274-1220 f keep Fido happy. A new A Presents for Pets item on the market is a Special As part of the family ribbed vinyl ball that rolls your pet will share the about crazlly, keeping your Place To excitement of opening dog alert and happy. As- presents on Christmas sorted squeaky toys, raw- Shop For That ARMY & NAVY morn. You'll find an inter- hide chews, etc. come in XMAS HOURS- esting assortment of gifts bright holiday stockings. Special Lady for cats, dogs, birds, what A new collar that is soft Open Nights Til 8:30 have you, at department inside and non-irritating In Your Life Sat. - 9:30-6:00 stores, variety and pet is always welcome, and shops, while you're shopping, look 81 Main St. A carpeted scratching at the many new grooming Thomaston, Ct, 619 MAIN ST. post makes an ideal gift brushes that will help you 288-5160 WATfRTOWN for Tabby and wUl save keep your dog sleek and 274.3278 wear and tear on uphol- clean. Gift Certificates Open Mondays *, stered furniture. Catnip Arf, meow, Merry Christ- toys and other fgline mas!


Shop Oakville- Watertown Merchants

Sponsored by Oakville-Watertown Merchants and Business Association m to-,' ••-.-... - • „ Property of the Watertown Historical Society r 1161 Main St. (Wateriown Plaza) Wateriown 274-5425 r LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES QIFT BUDGET m Timex We Have All Your • Watches ft CARDS Trim-a- Tree Needs. m Photo • GIFT WRAP Equipment • Books • Wallets • Tape Recorders LAST MINUTE GIFT IDEAS!#Radios s Toys

Specials on Specials Good Electronic Games Whfle Supplies Last Good Through Dec. 22

Appliance Specials Good Through Dec, 22

> G.E, TOASTER OVEN ©MILTON $44,88 #T-26 our reg. $68.98 TALKING GAME $54,88 . G.E. CAN OPENER $12.88 • SUPER SIMON $29,95 #EC-32 • COMPIV ourreg. $17.98 Computer Game , $18,88 G.E. MIXER $12.88 m ELECraONIC BATH^fflP K9.97 #M-24 ourreg. $17.98 #PLUSONE, $15,88 G.E. STEAM & $12,88 • STARBIRD or AVENGER DRY IRON ourreg. $17.98 Action T*y :r-ri^jjjjg i GAMES BY PARKKPItPns. • G.E, 2 SLICE TOASTER $15M #T"17 ourreg, $21.98 • MERLIN $20.88 WINDMERE SKIN WORKS $5.88 (with $5,00 manufacturer's rebate.deiails in store) Skin Care Machine ©WILDFIRE,.-...... $29 88 frith $5.00 manufacturer's rebate-dttatkinstore) CLAIROL AIR EXPRESS $10.88 Compact Hair Dryer $18.49 ® SPLIT SECOND $27 88 1200 watt value (with $5.00 manufacturer's rebate-details in store) ' Mattel Electronic Games Fragrance Specials Good Through December 22 $43.95 value - $12,88 Football-Soecer-Hockey-Basebali

AVIANCT JONTUE Windsong Cologne Cologne 1 oz. EPRIS SOPHIA Cologne Concentrate Spray Scoundrel $2,87 Concentrate 2oz, Cologne 6oz, Cologne Spray $3,97 Cologne reg, $3,95 1,3 oz, $3,77 reg, $6,25 $5,87 reg, $5,50 reg, $9,00 Property of the Watertown Historical Society believed that mistletoe had moved by Candlemas Eve Today, mistletoe is hung more control over luck, good (February l), or each leaf in doorways at holiday time. and bad. A bit of mistletoe would bring forth a goblin Kissing beneath it brings hunt over a doorway was to harass the household for good luck to those fortunatewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgsaid to ward off evil, the rest of the year. enough to meet there. A 4ter belief held that mistletoe boughs hung for In ancient times, i




406 WATIRTOWN AVI, 75S.S6S3 VISA AND MMTIRCMABOI Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown. Conn. Society) December 17,1981 Page 9 ********** ft ***************** fir ******##** training his scout helpers, as well class-Michael Orayeb, Joe Pish- as directing the actual activity. tey, and Kevin Choinard; merit Swift Programs The Rev. Waldo Landquist, badges-Jim Turner, pioneering, Union Congregational, and John and Mike Grayeb and Joe Pish- Cancelled Sat. High Notes Candee, Watertown Jaycees tey, first aid. The regularly scheduled Parks by Shirley Desjardlns president, assisted troop leaders in the ceremony. Grange Meets and Recreation Department pro- Troop 52 also recognized one of grams at the Swift Junior High The Watertown High School eerning the identification of var- its most dedicated volunteers for School main gym Saturday, Dec. Friday Evening 19, have been cancelled. There Music Department will present ious artists' styles and a discus* her years of service, Beverly Watertown Grange No. 122, its annual Christmas Concert this sien of the elements of a large Monterosso has been a Cub Scout will be no girls' basketball or will meet for its annual Chil- junior high open gym. evening at 8 o'clock. The concert mural which was displayed in the den leader, pack treasurer. ren's Christmas Party on Friday, features the Concert Choir and museum, Mothers Auxiliary treasurer, and Dec. 18, at 6:30 p.m. in the Ma- All other programs will run as the Marching Band, Tickets will Anyone having any informa- has worked diligently with talent sonic Temple, 175 Main St. A scheduled. be available at the door. tion they wish to have included In and enthusiasm. business meeting is scheduled The National Honor Society the Watertown High Notes, Scouts earning badges were: for 8. Grangers are to provide a Class times for swimming in- will be sponsoring a bake sale please contact me in homeroom tenderfoot-Robert Boudreau, structions at the high school's gift for each child they bring. Frank M« Reinhold pool Saturday during intermission. Punch and 14, Brian Viltrakis, David Datelle, Members* also are to bring a Christmas treats will be sold in Ken Cocchiola, and William have been changed. The revised gift to be forwarded to Fairfield hours are as follows: non-swim- the pool area. The concert pro- Kennedy- second class-James Hills Hospital. Clothing items or mises to be a night of quality en- Czarzasty, Matthew Gillette, mers, Intermediates, and swim- jewelry for men or women are mers, II a.m. to 12 noon: begin- tertainment for all who attend. David Miller, John Magee, Ken suggested. Deadline is Dec. 18. Members of the Ski Club tra- Raymond, Joe Hughes, Mark ners, 12 noon to 1 p.m.; and ad- Members are to bring a SI vanced beginners, 1 to 2 p.m. veled to Mount Mohawk in Corn- B.S. Troop 52 Curulla, and Mark Luddy; first grab bag gift. wall Sunday, Dec. 13, for its first Bryan Bonuomo of Boy Scout outing of the season. The club's Troop 52, Oakville, received the advisor, Leonard Bruno, and 36 Eagle Scout award before a students whose skill levels range gathering of scouts and parents For All Your from novice to expert, found the Dec. 9 at the Union Congrega- navigation of Mohawk's slopes to tional Church. be an interesting experience. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Salva- During the course of the day,tore Bonuomo, 57 Avalon Ave., many new and interesting tech- Oakville, he has served the troop niques and moves were invented, as a patrol leader, troop scribe, but all who attended had an en- and as a member of the leader- joyable day of skiing. ship corps since joining in 1976. Thursday, Dec. 10, members Besides earning 21 merit of the Hartford Conservatory vis- badges, a community service pro- ited the school and presented a ject is required of an Eagle Scout. • BOLLA • CELLA ballet performance. The perform- Bryan chose to plan an event at ance consisted of a mixture of the Special Olympics at Taft 4 Bottle 3 Bottle dance types including jazz, mod- School last June. This included Gift Selection ern, and regular ballet. During the finale of the program, the MMM Packed in group presented, various foreign Wood interpretations of "The Nutcrack- er Suite" including the Japanese, BINGO $17.88 Russian, and French versions. Wednesday, Dec, 9, 50 stu- at dents from the Art II, Advanced Art, and Crafts II classes accom- panied by Mrs. Dowd and Miss Si, Mary Magdalen Fisher, traveled to the Museum WINE SPECIALS of American Art in New Britain, Church Hall, The museum Is the only institu- • CRIBARI MENDOC1NO $3,87 liter • $2,63 1.5 L tion In the United State's which Oakville consists totally of works created Burgundy by American artists. Upon arrival • SEBASTIAN! e Rhine, $4,251.5 liter • reg, $5.25 students were taken on a guided tour and introduced to a new ex- Chabiis or Burgandy $3.83 mlx'n match case price hibit displaying the history of the m PETRI s Chabiis Blanc, $6,59 4 liter cartoon Industry In the United Every Thursday or Burgundy Rose $5.93 mix'n match case price States. After the tour, students were left to fulfill an assignment Smoke Eaters by their respective teachers, Installed Sparkling Wines ranging from a short essay con- RIVIERA Champagne, Sparkling $2.99 750 ml Burgundy, Cold Duck, Spurnanti IVA MAE'S WARM • From Italy - BOTTICELLI $4,98 750 ml Heritage Village Bazaar Asti Spumanti South bury, ft. rW#*WJBElR SPECIAxI' i: AMARETTO I • PIELS (cans) 6/S1.79 • case $7,16 E Dolce I o Red, White & Blue cans $5.71 750 ML ; byPABST 6/S1.89 • case $7 56 i; : $6.71 Liter 1 • IJTICA CLUB (bottles) 6/Sl,75» case $7.00 ' Sunday • 12:00-5 Mon. • Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.i 2S4-4a38 ;: • SCHAEFER Export Bottles case $6. 99 ;: IP JT Jff JF M JF .ffjf' Mix & Match Our Price Case Price m SEAGRAMS VO $ 9.25 750 ml $ 8,33 $10.99 lllter $ 9.89 SEAGRAMS 7 CROWN $ 7.99 lliter $ 7.19 $ 6.65 750 m! $ 5.99 • DEWARS WHITE LABEL $10.82 750 ml $ 9.74 $13.57 liter $12.22 $21.45 1.75 liter $19,30 • SCHENLEY O.F.C, $ 7.47 750 ml $ 6.73 Lubd $ 9.891 liter $ 8,90 'DEWAKS. o SCHENLEV RESERVE $ 6.53 liter $ 5,88 White Label" $11,991,751. $10.79 SEWING ©BUKOFFVODKA $ 4.95 1 liter $ 4.46 MACHINE $ 8.651.751. $ 7.82 © AMARETTO de SARONNO (Rose Box) $15,39 THIS CHRISTMAS, $13.85 Save 10% (Beer excluded) on $60.00 Purchase or Assorted Many styles and price case of same size—All Purchases Plus Sales Tax ranges to choos© from. -.A • Financing Available frti^ CONNICTiCUT SiWSNG MACHINE 1075 MAIN ST 1624 Water-town Ave., Wtby. 174-7711 PageProperty 10 Town Times (Watertown of, Conn. the) Decembe rWatertown 17, 1981 Historical Society orial Hall and Bellamy Hall... Rental proceeds went to the Memorial Hall building fund, and Sethlehewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgm News the event was directed by Sue Schoenbach, a member of the By Paul Johnson fund raising committee who Is ••••••aaaaaDpaaapaaaaDaDaaaaan also the town's recreation direc- The approach of Christmas and Sunday, opening Saturday at tor... A repeat of the craft fair brought a few thousand visitors 8 a.m. and Sunday at 10 a.m., next year, possibly open for more to Bethlehem last weekend, some closing both days at 6 p.m....On than the one day operation, ap- coming to mail their Christmas other days the office hours are 8 pears quite likely. cards at the East Street post of- a.m. to 6 p.m. until December 22, Funeral services were held Sat- fice and others to attend the first when the staff returns to normal urday at First Church of Bethle- Christmastown craft fair, which hours... The post office process- hem, United Church of Christ, for attracted throngs of people to the ed 129,000 cards last year, and Mrs. Nellie (Kulikauskas) But- three buildings surrounding the expects the quantity this year will kus, 56, Nennewaug Road, wife bejiear that figure. of Cadman Butkus, who died town green where it was staged Thursday at Waterbury Hospital ...At the post office more than The craft fair proved a major 20,000 cards were postmarked on success, winning praises from after a long illness...She was Saturday and Sunday after their the more than 70 concessioners born in Waterbury Feb. 3» 1925, mailers had rubber stamped who offered their wares for sale daughter of the late Vincent and them iwth a Christmastown ca- and who were •> happy with the Martha (Benler) Kulikauskas.. ST, MARY MAGDALEN SCHOOL students browse through some chet which called attention to the amount of business thus obtained She lived in Bethlehem for the of the offerings at a recent book fair held at the school. Left to right Bethlehem postmark,,.The office ...The sales booths were located past 37 years, and was a member are James Czarzasty, grade 6; Kristina DonAroma and Judy PeMat- in Memorial Hall, Johnson Mem- of First Church...Besides her teis, grade 7; and David DeRosa, grade 8, (School Photo) is to again be open this Saturday husband of Bethlehem, she leaves a son, Walter C. Butkus and a daughter, Mrs, Dennis Bethlehem Cemetery...Memorial band sound is to play for the (Beverly) Slegmann, both of contributions may be made to dancing, the reservations are $40 Watertown Tool Supply Bethlehem; two brothers, John Bethlehem Volunteer Ambulance per couple, and an early 1982 206 Main St., Oakviile 274-9673 Kulikauskas of Oakviile and Association, the American Can- breakfast is to be served, as well George Kulikauskas of Colorado; cer Society, or the Easter Seals as setups throughout the night.,. PRE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS three sisters, Miss Alice Kulikau- Rehabilitation Center. Proceeds are for the Memorial skas, Mrs. Charles (Evelyn) Sa- A Christmas visit of the Red Hall building fund and folks may (Cash and Cirry) List Sal© bis, and Mrs. John (Theresa) Cross holiday bloodmoblle will be make reservations at town hall. Maklta Sanders #B04S10 72.00 54,00 Kracunas, all of Oakviile; four made this Saturday at Memorial Makita Miter Saw #2401B 298,00 200.00 grandchildren and several nieces Hall from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Students From and nephews...The funeral ser- with the program sponsored by S-K Socket Set Specials vices were conducted by the Rev. Bethlehem Post, American Le- Area On List Set #4520 20pc. 3/8" Drive 49,99 37.49 Marshall Linden, pastor of First gion..,Donors of past bloodmo- Eleven local students were Set #4116 16 pc 1/2" Drive 79,99 59,99 Church, and burial will be in bile visits will be contacted, but among those named to the walk-Ins are to be welcome,. Dean's List for the fall quarter of Set #4123 23 pc, 112" Drive 110.00 82,50 Chairman Wally Gallop has an-the 1981-82 academic year at Wa- Set #4728 25 pc, 314" Drive 369,95 269.96 Blue Seal Feeds flounced a quota of 100 pints... . terbury State Technical College, Any person in good health, aged From Watertown, they ate; Milwaukee 7Vi" Circular Saw Special Wild Bird Seed 18 to 65, who has not donated blood since Oct. 23 is to be eligi- Alfred P. Chapin, 1153 Guern- Model #6365 146.00 105,00 Fertilizers • Lime seytown Road, chemical tech- ble... This is the eighth year in nology major, honors: Kenneth In stock • Reserve yours now. Maple Syrup. which the bloodmobile has been W. Hammerman, 45 Sprucewood Peat Moss • Shavings at Bethlehem during the pre-Road, data processing, honors; Sale good while supplies last Christmas period, and donors Dog Foods • Straw i have included many folks from Linda Lamy, 25 Reynolds St., Gift Certificates Available other towns bringing their mail to data processing, honors; Edward Christmas Hours: Dally TMam-Spm • Sal JOBamZao pm • Sun. S;30am-1t3Qpm M. Murphy, 120 Belden St., data H.S.COECQ. the Bethlehem post office...An processing, honors; Colin A, ''Where the Pros buy their tools!" 45 Freight St. added incentive this year is ex- Pape, 960 Ouernseytown Road, 24 Hour Tool Service • 7 Days a Week pected to be the Channel 3 TV Waterbury 754-6177 coverage of the bloodmobile to be data processing, honors; Gary L, made by the crew filming Bethle- Peresada, 1995 Litehfield Road, hem activities for a Christmas manufacturing, honors; and program. Richard E. Way, 60 Belden St., EXCLUSIVE DEALERS; mechanical, honors. Selectmen are to undertake the From Oakviile: Thomas E. naming of a member to the Plan- • GIBSON* KRAMER Jenner, 116 Bushnell Ave., ning Commission to fill vacancy chemical, high honors; Luisa M. • OVATION created by resignation of George Stitzer, 21 Van Orman St., data • EPIPHONE* APPLAUSE Eggert... Commissioners have processing, high honors; and been, unable to reconcile a divi- Kurt R. Karcher, 464 French St., • VANTAGE • LAB SERIES sion which found two of their data processing, honors. members favoring election of Ste- • WURUT2IFUGB7Q0 ven Eisen, a former member, and From Bethlehem: Gregory L. • HAMMOND • CRUMAR two favoring promotion of an al- Mlschou, Burrltt Hill Road, chemical, honors. _ and ROLAND ternate member, Ann Johnson, to full membership status. S8SSSSSS8SSS_™= DISCOUNTED PRICES Members of the Bethlehem HAPPY TRAVELING SAVE UP TO 50% Fellowship hold a Christmas With Mon. thru Frl. OPEN Sat. & Sun. i party this Thursday at 1 p.m. at{MARJORIE G, LYNCH! Deer Island Gate, Bantam Lake,,. Tickets remain available for the Of The LESSONS » SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS New Year's eve ball to be held at Waterbury 10 ACHI MALL RT. 63 • WATERTOWN 274-1556 Memorial Hall December 31... Travel Bob Mobilio's band with the big Agency ELTON HOTEL 754-4169 iGreat Vacations to Bermuda eachjj Jweek from Hartford are avail-| jable all through the winter and>j jspring. These packages offerJ jyou the chance of a lifetime to} j enjoy the quiet beauty of thosefl ) Islands in a calmer atmosphere^ } at luxurious hotels or simple | cottages at lower rates and in-Jj jj eluding special bonuses during | Bermuda's Rendezvous Season.^ The Dunkin1 Donuts glass decorator jar 5 There are 4 days-3 night pack-! 5 ages Friday to Monday and 7 day-fj with Munchkins® Donut Hole Treats won't be jjfi night packages from Sunday hard to empty. Or fill. Because there are all jjto Saturday every week fromj sorts of things to fill it with. Like jelly beans |Bradle:' Airport. And the IN-;} or flowers. iVERURffi Hotel has a SPECIAL^ Just drop by any participating Dunkin' jJBonus of "Stay for 5 nights, stay| |for 7" and get those two extra| Donuts shop for your decorator jar filled with |nights FREE. (Of course, ser-Ij Munchkins® Donut Hole Treats. But hurry. yvice and taxes are not included' Because a lot of people have designs on Din that special free offer), Thejj buying more than one. |Bermuda Government has Available while Selling programs scheduled supply lasts. THE DUNKIN' DONUTS GLASS DECORATOR 3 the ballet, theater and concert JAR FILLED WITH 20 NUNCHKINr DONUT ({devotees during the Rendezvous^ HOLE TREATS, SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE; |Season. Bermuda Is more funp 1174 Main St. It's worth the trip. 5than you may realize duringjj Watertown Dwinter and spring. (COMPARABLE RETAIL VALUE: $3.48) Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times (Watertown, Conn.Society) December 17, 198 1 Page 11 watertownhistoricalsociety.orgSPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESSES CONNECTICUT GYMNASTICS SCHOOL FEEE! **Eun For Your Life"

