tREC'D- OCU -I.J -.- .... Hf Ottawa ~~~ 18 20'6 Constituency Room 540, Confederation Building 403 2nd Ave West Suite 2 Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA6 RE<;U -ll~~ M- MDt:.j Brooks, AB T I R OS3 Tel.: 613-992-0761 Tel.: 403-793-677 5 Fax.: 6 13-992-0768 To! Free: 1-844-241-0020
[email protected] Fax: 403-793-6778 martin.shields.c I @parl. HOUSE OF COMMONS (HAMBRE DES COMMUNES CANADA cMartin C::!Jhields Member of Parliament ~IECCIEUV\ED '\ Bow River JUN 2 8 2016 June 14, 2016 ---------------1 The Hon. Catherine McKenna, P.C., M.P. Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Fontaine Building 200 Sacre-Coeur Boulevard, 2nd Floor Gatineau QC KIA OH3 Dear Minister McKenna, I write today supporting the request from the Rocky View County that the Canada Environmental Assessment Agency conduct a review of the proposed Springbank Off-stream Reservoir Project. Rocky View County, a portion of which is in the Bow River Constituency, has a vested interest as the project is within their municipal boundaries. The County has as number of concerns with the project, namely: Jurisdictional Concerns; Impacts to Fish, Fish Habitat and Navigable Waters; Species at risk; Impacts to Aboriginal Peoples; Impacts to residents, including loss of air quality; Loss of agricultural land; NEB Pipelines and Emergency Response; As well as other considerations. I am attaching the letter sent by the County to the CEAA for your records and for informational purposes. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. I look forward to your reply.