Mochimochi Land Patterns


Ever unpopular? This knitted toy project is for you!

Finished size: Yellow weed is about 2.5 inches tall and white weed is about 4 inches tall

Youʼll need: • Worsted-weight in green, yellow, and white (I used a combination of Red Heart and Lion Brand ) • Set of size 6-inch 6 US (4.0 mm) double-pointed needles • needle • marker • Safety eyes (size 9 mm) • Stuffing

Gauge: Doesnʼt matter, as long as your stitches are tight enough so that stuffing wonʼt show through.

Abbreviations CO = cast on rnd(s) = round(s) k = knit st(s) = stitch(es) pfb = purl into front and back of stitch (increases by 1 stitch) p2tog = purl 2 stitches together (decreases by 1 stitch)

Note: Embroidered yarn should be substituted for safety eyes if for a small child.

- - - - - Pattern begins here! - - - - -

Leaf (make 2 per weed)

With green yarn, CO 3 sts onto one needle to work straight, leaving a tail for seaming. Row 1 and odd rows through row 9: purl Row 2: k1, kfb, k1 (4 sts) Row 4: k1, [kfb] twice, k1 (6 sts) Row 6: k1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1 (8 sts) Row 8: k1, kfb, k4, kfb, k1 (10 sts) After finishing row 9, break yarn, leaving a very long tail of about 5 feet. Row 10: Thread cut end through tapestry needle, and thread through first 2 sts in next row. 1 Mochimochi Land Patterns

Weave yarn through back of piece and reattach to next st.

Continue to knit to the end of the row.

Row 11: Turn piece, and thread loose end through first two sts in purl row.

Again weave yarn through the back of piece and reattach to next st. 2 Mochimochi Land Patterns

Continue to purl to the end of the row.

Row 12: k1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1 (8 sts) Row 13: purl Row 14: thread yarn through first two sts, weave into back and reattach, then knit to end. Row 15: thread yarn through first 2 sts on purl side, weave into back and reattach, then purl to end. Row 16: k1, [kfb] twice, k1 (6 sts) Row 17: purl Row 18: thread yarn through first two sts, weave into back and reattach, then knit to end. Row 19: thread yarn through first 2 sts on purl side, weave into back and reattach, then purl to end. Row 20: knit Row 21: purl Thread yarn through remaining 2 sts, then weave in loose end.

Yellow Weed

Stem With green yarn, CO 4 sts onto one needle. Work first rnd as I-cord: [kfb] 4 times (8 sts) Redistribute sts onto three needles and join in a rnd. Knit 14 rnds, then stuff stem.

Begin flower Switch to yellow yarn. Rnd 1: knit Rnd 2: [pfb] 8 times (16 sts) Place marker. Rnd 3: purl 3 Mochimochi Land Patterns

Rnd 4: [pfb, p1] 8 times (24 sts) Rnds 5-7: purl Rnd 8: [p2tog, p1] 8 times (16 sts) Rnd 9: purl Stuff and attach eyes before continuing. Rnd 10: [p2tog] 8 times (8 sts) Break yarn and draw tightly through sts with tapestry needle.

White Weed

Stem With green yarn, CO 4 sts onto one needle Work first rnd as I-cord: [kfb] 4 times (8 sts) Redistribute sts onto three needles and join in a rnd. Knit 18 rnds, then stuff stem.

Begin flower Switch to white yarn. Rnd 1: knit Rnd 2: [pfb, p1] 4 times (12 sts) Place marker. Rnd 3: purl Rnd 4: [pfb, p1] 6 times (18 sts) Rnd 5: purl Rnd 6: [pfb, p2] 6 times (24 sts) Rnds 7 and 8: purl Rnd 9: [pfb, p3] 6 times (30 sts) Rnds 10-12: purl Rnd 13: [p2tog, p3] 6 times (24 sts) Rnds 14 and 15: purl Rnd 16: [p2tog, p2] 6 times (18 sts) Rnd 17: purl Stuff and attach eyes before continuing. Rnd 18: [p2tog, p1] 6 times (12 sts) Rnd 19: [p2tog] 6 times (6 sts) Break yarn and draw tightly through sts with tapestry needle. 4 Mochimochi Land Patterns

Making Up

Align side of leaf with side of stem, with RS of leaf facing forward, and attach with a few stitches using tail you left on leaf. Repeat for other leaf on other side of stem.

Weave in loose ends.

Your Weeeds just might multiply in no time!

© 2009 Anna Hrachovec / Mochimochi Land

Please do not copy or distribute any part of this pattern without permission. Please do not sell toys made from this pattern without permission. 5