The signs read "Connecticut T-shirt with the purchase Gymnastics School," but that description can be slightly mis- leading to those who think this of any pair of shoes. facility is only for the monkey-like who swing on bars. CONNECTICUT (While Supply Lasts) "We've started to term our- This offer good at Watertown Store Only selves as a family fitness center, GYMNASTICS'. because we can accomodate an entire family," said Dolores Mof- SCHQOi Stocking Stuff ers fo, who with husband Michael have taken the 979 Main St. • Skate Guards m Shoe Patch school into its third year of opera- m Baseballs • Tennis Balls tion. m Wrist Bands & Head Bands The COS has programs for ages 2 and up, ranging from aer- • Athletic Socks • Hockey Pucks obics and slimnastics to gymnas- • Laces m Golf Balls & Tees tics and karate. As the Moffos see it, there is no particular age • Knit Caps © Squash Balls when physical fitness should be- gin or end. "We're pretty much obsessed Sport with the idea" of it, Dolores can- didly remarked. The former Dolores Pye of Mike and Dolores Moffo, longtime Watertown residents and physical Shop Greenwich, who has a B.A, and fitness instructors, of the Connecticut Gymnastics School. Serving tha Wtiartaury araa •inca 1928 master's degrees In health, phys- 1125 Main Sire*!, Waiartewn 274.7331 ical education, and recreation 1 SO Grand Street, Waterbury 753-7934 from Southern Connecticut State College, said she has always been interested in fitness as- pects. "Greenwich is a sportsminded Decorate Yourself— community. It was expected of 407 Main St., Oakvilie • 274-1534 you," she said. "Besides, it was Parking in front of store or around corner en Davit St the most rebellious thing I could Not just your tree do!" Now taking orders for "If it wasn't for sports, I for Christmas! Homemade Italian Cookie wouldn't be where I am today," stated Mike, from Waterbury, Trays. Make Nardelli's your who met Dolores when they first holiday deli stop. came to the Watertown school Call 574-3134 for appointment, system in 1957. Mike is a P.E. Something New!— Trays of teacher at Watertown High School, while Dolores operates © Curling Irons $8.00 assorted miniature Italian out of Swift Junior High, Pastry for your Holiday Mike has been extensively in- • Hot Brushes $10,00 volved in gymnastics for more Entertaining, Trays by than 40 years. He competed with a Waterbury society in the East- We carry Nexus order - or can be purchased ern District prior to World War individually without , II, is a former New England and Redken Products YMCA gymnastics champion, be- placing an order, gan boys* and girls' teams at Great for stocking WHS (producing several out- • Also available, large size Italian standing talents), and also pos- pastry, Calzones, Cold Cute, Cheeses^ sesses two degrees and^ a sixth- stuff ers year certificate in the P.E. area. Grinders, Egg Nog, Starting a school like the COS • All Natural whole wheat macaroni was an idea the Moffos had for HAIR CYCLES • Assorted Nuts - Pinnole nuts - quite some time. "It's an oppor- (Jean Mason - Owner) Health Nut Mix tunity for us to pass on the know- • Chestnuts by the pound ledge to other people," Dolores 1618 Wafertown Ave, said. Waterbury • Pistachios loose or by the 5 1b. bag. The learning process begins early. Movement exploration, (Westwood Plaza) Open Mon - Sat 9-9 OPEN SUNDAY body awareness, conquering fear of height, all through the use of large and small apparatus and Something New rhythmic activities, are part and ACCIDENT? parcel of the pre-school Gym-Nat Something Old Fashioned program. About 300 to 400 youngsters per year take part. Dolores said the program "builds their self-esteem, and gives them a touch of success at that age. It's important to have a good self-image going into school." There are girls' and boys' gym- We'l make your car bok like NEW! nastics utilizing all the Olympic • MECHANICAL gymnastic events; two competi- WORK "%J tive teams, ages 6 to 15, in the • BODY REPAIRS • FBI! ESTIMATES Hartford League of the Connecti- • TOW SERVICE cut Gymnastics Association; wo- e MASTER GHAROE men's aerobics and slimnastics in • PAINT JOBS the evenings; men's weight train- Glacier Bay Wood/Coal Insert FROM '59.9S Ttfe, ing and calisthenics classes; and karate instructions. HOME FAMILY 1713 Thenwsten Ava.Wfby.753-1143 753-4254 The CGS has more than 5,000 Hearths Jacuzzi Hot Tubs square feet of space now, but the Moffos plan to enlarge it eventu- Soapstone Jacuzzi Whirlpool Spas ally. Saunas, shower facilities, Sun Quilts Solar Blankets j exercise bikes, a Universal, and Wood Swimming Pools 4,000 lbs. of free weights are available for use. The school Coal Saunas Good on collision repair operates year round. of $100.00 or more — Information on the extensive Grosso Supply lineup of programs offered at the Show this coupon Connecticut Gymnastics School 470 Main Street, Oakviile can be obtained by dropping by Call Toll Free 1-800-258-3538 AFTER OUR ESTIMATE weekdays and Saturdays, or by Villa Osumbtr calling 274.9766 or 274-6063. Closed for Renovation m Reopening Advertisement • after the 1st of the year Page 1Property2 Town Times (Watertown , Conn,of) Decembether 17Watertown, 1981 Historical Society

a restaurant Crestwood Catering's PURCARO-A son, Michael Jo- 1st Annual New Year's Eve Dinner Dance seph, Jr., Nov. 25 in Waterbury Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Michael ; 753-1181 Thursday, December 31st Purcaro (Nancy Bracken), Water- bury. Grandparents are Mr. and Now Accepting Reservations K. of C, Hail, 1175 Main St., Watertown Mrs. James Bracken, Water- for town, and Mr. and Mrs, Michael Purcaro, Waterbury. New Year's Eve SuDer Special Buffet Dancing from 9 pm to 2 ant. LORENSBN-A daughter, Eliza- Beatings at: Music by AI Cote beth Beatrice, Nov. 20 in Wo- men's and Infants Hospital, Pro- 0:30,7:30 & 10:00 and the musical Vagabonds vidence, R.I,, to Mr. and Mrs. J. OPEN BAR Bradley Lorensen (Deborah MIDNIGHT CHAMPAGNE TOAST Northup), Westerly, R.I, Grand- Complimentary Champagne Toast & parents are Mr. and Mrs. Neil CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Continental Breakfast after 10 P.M. seating Call 274-66821 Lorensen, East Street, and Mrs. PARTY FAVORS INCLUDED for Bruce Macpherson, Sidney, Aus- Donation $55.00 per couple tralia. Reservations 7O2 highland ave. REMItLARD-A son, Robert Paul, Jr., Dec, 7 in Waterbury Hospital to Mr. and Mrs, Robert wdterbury conn. P. Remlllard (Eloise G, Clark), Watertown. Maternal grandpar* ents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward tft Ifstwrmt CHEF'S Clark, Watertown. s lUBBERS-First child, a son, RESTAURANT Joey Patrick, Dec, 9 in Warren s AFB Hospital to S/Sgt. and Mrs, RT, 6, PLYMOUTH Edmund Lubbers (Suzanne Mc- Bennet), Cheyenne, Wyoming. 283-8067 Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, John McBennett, Watertown, Get away from the noisy crowds & 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Lub- SI bers, Firestone, Col. Great- spend New Year's Eve with us. irandparents are Wesley Good- Si Good Food-Romantic Atmosphere-Reasonable Prices 'SERVED DAILY ROM win and Rose Deyo, Watertown and Merle Bailey and Mr. and Si Serving 5 PM-Midnight—Reserve Early! Mrs, Henry Lubbers, all of South Dakota, Menu Suggestions; Si & 271-882*1 m Roast Prime Rib of Beef Si DnAON«A daughter, Leanne Marie, Dec. 5 in Waterbury Hos- • Baked Stuffed Shrimp pital to Mr, and Mrs. Brian Dillon m New York Sirloin At dusk.,. (Lori Strileckis), Kent Ter. m Lobster Newburg Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, we reached the Inn Joseph Strileckis, Watertown, 9 Veal, Chicken and more,,. and Mr, and Mrs. John Dillon, overlooking the City of Brass Oak villa. Great-grandparents Dates still available Discount on Meals Z are Beatrice Buttle, Meriden, for small XMAS Parties for Sr, Citizens ^ and found their reputation for Genevieve Strileekis, Waterbury, Si Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bova, Oak- "Hospitality and Christmas Cheer' ville, and Bernard Dillon, Oak- justly deserved. ville.

W11SS-A son, Bryan Mattson, Nov. 24 in Waterbury Hospital to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weiss liiiiiiiiiiiii (Chris-Ann Mattson), Main Street, Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mattson, Waterbury, and Mona Weiss, Watertown, # Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rasmusson, Dune- NEW ¥EAI § E¥i mm- din, Fla., and Edna Wright, BEGIN THE CELEBRATION WITH A Thomaston, DILICIOUS DINNER FEATURING PRIME RIB CRIIGHTON-A daughter, Emi- AUJUS ly Rose, Nov. 22 in Waterbury Hospital to Mr, and Mrs. David Creighton (Denise Lamy), Thom- BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP ,., PLUS MIDNIGHT aston. Grandparents are Estelle CHAMPAGNE TOAST . , . PLUS COFFEE AND Lamy, Watertown, and Mr, and DANISH "FOR THE ROAD" AT 2 O'CLOCK Mrs. Erwin Creighton, South- bury. AND FOR YOUR DANCING PLEASURE, CHRISTMAS SMORGASBORD GREAT MUSIC AND SONG BY THE GARDINO-A daughter, Jessica composed of Holiday Delicacies to please the most Ann, Nov. 21 in Waterbury Hos- discriminating of palates. pital to Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Gar- "MASTERTQNES" Smoked Ham Apricot Bourbon Sauce dino (Rose Gallippi), Charter Oak Drive, Grandparents are Mr, and $29 PER PERSON,,.TAX AND TIP INCLUDED Roast Fresh Turkey • Seafood Newburg Mrs, Frank Gallippi, Waterbury, $10 RESERVATION DEPOSIT REQUIRED Chicken Ala King*Baked Ziti Bolognese and Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Gar- PLAN YOUR TAB! E NDW—75S-17U Barbecued SpareribsoBrockwurst and Sauerkraut dlno, Waterbury. Smoked Herring in Sour Cream Sauce "- A LA CARTE DINING IN THE Apple Cinnamon Pancakes •ScrambledEggs O'Brien GEER-A daughter, Meredith Ei- Corned Beef Hash, Poached Eggs• Potatoes Au Gratin leen, Nov. 18 in Waterbury Hos- NUTMEG RG<) M 6 PM -1 i PM pital to Mr. and Mrs. Edward ENTREES PRK ED FROM $9,95 Carrot Raisin SaladmFresh Acorn Squash, Maple Syrup Butter Geer (Deborah Dohl), Steele Marinated Vegetable Salad* Tossed Mixed Green Salad Brook Road, Grandparents are RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Mixed Vegetables m Rice Pilaf* Assorted Breads Mr. and Mrs. F, Martin Dohl, Buffet Includes Beverage Cromwell. Great grandmother is Dessert Extra Pearl Coohran, Cromwell. For Reservations CallJ75-15Q0 Jrff.T LANO-A daughter, Jennifer Adults 8,95• Senior Cithern 7,95 Lynn, Nov. 22 in Waterbury Hos- S(|iiiif« Children under 10 7.95 pital to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lano U Serving 10:30 AM-StSOPM (Nancy Orient), Oak Drive. LOCATED AT THE Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 1-84, Exit 18 — Left 1/2 mil* South on Rt. 188 Michael Orient, Waterbury, and Mrs, Shavere Lano, Waterbury. Middlebury, Connecticut 06749 of Water bury Great grandmother is Carmella Nordozza, Waterbury, Property of the Watertown TowHistoricaln Times (Watcrtown, Conn. ) SocietyDecember 17, 1981 Pag e 13

The Legend i PAPA LUIGI'S 1 of Befana J 697 Lakewood Rd,, Waterhury, Ct. 3 Families of Italian origin art familiar with Befana. J DINNER SPECIALS 3 In these days of woman's lib, it is interesting to hear J Friday-Satiirday'Sunday-Monday about this legendary lady. $. Fresh Trout-Broiled or Deep Fried $5,95* When the Three Kings were on their search for the j Fresh Red Snapper $5.95* Holy Child, they passed the house of Befana as she was * Baked Stuffed Lobster $8.95 j sweeping and cleaninf her % All served with soup or salad - potato, pasta, rice * house. In answer to her in- quiry, they told her of their * or broccoli - Hot bread and spread, * search. She asked to go with * Open 11 a.m. Dally f, Lltchfield 567-8664 * BUFFET, EVERY FRIDAY -Sunday $8,95 5-9;30PM under 8 Reservations $12,95 $8,95 • Prime Rib ENJOY SATURDAY DINNER © Roast Leg of Lamb • Broiled Filet of Flounder Tbun. BASS ALE SUNDAY FAMILY BUFFET Complete Dinner includes Soup or Salad, NIQHT Under 8-S6,00 Entree, Potato. Vegetable. Coffee and Dessert Frej T-shirts Noon-5 PM .95 raffled off featuring Reservations accepted for Eric Dusky FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING "New Year's Eve" Dine And Dance To The Soft 2 Sittings Sound Of The "PHI TRIO" 6:00 P. M, and 9:00 P, M. MORNINQSIDE Our Special Menu from NO COVER Reservations and Banquet Dept $12,95 758-1711 ComplimentaryGlass of Champagne CLOSED MONDAY Will accept private parties for 20 to 60 people Lunch- U • 2:30 Tues. - Sa«. SUNDAY Dinner: 5 -10 Tues. • Sat. Dinner tl-9 1-84 Exit 16 • Uft V4 MUt South on Routi 188 Barclay Square - Woodbury (Bottom of Ben Sbtrmao Hill) Mlddlebury, CT 06749 Reservations: 263-4555 VISA- PropertyPage 14 Town Times (Watertown of , theConn.) Decembe Watertownr 17,1981 Historical Society governmental and school depart- ment offices, including recreation extensions 253-255, and senior watertownhistoricalsociety.orgcenter and minibus exts. 423-424, THURSDAY, DEC. 17 GENERAL c/o Dana Amaral, Town Hall An- SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. CHRISTMAS BASKET drive nex, 424 Main St., Watertown center open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; so- by Welfare Dept. continues for 06795, cial 1 to 4 p.m., blood pressure needy families: Send eontribu- INFO NUMBERS: municipal readings 2 p.m. tions_to Special Welfare Fund, switchboard, 274.5411, for most REC TRAVELOG film on "London" free to all at 7:30 p.m. at Watertown Library, 470 Main St.i 68min. long. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CHRISTMAS CONCERT by Do you presently carry a six month policy? Watertown High School band and • Did yoy u jusj t endure a sizeable rate increase? choral groups in auditorium, 8 • AAr e youdiifi dissatisfiedd withh your service? p.m. Tickets at door. • Do you feel your coverages may be inadequate? FRIDAY, DEC. 18 If the answer is yes to any of the above SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave, center open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Call 274-7493 JIM SULLIVAN minibus to Waterbury and mall in morning and afternoon. MISS DcROSA'S fourth grade science classes at Judson School are Metropolitan property & Liability offers a one year studying the human body. Pictured are Mrs. Howard Ledell a CAROL SING at Christ Episco-' nurse, taking the blood pressure of her daughter, Carrie Mrs Ledell policy with coverage limits to suit all needs. pal Church, The Green, 7:30 p.m. AM, volunteered to come to class to take blood pressures showing the Public invited. differences in pressures before and after physical exertion. (Judson ^^ i^M SATURDAY, DEC. 19 Photo). ^___ TOWN CLERK'S office at 37 Library, 7:30 p.m. Bring partner, Dec. S-Margaret Anne Slagel, THE DeForest St. town hall open 9 or call 274-1634 for partnerships, Watertown, to Franklin G. Pilley, a.m. to 12 noon, NUTMEG SQUARES square Marcia J. Chiarella, and John G. CHRISTMAS PARTY at VFW dancing at Polk School, 7:30 p.m. Hayes, Watertown, property on CHEESE BOARD Post 5157, Thomaston Road, for Cutler Street, $65,500. , Nancy & Ted Stoughton—Proprlotors children of active veterans and WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23 families, 2 p.m. SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. Dec. 7-.Joyce M, Drakeley, • It's time for Holiday Gift Packages, always center open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.- Woodbury, and Colonial Bank, special at The Cheese Board. We have selections MONDAY, DEC, 21 minibus to Waterbury and mall in Waterbury, to Nicholas J. and ready to go or we will customize to suit your SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. morning and afternoon, Nancy S. Paternoster, Oakville, center open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS property on Williamson Circle, needs—and we ship anywhere. TOWN COUNCIL meeting at meeting at Oakville Branch Li- $54,000; Rocco M. and Mary L. high school library, 8 p.m. brary, 55 Davis St., 7:30 p.m. Giordano, Watertown, to j, Ste- Our Wide Selection of ZONING BOARD of Appeals phen and Judith A. Daley, Wa- TUESDAY, DEC. 22 meeting at Watertown Library, ,tertown, properties on Artillery VEE&MOfciT CHIDDAliS SENIOR CITIZENS Falls Ave. 7:30 p.m. Road, $79,000. center open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. To Suit Every Taste BRIDGE CLUB at Watertown Dec. 8--C. Leman and Dudley W. Atwood, Watnrtown, to Frank Rot Trap - sharp with a bite J. Carnemolla, Cheshire, and Jo- Seward - Hill country sharp 'iSLfial ^3 Hartshorn's The following real estate trans- seph Zambero, Bethlehem, pro- Grafton « a special medium taste actions were made from Friday, perty on Main Street, $120,000 Roofing Co. Dec. 4, through Thursday, Dec. Dec. 9-.Richard B. Murphy Jr., Crowley Colby - in a class by itself "Quality work at a 10, according to warranty deeds Old Saybrook, to Canyon Signs & Fair Price" filed at the town clerk's office: Graphics, Inc., Ariz., property on All our Cheddars are great with New England Dec. 4«Barbara A. Schuyler, Mam Street, S12.000. .Honey Mustard, made In Watertown, tangyand Watertown, to Lawrence J. and Dec. i2-Penn Central Corp., Asphalt, Slate Dennis R, Chiarella, Watertown, Philadelphia, Pa., to Gowans & habit-forming. property on Woodruff Avenue, Knight, Inc., Watertown, proper- • Our holiday selections from famous Bahlsen— and S7OT000. ty off Knight Street, $660. cookies, chocolate advent calendars, , and much more—all in and ready. Rubber Roofing • To make your baking easy and fun—parchment paper, pie weights, spring form and pudding Repairs and pans, mini muffin fins, dough scrapers, kitchen carousels, and much, much more. • Remember—our frozen hors d'oeuvres enhance Fully Insured Hi* n OmOA PLEASE CALL OUR LOCAL OFFICE AT 305524 4244 the holidays—along with fresh Vie de France M Log Splitting TPIPC rn ODERN STORAGl WAREHOUSE FACILITIES Croissants and French Bread. IKIFJ iu _ we OWN AND QPiRATE OUR EQUIPMENT CALL US Roiotilling NiW YORK FOR A '.[ 442 Main St. South NIW JERSEY PRII •Mon.-Sa1,9:30-5:30 Watertown, Ct. PA, - MASS. Woodbury, CT 263.4111 Sunday 11-5 ice MC 1276IT •• ISTIMATI 274-2666 QVIRSOYIAISOFSIRVICI MOVING a STORAGE, INC. TONY MARIANO, PRISIDINT "The World Movat Doily . Balmy Mevai Thu WsM" 4S2-8S08 Tomnflton $41 SOUTH MAIN ST. ___ „__„ Introductory Offer 305-524.4244 In Florida TORRINOTON 7S7-S070 All Moving Rate. Ara Not The Some Wt Invite Compariton

OFF With the Following Coupons WHAT'S YOUR DRIVING HABIT? 15% OFF 15% OFF Your hiidachi, nickachi or backache may be due to faulty drivino Tavern Rugs posture. a AH Qualities Genuine 24 " x 45 " In stock I 1) Do you drive with the seat tilted backwards? This creates a strain Braided Rugs on the lower back by placing the joints In an abnormal position. Limited Quantities 2) Do you sit hunched over the steering wheel or grasp'lt 9' x 12' Ova! I .This causes strain of the neck, which in turn irritates spinal n Slio • reg. Price Starting at $245 lower neck and shoulder area. Machine Washable ©Reversible AH Colors 3) Do you drive with your legs stretched out and your knees straight? coupon coupon You create abnormal stress In the legs and lowor spine Try to be more aware of your posture when you drive, change your driv- ing habits now, before you have pain, if a spinal condition persists from See Us First For AH Your Decorating Needs prolonged poor driving habits, ask your Chiropractor for best advice (One of a series of articles published in the public Interest to explain and Illustrate the scientific practice of Chiropractic) Address all questions regarding natural health to; Middlebury Chiropractic Group 60 Lakeside Blvd. West Witerbury, Conn. 0B70B This column brought to you weekly as a public service by MM* it Dr?!mn L Levy>Dr- Barnard F, Oomckg Mlddlebury Chiropractic Broup, 60 Lakeside Blvd West Wtbv 705-7610 ' Property of the WatertownTow Historicaln Times (Watertown, Conn.) DecembeSocietyr 17, 1981 Page 15 YMCA, is encouraged to contact Watertown sixth graders Chris the agency, or Tommy Valueless, Rutledge, Mark Capaldo, Su- Shy Oakville Boy Needs public relations chairman, at the zanne Ouarino, Lori Rimiefc, and ENGINEERED Town Times in Watertown, Ron Conti. Caring Male Companionwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgA special recruitment team has Southern rock music will be been assembled by BB/BS to presented by the group Stone, SINTERiNGS Danny is a 6-year-old first attitude towards caring for some- speak to groups of 10 or so people house Thor on the "Friday Night grader living in Oakville with his one during an often confusing at any convenient time, Out" show at 9:30 p.m., and AND mother and two younger bro- and impressionable time of life. thers. For more information on any Sheila Shopol, a psychiatric nurse The Waterbury agency, which aspect of, the Big Brothers/Big clinician, will be the guest on the PLASTICS, INC. A good student, he enjoys serves Watertown and Oakville in Sisters program and services, adult theme, "After Dork" show baseball and football, bowling, its i4-community coverage area, contact Mrs, Pytel or Miss Ri- at 11 p.m. A fishing, hiking in the woods, and tries to match referred young- chardson at the agency, 136 West WATEHT0WN going to the movies. Unfortun- sters with volunteers living in the Main St., Waterbury, at 754- ately, he doesn't have an older same municipality. As of last 2181, or Mr, Valuckas at 274- Even good ideas are worthless INDUSTRY man around to share his interests month, there were slightly more 3100. unless they're put to work. with, because his parents are di- more than 80 active matches in vorced. the region. Danny is one very anxious youngster who Is hoping a phone CLOSEOUTSALI ON ALL MODELS A very withdrawn and shy little Mrs. Pytel has noted It is an call someday soon will bring with lad, Danny could use a Big Bro- unfortunate misconception it the good news of a prospective IN STOCK! BELOW WHOLESALE PRICiS! ther. among some mothers with Big Brother, That could be the "He's really a cute little daughters that they cannot refer best Christmas present of all! Christmas Suggestions from the home of Honda. blond," described Sheree Ri- their girl for a Big Sister. But "Where pleasing you pleases us." chardson, a caseworker for the working mothers who are the sole Big Brothers/Big Sisters Agency parent at home often cannot, for Talk To Santa iig Savings & Free of Greater Waterbury. various reasons, spend as much Storage on 1982 Models "Someone who loves sports quality time with their children as Friday On TV 5 purchased before Jan, 1882 and loves being outside, and is they would like. Santa Claus will make a guest ffo. very sure and comfortable with No matter which parent is re- appearance during a live broad- bn himself, would be an ideal match siding in the household, a son or cast of the "Kidpower!" pro- Honda Moped • 00 Possjwrt • Hotda E«proi for him," she said. daughter can be eligible for a Big gram over Laurel Cablevision's Danny is among the more than Brother or Big Sister. Cable 5 public access station Fri- 40 youngsters from the area who Any organization or group day, Dec, 18, from 6:30 to 7:30 FAMILY CYCLE CENTER p.m. are unmatched with a Big Bro- wishing to learn more about Big 1221 North Main St., WaNrimry ther or Big Sister after being re- Brothers/Big Sisters, which has Youngsters can talk to the Jolly ferred to the agency. The need existed almost 10 years the OI* Elf by phoning the 567-0841 757-7*30 for adult volunteers, especially Waterbury region and is run call-in number. Big Brothers, is crucial, accord- through the Greater Waterbury Hosting the program will be ing to Carol Pytel, agency execu- tive director. Macrame, Quilling, Paints, Stenciling Big Brothers/Big Sisters matches volunteers 18 years of « -COUNTDOWN- m age or older with a youngster, m age 6 to IS, who likely is from a a single-parent household. Per- haps he or she will be an only child, or never have much time to I Barclay Sq., Woodbury 2630700 SEASONAL WIPEOUT relate to or talk to an older per- a son. Danny never gets to see his father, for instance, so there is a. nobody older around to show him 25% Off SALE how to toss a football or go see the latest movie. All Christmas Kits o The initial commitment to the t referred youngster by the volun- Open Friday Nights until 8:3n n Take an Additional 20% Of f teer is a year, and the agency u asks the pair to spend three to Silkflowers, Books, Stained Glass, Ribbon Our Discount Price On four hours a week together-do- All Seasonal Merchandise ing most anything. Going to the movies, shopping, shoveling snow, hosing down a BARGAIN LAND car, building models, visiting *

OSHKOSH INFANT GIRLS HOLIDAY CORDUROY OVERALLS GOWNS & PAJAMAS BY TOLLY FUNDER & 8HIREY JEWELMQNT' SIZES 4-14 COWOWAIKJK 9.99 SUGGESTED RETAIL 15.50 9.99 VALUIS TO 26.00 SALE STARTS TODAY- With Christmas approaching, you're probably wondering what to get that very special person, A 14Kt yellow gold heart set with a diamond will make your gift as special as she Is, ^Wna^W^iWiiiWir 971 Main Street, Wafertown EMIL'S JEWELERS 274-4266 709 Main Street, Watertown 274-1988 Open Monday-Friday 9-8:30; Sat. 9-5; Sun, 12-5 OPEN EVENING5-Fri.» Dec. 18, Mon., Dec. 21, Tues., Dec, 22 & Wed., Dec. 23 Open Evenings & Sundays

*.».».».».».*,'.•. . **

Page 1Property6 Town Times (Watertown of, Conn. )the Decembe rWatertown 17,1981 Historical Society All Saints'Episcopal United Methodist Middlebury Baptist 2<>2 Main St., Onkvlllf 305 Main St., 274.4067 74 Kelly Rd.,MIddlcbury 274.2352 Thursday, Dec. 17-Christian 7I8.9WS watertownhistoricalsociety.orgThursday, Dec. 17 -Women's Care Work Area, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 20 --Sunday Night Group, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 19--Rehearsal School, 9:45 a.m.; Morning Wor- Sunday, Dec. 20 -Holy Com- for Chuch School Program, 10 ship, 11 a.m.; Youth-Groups, First Congregational Union Congregational munion, 8 a.m.; Holy Commun- a.m. 5.-45 p.m.; Evening Service, 7 40 DeForest St., 274-6737 ion, Sunday School, Nursery Sunday, Dec. 20--Faneake p.m. 162 Buckingham St., 274-4045 B « B S Care, 10 a,m.^ Evening RAP Pro- Breakfast, 9 a.m.; Morning Wor- Thursday, Dec. 17-Boy Scout Thursday, Dec 17-Christmas St. Mary Magdalen Troop 76 in church house, 7 p.m. trees on sale. gram, Grades 7 to 12, 6 p.m.; ship, 10:30 a.m.; Church Family Choir Rehearsal, 6:30 p.m. Christmas Carolling, 6 p.m. 16 Buckingham St., Okvl. Friday, Dec, i8--EeumenieaI Friday, Dec. 18--Christmas 274.9273 Christmas Sing at Christ Church, Monday, Dec. 21-Girl Scouts, trees on sale. 3:30 p.m.; Weight Watchers, 7 Thursday, Dec. 17-Mass, 7 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 19--Christmas a.m.; Mass, 5 p.m.; Bingo, Par- Sunday, Dec. 20-Worship Ser- Evangel Assembly of God p.m.; Waterbury Oratorio Society trees on sale. Rehearsal, 7:45 p.m. ish Hall, 7; 15 p.m. vice, 10:30 a.m., with all choirs Sunday, Dec. 20«Morning 2245 LltcUfleld Rd,, 274-5759 Friday, Dec, 18-Mass for An- singing, including Handbell Sunday, Dec. 2O.Church School, Wednesday, Dec. 23--G!r! Worship, Church School, Scouts, 3:30 and 6 p.m. thony Rickevicius, 7 a.m.; Mass, Choir; special Christmas music. Christmas Program, and Christ- 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service, 11 5 p.m.; Confessions in Rectory Christmas Coffee Hour to follow, a.m.; Sing and Share, 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 24-.Christmas mas Party, 10;30 a.m.; Youth Eve Service, 7:30 p.m. Chapel, 7:30 to 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2i»Fix-It Fel- Fellowship Christmas Party, 6:30 Wednesday, Dec 23 --Royal Saturday, Dec. 19-Mass for lowship, 9 a.m. p.m. deceased members of Valerio Wednesday, Dec, 23-Dress Rangers, 7 "p.m.; Bible Study, Thursday, Dec. 24--Christmns 7:30p.m. Mattatuck Unitarians Family, 8 a.m.; CCD Grades 1 to Rehearsal for Pioneer Choir, first Eve Services at 7:30 and 10 p.m. 6 at Griffin School, 9 a.m.; CCD and second graders, 1:15 p.m. Qiuusutt Rd., Wdbry., 264.2378 Fall Gospel Assembly Sunday, Dec. 20-Membership Grade 7 at St. MM School, 9 Thursday, Dec. 24«Family 1317 Watertown Ave,, Wtby, a.m.; Confessions in church, 2:30 Service of Worship with nursery Christian Science Recognition Service, 10:30 a.m., 756-1293 37 Holmes Ave,, Waterbnry with the Rev. Robert Rafford to 3:30 p.m.; Vigil Mass for Ed- care, 4 p.m.; Candlelight Service, ward Lawlor, 4 p.m.; Vigil Mass 11 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 20«,Worship Ser- 756.0726 speaking on "Hope, Doubt, and vice, 8 a.m. Sunday, Dec, 20 -Service and Confusion." for Michael DiPrimio, 7 p.m. Sunday School, 10.-45 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 23-After- Sunday, Dec. 20-Mass for Par- noon carolling at Waterbury Hos- ish Family members, 7:15 a.m.; Society of Friends pital Health Center. Mass for Joseph Cesare, 8:45 Thank You Watertown 274.8598 Thursday, Dec. 24.-Christmas a.m.; Pre-School Program during Sunday, Dec. 20-Meeting for Eve Service, 7:30 p.m. 10 and 11 a.m. Masses; Mass for Worship, Woodbury Community Mary LaBelle, 10 a.m.; Mass for Center, 10 a.m. Silvio Montagna, 11:15 a.m.; Your response to our Christ- WatervUIe Bible Baptisms for Michael Blomberg, 240 Bwlght St., Waierbmy Christopher Cristlllo, Robert Du- mas Tree Sale was so great 733-7942 four, Wade Finley, and Stephan- Thursday, Dec. 17-Caroling ie Mancinl, 12 noon; Young at that we sold our complete for adults and children for shut- Heart at Rectory, 1:30 p.m.; ins, 7 p.m. Mass for Joseph Minervlnl, 4 stock last weekend. We regret Friday, Dec. l8»Christian Bus- p.m. inessmen's Committee, Opera- Monday, Dec. 21--Mass for any inconvenience, and next tion Timothy Teaching Training . Jeanette Massicotte, 7 a.m.; Class, 7:30 p.m. Mass, 5 p.m.; Advent Penance year we will have a larger in- NYLON AND Sunday, Dec. 20--Bible Classes Service, 7 p.m.; CYO Christmas for all ages, 9:30 a.m.; Coffee Party, 7:30 p.m. ventory. POLYESTER Fellowship, 10:30 a.m.; Worship Tuesday, Dec. 22-Mass, 7 Service, Beginner's Church, 11 a.m.; Mass, 5 p.m.; CCD Grade 8 SEWING THREADS a.m.; Junior Church, Teen Talk, at St. MM School, 7 p.m. 11:30 a.m.; Prayer, Sharing, Wednesday, Dec. 23«Mass, 7 Merry Christmas and Happy Singing, and Bible Study, Special a.m.; Mass, 5 p.m.; Adult Educa- **** Christmas Program, 6 p.m. tion Scripture Course at school, 7 New Year To All p.m.; Charismatic Prayer Group A WATgRTQWN at school, 8 p.m. Watertown Lions Club INDUSTRY SINCE 1888 GRAZIANO OIL CO., INC. D1VIS0N OF MATTY'S PAVING CO. Keeler & long hie 856 Echo Lake Rd. QiFT • HOME FUEL DELIVERY Water-town WST mmun SHOPPIRS • BURNER SERVICE 274-6701 PASNTS 274-3636 274-3544 To protect the investment of your time and manoy.

*v 1 GARDEN CENTER i MAIN ST., (Rt 61), BETHLEHEM 3 o Fresh Cut Christmas 1 rees ^ Hot New Portable Stereo m Poinsettias-Table, Hanging & Tree Type ^ Exciting style, exciting sound e Gardenias, Cyclamen, Christmas Cactus in thb new portable FM/AM/FM Stereo • Wreaths-Roping-Ribbon Radio Cassette Recorder/Player with • Grapevine and Straw Wreaths ^ advanced 2-way» 4 speaker system Open 7Days 9-6 266-7010 * $253,00 "Last year the holiday dinner... all 24 people.«,was at my house, Stanley Steemer made my Compact Stereo carpeting look brand new." AM-FM Cassette Player/Recorder Phono Magnetic Cartridge | T I v |w [ tl > ? Unbelievable at Only $319,1 1 I , P Large 19" Picture w/Remote 1 I I I > Compare to $600.00 1 V Control - ONLY v J Here J why thp Stanley Steemer cleaning ystem is best 408 Buckingham Street, Oakville 274-1974

QUASAR - SYLVANIA ZENITH - PANASONIC Most All Makes 274-5540 Now Taking Lay-A-Ways For Christmas Large Selection of Radios in Stock The carpet cleaning company women recommend,

Esi \91 Property of the Watertown TowHistoricaln TimesfCWatertown, Conn, )Society December 17, 1981 Pag e 17 Rehearsal, 3 p.m.; Sunday School sellers is the key to our success. Christmas Program, 5 p.m.; Fel- Merrill Lynch We believe that attracting buyers lowship and Trim the Tree Sup- from 14 towns (including Water- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgper, 6:30 p.m. Realty Opens town) will provide more exposure Wednesday. Dec. 23-Choir than one local market could pos- Christ Episcopal a.m.; Bingo, Church Hall, 7:15 Rehearsal, 7:30 p.m.; Senior Headquarters sibly supply." 25 The Green,'274-1910 p.m. High Group, 7:30 p.m. Merrill Lynch Realty Barrows The Southbury office has 20 Thursday, Dec, IT-Moraing Saturday, Dec, 19«Altar Boys, Co. recently had a two-day open- employees on the sales staff, Prayer and Holy Communion, 12:30 p.m.; Confessions 4 to 5, Blake, Maisto ing celebration announcing its nearly alt full time. 8:45 a.m.; Evening Prayer, S;4S and 7:45 to 8:15 p.m.; Low Mass new regional headquarters in the "We are a bottom line com- p.m.; Boy Scouts, 7 p.m.- Holy for Frank Torneo, 5 p.m.; High Named To 1981 professional building of South- pony, and will put 'in writing' Communion and Bible Study, Mass for Paul Lagasse, 7 p.m.; bury Plaza. that any seller that is not satisfied 7:30 p.m. CYO Candlelight High Mass, 8 AH-NVL Club The manager is Rick Tramuta, with out service can cancel our listing with 24 hours notice and Friday, Dec. iS-Morning p.m. Defensive stalwarts Ken Blake born and raised in Waterbury, Prayer and Holy Communion, Sunday, Dec, 20«Low Mass for and who attended Sacred Heart be free to list elsewhere," Mr. and Mike Maisto were named to Tramuta said. &45 a.m.r Junior Choir, 3:15 Grenier and Roberts Families, the All-Naugatuck Valley League High School and Northwestern p.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; 8:15 a.m.; Low Mass for Peter defensive unit from Watertown Connecticut Community College. Ecumenical Christmas Choir Fes- Langlais, 9:30 a.m.; High Mass High School for the 1981 football He has six years of real estate ex- rNFLUENTIAL tival, 7:30 p.m.; Bible Study at for Theresa Sofrea, 10:45 a.m.; season. perience, and is a graduate of the Jessoll home, 8 p.m. Low Mass for Peter McHale Sr., Real Estate Institute G.R.I. The fellow with influence is just Saturday, Dec If-Morning 12 noon,' Folk Choir, 4 p.m.; Low "Real estate is an ever chang- an average guy who has the tact Mass (Folk Mass) for Angelina The 6-1.185-Ib. Blake, a senior and ability to get other people to Prayer and Holy Communion, defensive end, was voted WHS ing industry," he said, "and of- 8:45 a.m.; Confirmation Study, Serra, 5 p.m.; Bingo, Church fering maximum exposure to our endorse his opinions Hall, 6.-30p.m. Most Valuable Player, and was a 9:30 a.m. three-yeaf starter. He scored five Sunday, Dec. 20-Holy Com- Monday, Dec, 21-Low Mass, 9 touchdowns on offense, and was munion, 8 a.m.; Advent Lessons, a.m.; CCD Grade 7 at St. John's responsible for two safeties. Hymns and Anthems, Holy School, 6:45 p.m. Blake was one of four Indian Communion, Children's First Tuesday, Dec. 22-Low Mass, 9 captains. Communion, 10:15 a.m.; Lay a.m.; CCD Grades 1 to 6 after Maisto is a 5-9, 165 1b. junior Readers' Service at Watertown school in respective schools, back who suffered a broken arm Convalarium, 1 p.m.; Lay Read- Grade 8 at St. John's School, 6:45 late in the season. He played a ers' Service at Whitewood p.m.; Miraculous Medal Novena, spectacular game in the Indians' FAMOUS KEROSENE Manor, 1:30 p.m.; Senior YPF, 7p.m. opening loss to Naugatuck, lead- 6:30 p.m.; Prayer and Praise Ser- Wednesday, Dec. 23-Low MAKER HEAT1RS ing in individual tackles as a free- 19.500 STU vice, 7:30 p.m. Mass, 9 a.m.; Senior Choir, 7:30 roving safety. OPERATE p.m. UNiT Monday, Dec. 21-Mornlng Honorable mentions for Water- ONLY AT 99.8% Prayer and Holy Communion, town on defense were Brian Mil- $ M FULL 8:45 a.m.; A.A., 10:30 a.m.; Trinity Lutheran 23S Evening Prayer, ler and Dave Brieve. while offen- , • SAFE .CLEAN EFFICIENCY 5:45 p.m.; SO Del orest St., 274.8534 sive honorable mentions were « ECONOMICAL Junior YPF, 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 20--Sunday Hans Hasemann, Darryl John- • PORTABLE Tuesday, Dec. 22-Morning School, 9:15 a.m.; Morning Wor- son, Mark Brieve, and Kyle El- RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL UNITS Prayer and Holy Communion, ship, 10:45 a.m.; Youth Service liott. 8:45 a.m.; Alanon, 10 a.m.; AT BIG DISCOUNTS Evening Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; A.A., 8p.m. FAMOUS NAME Wednesday, Dec. 23-Morning BRANDS ALL AT Prayer, 8:45 a.m.; Bible Teach- ing. Holy Communion, Healing LUyS | BIG SAVINGS! Service, 9:30 a.m.; Junior Choir A HAIR PLACE? Pageant Rehearsal, 1:15 p.m.; SAVI50% IAH Club, 4:15 p.m.; Evening For Men & Women Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; Senior Choir, AND MORE ON HEAT COSTS! 7,'45p,m. Thursday, Dec. 24-.Morning Prayer and Holy Communion, 8:45 a.m.; Evening Prayer, 5:45 p.m.; Junior Choir Pageant and Holy Communion, 7 p.m.; Holy Communion, 11 p.m. ^COUNTRY St. John the Evangelist STOKE 574 Main St., 274.8836 973 Main St. Open: Mon,-8at, FACTORY OUTLET Thursday, Dec. 17-Low Mass, Wattrtown.Ct.. Thurs. & Frl. Eves. 46 IAST MASH ST. 11 a.m.; Folk Choir at Oakville 274-8861 PLYMOUTH, j*T, VFW, 7p.m. Friday, Dec. 18--Low Mass, 11 Stop In or Gall 2834561

It's a brand new $5 bill (or a $1, $2, $10 or $20) folded into the shape of a Santa Claus boot, You can buy it at the Watertown office of First Federal Savings, for the price of the currency. Our labor in folding the boot shape and the secret process that makes it possible (ssshhh!) is our Christmas gift to you. Each boot comes in a 2"K2" hinged clear plastic gift box, which we also donate in the spirit of the season. It's a great stocking or tree gift and makes a real hit with the kids. We think you'll get a boot out of it, too.

AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WATERBURY Photo larger than actual size. 658 Main St.. Watertown PageProperty 18 Town Times (Watertown of, Conn. the) Decembe rWatertown 17, 1981 Historical Society Fire Department The list also included 30 emer- The following inspections were gencies and 11 brush fires. made. Schools, public and pri- Other statistics are: Apartment vate, nine; gas stations, four; Answered 85 watertownhistoricalsociety.orgbuildings, one; car and truck, child care centers, three; gas four; auto accidents, eight; tanks, storage, three; liquor November Alarms garage, one; rubbish, two; shed, permit inspections, four; oil Eighty-five alarms, including one; school, one; fuel spills, five; trucks, three; park department, 13 house fires, were answered by factories, three; false alarms, barn, one; mercantile, six; wood- the Watertown Fire Department four; and mutual aid, one. stoves for private dwellings, by during November, according to There were 59 Investigations of request, 11; and general, 13. Fire Chief and Marsha! A very W. fires, including five not turned in The Fire Marshal and his Lamphier. to the department for response. deputy attended several semi- nars at the State Police Academy American Barter & Coin on the new fire safety codes. -The Silver Lover '$ HavenJ Special Hours Selling Old and New Silver, Gorham, The Parks and Recreation De- Reed & Barton, Wallace and many more. partment office in the Town Hall Annex, 424 Main St., will be By appointment only open Saturday, Dec, 19, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon for winter pro- DanFerraro 574-0873 gram registration. The winter CADETTE AND JUNIOR Girl Scouts recently attended a demon- 175 East Main St. term begins Monday, Jan. 4, stration on makeup techniques and the importance of hair care. P.C.D. Their guest was Dick Wood, center, of the Total Look, in Water- B.A. Daniels, Dealer Waterbury The fall schedule of programs will end Saturday, Dec. 19. bury. Seated is Cadette Scout Sylvia Maleville, Assisting Mr. Wood anc is Cadette Scout Michelle Evitts. (Cuttitta Photo).

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620 MMH ST., WATERTOWN 274-8S13 Town Times (Watertown. Conn.j December 17. 1981 Page 19 Property of the Watertowntion, and the athletic Cheryl Ven Historicalgunning tor at {east a winning SocietySACRED HEART, 5 an d 6:JO tura, who can crisply fire In base season, and to make it into the p.m.; Tuesday, Feb, 2, at Holy line jumpers, will be the back Naugatuck Valley League Tourn- Cross, S and 6i30 p.m.; Friday, court leaders. ament, which will include the Feb. 5, at Crosby, S and 6:30 watertownhistoricalsociety.orgSenior guard Beth Ayotte, re- loop's top four clubs. p.m.: Tuesday, Feb. 9, KEN- turning to the club after a year The 1981-1982 schedule, with NEDY, 5 and 6:30 p.m.,- Satur- off, and forward Becky Tisdale home games listed in caps, and day, Feb. 13, at Naugatuck, 2 and are expected to see varsity play- the jayvee contest the first of the 4 p.m.; Tuesday, Feb. 16, WIL- ing time, as is sophomore Jodie two times listed, is as follows^ BY, 5 and 6:30 p.m.; Friday, Feb. Svab, tabbed as the likely first Wednesday, Dec. 16, at Torring- 19, at Notre Dame, 5 and 6-30 substitute at guard. ton. 6 and 7:30 p.m.: Friday, p.m. "Joelle is an intelligent kid, Dec. 18, ANSONJA. S and 6:30 and she usually doesn't make the p.m.; Tuesday, Dec. 22, at Sa- TIP TO MOTORISTS same mistake twice," the coach cred Heart, 5 and 6:30 p.m.; said of her rapidly improving Wednesday, Dec. 30. HOLY Our days are numbered-ond that diminutive guard, "And now she CROSS, 2 and 4 p.m.; Wednes. includes those motorists who drive knows when to take the shots." day. Jan. 6, CROSBY, 5 and 6:30 as if they're going io live forever. Juniors Llsbeth Darsh and Bar- p.m.; Saturday, Jan, 9, at Ken- bara Innes, sophomores Sandi nedy, I and 3 p.m.; Tuesday. Alexander, Chris Godowski, Jan. 12, NAUGATUCK, S and Ask About Donna Konans, Linda Masayda. 6:30 p.m.; Friday, Jan. IS, at Cheryl Membrlno, and Carol Pet- Wilby, 6 and 7:30 p.m.- Wednes- Our tinicchi, and freshmen Dawn day, Jan, 20, NOTRE DAME, S Unlimited Cole, Valerie Dunn, Lynn Me- and 6:30 p.m.; Friday, Jan, 22, CARLL PALLOKAT'S Solar Energy class at Watertown High School Hale, Carol Moffo, and Heather conducted energy audits recently, as part of their studies, at the homes TORRINGTON, 5 and 6:30 p.m.; Mileage Proctor round out the varsity and Tuesday, Jan. 26, at Ansonia, S of Michael Deftego and Heidi Wolke, Exteriors of the homes were junior varsity lineups. Specials,,. examined for energy leaks such as gaps or openings around windows, and 6:30 p.m.; Friday, Jan. 29, doors and foundations. Interiors were checked for heat loss in base- Miss McHale is another one of the tall underclassmen who pos- • MARJORIE O'NEILL* ments and attics, with emphasis placed on proper attic ventilation. esses a nice shooting touch, bod- Above Mr. Pallokat points out an area of heat loss at a storm window, • FUNERAL DIRECTOR* l ing well for the future. 274-2501 (High School Photo), "They're a real nice group to work with," Miss Sampson said. John ChQHdli Personal Service "The kids are all coachable, and From a Good WHS Girl Cagers Start they're willing to learn. Tuniffil Homt Neighbor "We have some pretty good 742 Main Steet, QaMUm Who's never far «w>y size, and we'll try to get the ball New Campaign This Week inside. They're a .very good foul Connecticut - 06773 1224 shooting team, and the scoring 2U3*274-mS RENT-A-CAR Watertown High School's girls Miss Sampson said her two for- should be very well balanced." basketball team began its 18- wards "are as good as ever," and • JOHN O'NEILL* Miss Bifdsali "should be an ade- Team managers are Lisa Heck- game schedule this week with an elman and Julie Maloney. • FUNERAL DIRECTOR away contest in Torrington on quate center," EMBALMER* Dec. 16, Senior guard Diana Jones, an Miss Sampson said the team is Westbury Ford The Tribe cagers, 8-8 a year All-Skater in field hockey, will be ago, will host Ansonia tomorrow looked at for more point produc- Continues To Bring (Friday) in a 6:30 p.m., varsity game at the WHS gym. The jay- K5QOOCOOCOOOO&; You The Finest vees will play at 5 p.m. Used Cars "We don't have the depth we've had in the past, but the In Connecticut starting five are very strong," 23V2 HOUR ai nmoum HORIZOM - A tyi,, A observed coach Marie Sampson. TOWING SERVICE $pd., oil blatk, 9,000 orig. mi!ti Watertown lost the versatile Nan- II mUCWr CAPRI . 3 dr., loaded cy Traver through graduation, Call w/equipment, low mileaqe, and three members from the pre- NEIL'S AUTO 81 QRANADA • * df god , 6, AT, PS, vious campaign have not return- PS, AC, 2 to chooio from, 2 yr. guar- ed to the team. BODY, INC. antee. What the Indians do have is 81 FAiRMONT . 4 dr. aid. 6, AT, PS. appreciable height, Miss Samp- PB, AC, low mileage, 2 to choose son said, and a penchant for good Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:3O6rO0 from,2yr. ggarantoo. defense. Heavy Duty Towing MORAN'S Thurs.tiil9«Ffl,tf!!8 II MERCURY ZEPHYR 4 dr. sed., 4 Forwards Karen Cavalari, the Sport Center cyl,, AT, PS, PB, AC, roar def,, vinyl senior captain, and junior Dar- Collision Work • Painting s I all collision work guaranteed £05 Frost Rd., Wfby • Crossbow Plaza • 753-0504 roof, whlto w/maroon lop & Intorlor, lene Membrino are two of the ex- Si 13,000 ml., loohi&runa like now. perienced scoring keys coming m "The little ifore with the BIG Sporh" back, and junior center Ann Bird- [274-2463 274-3105 81 MlRCURY 2? Cpm-* eyl., 4 spd. | days nights PS.onlyiSOOmi. sail will be counted on to make 81 BSCORT 8qulro Wfln..#¥iry Ford the absence of Miss Traver less 1029 Main St., Wafertown option, all rod, 16,000 1 owner miles, noticeable. §0 PONTIAC Grand Prfx-drk, bl., PS, PB, AC, cruise control, tilt wheel, 20,000 mi. 80 FORD TSIRD.2 tone blue, all T- 1 USED CAR | Bird luxury fsatures, looks & runs Ilka a new car. 1224 Main St., Watertown RENTALS 80 CHIVY CITATION . 2 dr., Va, "Rent A Reliable Used Car Daily, Weekly, or 1 274-2501 754-2501 AT, PS, CB, AC. 80 CHEVY CITATION - 4 dr., bl. p!u» Monthly, For Much Less Than A New One, " "Your LOCAL FORD DEALER Since 1959" interior decor, blue, V-6, AT, PS Cam • Wagons • Trucks • As low as'11.95 Professional Service PB, AC, __ SO T-BIRO CPI.-trlple silver combln- WE ALSO SELL QUALITY ! atlon, loaded, 19,000 1 owner miles USED CABS 80 OLDS CUTLASS SUPRIMI CPE — f Dove Grey, maroon velour int. BARON MOTOR CAR CO, loaded w/extras. 1360 Main St., Watertown 79 OlDSMOSUi — CurfaiT~Su. promt Cpe — Triple maroon, PS, 274-2274 274-5627 PB, AC, Sttreo, exe. eond, 7B FAIRMONT — 4 cyl., 4 spd., sfo= tion wagon, excellent economical family car Complete 4 Wheel Brake Job 7i CHfVROLlT MALIIU. 2 dr., small V-fl, AT, runs & looks like now, The Watertown Includes; New front pads, new grease seals, repack front 17 CHEVROLET CHEVfTTi-2 dr., 4 wheel bearings, resurface rotors, new rear brake shoes, 8pd,, real economy enr w/an economy Dept. Wishes resurface drums, bleed brake system, adjust emergency price. brake. Inspect Hydraulic system, and road test vehicle. 7?THUNDIRIIRD - V-l, AT, PS, PB, AC, stereo, 1 owner, originally tfj| >4! *OC105 (For moat American ears and trucks) bought from us. %P I tSa^S (Mastercylinder,oailper,and tubing replaoomeni extra), 77 CHRYSLf R CORDOBA Cpe • V^, AT, PS, PB, PW, AC, stereo, local 1 Merry owner, 42,000 ml,, absolutely mint FRONT END ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Christmas Includes: Reset caster/camber, toe-in, toe-out TRUCKS SO FORD F-1uO • i cyi., 3 spd., PS, (For most American cars and truck3) 11,000 original mllos. 80 DODOE RAM.1S pass., perfect vehicle for ear pools, only 18,000 ml. OIL AND FILTER CHANGE n FORD FISO PU • 8, AT, PS, 1 Up to five quarts 10W40 oil and one oil filter. owner, low mileage. 8 ; Plus New Trades (Per most American oars and trucks) Coming In Daily, New Year, 10% Senior Citizen Discount for over the counter parts purchases with this ad. All Specials Listed Honored thru Dec, 31,1981 1224 Main St., Watertown 274-2S01 7S4-2501 Page 2Property0 Town Times (Watertown of, Conn. )the Decembe rWatertown 17, 1981 Historical Society *•• *i * .nil* I4lktt4«iittttffitt*«tiii4ftMI'l* State honors and last weekend this season, both in the Water- came back to defeat Hamden on Fergus Campbell of the Indians' town and Wpodbury Ivlen's Sunday, 7-4. Cory Schemenaur SPEAKING - outstanding soccer team was Leagues...Next Gold had the three-goal hat trick, OF watertownhistoricalsociety.orgnamed to CL4C Class M team, ing is Monday, Dec. 28, and Andy Rost scored twice, and and well he should have been. nominations for Gold Ring Michael Gallary once. Campbell certainly has been Awards will be accepted for the Odden added a goal and five one of the top soccer players in final time...Mike Stepanek, for- assists, and Martin McGloughlln SPORTS WHS history. Fergy led the team mer WHS athlete is a member of was the winning goaltender. By Bob Palmer in scoring with 17 goals and was a the Midland College basketball In Watertown Youth Hockey dominant force in Watertown's team.,.Omer Daveluy keeps com- League intradivision play, the first undefeated regular season ing up with interesting clippings Red Wings edged the Kings, 4-3. Several of our young athletes running performancei by the Red ever. . have been receiving accolades Raider's Mike Murphy, but I and photos of the past. His Chris Meyer scored three goals and honors for their accomplish- don't think the Torrington back Both of these young people will recent gem is a photo of a Water- for the winners, and assisted on ments during the past season in would have gotten all that yard- receive plaques from the Water. town amateur football team. The Kevin Clement's winning tally. Oak Gold Circle of Sports at their trouble is that the only thing we Jeff Piccolo had all three goals various sports. age if Maisto had been able to annual awards dinner In April. Last week end the All-Nauga- play. After all, he had 80 solo can identify is the old Watertown for the Kings. tuck Valley League football team tackles, five intercepts and re- Mfg. Building in the background. The Blues and Bruins played to selected by the coaches was re- covered three fumbles this sea- a 1-1 tie. Ray Cocchiola scored for leased and it found two well de- son. He was a genuine AI1-NVL, HATS OFF couldn't go to a Defense Reigns the Bruins, while Kevin Stack serving Watertown High players Blake and Maisto were chosen more fitting young man that Wa- countered for the Blues. on its roster. on the A1I-NVL defensive team. tortown High's hockey team's In Scoreless The WHS selections were the There was also an offensive team Steve Martino who scored the Holiday Tennis team's captains, senior Ken but WHS players didn't crack the season's first HAT TRICK in the Hockey Game Blake and junior defensive back first team. However several In- Indians second game of the sea- The Watertown Mites and Tourney Slated Mike Maisto. dians did make honorable men- son. Cheshire skated to a 0-0 tie over Blake is a 6-1 senior and tion including, Hans Hasemann, The hat trick is a term used to the weekend in youth hockey ac- At Tri-Bury weighs in at 185 and as coach BUI Darry] Johnson, Kyle Elliott and describe a three-goal perfor- tion. The Tri-Bury Tennis and Rac- Gargano said, "Ken relies mostly Mark Breive. mance and Martino turned the Judd Smith, Tony Bove, Jere- quetball Center, Route 188, Mid- on his intelligence. He is one of Also honorable mention on de- trick in a 6-1 win over Farmington my Christie, and Marcos de Esco- dlebury will hold its annual Holi- the smartest players I ever fense were Brian Miller and Dave last weekend. I have a feeling bar, excelled on defense for Wat- day Tennis Tournament again coached," Breive of the Indians. that it won't be his last hatter this ertown in a game marked by this year. The tournament Is open I might add to Bill's praise of As to be expected, Nauga- season. equally good goaltending from to the public. Kenny, that this young man also tuek's state champions, and An- Cheshire's netminder, The deadline to register is applied a lot of natural football sonia's Class S state champions St. John's basketball team of On Saturday, Ridgefield beat Wednesday, Dec. 23, at 5 p.m. ability to go with that intelligence and runnerup to Naugy in thethe Parochial League will be the Watertown Pee Wees, 6-1, The draw will be posted by Satur- and that makes a whale of a foot- NVL dominated the All-NVL earning the nickname of the with Brian Gallary scoring the day, Dec. 26, AH matches must ball player. teams, each with seven players. "Comeback Kids" if they keep lone goal for the losers. But the be played at Tri-Bury. Matches Ken has given a lot to Water- Congratulations to all the, se- playing the way they have in their local skaters rebounded with a can be played anytime during the town football in his three-year lectees and to the unsung heroes last two league games. 7-1 victory over Simsbury on Sun- week of Dec. 26 through Jan. 3. starting career and no NVL team who helped make it possible for Coach Ralph Granato's team day. All entry fees must be paid would have been complete with- their teammates to gain the re- trailed St. Anne's by 22 points at Brian Schemenaur (2), John prior to tournament play. A spe- out him. cognition. halftime and nearly pulled it out Long, Roger Ostrander, Andrew cial court rate will be available at Mike Maisto probably surpris- before losing in the final minutes. Everett, Marcello de Escobar, any time for all tournament ed everybody but himself. I don't Against St. Bridget's of Ches- and Rick Murphy hit the back of matches. think anyone expected this young hire last Monday at Hemingway the net for Watertown, while Events will be held in the fol- man to be so good this season. The top honor an athlete can School, St. John's started the goalies Brian Smith and Mike Ro- lowing categories if eight or more He well could have been the receive is to be named to an All- game by spotting their opponents dla combined for eight saves. people or teams register* Ladles' difference in the Thanksgiving State team and Watertown High ft 12-i lead and were down-by* 10 The Squirts beat Simsbury, 3- singles, ladies' doubles, men's Day loss to Torrington. Not to was fortunate enough to have a at halftime. But they came on 0, behind the scoring of Brendan singles, men's doubles, mixed take anything away from a great young lady and young man who like gangbusters in the second O'Sullivan, Todd Collier, and Bil- doubles, senior doubles (60 and attained that status this season. half and pulled out the victory in ly Minervino. Billy Rlmiek and older) and junior singles (18 and XMAS It was announced previously the closing seconds. Jeff Marino were outstanding on under). Tournament directors for that Diana Jones of WHS's field CUFF NOTESJoe Romano is defense, and goaltenders Paul the event will be Diane Dexter SKI hockey team had attained All- cutting the chords with regularity Spagnoletti and Beau Maxwell and Peter Frew. recording the shutout. For further information or to SWAP The Bantams lost to Ridgefield register for the tournament call SALE on Saturday, 5-1 _, with Jake Od- Tri-Bury's Tennis Reservation Dec. 19-24 Daubleciisp den scoring for Watertown, but Desk. . We tag It & sell it for a 20% fee., Bring In equipment ! before Dec. 18. CftOSS-COUNTRY SKIS 1982Olin& Rossignol SPECIAL S Skis 10% Off ! K2 Skis 20% Off Waxiess Packages 'FischerSkis30% Off (Skis, Boots, Poles, Bindings) (alpine & X-C) $104,95 and up X-C Packages as low • Waxabie Ski Packages as $89!! 1067 Main St. Watertown from $85,95 New Marker Sensomatie £ Bindings Now in Stock f 21 Pieces Chicken • Childrens Packages from $76,00 2 lbs, Salad 12 Potato Logs LESSONS m RENTALS Anoraks ® Knickers ® Knicker Sox SKH»Rfi€QClET Only $10.99 Vasts m Sweaters • Long Johns Rt. 47-Woodbury 263-2203 Open Daily_9-8 Good Dec, 16-29 WILDERNESS SHOP, INC. NOW OPEN We. 202 - SPORTS VILLAGE FOR SKIING! ORDER AHEAD - 274-5408 Lttchfieid - 567-5905

Community Report! In the past four weeks of our advertising campaign we have only raised $187,00. A Long Way From the $5,000 Needed!


MERRY CHRISTMAS, 0, W. Y.A.A. Property of the Watertown TowHistoricaln Times (Watertown, Conn. Society) December 17, 1981 Page 21 sophomore Miss Alexander were for the 1981 soccer team, was Indian Pucksters Split Tribe Tankers members of the 400-yard free- named to the Connecticut Soccer style relay team, which holds the Coaches Association All-State Place Five On NVL record. team In the Class M Division. First Games; Sat. Miss Neibel, a sophomore, was ByJonWhltlock All-NVL Squad fourth in the NVL meet In the 100 The son of Mr. and Mrs, faking through the Farmington breaststroke with a time of Wateriown High School hockey defense and beating the weary Five Watertown High School Richard Campbell, 51 Hamilton coach Pete Kukanskis was not girls have been chosen for the 1:17.9. Lane, he scored 17 goals for the worried. Pavano up high. Sacred Heart placed eight girls Indians in his junior year as a Spagnoletti made 21 saves for 1981 All-Naugatuck Valley on the all-star team, Naugatuek His Indian skaters and Parm- his night's work, while his shell- League swim team. center forward. He also was ington High School were knotted rive, and Holy Cross and Crosby named a Naugatuck Valley soccer shocked counterpart made 33. Four girls repeating as All- one each. at zero entering the final period, Coach Kukanskis summed up NVL from Watertown are Amy all-star. though the local Tribe enjoyed the win: "We gave the extra 10 Blais, Ann Birdsall, Sandi Alex- Campbell Makes Taft School's Jon Willson, a the territorial edge throughout percent in the third period, and ander, and Cathy McWeeney, the first two periods, goalkeeper from Pittsford, N.Y., the kids were happy with the win, while Denise Neibel is a first-year was chosen as a repeat repre- "We played well enough to especially after the loss to Roger choice, All-State Team win, and I knew It would show sentative in the All-Prep lineup, Ludlow." Misses Biais, Birdsall, and and back Liza Grant, Denver, eventually," he said. "We de- McWeeney, all juniors, and For '81 Soccer served to win." Fergus Campbell, Watertown Colo,, was named to ihe All-Prep The defeat occurred the pre- girls* team. How right he was, as the Wat- vious night at the Crystal Rink in High School's leading goal scorer ertown icemen exploded for six Fairfield, at the hands of Roger final period goals to bury the vis- Ludlow High School by a 4-3 iting Farmington Indians 6-1 Sat- FREE score. fSTIMATIS urday night at Taft School's Mays After a scoreless first period, Undulation Rink. The victory put WHS at 1-1 the teams traded second-period for the young season. goals, Ludlow's coming first from The early going had all the Jim Whflmond, WHS getting the signs of bad fortune as Water- equalizer from Brad Kinzly. of town controlled play decisively Steve Martino put the Indians , Dna, but could not score on FHS goalie up 2-1, beating Ludlow goalie John Pavano. And when a Water- Don Gwertin unassisted. But the BLQWNIN town premier defenseman rattled contest was knotted again when CELLULOSI AND FIBERGLASS a slapshot off the right post at David Hart found mesh behind 4:11 in the opening stanza, one Spagnoletti, Andrew Gallagher 274-5175 could only hope it would not be The Indians quickly went up to that kind of night, 3-2, Martino again lighting the Pavano was forced to make 14 lamp, but their fortunes turned The Deal saves in the period, while WHS for the worse the final four min- goalie Mark Spagnoletti was in- utes. Rick Hirst and Jack Hogan truded upon only three times. scored to clinch the win and seal FREE MUSICAL The second period saw no Watertown *s season opening great scoring opportunities for loss. INSTRUMENTS either team and play was more BRUCE CJANCI01O, son of Mr. Every Guitar, Amplifier and Drum Set in stock even, setting the stage for the fi- The icemen looked to keep and Mrs. Joseph Cianciolo, 23 nal frame. their winning ways this week Wedgewood Drive, earned his To be given away ABSOLUTELY FRIES Watertown '$ Brad Kinzly with a home game Dec, 15 with fourth-year letter with the Sus- Th« Catch opened the scoring at 5:58 of the tough Branford High School, and quehana University, Selinsgrove, *Match the last 6 Digits (In order) of your last period with a 25-foot slapshot a road match with North Branford Pa, football team in 1981. A com- from center ice, and sophomore in East Haven Saturday, Dec, 19, puter science major, the senior is Social Security number with the teammate Steve Martino scored at 7^30 p.m. a graduate of Watertown High serial numbers on our merchandise, what would be the game winner Watertown hosts Ludlow Tues- School, Saturday i:30S:00 • Sunday 12:00.5:00 just 24 seconds later from the left day, Dec. 22, at Taft in a 7:30 slot. p.m. contest. Offer valid for December 19&20,1981 Sophomore wing Chad Kinzly Valid Social Security Card and made it 3-0 from inside the left blue line before Farmlngton's R, P, ROMANiELLO Dennis Mello closed it to 3-1, Plumbing, Heating A SPECIALS finding the^net from a scramble for all your 40%offaH In close and ruining Spagnoletti's Stoamflttlng residential or shutout. G&L, Hamerand, Martino's second score regain- Faucet, Sink, commercial needs ed the three-goal lead, as hejvas Toilet Rapilrs MUSIC INC, assisted by BUI Barone and Troy Water Masters PAR GLASS &AII strings Vt Price, 755-365 Collier. Drains & Sawart, now at AH Remo Drum 117 Echo Lake Road Adding further insult, defense- Cleared Heads Va Price, 699 Woicott St. Waterbury man Eric Lawlor whistled a 70- Wottrfowii 274-2151 (nest to Family Affair Restaurant) foot slapshot by startled Pavano at 8:43, and Martino closed the 24 HR. EMERGENCY rout by completing his hat trick. SERVICE 274-8784 Help Unlimited, Inc. Tennis and 193 Davis Street, Oakville Caring people... Quality Service Offering personalized services In your home: Registered Nur$es Exit 16 Off 184 Licensed Practical Nurses Home Health Aides Route 188 - In Middlebury Companions • Hourly & Live In 758-1727 Our Help is Unlimited , . , If you need help in any way Please Catt274~976Q Nancy Colson & Denise Charette Nursing Consultants Before you decide,, .Please call for further information SPECIAL HOLIDAY RATES Dec.26,1981-Jan.3,1982 Tennis -$15/hr. Racquetball $6/hr. For All Your NO Guest FEES

Dec. 26,1981-Jan. 3.1982 We now carry a full line of frozen hors d'oeuvres from Al's Seafood OPEN TO ANYONE « Stuffed Shrimp » Stuffed Clams Call for details or to sign up, • Eggplant Rolls® and more,., Hors d'oeuvres packed in trays of 50 & 100. SHOP IN OUR PRO SHOP

crackers, gourmet foods, jellies... shirts-skirts-shorts ©warm ups The Cheese Gourmand ©racquets Rt, 132 (East Street) Bethlehem Square, Bethlehem, Ct, • shoes Gift Certificates Gift Baskets Open Dally Now thru Jan. 1 ©accessories 266-5111 r Page 22 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) December 17,1981 Property of the Watertownmiered Dec. 10, The show is live Historical, Laurel also has announced th eSocietydalen School, Oakville, have been and there will be an experiment following program notes; announced by Principal Phyllis Cable 5 Programming Has* conducted with those members of fiThe Looney Tunes, a profes- Antes. They are: the audience who want to phone sional pantomime group, has Grade 8 Something For Everyone in. joined the "J.J. the Clown and High Honors-David DeRosa watertownhistoricalsociety.orgCo." show Fridays at 5 p.m. and James Wren; first honors- •'Fragments of Reality" is a science for more than 12 years, The number for Laurel's live ••Lori Rimick and Suzanne Vincent Vaichus and Alfred Zem- new show that has been added to and has been lecturing extensive- broadcasts is 567-0841, Guarino are two additions to the aitis; and second honors-Kathy the Cable 5 public access station ly for the last seven years. "Ireland is Alive!" is a new cast of "Kidpowerr' They joined Amabile, Cathy Delia Camera, of Laurel Cablevision. The main focus of the series, program focusing on Irish music, Mark Gapaldo, Ron Coiiti. and Nicolina Mancini, Michael Men- Brenda Krukar, Thomaston, is Laurel said, will be to teach the folk tales, drama, poetry, and Chris Rutledge Fridays at 6:30 terosso, Lori Ralston, Christo- hostess of the live, call-in show responsibilities of understanding dance. It's hosted by Johnny p.m., with special guests Excali* pher Scharett, and Maureen Thursdays at 10 p.m. The pro- one's own intuition. Information Moran, a veteran Irish entertain- bur, a music group. Stack. gram is designed to help height- in the program will revolve er, who sings, plays guitar and ••"Public Abeess" is hosted by Grade 7 en an understanding of psychic around ESP, what "psychic" harmonica, and whose wit and Richard Natale of Oakville, and High honors-Judy DeMatteis phenomena to the general public, means, spirituality, natural ener- humor add to the warm, earthy can be seen live Wednesdays at and Kimberly Collier; first hon- and to help people better under- gy, psychology, and meditation. mood of the program. 10 p.m. Viewers get a chance at ors-Cindy Cloney and Monica stand their own potential through Demonstrations on how to re- The show is taped Sunday af- voicing their opinions on local Renaud; second honors-Joseph experiments conducted with the lieve stress and bring Harmony ternoons at the Watertown Li- and national Issues, Hughes, Susan DellaCamera, audience during the program, within one's self will be a regular brary, 470 Main St., and the pub- Other popular programs are Kristina Don Aroma,, and Paul over the phone. feature on the weekly program. lic is invited to attend. The pro- Tom Kmetzo's "A Lot to Talk Martin, The hostess is a registered There will be guest lecturers on a gram is scheduled for Wednes- About," Thursdays at 9 p.m.; Grade 6 nurse who has been involved in rotating basis, days at 9:30 p.m., and rebroad- "Cooking for Health," a natural High honors-Peggy Kaszas; the research of the metaphysical "Fragments of Reality" pre- cast Fridays at 5^30 p.m. foods show with Dave and Marcy first honors-Theresa Barnes, Snieckus, Fridays at 6 p.m.; Elizabeth Cook, John Granato, "Trivia," live on Fridays at 8 Dipali Mehta, Kenneth Ray- VIDEOSCOPE p.m.; and "Friday Night Out" at mond, Daren and Dean Strazzeri, 9:30 p.m., featuring entertain- and Joseph Wren; second honors ment and musical groups. -Steven Barnosky, James Czar- PROJECTION TV zasty, Angela Orsini, and Jeanna WITH 50" SCREEN Honor Students Rossi, (measured diagonally) At St. Mary's Happiness consists not in what Honor students for the first the world gives but in what it cannot New one-piece projection TV design to save marking period at St. Mary Mag- take away. space; (its easily into any room decor Remote controlled automatic sliding mirror door opens at the touch of a button to bring VideoScope j into viewing position New Coolant Sealed Picture Tube, Aspherieal Atwood's Service Center Acrylic Lens, and Aluminized Reflective Screen combine to give you a brighter, sharper, more 789 Main Street beautiful color projection TV picture Wider viewing angle of 90° means a whole crowd Watertown can watch in comfort and convenience 10-key frequency synthesized Express Tuning 274-2838 controls Cable-Adaptable tuning circuitry for instant access lo Cable TV midband [A-l] and Superband (J-W] Complete Auto Service for channels - 105 channels in all Advanced RM-7Q5 Express Commander for armchair channel selection, channel search. Any make Automobile DVANCED picture control, sound eonirol Sony Matrix Sound for lifelike simulated stereo effecl — Mobil Products- Amudio open Monday thru Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. WATf RIURY'S ONLY FULL LUti AUDIO I ¥IDI0 STORE ndeo 240 Railroad Hill St., Wttsrbiin Saturday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. "The Professionals" B74-0032 :***••**• 3=C 33= KAY'S HARDWARE

Sale - All Power Equipment TH FEffFEB FEBF0RHEBS Assembled & Several Ready To Go

A - Single Stage Units QUARTZ $30.00 - $50.00 Choose from America's Rebate leading line. • The unique, aU eleotrio Tore Power Shovel. HEATERS B-12 "Wide For walls, steps, perches and decks. Jar people who hate shoveling mow. By Boekamp POWER SHOVEL • 4 single-stage snowthrowers that range Sale $89.95 reg. $109,95 from aa aU-eleotrle 12", and 14", 20" Model IK) 11810 -1400 Watts or 20" Beotrio Start gas mod«li. U/L Listed C - Two Stage - • 5 heavy-duty two-Mage raevrthiowore with dependable 4, 8, 7, 8 or U hp 5-7-8 HP Units engines for when the going geti deep. Christmas ONLY SAVE Gift 20% OFF Special ********* KERO-SUN POET ABLE HEATER m SNOW SHOVELS Give A Gift Of Warmth For Christmas. • 25 and 901b. HALITE ROCK SALT plus Holiday Savings on Selected Models QIKS-JOEICEMELTPELLCTS

9 Christmas Tree Light Sets by G.E. Indoor > Outdoor Replacement Bulbs The good news in home heating. m SLEDS - Many Sizes m Come In And Get Your FMEE

Mon. - Fri, 8-5;30 607 MAIN STREET, WATERTOWN Sat. 9-5 274-1038 :j Property of the Watertown TowHistoricaln Times (Watertown, Conn. Society) December 17, 1981 Pag e 23 IN THE TOWN TIMES PHONE: 274-6721 TODAY!! ALL CLASSIFIED MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. JOGGERS: Deluxe jogging/walk- FOR SALE: Man's rotary razor & ' FOUND- Eye glasses in brown Tuesday noon is the deadline for classified advertising. ing machine. Valued at over case* man's calender watch; 4 case, Dec, 9, Echo Lake Rd. area. S300. Used maybe 1 hour. For men's car coats, large* lady's Owner call 274-0000. Rates! $1.50 minimum charge for fbe first 12 words, sale at only $150. Includes con- navy wool jacket, size 14- safety plus $.35 per line for each additional line behond the sole w/speedometer/odometer & walker for adult; b&w 12" TV and minimum (approx. four words per Sine), All timer. Call 274-2362. Great stand; electronic flash camera & Dec, 19, 10-2 p.m., 33 Rockdale Christmas gift. case; assorted glassware; Christ- Ave., Oakv. Furniture, 4-poster classifieds are carried In the Water-Oak Shoppers water bed, etc. Guide as well as Town Times at no additional charge. mas odds and ends. All in excel- FOR SALE, Pendleton: 1 coat lent condition. Call 274-4032 after KEROSUNHEATERJ brand EDMICHAVD size 10; 2 pant suits, size 14; 2 3 p.m. ABVIRTISEIO long skirts, size 12. Other pant new; Spanish ceramic floor tiles- Painting & Paper Hanging Matches, pens, calenders, key ^p Exercise bicycle, new. 263-5244. Call 274-8379 . suits, dresses & blouses, sizes 10 rings, executive gifts, hundreds & 12. Some new, 263-3016. an Ilv. rm. set. Includes match- WANTED! Friendly store clerk. of super novelties with your im- ing lamp & wall picture. $375. Heavy lifting required. Part time 's JEWELERS print. Finest quality items-low, STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Also, baby furn., complete. arrangement possible. Ideal for 709MnlnS(. low rates. We will come to you. Book a party for Jan., Feb. or S150. Ca..274.01692 . ll ^^6e£m^£d 2742 Wntertown Please call Holiday Enterprises, Mar. & receive free bubble bath Expert watch repairing. Guaran- 274-9414, 639 Main St., Water- or furniture polish. 274-0364. WANTED! Person to do typing at teed workmanship. town. home a few hours weekly. Elec- FIELD SERVICE TECH. FOR ALL YOUR insurance needs tric typewriter, speed & accuracy For customer senkt department, require* ATWOQD ms, AGENCY COZY UP YOUR AUTO with ve- a necessity. Reply to Typist, c/o Complete insurance service. call Don James, 274-1451, week- ptnon familiar with electronic clrcuiu lour interiors and new car carpet- days after 5 p.m. P.O. Box 1, Wtn. • nd control logic. Inlrrfict to troublt- John B. Atwood, 49 DeForest St., ing, on special now at Watertown shoet limitation dlffkultlai over tctcpliom- Watertown, next to the Town Auto Upholstery, Rt. 6, Thomas- AUTO-HOME-BUSINESS-LIFE MINIATURES FOR SALE. Hand- and TelM, Excellent mfthanlcaj apt), Hall, 274-6711. crafted doll house furniture & ac- ton Rd. Call 274-2669. HAVING TROUBLE with your ludc a mull. Opportunity lo travel cess, made to order. 274-4864. tjliblLihlnj; remote depoU. Good per- ERNE'S AUTO BODY WORKS auto insurance? Paying too much jonallly and written skill-* we important. ATTICS, CELLARS & garages or in the pool? Call Don James, One of the most complete equip- cleaned. Also, brush removal, FOR SALEi Ice skate sharpener; Stratford location. ment Paint & Body Shops in Con- trees cut & removed. No job too 274-1451, weekdays after 5 p.m. Electric cash register; 4-panel K- AUTO-HOME-BUSINESS-LIFE bar knife display with backup in- Please call Charlotte Mulford necticut. Wheel alignment and small. Low rates, 274-3316 or 274- c/o (FAST) 377-4414 j balancing. 2225. ventory, Call 729-7092. 141 Meriden Road CHILD CARE in my licensed for appointment. home, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon.- Waterbriiy SEARFBNING chain saws, circu- Fri, Call 274-9559, any time. Jar saws, scissors, ice skates, etc. R,N. DOG GROOMING, all breeds. Ed's Power Equipment, 1483 Trim for pet or show. Pick up and Thomaston Ave., Waterbury, FOR SALEi Trailblazer snow- O.B.S, delivery. Weekdays. 264-6084. 756-9290. blower, 5 h.p. Used one-year, S300. 274-0041 after 6 p.m. Full time position available on the night shift. ELECTRICIAN BETHLEHEM INDOOR Flea O.B. experience preferred. Excellent salary and Licensed Electrical Contractor Market. Saturdays only, Rt. 61, SURPLUS JEEPS, cars & trucks benefit program. Please contact Personnel Fischer Electric Co, 9-5. 266-7010. available. Many sell under 52001 Department, 274.9543 Call 312.742.1143, ext. 5408 for CHILD CARE in my licensed information on how to purchase. FOR SALE: High quality recondi- home. Opening for age 2 & up. CHARLOTTE HUNGERFORD HOSPITAL tioned B&W and color TV's with Nursery school teacher. Near JEEPS, CARS, PICKUPS from 1 640 Lltehfleld St. Torrlngton, Ct. 90-day limited warranty. Duham- Win. K-Mart. 274.2370. $35. Available at local govt. auc- el Electronics 408 Buckingham tions. For directory call Surplus 486-6345 St. 274-1974. LIGHT TRUCKING. Garages Data Center, 415.330-7800. cleaned, basements and attics RADIATORS REPAIRED too, Will haul wood, wood chips, Recored. New, complete trans- hay, furniture, etc. Reasonable §LEGAL mission repairs. A-Z Oarage & rates. Call 274-3056 after 6 p.m. j Radiator Shop, Zoar Ave., Oak- State of Connecticut ville, 274-4966. ECHO CHAIN SAW SAXE. S60 Court of Probate lli§l^ill off ail saws. Service most makes. District of Watertown I WILL DO your exterior & inter- Ed's Power Equipment, 1483 December 14,1981 ior painting and wall papering. Thomaston Ave., Waterbury, Estate of HAZEL PRENT1SS Excellent references. Call Bob 756-9290. BELF1T, aka HAZEL P. BELFIT Perkins, 283-8300. The Hon. Carey R. Geghan, SHEEPSKmS Judge, of the Court of Probate, JUST ARRIVED Chintz 'N prints Warm-Durable-Insulating pelts District of Watertown at a hear- iiiiiiliiiii for chair, sofa, bed, floor, auto. ing held on Dec. 14, 1981 ordered of Newtown, an enormous num- that all claims must be presented ber of Decorator Slipcovers, Dra- Excellent gifts. $15-$40. Adjust- OAKVILLE-Ideal starter or retirement home. This 5 rm ranch on pery-Upholstery fabrics at enor- able seat cover w/straps, $55. to the fiduciary on or before mous savings. S. Main St. (Route Call Betsy, 266-5413. March 17, 1982 or be barred as a cul-de-sac offers much privacy, HW firs & a nice frpl make fhk 25) Newtown, Conn. by law provided. a warm cozy home. Just reduced to 52,000. Call Annette Marino E & R PAINTING & CARPEN- Kathleen B. Navin, Clerk 274-6588. APPLIANCE 'SERVICE. Repairs TRY. Kitchen & bathroon renova- The fiduciary is: OAKVILLE-Beautifully cared for & loaded w/charm; this 8 rm on washers, dryers, ref., stoves tions, sliding doors, decks, inter- Robert W. Belfit, Jr. cape has it! Interior of attractive built-ins, wood paneling, Spac & dishwashers. Call 274-4654. ior & exterior painting. Free esti- 804 Crescent Drive mates. References available. All Midland, MI, 48640 loft w/wood burning stove, plus one in LR, Super house for a super price. 61,380. Call June Bredlce 879-4594. CARPETS STEAM CLEANED, work fully guaranteed. Profes- TT 12-17-81 sional work without professional WATERTOWN-This lovely authentic col is on 5,9 ac, in a beauti- Quality work, reasonable rates. State of Connecticut 1 Call 274-3435, prices. Call 274-2225 or 274-3316. ful country setting. Has an add ! 5 rm apt. Beamed country kit Court of Probate w/fp. Fireplace opens into 2 rms. Inground pool, 3 barns on pro- MARANATHA TREE WORK. Cellars and attics District of Watertown perty, 149,900. Call Arlene Salcito 628-2319. CHMNEY SWEEPS cleaned, Call Ed Palomba, 274- November 24, 1981 4786, Estate of ELLEN CLUNEY, a/k/n Chimneys cleaned, professional- ELLEN C. ly. Quick, clean, efficient service, The Hon. Carey R. Geghan, 274-5743 or 573-1255. THE REGRQUT & repair, any Judge, of the Court of Probate, location of your home. Let me District of Watertown at a hear- EXPERIENCED PAINTER and spruce up your home for the holi- ing held on Nov. 24, 1981 ordered Southbury Plaia Professional BIdg. paper hanger. Reasonable rates. days. Call 274-9089. Southbury, Ct. that all claims must be presented MLS Free estimates. Call Duke Fin- to the fieueiary on or before 264-2880/573-1171 nemore, 274-6107. LOOKING FOR HOUSE cleaning March 17, 1982 or be barred as work. Experienced, reliable, by law provided. CONNECTICUT SEWWG honest. Have own transporta- Kathleen B, Navin, Clerk MACHDCE. Repairs, all makes. tion. 274-1668, anytime. The fiduciary is: rrW f -", (T Call 574-7781. Atty. Perley H. Grimes. Jr. ^ \~*r,$ We are THE HOUSECLEAN- South St., Litchfiejd, Ct. 06759 WE HAVE AM WAY products 1 ERS, a group of professional TT 12-17-81 When you think quality, think cleaners who work in teams of Amway. Call 274-5812. two to clean your home. We are experienced, reliable; neat and a o'fl o u o n a a ay a a e en B 3 o ty SNOWPLOWING, very reason- honest. We have our own trans- . I.*.?—c.JiSi:, able rates. Residential and com- portation. We will clean on a Westburyi V/ATERTOWN 2.Fami!y mercial available to Watertown regular basis or do a one-time and OakviUe area. Call 274-0543 special cleaning. Free estimates, 44 A rare find! Custom-built by original owners. for free estimates. Call 274-1668 anytime. Brick & alum. ext. Uv. rm. w/f.p. & picture window Joseph Clncogrono on 1st floor, 2 bedrms, each apt. hardw. firs., over- COPIER.' Mita 900D. Asking SNOWPLOWmO-Driveways, AH plumbing repairs SI ,000. Call 755-2020 between 9 small lots. Reasonable, Call sized 2 car gar., beautiful lot, over 200' frontage. and if, Monday-Friday. Paul, 274-4807. and Installation. Fantastic Buy. Reasonable rates, FOR SALEs Twin bed, narrow 24—hour service, width, 30"x72". Ideal for small in all types of wallpapering. Free estimates. 274-3791 eves. bedroom. Also, classical guitar, or 274-1808 days 967 Main St., Watertown newcond.,.$55. 274-0617. CallI after 6 p.m., 754-8855. Page 24Property Town Times (Watertown , ofConn. ) theDecembe r Watertown17, 1981 Historical Society High, $1,800 to $2,000; and high extremely unfortunate when our (nickel and copper), rather than one-hour lessons, and transporta- Mrs. Delueia school class, Litchfield High younger people In education have through a minting process of tion included. (Continued from page 1) School S2.1QO to $2,300. to make this kind of decision be- stamping metal. Powdered car- Call the recreation office at Dr. Briggs said the school sys- cause salaries do not. compete ef- bon, more commonly known as 274-5411, erts. 253-255 for all in- ruler of the Waterbury Lodge ofwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgtem Is not able to obtain a suffi- fectively with the private sector." graphite, Is used to darken the formation on prices, departure Elks.BPOE. cient number of tutors to work for colors. times, reservations, and details • A native of Byram, Conn., Mr. the present pay of $6 per hour, Badge Like its predecessors, the on the special events. Nemetz attended Don Bosco Prep (Continued from page 1) "Badge of Freedom" will be sold in Ramsey, N.J., and St. Mary and he is suggesting the pay be DESPiRATI CHANCES raised to S10 per hour. brown, yellow, red, and black in town and In Waterbury, and High School, Greenwich, He is a "This change would make our advertised nationally through Chart your own coursa-some graduate of Sacred Heart Univer- races. "Coin World" magazine. sity, Bridgeport. pay consistent with other hourly Inscribed on the front is "One people take desperate chances fees being paid," he said. America from Many People." Mr. Alves said the Watertown because they have nothing to lose. Mr, Nemetz started his bank- Bicentennial medallion received ing career in 1972, and joined The school superintendent also The back side shows a large, will recommend the in-school leaved tree with the inscription inquiries and purchases as far COUNTRYi suspension teacher at the high "A Great Tree Needs Many away as California. school be employed effective Roots." "There are people from all StaxtsFri. Dec. 18 Feb. 1, 1982, rather than In Jan- Mr. Alves, raised In Brazil, over who like to buy these Shows it 7& 9 PM uary as originally anticipated. said "when you come to a coun- things." 99* ixcEpt Fri., Sit, & Sun. Examination schedules and try with every human being from "some changes within the high all over the earth, who seem to be Christmas Week school" necessitate the short de- able to think without killing each BLOWOUT lay, he said. other too often," that place, (Continued from page 1) John Tmvoita Appointments proposed will be a.k.a. America, should be recog- arc: evening skiing at New Hart- Closed Thurs,, Dec, 24 for Joanne Croweil, 245 Cherry nized. ford's Sundown Mountain, Dec. Ave., as a long-term substitute to Research on what the faces 28, package price includes lifts fill the vacancy In the Special would look like was done by Mr. and transportation; all-day trip to Education Self-Contained Learn- Hedu, who then designed the Vermont's Bromley Mountain, ing Skills Class at Baldwin medallion. A rough shape in clay Dec. 29, lifts and transportation School; Jean Gowlis, Bethlehem, -six times the actual size of the included in per person pricesi as long-term substitute at Judson medallion-was made, and then and Cornwall's Mohawk Moun- Fri,, Sat, & Sun. »2 Shows 7 &9 School to fill a vacancy; and Chris the mold was cast In plaster of tain, Dec. 30 and Dec. 31, lifts, Mon.,Tuei., Wed,»l show at 7:30 Dostaler, Edward Avenue, as Paris. freshmen basketball coach at Utilizing a pentograph, an en- WHS. graver will cast Into an aluminum David J, Miceli, industrial arts mold a reduced-size medallion SHERRI-ANM'S DINETTE teacher at the high school, has fitting exact specifications for de- 1400 Main Street, Watertown, Cheryle A, Delncla submitted his resignation, ef- tail. Mattatuek in 1978 as a credit fective Jan. 29, 1982, due to What has made the previous analyst. He is an active member "economic situations," Dr. ES&P coins and medallions fiREAKFAST of the Waterbury KIwanis Club, Briggs said. somewhat unique Is they are an instructor for the local Ameri- The superintendent said "it is made through powder metallurgy DINNER can Institute of Banking, and par- ticipates in various charitable ^HOLIDAY TREATS SPECIALS fund drives. DAILY! He resides in Waterbury with • #Babka his wife Joyce and their two * Ordere Available to Go-Call 274-8124 daughters. Mr, Maloney also announced • Cookie Trays Hours-, Mon.—Fri, 5 a,m.—4 p,m. John J. Carosella, vice president, has been named a commercial • Ginger Bread Houses Sat. 5 a.m,-3 p.m. Sunday 6 a.m,-ll a,m. lending officer; Gary W. Biros, vice president, to branch admini- strator; and Samuel J. Ferraro, • Fun Candy Pops vice president, to bank auditor. • Fresh Breads & Rolls Board Will Name (Continued from page 1) Let Us Cater Your Party! to S942.50; elementary, SI,715 to $1,885; junior high, $2,140 to NUTMEG BAKERY & DELI Oreetings $2,470; high school, $2,500 to $2,950; hearing impaired, $5,200 Tues.-Sat. 9-5 Barclay Square From to $6,335; and pre-school lan- Sunday 8-1 Woodbury, Ct. 263-0770 guage development, no change from $1,530, Tuition rates for the educable classes, determined by agree- liquor ment with participating towns, would be: Black Rock School in Thomaston, $1,800 to $2,000; 10 ACRE MALL junior high class at Swift Junior WATERTOWN, CT, TED'TIETZ,JR. 274-6900 TRUCKING BADGE OF FREEDOM [Gtuaisuk R, Weedbury ;4 THE FIRST ISSUE OF A BEAUTIFUL NEW MEDALLION Red Tag" Specials 263-3972 THAT PAYS TRIBUTE TO ALL THE ETHNIC GROUPS CALL. WE HAUL WHO WORKED, CONTRIBUTED, AND FOUGHT FOR Buy More For Less! ANYTIME, ANY PLACE OUR DEMOCRACY, CRUSHiD STONI GRAVEL • LOAM • SAND BULLDOZING BOUND TO BE A COLLECTOR'S ITEM, THIS MEDAL- RUSONABLl MFIS LION IS BEING MADE AVAILABLE LOCALLY IN A 10% Discount on Wine & Liquor you're Always Ahmad LIMITED QUANTITY. Whin you Call Ted Purchases Totaling Over $60.00

Conceived by A L Alves Jon Hedu Qlbney-iruos Ooaiqner Gift Boxes m Ceramies m Mmatures Advertising Spwlaltim for 24 years Large Selection of Jug Wines 9 Calenders • Business Gifts • Pens ® Key Tags • T-Shirts Starting at $5,79—4Liter s > & much more y ••>•:• Imported Wines Personal Service bus. 274-2700 Res. 274.1471 From II, 86 to $112.00/5th

WATERTOWN Selected Liquor Specials Was WITH YOUR CHAIN IT MAKES AN ATTRACTIVE Now PilD & GRAIN PENDANT — A CHRISTMAS GIFT THAT IS FOREVER. Blue Seal Feed, Black & White Scotch i .75L $20.95 $17,94 Fertilizer, Hardware, 1. NICKEL-COPPER-BRONZE $10,00 I.W, Harper 1.75L 16.50 15.23 Pet Supplies, Bird Seed, 2. HEAVY SILVER PLATED $28.00 V.O. 1.75L 19.90 18.99 3. 24-KARAT GOLD PLATED $30.00 Wayne Dog Food, Schenley Reserve 1.75L 12.99 11.99 Loam AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, ONLY FROM THE PRO- j Burnetts Gin 1.75L 12.59 12.17 Division of Gorossine DUCER ON A FIRST-OOME BASIS. SEND YOUR Construction Co. CHECK OR MONEY ORDER (NO C.O.D.i PLEASE) TO: Wolfschmidts Vodka 1.75L 10.98 10.29 4! DEPOT ST. ! ENGINEERED SINTERINQS & PLASTICS CO. INC, PLUS MANY OTHERS WATfRTOWN 274-1221 134 COMMERCIAL ST., WATERTOWN, CONN. 0B795